Haiku Hogan's Shit List

Is that the one where Peter Cetera sings Glory of Love for an hour while the cast (without Miyagi or Larusso) just re-create various scenes? Or is that the one where Will Smith makes you sit in the theater and pretend his kid is a credible replacement for this guy:


That's a trick question. You can't replace Macchio.

I think the show was called Miyagi: A Love Story. The only song I remember was called Golf and Stuff and Dutch was an angry closeted homosexual.

So the show was pretty accurate.

When I saw it the cast was awful, it was really a shame.

You must have missed the production where Pierce Brosnan played "Get him a body bag" line background Cobra Kai guy #3.
Dutch vs Larusso II should be booked at WM 30. Much better than any other thing I could think of to fill time between matches. Besides, we really dont need a Divas match or some random celebrity promotional segment.

Truth be told, Dutch deserved to get kicked. Not because he is a homosexual- but out of stupidity. I mean if you didnt see that overly theatrical crane kick coming a mile away- you really are not cut out to be part of the Cobra Kai. Such a rich history of the dojo tarnished with one kick by a skinny Italian kid from NJ....

I wonder if JGlass knows that move or the Jewish equivalent?
Although I'm guilty of slightly participating in this conversation about film, the rest of you are killing this thread with this incessant banter. Haiku Hogan, you need to get things back on track. Who is next on your shit list?
Although I'm guilty of slightly participating in this conversation about film, the rest of you are killing this thread with this incessant banter. Haiku Hogan, you need to get things back on track. Who is next on your shit list?

Blame the a-holes that revert this thread into Jglass thread-lite :)

Someone's gotta piss me off first... And I probably have to be in a certain state
Welp, my dander is up;


Because, to you, one side throwing a hissy fit and leaving the table is equitable to both sides being at fault. And I'm going to outline, in no very uncertain terms, why what you said is incredibly moronic.

It's funny that you are complaining about the GOP wanting to delay Obamacare but had nothing to say last year when Obama himself delayed it.

Obama's delaying also didn't cause the fucking government to shut down, you twit.

The reality is both sides deserve equal blame for this. Neither side was willing to compromise.

Not true at all; something was passed, and the GOP, instead of accepting this and seeing if the ACA will fair well, have decided they're taking their ball, and going home. That's exactly what's happened.

There isn't any negotiation to do; The ACA was passed. The Republicans decided to sit on the side and refused to participate (because, again, they're five year olds), and a law was passed. Period, end of story.

The GOP refuses to fund a law that nobody in America was clamoring for,

Let's just focus on this at the moment; where the fuck are you getting this? Where, exactly? From Fox News?

Here's how I remember it; there was an election held in 2012. Might have missed it, trying to keep your knuckles from swaying on the floor too much might have kept you from the vote. One guy ran a campaign on the concept of keeping his health care plan intact (even after numerous negotiations with the Republicans, which by the way, were pretty cool with this before), and another guy ran a campaign on the premise that said health care act would be repealed.

Guess who won?

that was passed completely without their participation, that nobody read ahead of time and exempts the very people who passed it from having to abide by it.

That's what happens when you sit in the corner and pout, instead of taking part in the process. Which is exactly what the Republicans are doing, and are still headstrong in doing.

Can I ask a serious question? What do the Republicans have to lose by just letting the bill pass? Because if it fails (and I'm not even saying it won't), they can use this as a platform piece to win elections for a while. Instead, they're waging a petulant war, with America caught in the middle.

If the GOP had passed a law under those conditions, the Democrats would have done the exact same damn thing.

Speculative at best, being a daft fool at worst.

From the Democrats side, they can't allow the GOP to pass a budget without Obamacare, to do so would be a slap in the face of their dear leader's legacy.

So what you're saying is, the Democrats are in the wrong for not giving into the whims of the Republican party.

Wasn't it a Republican who said we will not negotiate with terrorists?

Both sides get the blame. If the Democrats hadn't tried to ram this thing down everyone's throats the way they did, the GOP wouldn't be in a position where they have to stubbornly oppose it. The GOP are being stubborn assholes about defunding Obamacare in the budget, but it was the Democrats being stubborn assholes in passing it the way they did that forced the GOP's hand. And now the Democrats are acting all shocked and butthurt that the GOP is doing this? Laughable.

I'd love an explanation where the Democrats are trying to cram this down our throats, especially when, as I outlined earlier, the American public had a chance to show their displeasure at this said "cramming", and instead voted Obama to office.

What you're doing is projecting your view point of the world upon all Americans.

You know who else does that? Five years olds. It's called centration, fucker.

Both parties put their own interests above their responsibilities to the American people, both parties deserve the scorn. This shut down was caused by all of Washington DC, not just half. The entire system is fucked.

Again, we had an election. I'm not sure why this is fucking hard for you to understand. This isn't a both parties thing, this is a radical sect of the Republicans (not even all Republicans) who said that shutting down the government is a better idea than offering more affordable health care.

You're being a daft cunt. Stop, immediately.
Ah yay. Politics debate. FUN.

I miss general ********s being called out for general ********ishness.
Why can't someone's moronic stances on politics be used to qualify someone as a general ********?
Because then everyone gets political and becomes a dickead by proxy. With things like these it's like being fat and looking straight down after a shower - no distinguishable ******** anywhere.

Plus Davi constantly gettin shit on gets tiresome - we get it he's a republican.
Because then everyone gets political and becomes a dickead by proxy. With things like these it's like being fat and looking straight down after a shower - no distinguishable ******** anywhere.
Is this about Arby's?

For this awful, hideous post.

This will probably be a controversial topic but I'm going to try and make it as little offensive as possible

Now in recent years there's been this thing about people saying people should applaud curvy women for not conforming to the way people feel women should be (skinny etc) and I get that. Heck I love me a woman with stuff I can grab and not feel like I'll break her.


From the applause that the 'curvy movement' has brought on there seems to be a thing saying that (for lack of a better term) fat women are curvy. However I think that some fat women who call themselves curvy are deluding themselves into thinking they're a particular shape to make them feel better about their weight. I mean aside from the health issues that can be caused by being overweight I think the people who say that fat women are curvy are enabling them in ways meaning that they won't try and better themselves.

Now if you're into fat chicks fair enough and if you're a fat woman who likes the way you are fair enough also. But don't say you're one thing when you're not. Curvy women are curvy because of their frame. Fat women are fat because they have excess body weight.

I mean this is curvy

This is fat


It's like a fat guy and a large framed guy. Samoa Joe isn't a Greek God specimen. He has a large frame unlike say the guy who needs a scooter to get around.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that people should accept people for their natural frame (on both sides of the field). If you want to be a particular size fair enough, just don't delude yourself or others that you're a particular one when you're not.

Hey, you're right, let's all go out of our way to body shame people. Fuck their sensitivies, I want to be able to call people fat. Especially women!

You're the dirt worst kind of ragged cunt. A wretched, poor little man, who probably wears a trilby when going out and refers to women as "m'lady". I'm sure you've given the nice guy rant, and when you grow up (if you do), you're going to hopefully realize how much saying things like this is so douchey.

Fuck off, pal.
Didn't Alex post a nude picture before of just a bass blocking his junk in an attempt to be like Flea?

Then again this guy genuinely believes Jeff Hardy could beat anyone in WZT.
Didn't Alex post a nude picture before of just a bass blocking his junk in an attempt to be like Flea?

Then again this guy genuinely believes Jeff Hardy could beat anyone in WZT.

Yes, he did. He had to emulate his idol.


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