Haiku Hogan's Shit List

Of course... Why should I expect insight or reflection from the Wonder Bread of Wrestlezone Forums?
Oh, and for someone who would like to give the impression you don't care, Joe, you've sure been reading a while. Just saying
I think it's a rather poor reflection on our community that it seems to be physically impossible for someone to be exclusively positive on any given subject without garnering hate for it.
I think it's a rather poor reflection on our community that it seems to be physically impossible for someone to be exclusively positive on any given subject without garnering hate for it.

Because not everything about any given subject is exclusively positive.

It'd be one thing if TNA had no issues.... That's far from the case. As long as the main angles of TNA are, in no particular order;

1. Brooke and Bully fucking
2. The Aces and Eights, the first group of invaders I can remember that impose their well by doing the jobski.

There's gonna be an issue or two, that bears mentioning

It isn't just that, though... I've seen at times where someone lobbies criticism at TNA, Joe defends it, but does so in a passive aggressive, kinda smarmy way. Listen, I get it, that we're a crumbling society because we all can't be nice to TNA. But I refuse to believe that just because I'm a fan, I can't look objectively at the product, and notice there are some fairly shitty segments.
I used to get the exact same nonsense thrown at me by Xfear, and it didn't make any more sense to me back then. I've never understood the philosophy that states that, no matter how much you enjoy a product, you must dictate a certain quantity of your posts to bitching about it, otherwise you're a [dum dum dum] fanboy. Quite why being a [dum dum dum] fanboy is so bad in the first place is another thing I've never really understood, but we'll put that aside for now.

As a long time LD participant, I know for a fact that there are aspects of TNA that JGKY dislikes, he just doesn't go on about them every week because that's not how he enjoys the show. Forswearing overly analytic complaints is an unconventional philosophy for the internet, but certainly not an unwelcome one, and I often find myself thinking that JGKY has his head screwed on tighter then pretty much everyone else here, myself included.
JGKY said he was embarrassed to be a fan after Victory Road 2011. I'm not sure if he's said anything negative since then, but he hasn't literally always been positive.

You should also realize that JGKY is both a Mets and a Jets fan, so he really needs to find some positivity from other sources of entertainment. I know I can relate.
He could also just not be posting his negative opinions on WZ, I don't see how that's an inane possibility

I don't see how saying the exact same thing 100 other people are saying would be enjoyable
Tastycles Critiques the people on the Shitlist

1. Stormtrooper

The sum total of my experience with Stormtrooper could be written on a piece of glitter, so I come into this without most people's prejudice against him, though I suppose equally I've none in support of him either. I thought making it about himself was a little classless in the first place, but understandable given the way he was treated re. Belcher. However, understandabe doesn't mean ok, and when people called you up on it, you should probably have left it there or apologised. His continued arguing seems like pointless belligerence.

2. IHW

I can't pretend to know much about IHW, but he's neither the first nor will he be the last to vote for himself. I lost poster of the year once because I didn't vote for myself (xfear, who did win, did vote for himself). I could have, but what would that have really meant?

3. Joe's Gonna Kill You

I never go into the TNA sections, so TNA fanboyism doesn't bother me anymore. Shattered dreams used to be the one for that for me, but to be honest what used to piss me off was that he's clearly one of our more insightful and interesting posters who sometimes seemed to say things just to annoy people.
JGKYGKY ... with kindness. I find excessive negativity to be a much greater problem than someone that has the audacity to enjoy a show they took hours out of their life to watch.
I don't see why we're so against having a political conversation as a result of the incident. I can understand if you knew the kids or were related or something, but are we actually sitting around our houses, not wanting to go out or talk to anybody because we're so filled with sadness and grief over it?

This is a perfect time to talk about gun control. It's relevant.
I don't see why we're so against having a political conversation as a result of the incident. I can understand if you knew the kids or were related or something, but are we actually sitting around our houses, not wanting to go out or talk to anybody because we're so filled with sadness and grief over it?

This is a perfect time to talk about gun control. It's relevant.

Yeah that's not the problem at all. It's that Stormtrooper is a douche who puts his personal beef on a wrestling forum over a national tragedy
Moar Shitlisters! Yep, three scaldy fucks have made my shitlist today, for being pretentious pricks. The funny thing is, not only did it happen in the same sub-forum, but it happened in the same fucking thread. This one;


Yep, we got ourselves a muscial pretense parade here, so let's rustle some jimmies. For the record.... Yes, I'm aware that in the grand scheme of things, I'm shooting down small shits with these fucks. Most of these people you probably hadn't heard of, and likely for the best, because they suck. If only it were the Slyfoxes and Coco's of the world that pissed me off, but that isn't the case; after all, while quite the trolls, they at least know how to not like a fucking spacker over the internet. These people don't, and manage to piss me off right good.

But don't get it twisted... One day, your name will be on The List, Bro.

10. Slash-LN

First, a little context. This was a thread about what fans ruin a band for you, and why. Now, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I'm all for speaking your mind about what you believe.

But, boy, do you believe in some shitty things, Slash.

Slash said:
The Beatles. I understand that they sold a lot of albums and a lot of people really like them but fans I've come across act like they are the greatest musicians of all time when the reality is their songs are all very basic pop songs. They were in the right place at the right time and had catchy music.

