Haiku Hogan's Shit List

Recorded for posterity:


5-6 million people from one of the greatest periods in wrestling disagree with you. But you know better, right?

... right?

You do realize that sponsors were leaving WWE in droves because of the shit Vince McMahon pulled in that era, and likely set the WWE back by years, right?

But yes, WWE got high ratings during the time of Stone Cold and The Rock, so clearly misogyny and beating women works.

Grow the fuck up.

Also, apparently every other TV watcher in the world is a moron by your standards. If you watch Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Dexter - prepare to be lynched. Not to mention every single movie where the bad guy was shot between the eyes or dismembered by the good guy.

In virtually no other form of scripted entertainment is a group of thirty men surrounding a middle aged woman, kissing her against her will, and then beating her up depicted as a babyface spot.

That's the difference. That. Right there. So don't even try to boil it down to a very generic description of what occurred, without looking at the entire goddamn context.

But no, a chick going through a fake table - now that's too far you guys. 'Fuck you watch all day? Discovery Channel? Ice skating? A three hour long footage of a kitten being pet gently?

1) You're meant to cheer for it. They intend the audience to endorse this.

2) The woman is helplessly surrounded by a mob, sexually assaulted and then incapacitated.

And remember, you're supposed to want this to happen and cheer for it.

3) There is a live audience of people who are not characters in the performance all cheering these actions.

Imagine there was a TV show where a helpless woman was chased by a mob, caught, molested, and then injured. There is probably a scene like this that exists, but it's escaping me.

Now imagine that the point of this scene is not that the perpetrators are terrible, horrible people, but heroes. Not only are they heroes, this act is meant to be viewed as heroic.

Now, add to that a live audience of young men watching this happen and cheering for it.

It's disturbing. And I have no problem telling you I'm a better person than you are, if you really don't find that disturbing.

Eat shit and die, you biased cunt.

I'm biased? I'm biased?

You know what.... I am. I legitimately am. Don't give a fuck to present myself otherwise. You know what I'm biased about? I'm biased against rape culture.

Why? Because on a daily basis, I work with abused women, women who have grown up not knowing anything other than rape, abuse, and domestic violence. That's my background, that's what I grew up in. And I'm growing fucking sick of idiots (like yourself), who support angles like this.

We live in a society in which far, far too many women are marginalized and victimized by men on a daily basis, often through physical violence.

To turn a man physically attacking a woman into a babyface spot, no matter how horrible of a person the female character has been first and no matter whether this is the intention or not, perpetuates a culture of acceptable violence against women and is, frankly, disgusting.

I'm not saying that some fan will go out there and beat up his wife or his girlfriend for the sole reason that he saw Dixie Carter get put through a table on Impact, but what this is is one more brick in a cultural wall that helps establish that violence against women is acceptable when they do something you disagree with. The problem is that, when that culture is perpetuated, some men will look to it and say think, on a subconscious level, "My [wife/mother/girlfriend/insert other woman in their lives] sure is being a huge bitch. I'd better put her in her place. There's nothing wrong with that, because TV and movies have told me it's OK."

This isn't that fucking hard. Albert Bandura studied this stuff sixty fucking years ago. It isn't new how the media and what we see on television shapes our behavior. And if you're too much of a knuckle dragger to understand this, that says a fuck ton more about you than it does about me.

You're being sexist, because you're saying women can't take bumps like men

I'll just go ahead and stop you there, before you weave that straw man argument. As far as "equal rights = equal opportunity to be put through a table" is concerned, maybe I'd be willing to listen if we were in a society where women actually had equal rights and opportunities. We've made great progress, but we're a long way away. And shit like this is not helping; I'm tired of this type of shit subverting our culture, and I'm tired of uneducated fucks like you defending it.

In short, fuck off, you fucking moron, and get some perspective.

For this;

Uhh... yes. You're acting like this truly happened against Dixie's will, when in fact she probably had a blast doing it.

Again, I'm sure of that, too.

What I'm also sure of, is that every god damned day, I get a new patient coming into where I work, battered by their husband. And what I'm telling you, and what you're too thick to get, is that our culture has for centuries marginalized man on woman violence, to the point that it's becoming normal. We have a clear rape problem in our colleges, to the point that we're normalizing sexual abuse at an earlier age

I won't be argued if you don't read the whole study; I wouldn't expect a mouth breather like you to make it past the first page. But I'm not making this shit up... We normalize abuse of woman, and it's causing problems. Because our young men are feeling entitled to a woman's body, in every stretch of the meaning.

Why? Because subconsciously, our young men are saying more and more instances in our media of rape and attack of women either being ignored, or glorified.

Sut Jhally did a study about this, involving music videos. I'll save you the "tedium" and present the five minute snippet.


Not surprisingly, Sut Jhally also did a documentary regarding this same male entitlement in wrestling

Oh, right... Little bite sizes...


So, if you bothered to even take part in half of what I presented you, you would find that, even if Dixie Carter enjoys what she's doing, she's still helping to propagate the same rape culture that's causing such a massive issue.

