Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Anybody want in on the WrestleZone Small Fantasy Football League? So far we're five deep with Justin, Thriller, Yaz, Theo, and yours truly. I think the league cap is 10, but if I could get up to 8 I'd could be convinced that capping it there is the right way to go.
I'm interested if you are still looking for interested parties.
I just about to pop District 9 in now, figured I'd give it a rewatch before going & see Elsyium tomorrow morning (assuming I'm feeling better).
Sanchez MV...Pee is in the league.

Debating whether to have Butt Fumble or Headband of Bitchidoucheness as the team avatar.
Headband of Bitchidoucheness. Butt Fumble is shown daily on ESPN.
and yet I still laugh at it every time.

As a Jet fan I feel the need to own the play so that it can eventually retire. Oh, and it's fucking funny as shit too.

Did you watch the game?
Sanchez had a Sanchezian performance. Shitty as hell first drive (screen needed to be thrown in the dirt, not lofted to nothingness), decent next one or 2, and great final drive. Geno was okay, but as a rookie in his first game in a new system I wasn't expecting much. Hope the ankle injury is just precautionary stuff and nothing serious.
As a non Jets fan, I can say I've grown a little tired of the Butt Fumble. Give it a month and it will be funny again, but it has been shown nearly each day on ESPN this week.
Funny Mark Sanchez story, Pancake and I are playing NCAA Football 14 Ultimate Team and Sanchez is his QB for the game. He throws a 4th quarter touchdown to win the game and the announcers are talking about how clutch it was. I joke that you will never hear those words about Sanchez again and Pancake follows it up by saying "Clutch Mark Sanchez, this must be Stormy's wet dream"
As a non Jets fan, I can say I've grown a little tired of the Butt Fumble. Give it a month and it will be funny again, but it has been shown nearly each day on ESPN this week.
I know, and I feel especially bad for Brandon Moore, a very good Right Guard (2011 Pro Bowler) and from all accounts a good guy who is now known for one play in which his QB ran into him.

It has gotten stale, but I still laugh at it. I mean he rammed his face into his teammates ass.

And now he wears this crappy ass looking Headband that makes him look like a woman. It's just too funny.


It's even worse now as his hair is longer and he just has a goatee instead of the I haven't shaved in a while look.
Funny Mark Sanchez story, Pancake and I are playing NCAA Football 14 Ultimate Team and Sanchez is his QB for the game. He throws a 4th quarter touchdown to win the game and the announcers are talking about how clutch it was. I joke that you will never hear those words about Sanchez again and Pancake follows it up by saying "Clutch Mark Sanchez, this must be Stormy's wet dream"

He's made plenty of clutch plays. It's more quarters 1-3 that were/are the problem. And he's probably a good NCAA QB since he was really good at USC.
and yet I still laugh at it every time.

As a Jet fan I feel the need to own the play so that it can eventually retire. Oh, and it's fucking funny as shit too.

Did you watch the game?
Sanchez had a Sanchezian performance. Shitty as hell first drive (screen needed to be thrown in the dirt, not lofted to nothingness), decent next one or 2, and great final drive. Geno was okay, but as a rookie in his first game in a new system I wasn't expecting much. Hope the ankle injury is just precautionary stuff and nothing serious.

I did not watch the game since I don't have any TV at the place I'm living at. It kind of sucks, but I rarely watch pre-season football anyway. Glad to hear Geno looked okay.
So I went ahead and ordered Barbosa's new book from a bookstore in Ireland that is on Amazon. I realized when ordering it that it would take a couple weeks to receive it, international shipping and all.

However they emailed me today and said they sold the book in house and didn't get a chance to update their Amazon store before I ordered. It would be at least an additional 10 days before they would even get any more in stock, so I cancelled the order. Looks like I'll just wait to get his book.

Yeah, was worried about that kind of thing happening. A lot of stores will only get 1 or 2 copies early on - it is the reason that if you were to look on for Used copies, they are being treated as rare books and are valued in the hundreds eventhough you buy it new for the retail price or less.

He gave most of the copies he had away, remember?

Yeah, family gifts and payments for services rendered in the production of it.
Anybody want in on the WrestleZone Small Fantasy Football League? So far we're five deep with Justin, Thriller, Yaz, Theo, and yours truly. I think the league cap is 10, but if I could get up to 8 I'd could be convinced that capping it there is the right way to go.

I'm in if there is still room.
I decided today was a good day to finally sit down & watch 12 Monkeys. I've only ever seen tiny bits & pieces over the years, & have always heard pretty good things, hopefully it's as good as the hype.
What did you think?

I thought it was a very strange film, though that's kinda to be expected from a Terry Gilliam film. I'm not really sure yet how I feel about the ending yet, but otherwise I thought it was pretty good, I loved Brad Pitt's performance, he plays crazy very well.
I thought it was a very strange film, though that's kinda to be expected from a Terry Gilliam film. I'm not really sure yet how I feel about the ending yet, but otherwise I thought it was pretty good, I loved Brad Pitt's performance, he plays crazy very well.

I'm a big fan of Gilliam's movies, and 12 Monkeys ranks up there with Time Bandits, Brazil, and Fear and Loathing... in terms of really showing off his aesthetic. Agreed on Pitt's performance. This and Se7en were the movies that really made me a fan of his.

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