Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

He's got like 13 stand-up specials on Netflix
I had a great day today. Did some work (that I'm getting paid for, thank goodness), bought some comics (read the new Amazing X-Men and it was very good), went to a Celtics game (they won, and I was actually rooting for them), and then I went to get my favorite pizza in Boston.

I'm always eager to find new comedians; I'll definitely have to check out Aziz.

Speaking of comedians, what do you guys think of George Carlin? I think he's brilliant, especially on the topic of linguistics. Sure, he was really cynical and preachy in his later years, but everything he said had merit and was entertaining. This is the guy, by the way, that Louis CK said had the most influence on him as a comedian.

If you don't know him, go check him out.

I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't know whom Carlin is. He's one of the all time greats, and unarguably a legend of standup comedy. He's my all time favorite comedian, and he only got better with age.

Before I go, let me add something else: Black Swan was amazing.

I'll have to jump on that ride again sometime.


Aronofsky wins at film.
Day 7 of work this week begins.

At least its 95% just driving to different towns and the other 5% ensuring a virus scan has completed.
This shit is about to get dark and depressing, but if I can't talk about the ups and downs of my life here, where can I? I'm too old and have too much of a penis to have a diary.

So my mom informed me that my grandpa is being taken off of life support today. It's kind of weird knowing that someone you've known all your life is going to die today. However, he is still going to be aware of what's going on for the next few hours, so I decided I'd call him and say goodbye. He won't be able to talk back, but he will be able to listen and understand.

Not wanting to just wing this goodbye speech, I decided to write it down and read it off, but then it sounds less heartfelt, but I'm not sure it really matters. It's just a very strange situation, but one I'm interested in exploring.

At the end, my grandpa was kind of a mean person and I didn't really know him all that well, but at the end of the day he was a big part of my life and I wouldn't exist without him, so I figured I'd do him the favor of telling him that I love him one last time. It's probably a nice thing to hear before you stop existing.

Edit: I just did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I did accidentally say, "We'll all be together in Salem soon," which is where he's going to be buried, but hey, he knows the deal.
My condolences. Being there for a loved one in circumstances like these takes a lot of strength. Even though Sam stole my line, I also hope you're doing alright.
I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't know whom Carlin is. He's one of the all time greats, and unarguably a legend of standup comedy. He's my all time favorite comedian, and he only got better with age.


More seriously, sorry about the situation with your grandpa. That's some shit. Drop me a line if you want to talk about it.
This shit is about to get dark and depressing, but if I can't talk about the ups and downs of my life here, where can I? I'm too old and have too much of a penis to have a diary.

So my mom informed me that my grandpa is being taken off of life support today. It's kind of weird knowing that someone you've known all your life is going to die today. However, he is still going to be aware of what's going on for the next few hours, so I decided I'd call him and say goodbye. He won't be able to talk back, but he will be able to listen and understand.

Not wanting to just wing this goodbye speech, I decided to write it down and read it off, but then it sounds less heartfelt, but I'm not sure it really matters. It's just a very strange situation, but one I'm interested in exploring.

At the end, my grandpa was kind of a mean person and I didn't really know him all that well, but at the end of the day he was a big part of my life and I wouldn't exist without him, so I figured I'd do him the favor of telling him that I love him one last time. It's probably a nice thing to hear before you stop existing.

Edit: I just did it. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I did accidentally say, "We'll all be together in Salem soon," which is where he's going to be buried, but hey, he knows the deal.

Been to this place a few times. I have a timeshare there.

All things fade with time, brothaman. Til then, stay busy. The difficulty comes in the quiet moments.
How are you and the family, homie?

I'm pretty good. It's kinda weird knowing that each day I can be receiving the phone call that my grandpa died, but I've been keeping busy so it's not exactly weighing on my mind all day long.

The old man is strong though, and holding on. On Sunday (I think it was Sunday), they said he'd have another day at most, and now it's Wednesday and he's still hanging on. My mom went down to Florida to see him because apparently he's still fairly aware of what's going on. I haven't talked to her in a few days and I'll probably call her a little later tonight, but at least she's with her brother and sisters.

Been to this place a few times. I have a timeshare there.

All things fade with time, brothaman. Til then, stay busy. The difficulty comes in the quiet moments.

Appreciate it man. I have been keeping busy, and truthfully I'm not all that close with this grandpa so it's not too emotional for me. I'm more concerned for my mom and aunts and uncles because, obviously this is very difficult for them.
When my great grandpa went I felt the same, so I get it. Waiting for the other shoe to drop and all. They took him off and he stuck around for almost a week. We joked it was because the nurse was hot.

He was important enough of an influence, but kind of a prick when i recall most memories. Just be there for the rest of them and count the days you have with remaining family you are close with as whats important.
When my great grandpa went I felt the same, so I get it. Waiting for the other shoe to drop and all. They took him off and he stuck around for almost a week. We joked it was because the nurse was hot.

He was important enough of an influence, but kind of a prick when i recall most memories. Just be there for the rest of them and count the days you have with remaining family you are close with as whats important.

I got a phone call from my mom at about 9 this morning to tell me he passed away over night, but she didn't sound too upset. I guess she either was trying to not show emotion because she's at work, or she made her peace with it.

I've been trying to be as nice to my mom as possible this past week since, while she's not the biggest fan of her father, she's still clearly affected by it and has struggled with it at times. I think she's okay though, and she's very happy to have an awesome son like me.
Glad to know you guys are dealing with the situation well. Sometimes those things can be a mess no matter how well you try and keep it together for others.

On a happier note I am sure you will enjoy....

OITNB will be returning soon, now with 100% more Hot Donna. I cant wait to see where they go with this show. Its a hit and wish more people would watch. Maybe we should start our own viral marketing campaign for them in return for a stand in role for season 3. Seems like something that would work out pretty good for everyone.
On ANOTHER happy note, it appears the top canidate to play Sarah Connor in the new Terminator movie is...

None other than the Mother Of Dragons, Emilia Clarke
Im gonna share a page with you on FB, you oughta give it a like. They have a weekly ten page newsletter that consolodates all this spiffy info on a weekly basis regarding these things, I think you would love it
On ANOTHER happy note, it appears the top canidate to play Sarah Connor in the new Terminator movie is...

None other than the Mother Of Dragons, Emilia Clarke

Doubt she will do as good of job as Cersei did. Though I would be very interested to see her range, never seen her play another character and would love to be proven wrong.
Im gonna share a page with you on FB, you oughta give it a like. They have a weekly ten page newsletter that consolodates all this spiffy info on a weekly basis regarding these things, I think you would love it

That sounds like everything I need it to be. Hook a brother up!

I realized that I missed your birthday last month, but I can't take full blame for that since I have no idea which day is your birthday and you make it as difficult as possible to find it... but belated happy birthday!

Doubt she will do as good of job as Cersei did. Though I would be very interested to see her range, never seen her play another character and would love to be proven wrong.

Wow, I didn't even think about that: two actors in the same show that have played the exact same character.

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