Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

That's true. He may be the king of comedy right now.

Which is sad because other than Ted & Cosmos I don't think he's been involved in another project that I like at all.

She is a very recent, but very positive addition. She's a nurse at the hospital that I work at. She's very pretty, very nice, very funny, and possibly best of all: she loves super heroes and comics. Before we started dating I gave her a hardcover containing a bunch of Spider-Man comics, so I assume that's when she knew I was good boyfriend material.

Awesome, I think this makes you like the 4th person I'm friends with on FB that has gotten a new significant other in the past year.

We've been dating for about a week, but things have been progressing pretty quickly. We really like each other, and we both have a lot of confidence in this relationship.

Cool, so how long before Mr. Fitzpatrick giving a toast at your wedding then, 6 month, a year? LOL

What other Easter eggs were there? I didn't know Chris Clairmont was in the congress scene, so I'm interested to know about the others.

I heard Len Wein, a former X-men artist, is also in the same scene, but I have no idea what he looks like so I didn't notice him. I was listening to a podcast on Fri. about the film, & they were calling stuff like Quicksilver mentioning to Magneto that his mom once new a guy that could control metal, & toward the end, scarlet Witch sitting on his lap watching everything happen on TV, Easter eggs. Another Easter egg is in Hanks tv room, the episode of Star Trek playing on one of the TV's in the first time ever the the Enterprise crew traveled back in time, in an episode titled "Tomorrow is Yesterday". Also, & I don't know if this really counts as an Easter egg but, when Kitty is teaching her class at the end, she's with Colossus.

A Quintin Quire cameo would have been cool, but he wouldn't have been born yet in the 70s. He probably wasn't born until the late 80s/early 90s.

Yeah, I meant at the end when Logan wakes up in modern day, & is walking through the halls of the school.

There's an X-Force movie coming out? YESSSSSS. I wonder what team they'll use. I can only assume Warpath will be returning, and obviously they won't miss an opportunity to shove Wolverine down our throat, but who else? Cable seems like an obvious choice, Domino or Psylocke could play the role of sex appeal nicely, and then maybe throw in Deadpool for some comic relief.

My guess, Cable, Wolverine, Deadpool, Warpath, Domino, & I wouldn't be shocked if they some how shoehorned Blink into there too, I could also see them adding Archangel to the mix as well, if X-Men: Apocalypse comes out first.

I would think Marvel would possibly go with an earlier incarnation of sorts rather than the latest versions. Maybe something with The Brotherhood or MLF could work as a one-off movie. Although I would bet on something to do with X-Cutioner's Song with a few tweaks. It would make sense considering they already have established certain X-Men involved, Apocalypse is tied in & we have a great way to introduce Mr. Sinister.

Marvel doesn't own the film rights to any X-men related properties, Fox does, which I'm fine with, I like them being to totally seperate universes, & wish it was that way in the comics.

I could see them introducing Shatterstar as the main villain in the X-Force movie, though I would love to see them eventually do a Messiah CompleX trilogy of films.
Supposedly the Gambit film is spinning out of Apocalypse. Logic says an X-Force film with Cable would fit naturally after Apoalypse as well. Gambit and Sinister have enough of a past together to make that work for his film. Hopefully they don't go with the awful Ultimate version of Cable.
I was listening to a podcast on Fri. about the film, & they were calling stuff like Quicksilver mentioning to Magneto that his mom once new a guy that could control metal, & toward the end, scarlet Witch sitting on his lap watching everything happen on TV, Easter eggs.

Actually, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are twins - i.e. the same age. I know, you're thinking I'm being pedantic, and normally I would be, but there was a scene cut from the movie in which Quicksilver's mother asks his younger sister to go and get her "older sister" - i.e. the actual Scarlet Witch - from her room. So the actual Scarlet Witch easter egg was cut.

There was a ton of cut stuff.
Marvel doesn't own the film rights to any X-men related properties, Fox does, which I'm fine with, I like them being to totally seperate universes, & wish it was that way in the comics.

