Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

I've been told I look like Zack Braff. That video you posted in the Friend Zone thread is literally the first time I've sort of almost seen it.

I've been told I look like Zack Braff. That video you posted in the Friend Zone thread is literally the first time I've sort of almost seen it.


For your sake I hope you don't sound like him. I'm not as down on Mr. Braff as many people are, but his voice is quite obnoxious. It doesn't help that literally every sort of emotion he conveys with his voice is just as annoying.
I have a deeper, manlier voice than you'd expect from Braff. I reckon I'd have a mean voice for phone sex if I didn't find that sort of thing off-putting.
Барбоса;4560589 said:
Then why does he come across as such an insufferable "top of the class" prick who is ultimately largely useless in the final battles in the show and movies?

Are his better storylines too difficult and unwieldy to translate well to the big screen? Or is the difficulty of making the leader type in any way relatable or likeable and not tragically boring when there are so many unique characters, particularly those like Logan who do not respect his position of leadership, around him largely insurmountable?

This is an honest statement. The first movie and TV show came out before Morrison got a hold of Scott in 2001. Between Morrison and Whedon, Cyclops is easily the best character from Marvel this century.

She was only able to contain the Phoenix because she was trained. And it wasn't by Cyclops. She wasn't ready for it in the beginning.

There was no reason to believe this kid without any training what-so-ever would be able to protect the earth from one of the greatest forces of destruction in the Phoenix..

She was trained in a dystopian future, for 17 years, by Cable. If she wasn't ready after that, she was never going to be ready. Getting sent to the future to prepare was Scott's plan by the way. Literally the Avengers taught her fucking Kung Fu and the "great power, great responsibility" bullshit.

AvX is just pure crap. Captain America goes to Wolverine to discuss the Phoenix. Of all people in the Marvel Universe to go to, he picks the biggest dick that had the most slanted view on the creature. Why not go to the guy that was sleeping with its host? If there is a living person in the 616 Marvel Universe that understands the Phoenix better than anyone, it's Scott Summers.

So what we get is a bunch of insulting shit, including Tony Stagk whipping up some Dues Ex Phoenix killing crap. On top of all of this, the Avengers invaded Utopia on three separate occasions. Reed Richards summed it up best when he told Stark and Cap they were wrong for what they were doing.
I was waiting for you to pop in and help. I would have attempted to summon you, but we really don't really have an "Avengers Assemble!" type thing.

At this point I am kind of surprised there isnt. Fucking hell, at very least a WZ type bat-signal....

This needs to be discussed and created. Honestly, what if there is danger? What if you find yourself in a foreign land (like Hoboken, NJ ;)), surrounded by a gang of midgets with salad forks all hopped up on red bull & vicodin- and you need assistance? Sure you could take a few- but could you take them all?

If we had a fucking signal, you wouldnt have to..... Now that's fucking teamwork.


So I watched the Divas show (because any time Daniel Bryan is on tv we all should be watching) and realized a few things:

1) If you just get hired on at the biggest company in your respective field- dont decide to go against the grain and refuse to do what you are told. If one of the McMahon's told that bitch to do something & she didnt? ...."we wish you well in all your future endeavors"....

2) Any time some douche with huge eyebrows says that he will kick the shit out of a wrestler, this needs to take place immediately and must be shown on screen for all of us to enjoy. Man I hope this guy sticks around long enough to get in someone's face who is much larger or dangerous than Brodus.

Speaking of & switching gears a bit...

If you decide you have the courage to jump in the ring to assault a wrestler (ie, the Orton situation) then you should be willing to take a few shots yourself. Those people are slick and brave enough to get in the ring, but they know likely no harm will come to them because security will come save their ass. That guy would have had a much worse day if Langston and Orton got a hold of him first.

I await the day some random guy gets choked or knocked out on camera bc security was just a few seconds slower to react. Can you imagine if someone ran up on HBK and he got a taste of SCM for his trouble? Or what about a well placed Clothesline From Hell? Oh, what a sight that would be.
Any time some douche with huge eyebrows says that he will kick the shit out of a wrestler, this needs to take place immediately and must be shown on screen for all of us to enjoy. Man I hope this guy sticks around long enough to get in someone's face who is much larger or dangerous than Brodus.

Even at not being the scariest guy on the roster, Brodus is still pretty frightening. Don't forget he used to bodyguard for Snoop Dogg at one point; dude's probably a lot more dangerous than any of us know.

Don't get me wrong Maven 2.0 was gonna get crushed anyway, but still.
At this point I am kind of surprised there isnt. Fucking hell, at very least a WZ type bat-signal....

This needs to be discussed and created. Honestly, what if there is danger? What if you find yourself in a foreign land (like Hoboken, NJ ;)), surrounded by a gang of midgets with salad forks all hopped up on red bull & vicodin- and you need assistance? Sure you could take a few- but could you take them all?

If we had a fucking signal, you wouldnt have to..... Now that's fucking teamwork.

With cell phone technology we could probably just send a mass text or something.

So I watched the Divas show (because any time Daniel Bryan is on tv we all should be watching) and realized a few things:

1) If you just get hired on at the biggest company in your respective field- dont decide to go against the grain and refuse to do what you are told. If one of the McMahon's told that bitch to do something & she didnt? ...."we wish you well in all your future endeavors"....

2) Any time some douche with huge eyebrows says that he will kick the shit out of a wrestler, this needs to take place immediately and must be shown on screen for all of us to enjoy. Man I hope this guy sticks around long enough to get in someone's face who is much larger or dangerous than Brodus.

Speaking of & switching gears a bit...

