Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

It tickles me pink that the main character in that series was the dad from Malcolm in the Middle. Talk about being multi-talented as an actor.

Yeah, Bryan Cranston is fantastic, and he's started getting some pretty solid movie roles as a result.

I never realized how much Gus Fring looked like Obama

All this time the birthers claimed he was a Kenyan socialist when he is really a Mexican meth lord.
Yeah, Bryan Cranston is fantastic, and he's started getting some pretty solid movie roles as a result.

All this time the birthers claimed he was a Kenyan socialist when he is really a Mexican meth lord.

Gus is from South America. Chile, I want to say.
Listing the greatest television episodes ever would be such a challenge. Not only because of the large volume of content to consider. But also because stuff like The Wire, which is among the best TV has to offer but isn't something you think about on an episode-by-episode basis would take some serious head-scratching.

I like the idea. And the variety you'd see in such lists would probably be a real trip. For example, mine would be VERY drama centric as that's just how my taste skews. But Seinfeld, Lucy, All in the Family, etc. would have a place on any unbiased, comprehensive list. Which makes for fun chit-chat.

You're onto something, Glass Man.
Im attempting to email the Marble Brewery in hopes that I can purchase a case of Walt's White Lie and Heisenberg's Dark directly-since they do not distribute around here.

This is America and I want to spend my money on alcohol- why are they making this difficult?
Listing the greatest television episodes ever would be such a challenge. Not only because of the large volume of content to consider. But also because stuff like The Wire, which is among the best TV has to offer but isn't something you think about on an episode-by-episode basis would take some serious head-scratching.

I like the idea. And the variety you'd see in such lists would probably be a real trip. For example, mine would be VERY drama centric as that's just how my taste skews. But Seinfeld, Lucy, All in the Family, etc. would have a place on any unbiased, comprehensive list. Which makes for fun chit-chat.

You're onto something, Glass Man.

It would be a hard list for any one person to put together considering the vast amount of truly great television over the decades. I feel like I could definitely help with shows like 30 Rock, The Office, Friends, Seinfeld (all of which would have to be represented on an American television list), but I have almost no knowledge of such shows like M*A*S*H or Cheers, which would obviously have to be represented. I'd also have to imagine that shows like The Honeymooners and The Three Stooges would be on there.

And then there are the TV dramas that would have to be represented. Trying to pick out the best episode of The Wire or The Sopranos would be a daunting task indeed, and those are just two of the more recent dramas.

I'd love to see a list made by a group of media professors and television journalists or something. But as you said, it would be too difficult to represent some truly great shows, and the amount of great television is just massive, so this list will likely never be made.
Listing the greatest television episodes ever would be such a challenge. Not only because of the large volume of content to consider. But also because stuff like The Wire, which is among the best TV has to offer but isn't something you think about on an episode-by-episode basis would take some serious head-scratching.

I like the idea. And the variety you'd see in such lists would probably be a real trip. For example, mine would be VERY drama centric as that's just how my taste skews. But Seinfeld, Lucy, All in the Family, etc. would have a place on any unbiased, comprehensive list. Which makes for fun chit-chat.

You're onto something, Glass Man.

I think the second last episode of each season can be considered the best episode of that season. They tend to use the final episodes to deal with fall out, from what I've noticed.
September 7th I'm going to a local indie show that will feature former WWE/TNA/WCW/ECW "greats" such as Buff Bagwell, Rob Conway, Ryhno, The Pope D'Angelo Dinero, and Chase Stevens.

Man I love the way they advertise indie shows.
Would you rather have them referred as "cast offs" or something of the like? Not like a promotion is going to say they're not the greatest show ever. Just like everyone's match on all televised wrestling shows is "their biggest match ever!" :rolleyes:
I got my TESD shirt in the mail today! Pretty sure Sam is likely the only person that comes in this thread that will care even a little bit
September 7th I'm going to a local indie show that will feature former WWE/TNA/WCW/ECW "greats" such as Buff Bagwell, Rob Conway, Ryhno, The Pope D'Angelo Dinero, and Chase Stevens.

Man I love the way they advertise indie shows.

I always liked Elijah Burke.

I would draw the line at using the word 'greats' when referring to Chase Stevens and Rob Conway though. Plus I bet Buff is no longer the stuff since his lack of T.V. time in the past decade has been non-existent.

