Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

R.I.P.D. lost me when started beating everyone over the head with the endless stream of loud obnoxious trailers/commercials. The ad campaign for this pile of shit annoyed me so much that I was praying it would end up being a bomb. R.I.P.D. is so fucking awful it got a whopping 12% on Rotten Tomatoes.

I really just don't want to see Reynolds in anything comic book movie related.

And speaking of that it seems Flash has been announced for 2016 along with World's Finest and Justice League. No Wonder Woman, which to me is a good thing.
Mainpagecomment said:
This just in!
Spoiler alert, Summerslam '13:
Henry and The Shield.
Henry needs 2 partners to help him take care of the Shield... but after his fake retirement speech, no one is willing to help, no matter the cause. The next week, he cuts a promo where he let's us know, "I got 2 of the toughest guys around, and we got an a** beatin' FOR E'RYONE."
Mark Henry, ?, ? vs. The Shield (All titles on the line).
Shield come out first, When Mark comes out, he goes at it alone. 3 on 1. Henry is holding his own.... but the numbers catch up. Just when they are calling for the triple powerbomb, RICO'S MUSIC HITS! The crowd literally explodes! Rico cleans house, but again, the 3 on 2 proves to be too much. They go for the triple powerbomb again.... but RIGHT TO CENSORS MUSIC HITS! Probably 26 people in the crowd poop their pants. Out runs BULL BUCHANON. Bull hits Rollins with a sidewalk slam basically through the mat, 1-2-3.
Winners: Henry/Rico/Buchanon

Is it wrong that I'd mark out *shudder* I mean, go more nuts for this than just about anything that has happened in wrestling for a long, long time? Replace Bull Buchanan with Charlie Haas to reform the greatest team ever and you could call me a fan again.

And if DiBiase keeps badmouthing Warrior I am going to write him a fucking angry letter.
I'm actually seeing The Conjuring instead, because apparently I hate myself and don't value sleep.

I saw The Conjuring earlier today, and I really enjoyed it. James Wan did it again, and now I'm really dying to see Insidious 2. It's an intense nail-bitter with a solid cast, and the jump scares aren't too predictable. I was hoping for a better ending, though. The aftermath of the finale was too bland for my taste. But I guess I'm just used to the sinister cliffhanger at the end of exorcism style horror films.
I saw The Conjuring earlier today, and I really enjoyed it. James Wan did it again, and now I'm really dying to see Insidious 2. It's an intense nail-bitter with a solid cast, and the jump scares aren't too predictable. I was hoping for a better ending, though. The aftermath of the finale was too bland for my taste. But I guess I'm just used to the sinister cliffhanger at the end of exorcism style horror films.

I didn't think it was too scary, but I'd still call it a well made film. The cinematography was uncharacteristically sophisticated I thought. It was also a pretty decent story with a good enough amount of substance. But still, the drama did seem a little heavy handed and forced at times, particularly right before the movie's climax.

There's plenty in this movie that you'll eagerly nod along to. There's also plenty in this movie that you'll roll your eyes at.
There's also plenty in this movie that you'll roll your eyes at.

Yeah, the story was far from perfect.

The part towards the end with, where the priest has to think about and go through the proper channels to perform an exorcism, after watching the video of the girls being thrown around the house by the demon is the moment that sticks out for me. Then there's the scene, where the police officer nonchalantly leaves his shotgun in the corner, while the wife is floating around the basement and throwing wild tantrums after the demon takes full control. Oh, and they waited until the very end of the movie to move into the motel? Oy vey.
What's the best gangster movie? Keeping in mind that I have yet to watch The Godfather, Goodfellas springs up for me as one of the best.

Have you cut your way through your train of films and watched AP yet, J? I watched American Beauty a few days ago. It tells me that there are many great movies that I need to watch.
What's the best gangster movie? Keeping in mind that I have yet to watch The Godfather, Goodfellas springs up for me as one of the best.

As someone who does not really like gangster films, I can still say that the Godfather is one of my favourite films fullstop.

