Haiku Hogan's Shit List


For hitting all my favorites, all at once.

I've done my nice guy rant; but if you want me tear some motherfucker apart, come to the Raw thread.

As I said, you're going to die alone. Alone, and probably weeping in your loneliness. Wondering where you went wrong.

It probably went wrong somewhere amongst your misogyny. And if you can't see you're a mosogynist, then my God, you're even dumber than I give you credit for (which is saying something).

You're a twat. And I don't think I need anything more to say.

But hey, come to the Raw thread for some fun, mates.

Low-hanging fruit.
The Butcher

See, it's real easy to ride the high moral horse, now, Butcher. Of course we all can. See, here's the thing... This isn't even that bad, in the grand scheme of things.

...Fuck off; kiss the fattest part of my ass.

So, your reading comprehension is as bad as I suspected. Good to know. I mean, I know you've been itching to get me in here. I just hoped you would do so with cause. Not following? Let me catch you up:

That some rich old white guys think that blacks are lesser people comes as no surprise. But after hearing about Bundy all week and then this Sterling fiasco all day yesterday, I'm tired of hearing about these old pricks and their ignorant comments.

Now I know you saw this because a post of yours is the next one following it. You chose to ignore my explanation to fit your narrative, though. Well done, if a bit dishonest and underhanded. You'll make a great correspondent for a biased news outlet one day. Being "tired of hearing about" Sterling is quite a bit different than being "outraged" about his sentiments. If it hadn't come on the heels of the Cliven Bundy story I'd likely have said nothing about either. I've got more important things to worry about.

I think a retraction is in order, otherwise things between us just got real interesting.
So, your reading comprehension is as bad as I suspected. Good to know. I mean, I know you've been itching to get me in here. I just hoped you would do so with cause. Not following? Let me catch you up:

Not really; I actually like you :shrug:

Being "tired of hearing about" Sterling is quite a bit different than being "outraged" about his sentiments. If it hadn't come on the heels of the Cliven Bundy story I'd likely have said nothing about either. I've got more important things to worry about.

I think a retraction is in order, otherwise things between us just got real interesting.

Then what am I to make of this?

Die already.

Because that doesn't sound tired; that sounds angered, that sounds outraged. Now, granted, I get that in the next post, you say you don't really want him to die. Wonderful. But the point being is, the reason you heard about this guy's racist views was because of a tape that leaked out.

If this is how you're hearing his plantation mindset (which, by the way, is an extremely articulate way to put that, and I'm not being sarcastic), then where were you when Donald Sterling was legitimately doing things that kills people?

Housing discrimination is the kind of things that leads to modern day apartheid. Which of course leads to less public education funding, less tax dollars going into an area, and less support for those that really need it.

Why? Because all the really pretty, rich white people want to stay clear the fuck away from the black people.

And you know who's the guy that perpetuates this? Donald Sterling, the guy who settled the largest housing discrimination lawsuit ever.

And you want to get upset because Donald Sterling said his mistress can go sleep with black people, but don't bring them to games?

See how you're anger is being misplaced?
Damn, if I figured you were lurking I wouldn't have edited my post.

Because that doesn't sound tired; that sounds angered, that sounds outraged. Now, granted, I get that in the next post, you say you don't really want him to die. Wonderful. But the point being is, the reason you heard about this guy's racist views was because of a tape that leaked out.

How do you know what I knew about Sterling before this week?

If this is how you're hearing his plantation mindset (which, by the way, is an extremely articulate way to put that, and I'm not being sarcastic), then where were you when Donald Sterling was legitimately doing things that kills people?
I joined the forum a year ago.

And you want to get upset because Donald Sterling said his mistress can go sleep with black people, but don't bring them to games?
I'm not upset, just annoyed. Again, immediately on the heels of the Bundy story. I made all of this clear. I don't need to explain myself further. You taking back your misleading entry or not?

And as for your addendum about misplaced anger, get over yourself. I just don't want you going around mischaracterizing me or twisting my words so that you can have another shit list entry. Put me on here by all means, just do it for a concrete reason.
How do you know what I knew about Sterling before this week?

To be fair, I don't. Though if you're coming in to pile on now, as most people have, you're likely in my crosshairs.

