Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

My friends mother has lung cancer and is worried that her ongoing chest infection may cause a bigger problem so she went in to see her primary care physician. The doctor actually said this to them:

Cancer is the leading cause of death among cancer patients.

Brought to you by Captain Obvious and his medical staff at We Are Smart University...
Yaz, JGlass, & anyone else in this thread that is in the WZHL, do you have a problem if we move the WZHL draft from tomorrow to next Sunday (the 29th)?
So my night of valeting was a disaster. I got to the restaurant I was supposed to valet, parked my car, and got all set up, but then I got a phone call telling me to go to a different restaurant so I can work with my roommate that helped get me the job. I walked there, and hung out at that restaurant for a solid 20 minutes before getting a call telling me to go back to the restaurant I started at. I took a cab to get back because I was told I'd be reimbursed, and it's a good thing I did, because as soon as I got back to the restaurant, I got another call telling me I'm going to yet ANOTHER restaurant. Luckily, the third time was the charm and I wound up being the valet at a very posh restaurant called Tico.

Unfortunately, I was the ONLY valet at Tico, and I had received no training. I was holding my own pretty well until a manual transmission car pulled up. I have never driven a stick in my life, but I was now met with the challenge of parking it in the garage. Trial by fire worked, and I was able to just barely get the car into the garage after stalling out a few dozen times because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.

But then shit hit the fan around 8 when there was a line of cars around the block and I had no idea how to park that many cars and get cars out of the garage. Nobody explained shit to me, and I was about ready to say fuck it and just leave. Yeah, I'd be leaving a shit show behind, but it's not my fault that the company put someone completely unqualified to handle this situation in that position. Fortunately, backup arrived and the other guy (who was the owner of the company) cleaned up my mess pretty nicely.

But of course, I wouldn't get off that easy. I wound up staying about 2 hours later than I should have because some dick never came to pick up his car, so me and my roommate had to drive to a different garage to have the car valeted there. Apparently the place we left it was party central in Boston, because it was easily the most insane driving I've ever done. The streets were packed with people and there was absolute disregard for traffic laws. People were running red lights, making illegal turns, and I even saw a guy drive the wrong way down a really crowded one way street.

Today was awful. I'm very excited for a relaxing day of watching football tomorrow.

Yaz, JGlass, & anyone else in this thread that is in the WZHL, do you have a problem if we move the WZHL draft from tomorrow to next Sunday (the 29th)?

I'm cool with it. Gives me time to research. I've done nothing to prepare for this league.
So my night of valeting was a disaster. I got to the restaurant I was supposed to valet, parked my car, and got all set up, but then I got a phone call telling me to go to a different restaurant so I can work with my roommate that helped get me the job. I walked there, and hung out at that restaurant for a solid 20 minutes before getting a call telling me to go back to the restaurant I started at. I took a cab to get back because I was told I'd be reimbursed, and it's a good thing I did, because as soon as I got back to the restaurant, I got another call telling me I'm going to yet ANOTHER restaurant. Luckily, the third time was the charm and I wound up being the valet at a very posh restaurant called Tico.

Unfortunately, I was the ONLY valet at Tico, and I had received no training. I was holding my own pretty well until a manual transmission car pulled up. I have never driven a stick in my life, but I was now met with the challenge of parking it in the garage. Trial by fire worked, and I was able to just barely get the car into the garage after stalling out a few dozen times because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.

But then shit hit the fan around 8 when there was a line of cars around the block and I had no idea how to park that many cars and get cars out of the garage. Nobody explained shit to me, and I was about ready to say fuck it and just leave. Yeah, I'd be leaving a shit show behind, but it's not my fault that the company put someone completely unqualified to handle this situation in that position. Fortunately, backup arrived and the other guy (who was the owner of the company) cleaned up my mess pretty nicely.

But of course, I wouldn't get off that easy. I wound up staying about 2 hours later than I should have because some dick never came to pick up his car, so me and my roommate had to drive to a different garage to have the car valeted there. Apparently the place we left it was party central in Boston, because it was easily the most insane driving I've ever done. The streets were packed with people and there was absolute disregard for traffic laws. People were running red lights, making illegal turns, and I even saw a guy drive the wrong way down a really crowded one way street.

Today was awful. I'm very excited for a relaxing day of watching football tomorrow.

Wildly unprofessional. All of it. No fault of yours.
Valets are one of those things that make me shake my head. If you're able to walk, park your own freaking car and walk to the place you're going. The fact that there are people who are willing to pay for someone to park their car astounds me.
Valets are one of those things that make me shake my head. If you're able to walk, park your own freaking car and walk to the place you're going. The fact that there are people who are willing to pay for someone to park their car astounds me.

I agree.

The only time I find valet parking even remotely reasonable is when it is at a hotel in a scorchingly hot place that has an air-conditioned, underground parking lot. Only then might I consider a few bucks to prevent from having to get into a sauna-like car.

Granted, there is also part of me that can understand why an establishment would like to have a professional parking service as the ordinary pleb's inability to park in a timely, orderly fashion and not take up two or even three spaces (if they even park in a space at all) never ceases to amaze.
Wildly unprofessional. All of it. No fault of yours.

Indeed. I was thinking of all the things I would say to the boss man at the end of the night about why I'm never coming back, but the boss and the guy directly underneath him were both really nice and extremely apologetic to me. Plus, I made a crazy amount of money last night. I'll probably take a nice long break before I do this again, give them a chance to get their shit together, but I'll give it another shot in a week or so.

Valets are one of those things that make me shake my head. If you're able to walk, park your own freaking car and walk to the place you're going. The fact that there are people who are willing to pay for someone to park their car astounds me.

