Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

This Thursday I'm going to be officiating a wedding... between that patient and Michael Jackson.

It's her birthday and Thursday, and her birthday wish is to be married to MJ, and I'm more than happy to oblige her. After the ceremony we'll be having birthday/wedding cake, and it won't be just any cake, it'll be Michael Jackson face-cake.

I might have to bring in a blazer just for the occasion.

Who did you get that would officiate a wedding between a mental case & a corpse? Being a medical care facility, isnt there some sort of health code violation for parading around a dead body?

Or did you guys just get one of those look-a-likes? I personally would have just gone for a broom with a wig & jacket. Not like she would know the difference.
A blazer for sure.

And a paper tie, because a real tie would be dangerous.

Dude, two weeks out. Shit is gonna be serious business.

Any change to possible status on the ROH show the night before, or the JR one-man show Sunday during the day?

I still haven't officially gotten the time off, yet. I mean, one way or another, I'm going to be going to the show (if they deny my time off request, I'll find some people to pick up my shifts).

That said, that's a definite no to the ROH show. I personally have no interest in seeing JR, but if you want to and the tickets are inexpensive, I wouldn't object either.

Who did you get that would officiate a wedding between a mental case & a corpse? Being a medical care facility, isnt there some sort of health code violation for parading around a dead body?

Or did you guys just get one of those look-a-likes? I personally would have just gone for a broom with a wig & jacket. Not like she would know the difference.

She has a giant paper doll that channels the soul of the deceased who will make a lovely placeholder so long as we have a solid backdrop to tape him to.
You should place it in front of a speaker & play audio clips of MJ talking about random stuff. Depending on just how crazy she is, this could either be hilarious or just further he delusions.
You should place it in front of a speaker & play audio clips of MJ talking about random stuff. Depending on just how crazy she is, this could either be hilarious or just further he delusions.

Speakers require wires, and we don't do wires, or anything that could be used to strangle/hang oneself. I could play some clips off my phone, but you're not allowed to have phones on the unit for a variety of reasons. I'd hire a Michael Jackson impersonator, but I could even to that because it would violate HIPPA.

Tape and a paper doll is about as good as it's gonna get for that kid.
You still speak to D-Man, JGlass? Having an evening of getting boozed and listening to RATM, Tool and Alice in Chains when I remembered the thread about Nirvana being perceived as over-rated and I recall D-Man being a big AIC advocate but hating on Nirvana. Why the man didn't have space in his heart for 2 great bands still baffles me.

As an aside, I'm yet to listen to any new AIC although not out of hate for the new singer but mainly because Layne's voice was so distinctive and was a superb balance to Jerry Cantrell's voice too.
You still speak to D-Man, JGlass? Having an evening of getting boozed and listening to RATM, Tool and Alice in Chains when I remembered the thread about Nirvana being perceived as over-rated and I recall D-Man being a big AIC advocate but hating on Nirvana. Why the man didn't have space in his heart for 2 great bands still baffles me.

As an aside, I'm yet to listen to any new AIC although not out of hate for the new singer but mainly because Layne's voice was so distinctive and was a superb balance to Jerry Cantrell's voice too.

I'll be seeing him, along with IC25, NorCal, and Theo at Royal Rumble next weekend!

Nirvana is a big divider amongst the NJX crowd. NorCal and I love them, IC25 and D-Man hate them and think they're overrated. I've gone several rounds with IC25 about why Nevermind is better than any album from the 90s he can name (and he can name MANY).

I'm not a big AIC fan, so I can't really comment on that. I like their hits, but I don't like them enough to really explore their entire repertoire.
Nirvana is one of the stranger bands to rate. They are over rated purely by musical talent but they did connect closely to a large group who their music means a lot to and isn't that what it is really about?

I am not a fan but that is an argument that will never be won by either side.
IC & D-man are right, Nirvana is an overrated band. That said lets not confuse the term overrated with shit, just because a band is overrated doesn't mean they're bad, just means they get FAR more credit than they deserve.
IC & D-man are right, Nirvana is an overrated band. That said lets not confuse the term overrated with shit, just because a band is overrated doesn't mean they're bad, just means they get FAR more credit than they deserve.

Well then they aren't right, because they do not think they are very good.

In all honesty, the real reason is because Nirvana killed their hair metal age, and both of them think far too emotionally and harbor grudges.
So my pre-Rumble week has been a bit of a roller coaster ride.

On Monday I quit my job. I had been getting increasingly aggravated with my employer due to a long running theme of disrespect towards their staff and patients and it culminated in a boiling point when my boss (who I have spoken to three times total now) called me to yell at me for calling out sick over the weekend and told me I'd have to make up my sick days (despite the fact that I have sick days to use and it counts against my vacation time). Couple this with the fact that they denied my request for the days off I needed for the Royal Rumble just one week before I was planning on leaving instead of the month before when I submitted the request so I could find coverage, and it was time for me to say, "Fuck it, I quit."

Today I have a job interview with a much better company for a much better position. I'm so excited I could barely sleep last night. I'd be working with a more stable population of kids in a residential setting, doing activities with them, helping them with daily living activities like cooking and cleaning, helping them with school, and going on field trips with them. I'd be working 40 hours, 4 days a week with Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off.

After the interview it's down to NJ to spend some time with my folks, NorCal's on Saturday, and Rumble on Sunday!

So what started as a ridiculously stressful week has turned into a great one.

What's funny is I made the first post as a joke, as I would not right-mindedly expect you to think of that when quitting a job.

But you did, which is even funnier :lmao:
I would be shocked if there's no tickets left; there's probably just shitty one though.

J, sorry to hear that everything went down the shitter, but good luck with the interview!

What's funny is I made the first post as a joke, as I would not right-mindedly expect you to think of that when quitting a job.

But you did, which is even funnier :lmao:

Go see if there are tickets left. If you think there are seats and it's worth going, I'm down.

I would be shocked if there's no tickets left; there's probably just shitty one though.

J, sorry to hear that everything went down the shitter, but good luck with the interview!

Going down the shitter is a generous way to describe me finally getting fed up with a shitty job that was shitty for a long while. I think it's going to work out for the better, especially if I get this job I'm interviewing for. Thanks for the well wishes.
Supposedly a major snow storm could be hitting the area that night. Though at the same time, "Died going to a fucking awesome ROH TV taping" is something I would find acceptable to have in my obituary. I also drive a large, top of the line truck with 4-wheel drive.

Ill see what manner of tickets are still available.
Supposedly a major snow storm could be hitting the area that night. Though at the same time, "Died going to a fucking awesome ROH TV taping" is something I would find acceptable to have in my obituary. I also drive a large, top of the line truck with 4-wheel drive.

Ill see what manner of tickets are still available.

Major snow storm sounds like a perfect chance to get the cheapest tickets possible and just steal seats from people that were too scared to show up.

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