Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Rush looks like it would be much more fun on the big screen, while Don Jon looks like it would be just as enjoyable watching at home after it hits DVD.
And was watchable?

And was dull, by-the-numbers and forgotten by everyone by year's end. The races didn't have a narrative or clarity. Points and places were bounced on screen every now, but it was really unclear of who should be chasing who and why.

I really enjoyed Rush. Bruhl is great in it.

Bruhl got Lauda's rodent face down perfectly, I'll give the film that much.
After Man Of Steel, I trust only my opinion. Even Sam has been compromised.

I've seen one too many advert for Rush. So I'm as far from excited as can be.

Rush has probably been more than a little over exposed, but I'm still excited to see it. I'm actually planning on a Rush/Don Jon double feature this week, so I'll be sure to give my (more valuable than Sam's) opinion.

What were your thoughts on Man of Steel Again? Did you hate it or just become numb to it so it wasn't that awful for you?
Somewhere between hating it and feeling nothing. Hate's strong. I liked maybe three beats that Cavill was asked to play. Which totalled about twenty seconds.

Non-consecutive seconds, obviously.

The ceaseless action bored me. "Numb" is a good word. It wasn't what I was looking for.
I was almost falling asleep in Man of Steel. The loud noises woke me up.

I didn't hate it but man there were some bad parts to it. Cavill was fine but he didn't have anything to work with.
Superman is a perfectly entertaining movie, kind of like a more sci-fi version of The Expendibles with a much, much younger (and more talented) cast. It was pretty much just action sequences broken up with periods of time where Superman does Supermany stuff (likewise for Zod and Zody stuff).

It had an okay story too, but ultimately that didn't play a big part in the movie.
It was a Superman movie directed by Zack Snyder, it felt & looked like most of his other movies, just with Superman in it. The further I get away from the movie the easier it is to see all the flaws in it, & the easier it is to understand why so many people hated it.

The cast was fine, I think most of the problems stem from Snyder's obsession of focusing more on the visual aesthetic of the film than the actual fucking story, & the fact that he seemed hell bent of giving us the most depressing Superman of all fucking time.
Billy Crudup was a fairly decent Dr Manhattan I thought. Matthew Goode did quite well at capturing the subtle nuances of Veidts German heritage and possible homosexuality too.

Unrelated to Watchmen, anyone else ever seen Nathan Barley? One off comedy written by Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker, in case that piques any interest.
I got the Kingdom Of Heaven extended cut free with my Blu ray player. It was... an experience. A lengthy, lengthy experience.
Now THAT'S a series finale. Helps drive home the point that Walt is A) a terrible person and B) a fucking genius.

No, they were right, you were wrong (like usual).

That's just not true. I have awesome taste in film, you guys are just jerks.

Except Blue Chipper. And Mitch. jmt is usually cool too. And I can even dig tdigs' taste in films too. Oh, and of course there's this guy...

I got the Kingdom Of Heaven extended cut free with my Blu ray player. It was... an experience. A lengthy, lengthy experience.

Yes, yes it was. I kept on thinking, "Maybe if I wait a little longer it'll get to the good part," and before I knew it I was too far in to quit.
That's about the finale I'd want from Breaking Bad. Colour me satisfied.

Strong wording, right?

I too am satisfied, and it fills me with joy that Breaking Bad managed to go five full seasons without making any egregious, fan base alienating mistakes. It also makes me happy that the Dexter is better than BB crowd had to sit through what was apparently a crap series finale, and we got an episode that, while not one of the series' best, was still thrilling television.

There are very few TV dramas that I have watched from beginning to end, and truth be told, this might be the first, but what really impressed me with Breaking Bad's finale is that they managed to both wrap up all the loose ends while also making it feel like another thrilling moment in the story of Walter White and friends. If I may get metaphorical, it seems like most TV shows step on the brakes and slowly pull in to their final destination. Breaking Bad floored it and pulled the e-brake, sliding perfectly in between two parked cars in breathtaking fashion.

I do have two concerns regarding the finale, though.

1) Jesse's escape was relieving for sure, and it was nice to see him smiling and laughing as he drove off. That said, surely his problems are not over. He's still connected to Heisenberg and was very recently brought in with the police. I'm not sure anybody besides Marie and perhaps Skyler knows Jesse was working with Hank and Gomez, but if anyone does know, then that must make him a person of interest for the DEA. This is a guy who has absolutely nowhere to go, and no money to start over with. I'm happy Jesse got his freedom, but what's next for the poor guy?

2) Are people going to finally come around to the fact that Walter White is a terrible, terrible person? The White knights (word play!) would have you believe that Walt did everything for his family and thus made him the hero and Skyler was a bitch for getting upset with him and getting in his way, but he finally admitted what I think many of us knew all along: he did it for himself. He could have quit earlier, he could have found another way, but he was good at it, and he liked doing it. It's a very simple emotion that drove Walt to become the biggest Meth Kingpin in the Southwest, but it still caused him to do some extraordinarily evil things and wound up destroying his family.

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