In short, even if she is a willing participant, Dixie Carter is still taking part in building up rape culture. This isn't theory, this is studied out fact. Even if this was in Dixie's will, she still helps prop this culture up. The problem is that, when that culture is perpetuated, some men will look to it and say think, on a subconscious level, "My [wife/mother/girlfriend/insert other woman in their lives] sure is being a huge bitch. I'd better put her in her place. There's nothing wrong with that, because TV and movies have told me it's OK."

Of course, the violent man bears primary responsibility for his own actions in that scenario, but TNA perpetuating the culture that allows that thought process to exist is disturbing and irresponsible.

And you do realize there are evil women in this World, correct? And if that something awful happened to those evil women, they actually deserve zero sympathy, right?

Yes, I understand that. The problem is, if this were the real world, there would be actual consequences for all of these actions. Bully Ray would go to prison; wrestling fans would see the actual consequences behind everyone's actions, Dixie's included. Here, they don't see any consequences, except for Dixie. Subconsciously, a message is sent.

And, as the above videos show, there's a clear distance from the reality and fiction that people surround themselves in. People do imitate, either subconsciously or otherwise, the things they see on television.

Fake, or not.

If Dixie Carter was a real person and she was deliberately fucking with the livelihoods of people and taking hits out of them, she would deserve to have her ass beat.

She'd also likely have consequences to her actions before any of this happened...

Point, blank, period. And in the FICTIONAL, silly world of professional wrestling, it's allowed to happen. And yes, fans are allowed to cheer for it. It's no different than an evil lady comic book character trying to destroy the World and Superman beating her up, stopping her.

Except, subconsciously, people take a message out of it. A message that translates into their real lives, a message that's disgusting.

All of this and well and fine... I hope you took the time to read what I said, and the supplemental materials. None of that is why you wound up on the shit list, because frankly, all of what you said has value to it. I may disagree, but you do argue some good points.

No, you wound up here because of this...

You're just the typical modern-day Feminist who gets fake outraged over every little thing, thinking you're actually making a difference in the World by bitching over the internet about it.

Oh dear... Where to begin...

You're just the typical modern-day Feminist

Yes... Yes I am. And fuck you for thinking ill of it. I could call you an emotionally immature conservative asshole who argues more out of emotion than reason, and are content living in your safe little bubble of ignorance.

But, I don't think ill of you for it. I am what I am, and proud to be a feminist, fuck you very much. If you can tell me what's wrong the idea of man and woman being equal, I'd be happy to hear it.

Unless, of course, you don't think we're equal. In which case, fuck you again.

who gets fake outraged over every little thing

Nah, the outrage is real, dawg.

Again, a tactic of the conservative. If you have a problem with what's in place, you're just being fake outraged.

Trust me... This has been a deal with me for a long time. Mostly because...

Thinking you're actually making a difference in the World by bitching over the internet about it

No, I make a difference working with abused women every day. And again, something you wouldn't know a god damned thing about. I work with people who have seen serious shit... People who are living legitimate lives of hell, because of things like rape culture.

And the fact that fucks like you exist scares the fuck out of me.
I really never understood why people use the term 'fake anger\outrage' so loosely to dismiss the argument of another. I am sure there are people who yell and complain about things just to hear their own voice (usually the same ones who have the least amount of knowledge on a subject), but that term simply is off the mark for the most part. Honestly who can say, with a serious degree of certainty, whether or not someone is actually angry about something or not? If the person in question has knowledge on a topic (especially first hand) & shows passion when defending their stance- how can another person say they are faking outrage?
I guess I've been missing out on a heavy debate here.

Dirty Dutch, I hear what you're saying, and I know it hits close to home with you. This is going to sound like I'm defending the storyline here, maybe I am of sorts, but I'll try to break it down. Bully Ray has been doing stuff like this forever, and while it's a stunt to a fairer sex, Dixie had to sign off on it. You take the risk there could be a consequence resulting in injury. Your point of the multitude of the audience clamoring for this is taken. Most of them are seeing all this like a cartoon or TV happening right in front of their eyes. And it's a program, especially in regards to TV. Eddie Griffin broke it down like this during one of his stand up concerts: it's called tele- (mental) vision (visualization) "programming". For a guy like myself, I enjoy a good wrestling show, and storylines like this don't really bother me, but it's not something I'm pining for, you know what I mean? Maybe it makes me a dick for not looking beyond the storyline, but I'm in a gray area. I don't mark out for stuff like this, but I can tolerate it.

All that said, fans are gonna be fans; they cheer for the faces to put a hurt on a heel, be it male or female. Let me ask you this, do your ever come across men that have been abused or victimized by their wives/girlfriends? A lot probably don't come forward, but still. In a wrestling sense, you have Dixie boasting how she's put Bully through tables. Is that something you're ok with? I ask this cause it seems like a double standard. You're entitled to feel the way you do, but don't get worked up and pissed about fans wanting to see a male face trying to put a female heel through a table. It really doesn't represent reality or the world at large.
All that said, fans are gonna be fans; they cheer for the faces to put a hurt on a heel, be it male or female. Let me ask you this, do your ever come across men that have been abused or victimized by their wives/girlfriends? A lot probably don't come forward, but still. In a wrestling sense, you have Dixie boasting how she's put Bully through tables. Is that something you're ok with? I ask this cause it seems like a double standard. You're entitled to feel the way you do, but don't get worked up and pissed about fans wanting to see a male face trying to put a female heel through a table. It really doesn't represent reality or the world at large.

