Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Anyone know of some good comics to pick up? Looking to get back into it and need some good new stuff to get or anything worthwhile to catch up on.

Been off my game for a bit, but was at a thrift shop and came across some long boxes. Kind of rekindled the fire a bit. Got some hidden gems boarded and in pristine condition. The entire Infinite Crisis set, about 30 McFarlane Spiderman books, a few random X-Men books from the 90's and the first 8 original Teen Titans issues. All for 15 bucks.
I have been out of the comics game for a long ass time. From what I hear there's a second Civil War series coming up, so that could be cool.
The best superhero comic book I've read in a long time and one I would heartily recommend to anyone:


I also hear wonderful things about Unbeatable Squirrel Girl but it could contain the ingredients for the cure for cancer and I'd still be reluctant to drop £10.99 (i.e. ~$16) on four issues of it on Comixology.

Otherwise, as always, if you're not reading Saga, you're missing out.
as a general rule of thumb, if it's written by Greg Rucka, Rick Remender, Scott Snyder, Jason Aaron, or Brian K. Vaughn it's probably worth checking out. That said, I haven't read regularly in over a year.
Otherwise, as always, if you're not reading Saga, you're missing out.

I got my sister into that by buying her the first TPB for her birthday a while back, and she says she loves it. Maybe I can get her to lend me her books so I can check it out myself.
The best superhero comic book I've read in a long time and one I would heartily recommend to anyone:


I also hear wonderful things about Unbeatable Squirrel Girl but it could contain the ingredients for the cure for cancer and I'd still be reluctant to drop £10.99 (i.e. ~$16) on four issues of it on Comixology.

Otherwise, as always, if you're not reading Saga, you're missing out.

How many issues into Ms. Marvel? Brand new or has it been around since the other Marvel Now books?

And what is this Saga you speak of?
I can second the Miss Marvel rec. I've only read three issues so far due to money and time, but I adore the art style and Kamala Khan is a fantastic character.
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How many issues into Ms. Marvel? Brand new or has it been around since the other Marvel Now books?

The editors at Marvel seem to have the attention span of a crackhead in a cutlery factory, and expect the same of their consumers, so it's already been "relaunched" - i.e. same creative team, same characters, same storyline, new numbers - once. There's a first "series" of twenty or so issues, which is fantastic. The second series has just started and is five deep, though they're yet to launch a collected edition, so I'm yet to read it. What I've glanced was very good.

And what is this Saga you speak of?

Most of the best panels would be spoilers or too pornographic to share on here. Instead, here's a bloke with a TV for a head taking a shit:


It's a sci-fi fantasy series with fantastic art and design, a streak of black comedy, and a Game of Thrones style penchant for wasting fan favourite characters with no warning.
Both sound worthy enough to warrant a look. Appreciate it. Saga seems like just the out there type of book most would pass over. Which usually means its great.
Glass Man, how much wrestling do you watch these days?

PPVs, but been trying to get back into NXT. I also watch favorite and highly recommended matches on occasion, usually when I'm hanging out with other friends that enjoy watching wrestling.
I knew it! I knew this show would bring us to the heights of human drama more powerfully than literature ever dreamed!
The Horsin' Around Christmas special was hot garbage though. Turned it off about half way through.
I knew it! I knew this show would bring us to the heights of human drama more powerfully than literature ever dreamed!

That was one of my favorite lines. That and, "I'm not gonna lie, if he just made all that up that was some really good improv. Game recognize game."

This is also easily the best thing Will Arnett has ever done. I usually think of him as a pretty type-cast actor: the suave idiot. But he reaches down deep in some of these episodes. A lot of the voice actors do, but Will Arnett especially.

Yeah, who would have thought a show about a washed up sitcom actor from the 90s who happens to be a horse would wind up being one of the realest shows you'll ever see. I think that's part of what makes it so great.

The Horsin' Around Christmas special was hot garbage though. Turned it off about half way through.

Now that's a real shame. Does it advance the plot or is it a flashback thing?
That was one of my favorite lines. That and, "I'm not gonna lie, if he just made all that up that was some really good improv. Game recognize game."

This is also easily the best thing Will Arnett has ever done. I usually think of him as a pretty type-cast actor: the suave idiot. But he reaches down deep in some of these episodes. A lot of the voice actors do, but Will Arnett especially.

Yeah, who would have thought a show about a washed up sitcom actor from the 90s who happens to be a horse would wind up being one of the realest shows you'll ever see. I think that's part of what makes it so great.
Part Hollywoo farce, part surrealism, heavily seasoned with strong characterization and a lot of heart, and topped with some big brass balls. Easily the best reason to have a Netflix account at the moment.

The way they capped off season two was the perfect payoff to something I didn't know I wanted to see paid off. Literally let a "Holy shit..." slip when the credits rolled.

Now that's a real shame. Does it advance the plot or is it a flashback thing?
Bojack and Todd watch an old episode of Horsin' Around. It's mostly a complete episode of the 90s show which occasionally cuts back to Bojack and Todd's reactions. Razor-thin plot. Advances nothing. Footage from Horsin' Around works better as a brief flashback gag than as the basis of an entire episode. For a show that's reached the heights Bojack has, it was shockingly unambitious.

I was imprecise earlier when I said I turned it off half way through. I skipped to the end to see if it stuck the landing. No dice.
I watched the first season and really wasn't impressed, which more or less makes me unique among people I've spoken to who've watched it. I just find it very scattershot and boring and I'm rarely sure what point it's trying to make.

Arrested Development, on the other hand, is Will Arnett's masterpiece.
I feel like season two made a significant leap forward in quality, but I won't press the issue if you didn't enjoy season one.
I watched the first season and really wasn't impressed, which more or less makes me unique among people I've spoken to who've watched it. I just find it very scattershot and boring and I'm rarely sure what point it's trying to make.

Arrested Development, on the other hand, is Will Arnett's masterpiece.

Bojack Horseman makes GOB like Ann.


Ann, George Michael's girlfriend.

Part Hollywoo farce, part surrealism, heavily seasoned with strong characterization and a lot of heart, and topped with some big brass balls. Easily the best reason to have a Netflix account at the moment.

The way they capped off season two was the perfect payoff to something I didn't know I wanted to see paid off. Literally let a "Holy shit..." slip when the credits rolled.

Yeah, the last three episodes of the season were all phenomenal. Loved that at the very end, the running monkey, which I thought was a sight gag all season, delivers one of the most chilling scenes in the whole show.

Bojack and Todd watch an old episode of Horsin' Around. It's mostly a complete episode of the 90s show which occasionally cuts back to Bojack and Todd's reactions. Razor-thin plot. Advances nothing. Footage from Horsin' Around works better as a brief flashback gag than as the basis of an entire episode. For a show that's reached the heights Bojack has, it was shockingly unambitious.

I was imprecise earlier when I said I turned it off half way through. I skipped to the end to see if it stuck the landing. No dice.

That's unfortunate. I mean, I'll probably watch it sometime when I'm bored, but not when I actually want to be entertained.

I feel like season two made a significant leap forward in quality, but I won't press the issue if you didn't enjoy season one.

To use a NorCalism: Um... YEAH.

It's so much better than the first season that by the third episode of Season 2 I thought about rewatching Season 1 because I didn't remember this show being so fucking good.
I loved season 1 havn't gotten around to season 2, fell asleep during the Christmas special & never bothered trying to watch it again.

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