Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

I've had a pretty stellar weekend so far:

Friday: On my Electronic Cigarette subreddit I frequent, a company was having a giveaway for 4 30 ml bottles of their premium vaping liquid to 4 people. Out of the 900 people that signed up for it, I was one of the four that won. Each bottle at cost is $18, so I got about $80 worth of liquid for free.

Today: 2nd place trophies and a plaque to hang up at the bar that sponsored my dart team this year. Came home to watch Uconn defeat Florida, which sealed my victory for the employee side of my company's March Madness bracket contest. I'll be getting close to equivalent to what the winner on the customer said gets, which they'll be getting 3 free months of internet service, and a Roku 3 box.

Tomorrow: Wrestlemania. Duh.
It's official. I'm going to Money in the Bank. Excited as I've never been to Boston. And this will be my 2nd straight year attending the PPV.
It's official. I'm going to Money in the Bank. Excited as I've never been to Boston. And this will be my 2nd straight year attending the PPV.

I'll probably be attending as well. I didn't think tickets went on sale until Saturday though?

But it'd be hilariously awesome if we ended up sitting near each other.
I'll probably be attending as well. I didn't think tickets went on sale until Saturday though?

But it'd be hilariously awesome if we ended up sitting near each other.

That would be the tits. And to the public they go on sale Saturday. I used the presale code. TDWWE...go go go!

Im most likely going with a few friends as well.

I smell a big old get together brewing. Though I did just eat a slightly raw burger and eggs. It could be that.
It's official. I'm going to Money in the Bank. Excited as I've never been to Boston. And this will be my 2nd straight year attending the PPV.

Awwww shit! Now I almost HAVE to go! I just gotta find out if NorCal is interested in coming, and then I'll get tickets.

I'll probably be attending as well. I didn't think tickets went on sale until Saturday though?

But it'd be hilariously awesome if we ended up sitting near each other.

Im most likely going with a few friends as well.

It sounds like we might wind up having quite a WrestleZone reunion.
Im most likely going with a few friends as well.

That would be the tits. And to the public they go on sale Saturday. I used the presale code. TDWWE...go go go!

I smell a big old get together brewing. Though I did just eat a slightly raw burger and eggs. It could be that.

Awwww shit! Now I almost HAVE to go! I just gotta find out if NorCal is interested in coming, and then I'll get tickets.

It sounds like we might wind up having quite a WrestleZone reunion.

Well shit this could be quite the awesome unplanned Wrestlezone get together.
I had an appointment today, and while I was riding the elevator Fandango's music started playing. I'm not sure how that got added to the elevator playlist, but I fun little ride.
So you were thinking about Fandango while you were going down with a group of people? In broad daylight? With awkward eye contact?
I had an appointment today, and while I was riding the elevator Fandango's music started playing. I'm not sure how that got added to the elevator playlist, but I fun little ride.

I had a random wrestling theme song moment yesterday. I was talking to a co-worker of mine about wrestling and he mentioned that in 1990, he was a big fan of Undertaker and Hulk Hogan. After I told him that Taker lost at Mania, we started shooting back and forth Hoganisms and talking about him. A few minutes later, Real American came on the juke box. I thought he had put it on, but he didn't, it just randomly came on the juke box's playlist. Crazy coincidence, but we had fun rocking out to it after it came on.
All that was left with three together when I looked today was 50 dollar seats at the far end of the arena so I decided it wasn't worth the money to sit so far away and barely be able to see anything.
I was thinking the same but I haven't gone to a show in a few years and figured I'd have a good time at least.

Fair enough. I wanted to go but not to be that far away, if it was just high up and above the ring I would've snatched them up. If there's a WZ meet up at some point that weekend I may still try to attend that at least.

Looks like Iceman is finally going to do some awesome shit. Then you get a Bishop sighting, Blink sighting, I believe a Warpath sighting, and of course Quicksilver is part of it. That's the trailer I've been waiting for: the one that shows actual film footage rather than sets up the anticipation.

I'm still reserving judgement, but my hopes are high.
I already knew I was going to see it regardless, but this is the first trailer I saw where I was like "Holy shit, I can't wait to see this!!". I'm still wondering how they do that story in one movie while staying true to the book & not cutting too much shit out, or altering shit that much, especially if the movie is only 2 hrs. long, or less.
I already knew I was going to see it regardless, but this is the first trailer I saw where I was like "Holy shit, I can't wait to see this!!". I'm still wondering how they do that story in one movie while staying true to the book & not cutting too much shit out, or altering shit that much, especially if the movie is only 2 hrs. long, or less.

I'm really not counting on them staying true to the books. At all. Did Singer say that they were going to try and stick to the original story or something?
I think fans need to realize these movies are inspired, but not a true adaption, of the source material.
I think fans need to realize these movies are inspired, but not a true adaption, of the source material.

Yeah, like the newest Captain America movie, which was still awesome.

I never thought they were going to try to do a page for page adaptation from the comics, or anything even close to that. Considering how bulky Days of Future Past is, expecting them to do that would be unfair.

No, I'm just happy that they've decided to portray a story that tried and true X-Fans will recognize, but I think we all have to accept that it's going to be a story based on Days of Future Past, not Days of Future Past itself.

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