I'm not upset, just annoyed. Again, immediately on the heels of the Bundy story. I made all of this clear. I don't need to explain myself further. You taking back your misleading entry or not?

I could... But I actually can't. Not having mod powers.

All things considered though, yeah, I can see that maybe this was said in the wake of being annoyed at the coverage, and you were the first name to pop up. So, it probably wasn't justified. I saw the name, and hate the pileup of the coverage. So yes, I'd admit it; I fucked up on this one. My bad man.

In other unreported news... Something extremely underreported... Anyone notice the tiny little hint of an issue that Donald Sterling would rather his girlfriend sleep with Magic Johnson, but not bring him to the game?

Because if no one's noticed that... Well, there you go. Kind of a problem here.
I didn't expect you to be able to pull it; a "my bad" is more than enough. Frankly I was hoping you'd get indignant. I slept like shit last night and do some of my best dissing when I'm cranky. We're cool, though. And like I said, if I deserve to get called out, call me out. Back in my Dr. days I sorta, kinda ripped off this thread for a little bit, so I get it.

Anyway, it's all good. And before I forget I do agree that the sticks and stones aren't anywhere near as bad as the true discrimination, so amen.
I'm a shoot first, ask questions later kinda guy. Clearly the same kinda guy Donald Sterling felt he was hiring.

... What, Baron Davis has a fairly low FG %, and poor shot selection
Made a sarcastic comment about Haiku going after Butcher in Butcher's thread even though his rant was clearly about others.

Haiku goes after Butcher.

EAT SHIT NOSTRADAMUS!!!! You ain't got nothing on me!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully your next prognostication involving me also involves like some cheerleaders or horny co-eds or something. Unless it's one of those evil genie, enchanted monkey claw deals...

I'm a shoot first, ask questions later kinda guy. Clearly the same kinda guy Donald Sterling felt he was hiring.

... What, Baron Davis has a fairly low FG %, and poor shot selection

At least you shoot. Believe me, I respect the fact that you stand up for what you feel is right and aren't afraid to unload with both barrels. To paraphrase my namesake from Gangs of New York, those who are neither cold nor hot I will spew from out of my mouth.
And I respect the fact that you stand up for yourself. Trust me, less people do it than you imagine. As I said, I do actually like you. Which means I slag you probably more than I should.

Slyfox, on the other hand, has got something coming for this...

I feel the same way about anyone whose greatest transgression is a victimless turn of words

Shit List Entry # 347: Slyfox

... Let's face it, dude's usually right on stuff. And for the most part, I agree with him on things. Even when I don't (see; Zimmerman, George), dude's argument is based in logic, and mine emotion. Point being, as much as I hate admitting it, dude was right. He makes it a thing to be right. You know, like it matters here (spoilers; it doesn't). And for the most part, we agree on things.

But boy, is he ever fucking wrong with this sentence.

I feel the same way about anyone whose greatest transgression is a victimless turn of words

Fucking Hell.

Now, I imagine (hope) that Slyfox has been informed on matters. After all, if nothing else, dude's really informed. So when I bury him for saying a moronic statement, I'm actually giving him credit here. Because you see, to suppose Donald Sterling's greatest transgression is "a harmless turn of words" is either

A. So completely unaware of who Donald Sterling, it's actually embarassing.

B. Talking out of your ass.

So, really, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, and saying that it's B. that you're absolutely talking out of your ass, to try to prove your point. And for someone who prides himself on being so right, well, you're wrong, fucko.

I mean, I guess you could plead ignorance to all of Sterling's rancor shit. After all, the rest of the world (sponsors included) seemed to have forgotten that Sterling was a racist for thirty years before getting caught on tape. But that isn't the issue I'm bringing you to task for. What I'm bringing you to task for is this use of word.


Fucking really? Now, I know what you'll say. That there is no direct victim to Sterling's words.

And you know what? That's actually right. Except for the indirect victims that have their beliefs confirmed that there's a drastic imbalance between blacks and whites, there is no direct victim to what Sterling said. (Which, by the way, those indirect victims are enough for me to tell you to kiss my ass)

But Donald Sterling did have victims before, with much larger ramifications. You want to read about them?

