Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

It's very long and feels even longer.

Sharon Stone as a maniacal money-grabbing harlot who loves getting Pesc-ed did a pretty good job. James Woods' cameo moments were pretty funny too.

Road to Perdition deserves a mention as not only is it a great film in its own right, but it had Hanks and Newman in great form. I think it was possibly Newman's last on-screen performance too.
I always found Scarface quiet enjoyable and. . .

Барбоса;4550181 said:
Another crime film I found to be horrendously overrated was Once Upon A Time in America.

The FUCK!?! But you do still think its a fookin' excellent film though, right?
Road to Perdition deserves a mention as not only is it a great film in its own right, but it had Hanks and Newman in great form. I think it was possibly Newman's last on-screen performance too.

I enjoyed Road to Perdition, and Hanks and Newman are great in it.

"There are only murderers in this room! Michael! Open your eyes! This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven."

The FUCK!?! But you do still think its a fookin' excellent film though, right?

Sorry, mate. Did not like it at all and thought the reveal at the end was an abomination, completely out of sync with the rest of the film.
I just had a Mulholland Drive-esque dream/nightmare.The last thing I remember is the heroine sticking a knife to the throat of an old women. After the slice, I woke up. That was better than any movie I watched in my life; too bad it ended prematurely and I couldn't reach a conclusion.

I will watch The Godfather tonight. After that, I'll browse the movies that has been mentioned here and try to watch another. I usually don't go for sequels (the original customarily gives me an idea of what the sequels are like), but the praise for The Godfather II is enough for me.
The Godfather II is an excellent film. I know plenty of people who rate it even more highly then the original, such as my best friend, who is a massive Corleone fan.

Not for me though. The original is the best.
Барбоса;4550493 said:
Sorry, mate. Did not like it at all and thought the reveal at the end was an abomination, completely out of sync with the rest of the film.

Hmm, I'll have to re-watch it to see if it lives up to what I thought it was when I watched it all those years ago.
An anonymous moderator, lets call him Dogger Dyas, has posted an absolute lost-in-a-life-of-computer-games doozy in the Board Room. Feel free to speculate what it might be.
SDCC- X-Men: DOFP panel


(I love that shirt that McAvoy is wearing)

And for you GoT people...

Starting a business is hard.

An anonymous moderator, lets call him Dogger Dyas, has posted an absolute lost-in-a-life-of-computer-games doozy in the Board Room. Feel free to speculate what it might be.

I'm going with Final Fantasy.

And I'd like details.
I've never played a Final Fantasy game either, or seen one played, or even considered playing one. I don't doubt that it's a good series, I just don't have any interest.

I fucking love that Piper got to put a beating on that crazy religious mental case. I cant wait to see what happens.

Also, I really want to see how Red ended up in there. It has to be a good story if they are waiting to tell it.

...and Alex is fucking hot. She looks way better in this show than she did in That 70's Show

Starting a business, eh? I need details and to know if you already have a corporate helicopter. Every important businessman has kick-ass air travel complete with hot ladies and cold drinks.
The JRPG is a creatively bankrupt genre. Plus, all of its most interesting component parts have been co-opted by everything from first person shooters to sports games, and most folks would rather level-up by doing something like play football or shoot at things than by pressing one button over and over to navigate a menu-driven fight sequence.

It's a niche genre with a handful of standout titles, but for the most part if you've played one you've played them all: an emo, amnesiac hero-of-destiny takes on an anime Snidley Whiplash. I enjoyed them back during the PS1 era because they were still new to me. I have tried some since, but with the rise of the open-world game, JRPGs just can't measure up anymore.

Well that will teach you to open something without your name on it...

Sorry Crock. At least i didnt tell you about the gold coins hidden in her ass. That would have just ruined the surprise.

I fucking love that Piper got to put a beating on that crazy religious mental case. I cant wait to see what happens.

Also, I really want to see how Red ended up in there. It has to be a good story if they are waiting to tell it.

...and Alex is fucking hot. She looks way better in this show than she did in That 70's Show

Orange is the New Black spoilers inside...

My theory regarding the Pennsytucky beatdown is that she's going to get a new set of teeth and call off her feud with Piper as that will put her in a generally better mood.

And my theory with how Red wound up in there is that the authorities found the bodies she and her husband were hiding in the freezer at their restaurants. Either they took the fall for the mob or they went down as accessories. I'm guessing the former since it looks like Red's been in there for a decade or two, and I doubt you go down that long for being an accessory.

I liked Laura Pepron more as Donna. I guess she just seemed sweeter then, and it made up for the fact that I don't find her particularly attractive. Don't get me wrong, she's pretty, but I always thought Jackie was hotter in That 70's Show and several characters on Orange is the New Black are hotter.

Starting a business, eh? I need details and to know if you already have a corporate helicopter. Every important businessman has kick-ass air travel complete with hot ladies and cold drinks.

We may have gotten our first client today, but we're probably not going to make a lot of money off of it, though they said they'd like to build a working relationship so it could potentially get us more money.

There is no helicopter or hot ladies, but my partner brews his own beer so I guess that's a cold drink.

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