Hall Of Fame 2007

Owen Hart wasn't a hall of famer before his death so why is he now? I'm not trying to bag on the guy but come on.

My ballot:
Steamboat- Humble guy. Deserves this honor.
Savage- Legend. His induction speech would be the greatest.
Rhodes- The dream could do it all. No doubter.
Fuji- Has few peers in terms of managers in this business.
Finkel- Best wrestling ring announcer of all time.
Von Erichs- The first family of Texas wrestling.
Demolition- I just want to hear their music at WM23..and also see what those dudes look like these days.

edit: Good lord, I just realized I posted on this topic 6 months ago. :twak:
Owen Hart wasn't a hall of famer before his death so why is he now? I'm not trying to bag on the guy but come on.
Owen Hart was in the WWE a long time, and won every title they had except the big one (which arguably was because Vince wasn't to fond of him after the Montreal Screwjob). If he was alive today, he probably would've won it by now. He was a helluva performer, and he sacrificed his life for the WWE. I personally think that he deserves a spot in the Hall Of Fame.
Owen Hart was in the WWE a long time, and won every title they had except the big one (which arguably was because Vince wasn't to fond of him after the Montreal Screwjob). If he was alive today, he probably would've won it by now. He was a helluva performer, and he sacrificed his life for the WWE. I personally think that he deserves a spot in the Hall Of Fame.
HellBoundPower, I actually never realized he had won as many titles as he has. 4-time tag champ, 2 time IC champ, and the KOTR definitely make him worthy. I never was a big fan of his but that's impressive.
Yeah, Owen was a great competitor and he did a lot for the company. I would love to see him put in the Hall of Fame with his older brother. I just hope the WWE decides to do it.
Randy Savage
Owen Hart
British Bulldog
Curt Hennig
Dusty Rhodes
Jim Neidhart
Macho Man needs to be put in years ago. Your whole list is very solid. Bulldog should be a shoe-in as he pretty much helped revolutionize wrestling stateside in the eighties and nineties along with some of his other peers like Bret and Dynamite. Hennig was probably one of the best sellers of all time and could make a punch from a senior citizen look like something from Lennox Lewis. Dusty was pretty much the man down south throughout the eighties with title reigns in his own right, he just ended up in Stamford at the hind end of his career, so most people these days don't remember how big he was back in the day. Neidhart is one of the best bulldozing tag men of all time and his promos are some of the best in the history of the business. He carried the entertainment end of the Foundation, if you ask me.
Owen Hart wasn't a hall of famer before his death so why is he now? I'm not trying to bag on the guy but come on.

My ballot:
Steamboat- Humble guy. Deserves this honor.
Savage- Legend. His induction speech would be the greatest.
Rhodes- The dream could do it all. No doubter.
Fuji- Has few peers in terms of managers in this business.
Finkel- Best wrestling ring announcer of all time.
Von Erichs- The first family of Texas wrestling.
Demolition- I just want to hear their music at WM23..and also see what those dudes look like these days.
Steamboat can't actually go by that name anymore as his ex-wife won it in the divorce settlement, if you can believe that. That would suck,man. He is deserving, though, and was probably one of the biggest missed opportunities that Vince had in his pocket. Fuji is one of my all-time favorite managers. Hell, he was instrumental in Yokozuna's two-year stint in the WWF elite. The Fink is awesome and probably one of the best announcers of all time in ANY sport. Von Erichs deserve it as well, as they're majorly respected in Texas like the Funks are. I'm not sure how Demolition would play out, though. From what I heard, they ended up hating each other after all was said and done...which is kind of a bummer because I used to love their theme song by Rick Derringer and they were one of the few smashmouth wrestling squads I loved to watch as a little kid.
I highly doubt it but I'd like to see Sabu inducted sometime down the line. If anyone deserves it, he does for all he has done to his body for this sport. At least maybe the Original Sheik will be inducted this year.
Since I read threw 17 pages, and unless I overlooked it, I did not once see Gorden Solies name mentioned as a possible induction.

True, he never worked with the WWE; but I think if they inducted Verne Gange on a technicality, then they should induct Gorden as well since Vince does own the rights to WCW/Jim Crockett Promotions video tape library which Gorden was affiliated with.

Gorden Solie also had a major influences on Jim Ross, who Ross idolized. I don't think it would be that big of a deal if Vince showed the same leeway he did for Vern; Gorden was a beloved, and respected Wrestling Announcer, Mick Foley will vouch for that.

Gorden Solie Inducted by Good Ol Jim Ross.

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