So you're suggesting sexual molestation is okay if the woman is a bitch?

I have no idea what actually happened in TNA that has all of you heated, but it sounds like Bully Ray molested Dixie while the crowd cheered.
So you're suggesting sexual molestation is okay if the woman is a bitch?

I have no idea what actually happened in TNA that has all of you heated, but it sounds like Bully Ray molested Dixie while the crowd cheered.

No not at all. My point was that of fans just following a storyline, not the bigger picture outside of said storyline.
*Cracks knuckles*

Entry Number Fuck off, who really cares: The "War on ______" People

And if you're over here in America;


Because seriously, it's always Republicans. No other group could be as little self aware, while also being so entirely gross. This post is all about the people who use the following rhetoric;

"Right now, there's a war on Christmas."


"There's a war on football."

And, shockingly enough, it's usually a Republican that says it. Fuck it, I'll go all the way. Not all Republicans use this rhetoric. But it seems that the only people that use this rhetoric are fucking Republicans.

First, there was the war on Christmas, that I had to hear all about last night. Apparently, there's a war, and no one told me. Color me fucking shocked! Grenades filled with wrapping paper going off in the air! Turrets firing out ornaments!

For those of that don't know, here's the scoop; one night, Bill O'Reilly got a wild hair up his ass. Maybe it was from pulling out all of those sexual harassment subpoenas that the judicial system had stuck up it for the past few years. Anyway, he goes on Fox News and declares there's a War on Christmas. That the liberal media is out to get Christmas, and subvert it into a Godless holiday. Not like we haven't done that already, but fucking fine.

First off, homies, Christmas started off as a Pagan holiday. A Pagan holiday that you assimilated for your own purposes, and turned it into Christmas. You stole, something that you probably shouldn't do. You know, commandments and such.

But sure, fine. There are people that get outraged over Christmas, and those people are fuckwads, too. If you're upset because someone said to you "Merry Christmas", then you're about a tablespoon worth of splooge. But that isn't enough for the Crusaders for Christmas; now, if everyone isn't observing your holiday, then outrage!!!!

It's one thing to call out the bullshit of those that get upset about Christmas. It's completely fucking ridiculous to be outraged about the outrage. And it's fucking appalling to call it a "war" on Christmas. If you really believe a lack of ornaments on a red cup is a lack of recognition for your Lord and Savior, then you're a fuckwit. And if you're going to get in an outrage over it, then you're pretty dumb. But you also have an extreme lack of human decency if you refer to it as a War on Christmas. More on why later; there's other aspects to this war.

Last week, gasbag extraordinaire Danny Kanell went on twitter to decry the "war on football". Danny Kanell, who was so bad at his job that he had to retire and take a job as a gasbag, decries the research that Dr. Bennet Omalu has done. Here's the link, and sorry for making you listen to some shitty hot takes from Boomer and Carton.

What's funny here is the thought from Danny Kannell that the media wants to end the NFL. You know, the same media that backed away from a damning documentary about football. The same media that took shows off the air because it was hurting the NFL. The same media that makes billions off of football wants to kill it.

War on football! War on football!

All of this, on its own, wouldn't warrant an entry. Gasbags have gasbag opinions all of the time. What's really disgusting about this is the rhetoric used to get across their point. It isn't just that the liberal media has an agenda; it's that there is a "war" on everything we love.

And again, you will note, it's always used by Republicans. It's a rhtetoric used to drive a passionate fan base, who aren't very keen on analyzing a subject before making judgments. So, I'm sure that comparing these mild offenses to football won't strike up zealous protest and outrage, right?


Look, you're going to find morons on the left and right. But it always seems that this becomes a major rallying point for the right. It's not just an issue, it is war.

Fine. But let me explain the not so subtle line between these issues and war. People die in war. A lot of people die in war. No one is dying over the war on Christmas, or the war on football.

Actually, I take that back. People are dying in football. Namely, the children who play football. Kids in coffins. That's what the right is waging war on. Children being crippled and killed.

Fuck your use of rhetoric, to incite a cause that's so disgusting. And if you believe in these dickcheeses, then fuck you, too.
People never talk about the War on Hanukkah, even though there actually was one. :(

(The Jews won by default after refusing to leave the field of battle.)
We won because we just stuck around for a while.

Hitler, if you're going to target a religion, pick a religion more about getting up and leaving for your holiday.
A guy dropped his keys while walking past us at the store yesterday. When I picked them up & handed them back, he thanked me & I said Merry Christmas in reply. He responded with a smartass comment about how it offended him I would assume they celebrated Christmas just because he lives in America & that he could be Jewish for all I know.

I told him I wasnt asking him to join a church or anything, but figured it was safe to say considering the Christmas wrapping paper he had in his shopping cart. I then pointed out the fact his wife was even wearing a light up Santa pin on her sweater & called him a douche before walking off.

People are strange.

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