"JUST EVICT THE BITCH." It was 2002, and Donald Sterling was talking to Sumner Davenport, one of his four top property supervisors, about a tenant at the Ardmore Apartments. Already the largest landowner in Beverly Hills, Sterling had recently acquired the Ardmore as part of his move to extend his real estate empire eastward toward Koreatown and downtown LA. As he did, Sterling "wanted tenants that fit his image," according to testimony Davenport gave in a discrimination lawsuit brought against Sterling in 2003 by 19 tenants and the nonprofit Housing Rights Center.

Cultivating his image, Davenport said, meant no blacks, no Mexican-Americans, no children (whom Sterling called "brats") and no government-housing-subsidy recipients as tenants. So according to the testimony of tenants, Sterling employees made life difficult for residents in some of his new buildings. They refused rent checks, then accused renters of nonpayment. They refused to do repairs for black tenants and harassed them with surprise inspections, threatening residents with eviction for alleged violations of building rules.

When Sterling first bought the Ardmore, he remarked on its odor to Davenport. "That's because of all the blacks in this building, they smell, they're not clean," he said, according to Davenport's testimony. "And it's because of all of the Mexicans that just sit around and smoke and drink all day." He added: "So we have to get them out of here." Shortly after, construction work caused a serious leak at the complex. When Davenport surveyed the damage, she found an elderly woman, Kandynce Jones, wading through several inches of water in Apartment 121. Jones was paralyzed on the right side and legally blind. She took medication for high blood pressure and to thin a clot in her leg. Still, she was remarkably cheerful, showing Davenport pictures of her children, even as some of her belongings floated around her.

Davenport reported what she saw to Sterling, and according to her testimony, he asked: "Is she one of those black people that stink?" When Davenport told Sterling that Jones wanted to be reimbursed for the water damage and compensated for her ruined property, he replied: "I am not going to do that. Just evict the bitch."

Repairs never came. The shower stopped working, and the toilet wouldn't flush; Jones needed to use a plunger and disposed of waste tissue in bags. Kandynce Jones departed the home she loved but that caused her so much grief when she passed away, on July 21, 2003, at age 67.

Seem like he's victimless now?

I know, I know,

I don't see what this has to do with his racist rant on TMZ :shrug:

It's a buildup of racist behavior, that is empowered by people like Donald Sterling (who never punished him when he had ample evidence of his racism) and those around him.

And you want to tell me that there's no victim to his racism?

I don't believe you believe that, at all.

And if you do, fuck off.
To Dream's credit he was in rare form last night. Shame I busy otherwise I could've done more to make him regret it. Trolling the LD is my job, damn it! There's always next week, I suppose.

Yeah usually he just chimes in with Cena hate or something stupid about the current segment. He drew some people in last night though.

HH, did you really have to start that Cena burial thread? It hurts my head the idiocy it draws. It's almost funny what people will come up with to hate that man, but it's really not. It got old a long time ago. Half my response is simply making fun of them.
Yeah usually he just chimes in with Cena hate or something stupid about the current segment. He drew some people in last night though.

HH, did you really have to start that Cena burial thread? It hurts my head the idiocy it draws. It's almost funny what people will come up with to hate that man, but it's really not. It got old a long time ago. Half my response is simply making fun of them.

Eventually, I'll find something new to troll about. Prolly involving Roman Reigns.
Eventually, I'll find something new to troll about. Prolly involving Roman Reigns.

You'll probably have Bryan by the end of the year. I'm waiting for people to turn on him. "He's always getting beaten up but winning, put somebody over, stop burying everybody, not even that good of a wrestler".
You'll probably have Bryan by the end of the year. I'm waiting for people to turn on him. "He's always getting beaten up but winning, put somebody over, stop burying everybody, not even that good of a wrestler".

Rightfully assumed; I guess I should also give my policies on obvious morons

Some prefer to ignore them; I prefer to feed them until they explode.

See; PWF, The History.
Let's not discount the Brie factor, either.

I'm really surprised no one's made a "he's only getting pushed because of Total Divas" argument yet. It'd still be dumb, be at least it'd be new

If anything, Brie's gonna get heat, because they're going to see that WWE is trying to sponge off that reaction, to Brie.

Didn't work for Savio with Razor; shouldn't work now.

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