I can watch Goodfellas but it is not in the same league as the Godfather I or II for me. I have a soft spot for American Gangster too, although I would say that it is a good rather than a great film.
Барбоса;4549825 said:
As someone who does not really like gangster films,

I'm not big on gangster movies either; my procrastination of watching The Godfather is a testament to that. But in my attempt to watch good, revered movies, this is a genre I must explore.

I can still say that the Godfather is one of my favourite films fullstop.
You're adding to the allure of the movie; my procrastination will stop soon. I'll get back to you in the forthcoming days. For now, I feel out of the conversation.

I'm glad you replied, Barbosa; I finally watched The Big Lewboski and discovered the identity of the man in your avatar. The Dude. I linked him immediately to your avatar, much as I did with Sam's avatar when I watched Barton Fink.

The movie had unique humor and memorable, true-to-life characters; I think that is, primarily, the appeal to it. I know the movie has a cult following of obsessive fans; there's a forum that has a moderate number of members that attend various fan events filled with cosplaying and trivia. They either have a social and/or psychological void in their life, or the movie's that good. I don't know which.
What's the best gangster movie? Keeping in mind that I have yet to watch The Godfather, Goodfellas springs up for me as one of the best.

Have you cut your way through your train of films and watched AP yet, J? I watched American Beauty a few days ago. It tells me that there are many great movies that I need to watch.

I'm sure whatever your list is mine is 100 times more embarrassing. I haven't seen any of the Godfather movies. The last movie I watched was The Dark Knight Rises in theaters.
I love the Big Lebowski. The scene where he puts the chair against the door is one of the funniest scenes I have ever seen.
What's the best gangster movie? Keeping in mind that I have yet to watch The Godfather, Goodfellas springs up for me as one of the best.

Have you cut your way through your train of films and watched AP yet, J? I watched American Beauty a few days ago. It tells me that there are many great movies that I need to watch.

Glad you enjoyed American Beauty. I haven't watched AP yet, but I'll see if I can't fix that soon.

Like you and Barbosa, I'm also not a huge fan of gangster movies. It's not that I don't enjoy them, I just that I enjoy other things more. If I had to pick a favorite, Godfather would likely be my choice. City of God is also a pretty great flick, but it's a pretty strong break from traditional gangster films.
The Godfather 1 and 2 are the only acceptable answers.

Redemption big fan of The Big Lebowski. It and Shawshank Resemption are the two movies my dad really got me into.
Once the Goodfellas and the first two The Godfather films are out of the way, I'd recommend Casino, Scarface, and Miller's Crossing.

Funny/stupid youthful anecdote: back in 2001/2002-ish, it took me 4 or 5 tries to watch The Big Lebowski all the way through for the first time. Not because it was bad or boring, far from it, but because every time I was ripped on some combination of booze and weed and either passed out or got distracted.
I hated Sharon Stone's character so much that it tarnishes my viewing of Casino.

Scarface is one of the reasons I do not like gangster films. Over-hyped rubbish that just features Al Pacino shouting far too much.

Miller's Crossing is a completely different type of film than the normal American gnagster film so I like it more than most.
Count me amongst the bunch that finds Scarface to be an overrated piece of cinema history that has managed to find its way into the history books because of a very good performance by Al Pacino and a love of cocaine that only the 80s could provide.
An offbeat, sort of gangster movie that I've always loved is Dick Tracy. It's not a genre classic, and is more of a comic book movie/blockbuster, but it has a lot of the trappings of a mob movie. Figured I'd throw that out there.

Scarface has been glorified by hip hop culture as well. Overrated or not, though, I'd say it's required genre viewing, if only to up your pop culture IQ.

I have that poster hanging up in my gaming room, along with two Scarface and two Pulp Fiction posters. I still need to pick up a couple Godfather posters to complete the room.

Also I'm in the opposite group. Scarface is still one of my favorite movies and I'm not afraid to say that it is. Is it overrated? Probably. Do I care if it is or not, no not particularly, I watch what I like and Scarface happens to be one of those movies that I got hooked on.

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