Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Happy birthday for the other day. I threw your present in the ocean, but it was the one facing France, so it might be a while before it gets to you.
Happy birthday for the other day. I threw your present in the ocean, but it was the one facing France, so it might be a while before it gets to you.

Thanks buddy. I'll stand on the shores of Revere beach waiting for it, hoping the disgusting polluted water doesn't corrode the package and ruin it.
Is this where I talk about Hateful Eight?

Certainly won't be Dagger and Mitch's ground zero for media hub mediocrity.

Also, have you watched BoJack yet?
Yep. I can see where some people are coming from when they say it feels long even for a Tarantino movie. Pacing is going to be an issue for a lot of people.

I dug it though. I know what I'm paying for when I watch one of these. Don't want to spoil it, but I'm happy one particular person got a fuck-tonne of screen time.
I know better what exactly to expect here, so I think it will be a much better experience than I had at Inglorious Basterds, were I nearly felt as though a refund was in order.

I am well aware this will be a bunch of cool characters talking in a snowy cabin, and im down for it.

I remember reading that Tarantino was considering reworking it as a play and touring it. After watching the movie, you see how that wouldn't be very difficult.
Anybody else think that Alhazred, Barbosa, SaboSax and S.H.I.T would make a much better Suicide Squad?

I'm really glad I sought this thread out because now I want this.

In another reality, it's already happened.

Also, uh, hi!
Is this where I talk about Hateful Eight?

Certainly won't be Dagger and Mitch's ground zero for media hub mediocrity.

Also, have you watched BoJack yet?

I missed this thread being bumped, otherwise I would have answered your questions.

Yeah, I saw Hateful Eight. I liked it, didn't love it. Most (and by most I mean all) of Tarantino's movies come across like their directed a guy that jerks off to his reflection, but this one felt like that times ten. Most of the time it's not that bad because Tarantino knows how to make a pretty entertaining film, but when he strays too far into, "art" territory, I feel like he starts to lose his appeal.

The real question is: did you see The Revenant, and if so, how much did you love it?

I have watched BoJack Horseman, but only a handful of episodes. It's very funny, but I feel like the adult cartoon market is saturated and it doesn't do enough to hold my attention, a similar problem that Venture Bros. and Rick & Morty have. I really like all three of those shows and enjoy watching them when I do, but I have to put effort into remembering to watch them.
We need token sex appeal though. Let's put Krypto in a dress and lipstick, Bugs Bunny style.

Phenomenal idea. I think we're onto a winner here.

Hey Doc! How's it going?

Not too bad! Better than I was a few days ago. Last we PMed each other I was going through one of my mopey phases and trying to deny that I missed this place terribly. My situation is still exactly the same, but mentally I've snapped out of it somewhat.

To bring up an old subject, did you see Mad Max got like six Oscars? I'm pretty happy about that. It also made me realize a lot of people I follow really don't know how film editing works.

How about you? Seen things? Done things?
Phenomenal idea. I think we're onto a winner here.

Being that my hopes aren't exceptionally high for the real Suicide Squad movie, I'd say it's worth a shot.

Not too bad! Better than I was a few days ago. Last we PMed each other I was going through one of my mopey phases and trying to deny that I missed this place terribly. My situation is still exactly the same, but mentally I've snapped out of it somewhat.

Life is a continuum, sometimes you'll be happy, sometimes you'll be sad. Inside Out taught me that.

To bring up an old subject, did you see Mad Max got like six Oscars? I'm pretty happy about that. It also made me realize a lot of people I follow really don't know how film editing works.

Man, you're talking to a guy that had a mini Oscar party Sunday night. Heck yeah I saw Mad Max won all those awards, and I was really happy for it. All of the mini-party-goers agreed that the movie was definitely a game changer and deserving of everything it got last night, if not deserving of more.

It's the first movie I bought on Blu Ray, along with Ex Machina. Have you seen Ex Machina yet? I think you'd love it.

How about you? Seen things? Done things?

I've seen some stuff, done some stuff. I've probably done, seen, and quite possibly heard a lot of stuff between this post and the last comprehensive post about my life in this thread, so I'm not really sure what to specify. Sam was in Boston and we hung out a bunch, and that was super cool. After that I got a job, which is also good. I saw Revenant twice after that, and it's possibly my favorite movie in the world now. Gaming-wise things have been kind of stale, playing unspectacular games over and over until I can find something better. Dating life: see gaming life. Existentially I don't know what my aim in life is right now, but I try not to let that bother me on a day to day basis.

So yeah, I feel like that should bring everyone up to speed.
Being that my hopes aren't exceptionally high for the real Suicide Squad movie, I'd say it's worth a shot.