If you decide you have the courage to jump in the ring to assault a wrestler (ie, the Orton situation) then you should be willing to take a few shots yourself. Those people are slick and brave enough to get in the ring, but they know likely no harm will come to them because security will come save their ass. That guy would have had a much worse day if Langston and Orton got a hold of him first.

I await the day some random guy gets choked or knocked out on camera bc security was just a few seconds slower to react. Can you imagine if someone ran up on HBK and he got a taste of SCM for his trouble? Or what about a well placed Clothesline From Hell? Oh, what a sight that would be.

Having not seen the show I have almost no idea what any of this is about, but it sounds awful.
Even at not being the scariest guy on the roster, Brodus is still pretty frightening. Don't forget he used to bodyguard for Snoop Dogg at one point; dude's probably a lot more dangerous than any of us know.

Don't get me wrong Maven 2.0 was gonna get crushed anyway, but still.

Oh, no doubt. You dont get to be a bodyguard, let alone a WWE wrestler, without being some sort of badass. Sure him being big is an advantage, but I am betting he can throw down quite well enough.

I am fairly certain the guy has never seen Brodus, or he would not have been so vocal about 'calling him out'.

With cell phone technology we could probably just send a mass text or something.

No, it is gonna have to be a signal. If for nothing more than a montage of scenes showing us all stopping what we are doing and reacting to the sight of the signal.

Like the motherfucking Thundercats. But, if we have a Sword of Omens then I say NorCal gets to carry it. He has the battle credentials.

Having not seen the show I have almost no idea what any of this is about, but it sounds awful.

Basically new girl is told to change her look. Been there a whole second and she decides "Nah, Im gonna do what I want". End result: she is lucky it worked and it wasnt a McMahon that asked her, because she got to keep her head and job.

As far as the other part? Dumbass Cameron's bushy eyebrowed boyfriend did not like Brodus telling Cameron that she sucked. (apparently over a issue going over a match spot) So he got loud backstage saying he was gonna kick the shit out of Brodus Clay. Which is totally smart considering he was backstage at a show. He is lucky the only ones within earshot were a few Divas, an Uso and some of the road tech crew. Otherwise it would have gone horribly wrong for him.

Show isnt terrible so far, but at the end of the day it is still just another reality show about ladies. Only reason it is halfway interesting is because it deals with wrestling. Other than that, just the same old crap reality television.

I just needed something to watch while I finished downloading Six Feet Under- which is apparently good and I never bothered to watch before.
I have a deeper, manlier voice than you'd expect from Braff. I reckon I'd have a mean voice for phone sex if I didn't find that sort of thing off-putting.

When I was younger I'd see those phone sex commercials and be extremely tempted to call me being the lonely kid I was but was afraid to due to my lack of phone sex knowledge and potential phone bill. Don't know why I needed share that but I did.

Anyway how are things going Coco?
In what realm of thought is being bitten and then becoming a vampire or zombie not considered a virus\disease attacking your body? I dont understand people. This guy tried to tell me that its because of dormant DNA characteristics brought out by bacteria in the mouth of the person biting you....

Now I know its not real- but given the knowledge we all have on the subject of supernatural things as well as science\biology- I wager it is waaaaaayyyyyy closer to being considered a virus than his idea of bacteria activated traits in your inherited genes.

It depends on the dragon and the person facing the dragon.

Hungarian Horntail -vs- Tom Hanks in Philadelphia

AIDS kills dragon.

Tom Hanks wins. Next round. (fingers crossed) ooohhhhh I hope he fights a vampire this round.....

Apparently my state drinks the most beer in the nation. 45.8 gallons of beer per person.....I say we could do better.

Dude, Texas is fucking up. 9? 9!?!!

That seems a bit off.

Apparently my state drinks the most beer in the nation. 45.8 gallons of beer per person.....I say we could do better.

Having lived in both these states I'm kinda surprised South Dakota & Wisconsin aren't like number 2 & 3 on the list. Also Iowa not being on the top ten pretty much just further cements them as the most boring fucking state to ever exist.

Dude, Texas is fucking up. 9? 9!?!!

That seems a bit off.

Two things to keep in mind here

A- This is average consumed gallons per person per year

B- This is just beer
Having lived in both these states I'm kinda surprised South Dakota & Wisconsin aren't like number 2 & 3 on the list. Also Iowa not being on the top ten pretty much just further cements them as the most boring fucking state to ever exist.

Keep in mind this only factors in people 21+. If we included underage drinking, well that number probably triples if my high school and early college years are any indication.

Two things to keep in mind here

A- This is average consumed gallons per person per year

B- This is just beer

I'd like to see a whiskey drinking study done. I think we might win that one as well.
Seems illogical when most dragons have been shown to be more resilient than humans, but just in case here's a substitution.

Dragon wins.


See the crazy ass Dragon would find himself in hot water at some point because of all the destruction he has caused the world. But as crazy as he is, he is intelligent and somewhat sensible. Hanks would convince him he needs legal counsel to represent him & the Dragon takes humanoid form to discuss further. Then Hanks just sitcks him with a needle infected with AIDS.

Bye Bye Dragon.
There's no proof that AIDS would affect the dragon... and even if it could that particular dragon can either

A.) Regenerate it's affected blood with new blood.

B.) Transmutate a cure.

Dragon still wins.
It's not an argument. HIV only affects humans. It doesn't even affect other mammals, let alone dragons. No HIV means no AIDS.
Not gonna lie, I'd love to see the bz tournament just be huge this year. 48 or so or bigger would be tits as fuck. 2 or so days for the first two rounds, it wouldn't be that long.
Not gonna lie, I'd love to see the bz tournament just be huge this year. 48 or so or bigger would be tits as fuck. 2 or so days for the first two rounds, it wouldn't be that long.

Doc and I have something big planned, it's just going to be a matter of getting around to doing it.

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