Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

So the smoke shop is going all out this weekend. Free shit, people are gonna blow glass live and you can buy the pieces, rolling contest for cash, all sorts of other activities.

Best part? Giving away a black pork pie hat signed by Bryan Cranston and an Avengers poster signed by Samuel L Jackson & Tom Hiddleston.

Both would be nice, but hey- I am not greedy. I would be happy with just one.
I got yelled at by a Boston bus driver today. I was waiting for a car to pull out of a parking space in the right lane, but it turns out she wasn't in any hurry, so I just pulled ahead. However, as I started to move the bus pulled ahead of me and got into my lane, so I honked to let him know I was moving. That's when he stopped the bus, opened the door, and got out of his bus to say, "Hey, what are you doing?" I said, "Moving forward." He said, "Right... jackass," then got back into his bus and drove off.

I wasn't really upset or even bothered by it. I was more excited that this very Boston moment happened to me after 5+ years of living here. And it didn't even happen in Boston proper, it happened in Cambridge near Harvard.

Барбоса;4587317 said:
It's one of the foundation stones of my ivory tower.

Remember back in the day when the height of our interaction was ivory tower jokes? Now you give me text hugs when I come into WZCW podcasts. It's all very special.

So the smoke shop is going all out this weekend. Free shit, people are gonna blow glass live and you can buy the pieces, rolling contest for cash, all sorts of other activities.

Best part? Giving away a black pork pie hat signed by Bryan Cranston and an Avengers poster signed by Samuel L Jackson & Tom Hiddleston.

Both would be nice, but hey- I am not greedy. I would be happy with just one.

I brought my bowl to Boston with me, but I haven't gotten to use it once. That's okay, though, as I assume I'll have many more opportunities to use it when I move into my new place.
I got yelled at by a Boston bus driver today. I was waiting for a car to pull out of a parking space in the right lane, but it turns out she wasn't in any hurry, so I just pulled ahead. However, as I started to move the bus pulled ahead of me and got into my lane, so I honked to let him know I was moving. That's when he stopped the bus, opened the door, and got out of his bus to say, "Hey, what are you doing?" I said, "Moving forward." He said, "Right... jackass," then got back into his bus and drove off.

Be happy he didn't uppercut you.
I brought my bowl to Boston with me, but I haven't gotten to use it once. That's okay, though, as I assume I'll have many more opportunities to use it when I move into my new place.

Roommates dont smoke? Or other reasons?

...and you should have shaken your fist at the bus driver. He would have remembered that next time he tried to be a jackass. A stern shaking of the fist tells others you mean business but are not irritated enough to actually care.
Roommates dont smoke? Or other reasons?

...and you should have shaken your fist at the bus driver. He would have remembered that next time he tried to be a jackass. A stern shaking of the fist tells others you mean business but are not irritated enough to actually care.

I think I'm going to start calling you grandpa Nightmare from now on.
Roommates dont smoke? Or other reasons?

I don't have any connect up here, and my buddy that does have a connect just never gets around to calling him (don't ask me why). I'm actually going home for two weeks (for complicated reasons), so I'll probably just buy when I'm down there and have a nice stash for when I come back.

...and you should have shaken your fist at the bus driver. He would have remembered that next time he tried to be a jackass. A stern shaking of the fist tells others you mean business but are not irritated enough to actually care.

That's true, and very nice, "Daaaamn youuuuu!" would have been appropriate as well.
I imagine as a Jest fan you were thrilled to hear more bad news for Pats

Apparently he's not that hurt. If he was, that would certainly make the AFC East interesting. Right now it would pretty much take a catastrophic breakdown for the Pats to not win it.
Apparently he's not that hurt. If he was, that would certainly make the AFC East interesting. Right now it would pretty much take a catastrophic breakdown for the Pats to not win it.

If fantasy football has taught me anything these past few years it's that you can never trust the Pats with injury news.
I'm going back down to Cape Cod tomorrow for one last hoorah before I head back to New Jersey for a few weeks (I'll get to the full story eventually, but today is not that day). I'm going with my buddy/roommate, and I asked him what he wants to do while we're there. I was looking forward to taking the kayak back out and maybe grabbing the boogie boards and taking them to the ocean. He has no interest in that. All he wants to lie down on the beach, and I mean that literally. He said he wants to do nothing but lay on the beach. Not sit, not read, just lay... and possibly nap.

So I guess it won't be as much of a "hoorah" as it will be me doing beachy type things and my friend napping on the beach.

Its not my fault that I enjoy eating at 4pm, the feel of a good nap in my favorite recliner and black and white films...


I eat at 4 PM from time to time, but I mostly just eat whenever I'm hungry. I also love naps. I don't think that makes one old, it just makes them awesome.
If it makes you feel any better neither am I:shrug:

I'm actually really not that bummed, though it's a little bit of a pain in the ass to find out the morning we were planning on leaving. The weather wasn't going to be great there the next couple days, and this means I don't have to drive two hours each of the next two days before driving four hours on Saturday.
So now instead of going to the Cape, I'm going to New Jersey.

So here's the story about why I'm going to New Jersey for two weeks instead of living in Boston. I came up here during the last week of July to squat at my friend's place until September 1st when we'd move into our new place. However, a couple of my friends' roommates aren't as cool with me squatting here as my buddy, and after a vote, they elected to kick me out. So now I have nowhere to go except back to NJ for a couple weeks until I come back to Boston and move into our new place in Somerville (which is right across the river from Boston and for all intents and purposes is part of what we call Boston). Originally the plan was for me to go down on Saturday morning, but it turns out that, while the roommates are cool with me spending all day here, they are not okay with me sleeping here. Like, not even tonight. Of course, I'm going to sleep here tonight, but the plan is to go to the movies tonight (Kick-Ass 2 WOOHOO!) and then sneak back into the house after the roommates are asleep, try to avoid them in the morning, and then leave at around 10 or so.

tl;dr My friend's roommates are being dicks and making me leave for two weeks.

My supervisor is on vacation in Australia for the next week & a half, this is gonna be interesting...

Time for a power grab. You're in charge now!

Too perfect.

Also, I looked at a YouTube clip of Danger 5, introduced to me by your sig... I can't wait to watch the shit out of that show.

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