I could see them introducing Shatterstar as the main villain in the X-Force movie, though I would love to see them eventually do a Messiah CompleX trilogy of films.

I keep forgetting they dont own the rights. It also screws any possibility of an Onslaught movie. Also the inclusion of any X-Men in a Skrull\Secret Invasion film would be out which sucks, because I would love to see that.

Messiah CompleX would be really cool. I just wonder how they would handle it given the amount of characters involved. The only story I hope everyone stays away from totally would be Civil War. Fuck that.
I keep forgetting they dont own the rights. It also screws any possibility of an Onslaught movie. Also the inclusion of any X-Men in a Skrull\Secret Invasion film would be out which sucks, because I would love to see that.

Messiah CompleX would be really cool. I just wonder how they would handle it given the amount of characters involved. The only story I hope everyone stays away from totally would be Civil War. Fuck that.

Onslaught would work in the FoX-Men universe if they have the X-Men and FF in the same cinematic universe. Onslaught was an X-Men/FF event, until the Avengers were shoehorned into that event. All you really need is Franklin Richards and that movie could happen.
I can't imagine an XForce movie happening before 2018 at best. They already have plans for Wolverine 3, Gambit, FF 1 and 2, and not to mention the already announce Apocalypse movie. Plus Fox isn't exclusively X-Men movies anyway.
Onslaught would work in the FoX-Men universe if they have the X-Men and FF in the same cinematic universe. Onslaught was an X-Men/FF event, until the Avengers were shoehorned into that event. All you really need is Franklin Richards and that movie could happen.

This is true, but would it happen? Not likely. Depends on how well the new FF movie does & if they want to share characters for the sake of the story. Although they could just say fuck it & use their own version of the 4.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves & I dont think they are looking at adapting that arc. We have plenty to look forward to in the next few years without telling the Onslaught story. I cant wait to see what they have in store for Dr.Strange and a few others.
Saw Mick Foley's standup today. The show proper was excellent, and I even got to have a friendly shouting match with him regarding my love of Dude Love. The meet-and-greet left a little to be desired. I suppose one just wants to make a good impression on their heroes and I don't feel I registered at all. I did get a picture with him though which is cool. Weird things happened too - I ended up with a signed picture of him that has some random guy's name, number, address, and Twitter handle on it and I have no idea why he gave it to me.

All in all, great show and very funny but meeting the man himself was a little bizarre and a little disillusioning. Another item to cross off the bucket list, I suppose.
Saw Mick Foley's standup today. The show proper was excellent, and I even got to have a friendly shouting match with him regarding my love of Dude Love. The meet-and-greet left a little to be desired. I suppose one just wants to make a good impression on their heroes and I don't feel I registered at all. I did get a picture with him though which is cool. Weird things happened too - I ended up with a signed picture of him that has some random guy's name, number, address, and Twitter handle on it and I have no idea why he gave it to me.

All in all, great show and very funny but meeting the man himself was a little bizarre and a little disillusioning. Another item to cross off the bucket list, I suppose.

They say never meet your heroes, and I suppose that's why. There's no way they can ever live up to the ideal we build in our head.

He was probably tired after doing a live show, maybe he misses home, and he probably, and understandably, has a hard time working up the enthusiasm every time he meets another big fan. I'm sure he wishes he could muster up that excitement for both your sakes, but he's been doing this across three decades now, and I'm sure that takes a lot out of the guy.