Now, if they have a 'Judy Bagwell on a pole' match- you could be in for a treat.

I got my TESD shirt in the mail today! Pretty sure Sam is likely the only person that comes in this thread that will care even a little bit

Silence your mouth. I thought my love of everything remotely dealing with the Askewniverse and its cast of misfits was known throughout the land.

Which one did you get? It was this one wasnt it?

Justin, I need comic book info.

Gambit & Superior Spider-Man.... worth a read or should I pass? The new Spider-Man seems like it could have potential given the story. Have not heard much on Gambit. What is the verdict?
Justin, I need comic book info.

Gambit & Superior Spider-Man.... worth a read or should I pass? The new Spider-Man seems like it could have potential given the story. Have not heard much on Gambit. What is the verdict?

Don't know, never picked up either one of them.
Gambit & Superior Spider-Man.... worth a read or should I pass? The new Spider-Man seems like it could have potential given the story. Have not heard much on Gambit. What is the verdict?

I know nothing about Gambit, but as a devoted Spider-Phile, I have plenty to say:

The problem with the book is that Slott continues to write like a fanboy despite having actually redefined one of comics biggest characters. He's also writing at an incredibly slow pace. For example Doc Ock/Spidey has been talking like a poor man's Vincent Price since the book began and only now are characters starting to go well gee whizz Peter doesn't seem normal some 15 issues later. There are certain elements that are moving along quite nicely like the continued usage of Ock/Peter as a cunning scientist struggling between his villainous past and his promise/pride in being a hero in the popular sense. The supporting cast is horrendously inconsistent too with JJJ switching from power crazed loon to merely grouchy with little to no in between. All in all its an interesting mix, experimenting but plodding along very slowly. Mixed bag.
So I went ahead and ordered Barbosa's new book from a bookstore in Ireland that is on Amazon. I realized when ordering it that it would take a couple weeks to receive it, international shipping and all.

However they emailed me today and said they sold the book in house and didn't get a chance to update their Amazon store before I ordered. It would be at least an additional 10 days before they would even get any more in stock, so I cancelled the order. Looks like I'll just wait to get his book.
I know nothing about Gambit, but as a devoted Spider-Phile, I have plenty to say:

The problem with the book is that Slott continues to write like a fanboy despite having actually redefined one of comics biggest characters. He's also writing at an incredibly slow pace. For example Doc Ock/Spidey has been talking like a poor man's Vincent Price since the book began and only now are characters starting to go well gee whizz Peter doesn't seem normal some 15 issues later. There are certain elements that are moving along quite nicely like the continued usage of Ock/Peter as a cunning scientist struggling between his villainous past and his promise/pride in being a hero in the popular sense. The supporting cast is horrendously inconsistent too with JJJ switching from power crazed loon to merely grouchy with little to no in between. All in all its an interesting mix, experimenting but plodding along very slowly. Mixed bag.

Well, that is somewhat a shame. I will still pick up the first few issues and try it out because the dynamic of the story could go well. Slow is fine, just as long as it picks up.

So I went ahead and ordered Barbosa's new book from a bookstore in Ireland that is on Amazon. I realized when ordering it that it would take a couple weeks to receive it, international shipping and all.

However they emailed me today and said they sold the book in house and didn't get a chance to update their Amazon store before I ordered. It would be at least an additional 10 days before they would even get any more in stock, so I cancelled the order. Looks like I'll just wait to get his book.

Ty, would it not be easier to just buy a copy from Barbosa? Seems like the best route to me.
Anybody want in on the WrestleZone Small Fantasy Football League? So far we're five deep with Justin, Thriller, Yaz, Theo, and yours truly. I think the league cap is 10, but if I could get up to 8 I'd could be convinced that capping it there is the right way to go.

In other news, I just got back from Elysium. It was pretty good, but fell a little short of my admittedly lofty expectations. Matt Damon wasn't great as the lead, but he was surrounded by great performances from Sharlto Copley and Alice Braga, as well as solid performances from Diego Luna and Jodie Foster. The strength of this movie was that it really manages to immerse you in this universe where Earth is dying and this space community is so prosperous. The problem was that the story was a little jumpy and perhaps less linear than I'm used to, though I'm still trying to figure out why the plot didn't really do it for me.

Overall it's definitely a movie worth seeing in theater, but I think District 9 was the better go for Mr. Blomkamp.

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