Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Orange is the New Black spoilers inside...

My theory regarding the Pennsytucky beatdown is that she's going to get a new set of teeth and call off her feud with Piper as that will put her in a generally better mood.

And my theory with how Red wound up in there is that the authorities found the bodies she and her husband were hiding in the freezer at their restaurants. Either they took the fall for the mob or they went down as accessories. I'm guessing the former since it looks like Red's been in there for a decade or two, and I doubt you go down that long for being an accessory.

I liked Laura Pepron more as Donna. I guess she just seemed sweeter then, and it made up for the fact that I don't find her particularly attractive. Don't get me wrong, she's pretty, but I always thought Jackie was hotter in That 70's Show and several characters on Orange is the New Black are hotter.

We may have gotten our first client today, but we're probably not going to make a lot of money off of it, though they said they'd like to build a working relationship so it could potentially get us more money.

There is no helicopter or hot ladies, but my partner brews his own beer so I guess that's a cold drink.


Im actually thinking Red got caught with the bodies also. First I thought she killed one of those stuck up bithces, but upon thinking- im sure the Russians would have just killed her.

I still cant believe Crazy Eyes pissed on the floor like that. But when her parents showed up I was like "what"? She may end up being on of the more sane\normal ones.

Dude, no AC? That has got to be a bitch. Especially since the country has been mauled by heat this summer.

Just go old school and put a giant block of ice in a tub and keep it close. Or go all out adventure and pretend you are the first Jew pioneer living of the land. Make your own shoes, learn to weave blankets and hunt animals. Get a pet squirrel and you will either be set, or on your way to a mental breakdown. Either way, ya know?

17 days until Breaking Bad's final 8!

I am both excited and sad. Cant wait to watch, but I know there will be much depression once it sets in that there isnt a new season to look forward to.
17 days until Breaking Bad's final 8!

And here I am in a house that doesn't get AMC. It's embarrassing really. But it shouldn't be a problem as I have friends in the city that watch it so I can just go to their place on Sunday to watch. Even better is that I usually watch football at their house too, so I could spend the whole day there.


Im actually thinking Red got caught with the bodies also. First I thought she killed one of those stuck up bithces, but upon thinking- im sure the Russians would have just killed her.

I still cant believe Crazy Eyes pissed on the floor like that. But when her parents showed up I was like "what"? She may end up being on of the more sane\normal ones.

I doubt she's sane or normal. She's adopted, has powerful parents from North Carolina (if I remember correctly), and she's in prison on New York. There's gotta be some sort of weeeeeird story behind that.

Dude, no AC? That has got to be a bitch. Especially since the country has been mauled by heat this summer.

Just go old school and put a giant block of ice in a tub and keep it close. Or go all out adventure and pretend you are the first Jew pioneer living of the land. Make your own shoes, learn to weave blankets and hunt animals. Get a pet squirrel and you will either be set, or on your way to a mental breakdown. Either way, ya know?

Today was, thankfully, very cool, so the house was a very nice temperature. It will get hot again, though, and at that point it's going to become a case of just dealing with it. I have a fan that helps keep me cool at nights, so that's a big help. I also find eating freeze pops helps you beat the heat for about fifteen minutes or so.
There is a movement that thinks The Godfather is boring; the tenets held by these people are that the movie is excruciatingly long, is slow in its storytelling, lacks real "action," and contains a lot of (sometimes unintelligible) dialogue.

Do I agree with this? Well, if one doesn't like a movie personally, it still doesn't negate its cultural, historical, and technical importance. But is it boring? I guess there is no objective answer to that. I will say that if a person closely follows the film, understands what is happening in each scene, and recognizes the cinematic significance of it, I can't see how one would not be entertained by it.

Personally, I prefer Goodfellas; that's not to say it's a better film. I liked The Godfather too, though. The scene in which Mike is attempting to kill Virgil and the policeman is one of the most well-made, intense scenes that I can recall seeing.
Saw The Way Way Back tonight. Pretty good movie, everybody surprising did a good job in their roles. Most notably Sam Rockwell and Steve Carrell who is just a straight up dick.
Personally, I prefer Goodfellas; that's not to say it's a better film. I liked The Godfather too, though. The scene in which Mike is attempting to kill Virgil and the policeman is one of the most well-made, intense scenes that I can recall seeing.

Goodfellas, like Casino, is just one long

Today was, thankfully, very cool, so the house was a very nice temperature. It will get hot again, though, and at that point it's going to become a case of just dealing with it. I have a fan that helps keep me cool at nights, so that's a big help. I also find eating freeze pops helps you beat the heat for about fifteen minutes or so.

You need one of those liquid cooled shirts truck drivers wear. I bet those things would help in your situation.

Or if you dont want to spend the money, you could always just carry the freeze pops in your pocket.

I was informed today that the reason that Jews have big noses, is because air is free. :lmao:
Life shall be far too filled with grandure upon my return to get don with the whole dying thing this time around. I woudnt have minded in times past, but I will def be going out of my way to avoid that particular entanglement this year.

Epic wedding

epic WM party

Epic honeymoon

epic new house and man cave.

Yea, way too much shit to do. No worries guys.

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