At least you hit it off with that anime voice-actor guy.
I think it more has to do with he's got a lot of people to meet, & has to get through them all in a fairly short amount of time. When I met him he was very nice but he clearly wanted to keep things moving, & a big part of that was the people working at the theater were pushing for him to end th show by a certain time or they had to pay their people OT, & our city has the stupid midnight curfew for live events, if you go past it the venue can be fined.
Yeah, now that I've slept on it, it really was just an unfortunate side-effect of being dead in the middle of the line. Got my copy of Have A Nice Day signed, I got a weird story out of it, and I got a great picture, so all-in-all, not a bad night. Seriously though, the show was hilarious. A lot of the stories I had read in his books but they're so different hearing them told by the man himself.
So I just watched Payback. Pretty good show overall, but my favorite part was easily Bluetista. When Evolution comes out, Triple H and Orton are looking all around the arena slowly while Batista is just doing his normal shtick, and then they look at each other and then back at the arena as if to say, "We know he looks ridiculous, we told him not to wear blue, but he wouldn't listen. We're sorry, okay?" Then the arena starts chanting it, and then it trends on Twitter, and then this happened...


Finally, something to make me care about Batista!
The question is, does Magneto have magnets? If the answer is no then they can fuck right off.

I'll tell you what else can fuck right off; today. The last 2 and a half weeks have been crazy busy at work but even though my line manager was off last week, I held the fort down and somehow juggled up to 6 projects a day.

Today the momentum finally properly eased off and someone from a separate business stream got all pissy about a budget code I used (that their colleague assured me was right), 2 editors had had a bit of a verbal sparring match which then led to an email coming in from the non-regular one asking if the other editor would be in next week and then to top it all off I walked into the corner of one of those 'keep dogs on a lead' signs to avoid some prick on a bike who was texting and not paying attention to anything around him. Even cut my head on the sign but thought that it wasn't bloody enough that I could just go home.

Aaaaahhhhhhhhh that feels better.

Edit - didn't realise I clicked that light icon either. Sake!
Dude I'm stoked for MITB. And June in general is gonna be awesome. Hit up House of Hardcore on Saturday, going to the Phillies game Thursday (its been a good while since I've been to a baseball game), seeing Foley's comedy show next Wednesday, ROH PPV is the 22nd, that should be awesome, and then MITB the week after that. I'm probably leaving here Saturday afternoon and will stay until Monday sometime. So where we gonna eat haha.
Dude I'm stoked for MITB. And June in general is gonna be awesome. Hit up House of Hardcore on Saturday, going to the Phillies game Thursday (its been a good while since I've been to a baseball game), seeing Foley's comedy show next Wednesday, ROH PPV is the 22nd, that should be awesome, and then MITB the week after that. I'm probably leaving here Saturday afternoon and will stay until Monday sometime. So where we gonna eat haha.

Jacob Wirth for one thing. Great German food, great beer selection, fucking AMAZING cornbread. On PPV night we can go get some pizza right by TD Bank Garden, about a 10-15 minute walk from the venue. Boston Burger Company seems like an obvious choice to take you and your clan, though depending on how many people you're rolling with I MIGHT want to indulge in a burger eating tour of Boston... just a thought. And if you make your way out to my side of the Charles, we can get one of the best sandwiches I've ever had in my life from the Peruvian food place down the street from my house.

I'm going to have to swap weekends from work again in order to ensure we do this right. Where are you planning on staying?
She is a very recent, but very positive addition. She's a nurse at the hospital that I work at. She's very pretty, very nice, very funny, and possibly best of all: she loves super heroes and comics. Before we started dating I gave her a hardcover containing a bunch of Spider-Man comics, so I assume that's when she knew I was good boyfriend material.

We've been dating for about a week, but things have been progressing pretty quickly. We really like each other, and we both have a lot of confidence in this relationship.

Meant to comment on this sooner.

Good for you, mate. Never easy to find someone who shares in your interests. And I should know with my combination of interests...

In other news, I really need to stop buying DVDs and books... Bloody ceiling is going to fall in one of these days.
Барбоса;4908581 said:
Meant to comment on this sooner.

Good for you, mate. Never easy to find someone who shares in your interests. And I should know with my combination of interests...

In other news, I really need to stop buying DVDs and books... Bloody ceiling is going to fall in one of these days.

Won't it not be bloody until after it falls in on you?

EDIT: That was way funnier in my head. I'll see myself out.

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