It's one of those movies I'll, like, begrudgingly see. I know my brother at least wants to see it so I won't turn down a free ticket, but at the same time the whole production has me drawn to it in a morbid "how bad can this actually be" way. If nothing else, the Jared Leto jokes are funny to me and Amanda Waller might make someone's head explode, so it has that going for it.

Life is a continuum, sometimes you'll be happy, sometimes you'll be sad. Inside Out taught me that.

It sounds cheesy, but that movie does tend to pop up in my mind when I think about sadness begetting happiness and the like. Good film. Kind of want to see it again now. On the subject of Pixar, did I blink or is The Good Dinosaur already in and out of theaters?

Man, you're talking to a guy that had a mini Oscar party Sunday night. Heck yeah I saw Mad Max won all those awards, and I was really happy for it. All of the mini-party-goers agreed that the movie was definitely a game changer and deserving of everything it got last night, if not deserving of more.

Now that's what I like to hear. Easily in my top five films now so the awards were just icing on the cake. I bought the Blu Ray immediately after it came out, too.

Have you seen Ex Machina yet? I think you'd love it.

Funny story, I wanted to when it was in theaters but couldn't commit since I wasn't sure if it'd be legitimately thought-provoking and philosophical or just a "rogue AI goes crazy, robots are evil and stuff" movie. I think it just got added to Netflix, though, and I have a billion dollars in Google credit so I might as well if it gets your thumbs up. What can I say, Her really spoiled me with movies featuring AIs.

Sam was in Boston and we hung out a bunch, and that was super cool.
How was that? Any of your famous threads summing it up? You know I love your observations and it sounds like a great time.

I found my old plane ticket to Boston the other day while cleaning out my room and got hit with an absurd wave of nostalgia so that was one impetus to come back. Maybe again some day, that'd be cool.

What's the job?
It's one of those movies I'll, like, begrudgingly see. I know my brother at least wants to see it so I won't turn down a free ticket, but at the same time the whole production has me drawn to it in a morbid "how bad can this actually be" way. If nothing else, the Jared Leto jokes are funny to me and Amanda Waller might make someone's head explode, so it has that going for it.

I'm probably going to wait until I hear from my friends how it is. If they say it's okay or better, I'll check it out. If it doesn't pass okay, I'll hold off until it's out of theaters.

It sounds cheesy, but that movie does tend to pop up in my mind when I think about sadness begetting happiness and the like. Good film. Kind of want to see it again now. On the subject of Pixar, did I blink or is The Good Dinosaur already in and out of theaters?

Yeah, it's out of theaters already, I saw it in Target the other day. Apparently it was Pixar's first miss... if you don't count Cars 2 of course.

Funny story, I wanted to when it was in theaters but couldn't commit since I wasn't sure if it'd be legitimately thought-provoking and philosophical or just a "rogue AI goes crazy, robots are evil and stuff" movie. I think it just got added to Netflix, though, and I have a billion dollars in Google credit so I might as well if it gets your thumbs up. What can I say, Her really spoiled me with movies featuring AIs.

See, I avoided seeing it because I thought it was marketed like a scary AI gone wrong movie, but that's not at all what it is. It's a slow paced movie that gives you a lot of time to think about what's going on, which is good, because the movie gives you a lot to think about.

Just like The Revenant.

How was that? Any of your famous threads summing it up? You know I love your observations and it sounds like a great time.

I did not make a thread about it. I think I may have made a post about it somewhere? But it's hazy, it was so long ago (November I think?).

But I'll do a quick recap in the meantime.

The first time we met up was at a kinda weird bar. I say kind of weird because it was like a catering hall with a bar in it. The bar only served beers and food that came from New England. We went with the intent of playing Simpsons trivia, which we did for a couple rounds before realizing we were thoroughly outclassed, so we went to a bar nearby that was full of townies. We played the regular trivia there and did much better. In fact, we probably would have won had we not missed the first round. There we had pumpkin beers, which may have been a first for Sam and his girlfriend?

Oh yeah, his girlfriend was there too. In fact, that's why he was there. She brought him, which I am grateful for.

The second time we hung out was at my house and we watched an American football game with my roommates and friends. There were a bunch of people there, but obviously Sam fit in famously. I think the Patriots won, which was disappointing for me but I reckon Sam enjoyed seeing the home team win. I'm sure he remembers better than I being that I probably saw a dozen (American) football games after that and I doubt he watched more than two.