I was especially baffled by this because the entrance to the garage was about 200 feet from the valet area, and there was a door in the restaurant that led to an elevator to the garage. That said, I think when it's all said and done it was actually cheaper to have the car valet parked than parked in a garage, especially if you were planning on making it a long night. This restaurant was in a pretty ritzy part of town, so I'd imagine the parking garages in the area would have pretty expensive rates. The price to valet park at this restaurant was $12 plus a tip, and that's probably a lot cheaper than parking it yourself in a garage.

That said, the restaurant was half a block away from a subway stop, so you could have very easily parked your car for free in a different part of town, hopped on the train, and spent a grand total of $4/person round trip. Then again, this restaurant's clientele don't seem to be the type all that concerned with petty cash.

I don't understand, why were you working for three different restaurants in one night. Is it a franchise or something?

Kind of. I'm not a valet for any one restaurant, I'm a valet for a valet company that has different accounts all across the city. They assign valets to restaurants based on where they think the most valets are going to be needed, which is why they had me bouncing around early on in the night: they kept on moving me to where they thought I was most needed.
Orange is the New Black spoilers coming up...

Yeah, after a short hiatus from the first season, I finally went on a binge and finished the season last night.

The last two episodes are brilliant. The shift from being sympathetic towards Piper for most of the season to realising that she's got a very ugly side to her really caught me off guard. I never thought I'd feel sympathetic towards Alex or Larry, but the way Piper was treating them both, whether she realised it or not, actually made me feel bad for them.
So my night of valeting was a disaster. I got to the restaurant I was supposed to valet, parked my car, and got all set up, but then I got a phone call telling me to go to a different restaurant so I can work with my roommate that helped get me the job. I walked there, and hung out at that restaurant for a solid 20 minutes before getting a call telling me to go back to the restaurant I started at. I took a cab to get back because I was told I'd be reimbursed, and it's a good thing I did, because as soon as I got back to the restaurant, I got another call telling me I'm going to yet ANOTHER restaurant. Luckily, the third time was the charm and I wound up being the valet at a very posh restaurant called Tico.

Unfortunately, I was the ONLY valet at Tico, and I had received no training. I was holding my own pretty well until a manual transmission car pulled up. I have never driven a stick in my life, but I was now met with the challenge of parking it in the garage. Trial by fire worked, and I was able to just barely get the car into the garage after stalling out a few dozen times because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.

But then shit hit the fan around 8 when there was a line of cars around the block and I had no idea how to park that many cars and get cars out of the garage. Nobody explained shit to me, and I was about ready to say fuck it and just leave. Yeah, I'd be leaving a shit show behind, but it's not my fault that the company put someone completely unqualified to handle this situation in that position. Fortunately, backup arrived and the other guy (who was the owner of the company) cleaned up my mess pretty nicely.

But of course, I wouldn't get off that easy. I wound up staying about 2 hours later than I should have because some dick never came to pick up his car, so me and my roommate had to drive to a different garage to have the car valeted there. Apparently the place we left it was party central in Boston, because it was easily the most insane driving I've ever done. The streets were packed with people and there was absolute disregard for traffic laws. People were running red lights, making illegal turns, and I even saw a guy drive the wrong way down a really crowded one way street.

Today was awful. I'm very excited for a relaxing day of watching football tomorrow.

This sounds like an episode of some random sitcom on CBS

Also the fact that manual transmission still fucking exists is fucking stupid, especially if you're doing the majority of your driving around a city, much less a major city like Boston.
Oh of all the Marvel movies I'd love to see, X-Force tops that list. I hope since the Kick-Ass 2 director is writing it, he'll try to fill it with as much wonton destruction as possible. Let's finally see Wolverine just dismember the shit out of some fuckers.

I realize it's highly unlikely but I wouldn't mind if Wolverine wasn't in the X-Force movie, especially if it's Cables team. I think we can give Logan a break for this one.
It says it could be either/ older Wolverine leading a group of kiddos, or Cable.

Unfortunately (only sort of, since Wolverine is my favorite) I would give the first option more of a chance to happen....If they are going in an all new direction, you want a proven draw as the centerpiece.

Either way, fucking pumped. A possible proper rendition of Deadpool.
I realize it's highly unlikely but I wouldn't mind if Wolverine wasn't in the X-Force movie, especially if it's Cables team. I think we can give Logan a break for this one.

I wouldn't mind if Wolverine wasn't in this movie, but I'd really like to see him off the absolute chain for once. They've let him do a little more gory stuff in the Wolverine movies, but I'd like to see him do some Kick-Ass 2 levels of destruction.
Give me Psylocke and Cable all day long.

Deadpool would be great and all, but Cable? Oh hell yeah. Plus at this point we all are going to have to accept Logan just never will claw his way through baddies like we had hoped. Sure he was a bad-ass, but not up to the level of bezerker we would have liked.

This may actually lead to a fucking Apocalypse showdown quite soon if we are going to have Cable around. The great CGI artists today have everythig they need to make him truly epic and the possible on-screen showdown is giving me tingles.
Damn, it feels like it's been forever since we last spoke. Life's been busy as hell for me. How goes it?
Damn, it feels like it's been forever since we last spoke. Life's been busy as hell for me. How goes it?

I've been thinking about that too man, especially considering we had some big plans for October! Looks like we'll have to push them back.

Life has been on the busy side for me too, my friend. GTA V engulfed me for the past week, and aside from that I'm just trying to make money and settle down in the new place.

How are you pal? Any exciting developments in the life of a Doctor?

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