Wow, taste that pretense in that post. Couple of things

A. You claim they sold a lot of albums. Try, the most albums of all time for any music act. More than anyone; Elvis is the closest, coming in at 2nd. Of course, I'm sure you think he's overrated, too. Because, you see, you're an arrogant assclown. They are widely considered the greatest musicians of all time, not just by their fans, but by leading authorities in the music world; people that know a fuck ton more about music than the common man.

Well, except for you. Because after all, you are the Pontiff on all things music.

B. Very basic songs. Yeah, there's a lot that's basic about this;


And this;


And this;


I love this idea you hold, that even creating a pop song is easy work, the kind that you could do at the snap of a finger. I can sense the smugness as you put down what is widely considered the most inspirational band to ever exist. As a matter of fact, I can sense that you almost want to say that you could do what The Beatles did in their time. And you know what? I would have appreciated that. That takes some kind of balls; you'd have been completely wrong, but at least you would have been ballsy by being wrong.

But, you wouldn't do that. Because you're a pussy.

C. You know what, you're so right. The Beatles didn't age gracefully at all. Not like bands today still aren't inspired by their work, they've totally lost their luster as the years past. God, I wish I could get into my time machine, and tell John and Paul to make their music more timely for fifty years down the line, when some annoying twat will argue that their music is so basic.

What the fuck do you want from them? They played to their time, jackoff. They didn't have a tenth of what artists today had to work with, and still managed to produce ten times the quality.

But you're so right. Man, did they get lucky they were in the right era. Just like Hulk Hogan, FDR, Abraham Lincoln, Picasso, Da Vinci, and Jesus. All just came at the right place, at the time.

Fuck off, brother.

The Beatles were great
It's indisputable fact
And you're a jackass.

11. Andthat'sthebottomline

Oh yeah, you too, brother. All because of this;

I agree on the Beatles. My dad is a huge Beatles fan and has every one of their albums. He likes to say that the Beatles were the greatest rock band of all time. I disagree.

Ooh! Look at that insight! Where would we have ever gone into discourse if you didn't offer that nugget of wisdom. It's always great to get some deep, deep level thought from one of the highest level philosophers on the board.

I get that the main point of your post wasn't the Beatles, but if you're going to offer an opinion, you might as well say why you think they're overrated. All you offer is that daddy dearest loved them, and you didn't.

What, did he sing Yellow Submarines between smacking you upside the head, and pistol whips?

I guess I shouldn't be so harsh; after all, you rarely offer anything of worth to begin with, why should I expect you to, now. But this made my shit list, buddy; if you're going to offer up an idea, at least say why.

And while we're in this thread;

12. Twiztid Rodimus

You're banned now, so it doesn't do much good to lay into you, unless you come back. Even then, you're probably not worthwhile to go into too muich a rant about. But of the bunch, you were the most pretentious. All because of this;

I want to reignite the music portion of this site, so I figured I'd spark it up with a topical question

And lord, where we be without you to be the savior to the music subforum?! My God, the work you did to reignite the passion... I can't imagine where we would have been without your invaluable contributions to music. Thank you, for gracing us with your presence, be it a brief stay with us.

A little lesson, when you come back; you alone ain't sparking shit. You don't even need to worry your pretty little head, the music section is doing just fine. Don't believe me. Well... Unfortunately, I guess you won't get to see. Sorry, buddy.

You ain't saving shit
Or reigniting a thing
Besides my shit list.

That's The List, Bro. More when more of you fuckers piss me off.
Fucking Hell.

13 & 14. Killjoy and Echelon

Echelon isn't going on my shit list because of the reason he thinks he is. Sure, he may think he's trolled me effectively, but I see through his thinly veiled disguise. He's not too much of a cock wad to believe that Led Zeppelin is better than the Beatles, and that the Beatles were terrible... If he is, than sure as shit he's more of a mong than I let on. But he and Killjoy are going in together, for the very same reason.

You know those attention ****es in high school? The ones that wear thigh high boots and short skirts, and then bitch when you have the nerve to stare? Yeah, those bitches that fucked the professor, not even for the grade, but just for the scandal of the matter? The kind of girls that slit holes into your condoms, so you can never, ever, ever, ever leave them?

Yeah, that's fucking Echelon and Killjoy, the assholes who just got to get some attention, because daddy never loved them. Nevermind the fact the one's a mod, and another is a former mod; you'd think they get enough dick sucking in one day, just off of that. No, they're probably the kind of guys that gets their jollies jiggled by paying a Korean woman to knock around their junk for about an hour.

Echelon has been asking for it forever; after all, he dares bring up that he likes 90% of Kane's shitty career, which just proves he loves to be put through torture. He's been begging for the Shit List dick for months, that cunt who you fuck once, and all of a sudden, she wants to cling onto your nuts. Killjoy's no better, even having to exclaim (in what I imagine a high squeal) to "do me, do me". Well, he's your fucking orgasm, ****s. Take it, god damn it! And if you're still searching for that attention after I'm done with you both.... Well, I can offer you the number to the nearest hooker.

Of course, I'm pretty sure you already have that number, you sick, pathetic fucks.

Attention ****ing
The Shit Lists main mating call.
Here you go, cum ****s.
But you're so right. Man, did they get lucky they were in the right era. Just like Hulk Hogan, FDR, Abraham Lincoln, Picasso, Da Vinci, and Jesus. All just came at the right place, at the time.

Oh please, the better Roosevelt would have accomplished twice as much in half the time, while shooting grizzly bears in the face without hesitation

(That last part actually happened)

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