The third time we met up was the best time, as Sam, my roommate, and myself went out drinking around our area. We went to a cool bar near my house that has live music and Irish bartenders. We got pretty drunk because the bar has dirty taps, and the bacteria makes you get drunk faster (and gives you a bad hangover). While at this bar we were able to openly discuss wrestling, the forums, movies, video games, etc. We hugged over our shared love of Speed Racer. We talked about you guys. Specifically we talked about all the people we've met from the forum. I confirmed that NorCal is as awesome as he seems. Sam confirmed that Tasty is as awesome as he seems. I talked about how you were great, Charlie/Sean is okay (lulz), and Theo is charming as hell. After that we went to the dive bar in my area and had a few more drinks. Then we drunkenly walked home (stopping along the way to pose like Dx despite the fact that I doubt Sam or I consider Dx to play an important role in our taste as wrestling fans) and played some Halo 3, because why not?

The next morning we were all super hungover so we drove to IHOP to eat pancakes. Sam was astounded that they gave you so many pancakes and even more surprised that my roommate and I were able to clean our plates. Sam ate maybe half of his. Amurica.

Then we drove Sam to the house he was staying at. He was staying in one of the nicest parts of Boston proper, so it was pretty cool to see that.

I'd love to reciprocate one day and take a trip to Old England (as opposed to New England, amirite?) and hang out with him there along with Lee, Tasty, and maybe even Funkay if he's up for it.

I found my old plane ticket to Boston the other day while cleaning out my room and got hit with an absurd wave of nostalgia so that was one impetus to come back. Maybe again some day, that'd be cool.

That would be cool. What would be better is if we could get together in New Jersey and catch a show at MSG with the NJX crew and maybe Theo too!

What's the job?

I'm basically a social worker, but not a licensed one. My job title is community integration coordinator, but I've barely integrated anyone into the community yet, try as I have. I work for a pretty big company and there's room for advancement, but I don't make much money compared to other people in my demographic, and I don't love the work I do, so I'm thinking this will be a short stint. I'd kind of like to find something outside of the human services field before I get locked into this field.
Really enjoyed The Revenant. Leo's shouting and Hardy's mumbling have never been more artfully directed. Needed more beets and Battlestar Gallactica.
Really enjoyed The Revenant. Leo's shouting and Hardy's mumbling have never been more artfully directed. Needed more beets and Battlestar Gallactica.

I thought it had just the right amount of Battlestar Gallactica. Could have used more beets though, no doubt. If only the French were Russian.
I talked about how you were great, Charlie/Sean is okay (lulz)


Charlie, what a trip that guy is. He still around?

This is all very interesting as usual, but-

The next morning we were all super hungover so we drove to IHOP to eat pancakes. Sam was astounded that they gave you so many pancakes and even more surprised that my roommate and I were able to clean our plates. Sam ate maybe half of his. Amurica.

This is the best part. Hilarious.

That would be cool. What would be better is if we could get together in New Jersey and catch a show at MSG with the NJX crew and maybe Theo too!

Now, if I were to hypothetically try to seriously plan this out, what would it all entail? Because that sounds tempting.

Related, are you doing anything for Mania? Now, it'd be ridiculous to say "drop everything and come to a Mania party at my place" or for me to do something similar, but maybe next year or we can plan around a different major PPV like the Rumble. Or any old house show/taping, really, for live events.

Charlie, what a trip that guy is. He still around?

I haven't talked to him in ages. I think he pops up on the forum every once in a while, but I can't remember the last time he was here.

Now, if I were to hypothetically try to seriously plan this out, what would it all entail? Because that sounds tempting.

I'd love to answer, but I'm pretty out of the loop as these things go. If I remember correctly, I don't think I've seen any of the NJX guys since the 2015 Royal Rumble.

Related, are you doing anything for Mania? Now, it'd be ridiculous to say "drop everything and come to a Mania party at my place" or for me to do something similar, but maybe next year or we can plan around a different major PPV like the Rumble. Or any old house show/taping, really, for live events.

I'll probably do a low key thing here with a couple of friends and some pizza.

But for the following wrestling year, I'm sure there will be a show in Boston, New York, New Jersey, or Philadelphia that we could get a big group to. It would require planning and coordination the likes of which has never been pulled off without D-Man and J-Goose complaining about seating and multiple pointless arguments about how to spend money breaking out... but it can be done.

And there will be sleeveless t-shirts. Oh yes, there will be sleeveless t-shirts.

Extreme Rules is in New Jersey and SummerSlam is in Brooklyn. I'll see if I can rustle up some interest in attending either event.
It would require planning and coordination the likes of which has never been pulled off without D-Man and J-Goose complaining about seating and multiple pointless arguments about how to spend money breaking out...

Hey man. We simply COULD NOT go the extra 8 dollars to get those sweet football jerseys.

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