So I'm going to post this here since it's probably safe from D-Man or IC25 seeing it and thus ruining the surprise.
I'm back in New Jersey for the weekend because I needed to come get some stuff here anyway, but also because IC25 is having his annual fall party where people make copious amounts of delicious food and much fun is had by all. One of the stipulations of this party, though, is that everyone has to bring a food item. Now I'm not much of a cook myself, but when I do make something, I like to go the extra mile. That's why, in addition to pumpkin dip, I will also be carving one of those puking Jack O' Lanterns (pic in spoiler tags) to have the dip come out of. On the back of the Pumpkin I'm going to write JGlass 1/1/13.
The significance of the puking pumpkin comes from a story that many of you probably know, but the short version is that I went to an open bar for New Years Eve with IC25 and his crew, and wound up having too much to drink. When we got back to his condo, I puked all over the place, and have been living it down ever since. Hopefully this will be the final nail in that very embarrassing coffin.