Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Барбоса;4546363 said:
Got a nice package in the mail yesterday.

Six pristine copies of my book. Felt rather good.

You should take them out to the bar with you and hand them to pretty ladies and say, "Hey, check it out, I wrote this."

Yeah, because that guy's life is shrouded in mystery. I have no idea what I'd want to ask Stone Cold apart from some pretty cliche questions like, "Who was your favorite wrestler to work with? Who is your favorite active wrestler now? Who did you never get to work with that you wanted to?"
I think the X-Men film franchise lost enough clout after The Last Stand and Origins that Fox has a much more modest box office expectation. It'll likely rake in a good amount of bread, but any studio exec who's expecting it to be in the same class as The Avengers is being overly optimistic.

I agree, The Avengers was absolutely something unique, and to expect that type of BO is way too much. Fox should hope for a Billion Dollar DoFP as a high water mark. The great thing about the Avengers is that it showed Fox that people will flock to these movies if you give them a reason. DoFP looks like a step in the right direction. Rumors are saying the X-Force movie is a lock, and the X-Men franchise is being retooled. Supposedly Apocalypse is to be the main baddy pulling the strings this film cycle.
Yeah, because that guy's life is shrouded in mystery. I have no idea what I'd want to ask Stone Cold apart from some pretty cliche questions like, "Who was your favorite wrestler to work with? Who is your favorite active wrestler now? Who did you never get to work with that you wanted to?"

I'm pretty sure he's answered all this questions on his podcast

When I saw this it made me think of just how drastically different these two are. Bo is younger, has been in wrestling longer, and is the better looking of the two, yet he is so boring. Bray didn't get into wrestling full time until his senior year of college, due to his playing college football, nor does he have the physique his brother does, but he is arguably the hottest heel in the business right now.

Having a personality really helps I guess, as does Bray actually having a move set that suits his size, but could these two be more opposite?
I agree. Anybody who agrees with my opinion is someone that I take seriously.

I agree with this opinion, it helps that you are someone I take seriously because you agree with my opinion.

Just did a search for "why D-Man sucks" and got 20 pages worth of threads as a reply, found that funny.
Just did a search for "why D-Man sucks" and got 20 pages worth of threads as a reply, found that funny.

It's interesting how many detractors he has gained over the years.

Барбоса;4546959 said:
Not sure the clientelle of the bar I frequent would appreciate that. Plus I only have so many copies.

It's six copies. How many do you need?

When I saw this it made me think of just how drastically different these two are. Bo is younger, has been in wrestling longer, and is the better looking of the two, yet he is so boring. Bray didn't get into wrestling full time until his senior year of college, due to his playing college football, nor does he have the physique his brother does, but he is arguably the hottest heel in the business right now.

Having a personality really helps I guess, as does Bray actually having a move set that suits his size, but could these two be more opposite?

Bray sucked for years too. Back in '09


and 2011 he was generic as his brother. He's never been amazing in the ring. Still isn't, but he doesn't need to be. Before finding this gimmick he was OK at best on the mic.


Bray Wyatt's awesomeness came right the fuck from nowhere. Oh, and yes that is Eli Cottonwood in the background.

Yesterday I went to see Red 2, which is pretty much the same as Red 1, & as I was getting my usual from the concession stand I the two kids behind the counter sucked me into their debate, which was better Harry Potter or LOTR?, I told them I wasn't a fan of either, though if I had to choose I would go with Potter, since those movies never put me to sleep. It was fun listening to their little debate until the LOTR guy said the TDK was a bad movie, then the gloves came the fuck off & I was back it, TDK is one of the finest comic book related pieces of film ever, of all the movies that have come out in the past 15 yrs. I think I've watched & re-watched that movie more than any other movie, in recent history, it never gets old. He then went on & started bashing Spidey because "it wasn't realistic enough, every time he sings into the side of the building or falls & has shit fall on top of him he just gets up & shakes it off" Dude, it's a movie about a kid who got super-powers after being bit by a radioactive spider, if they made it realistic they movie would've been over after the spider bite, because the kid would've fucking died. I think I had more fun with these guys & their debates than I did watchng the movie, that's not to say Red 2 isn't an entertaining movie, it's exactly what you would expect, if you had fun with Red you'll have fun with Red 2.
Yesterday I went to see Red 2, which is pretty much the same as Red 1, & as I was getting my usual from the concession stand I the two kids behind the counter sucked me into their debate, which was better Harry Potter or LOTR?, I told them I wasn't a fan of either, though if I had to choose I would go with Potter, since those movies never put me to sleep. It was fun listening to their little debate until the LOTR guy said the TDK was a bad movie, then the gloves came the fuck off & I was back it, TDK is one of the finest comic book related pieces of film ever, of all the movies that have come out in the past 15 yrs. I think I've watched & re-watched that movie more than any other movie, in recent history, it never gets old. He then went on & started bashing Spidey because "it wasn't realistic enough, every time he sings into the side of the building or falls & has shit fall on top of him he just gets up & shakes it off" Dude, it's a movie about a kid who got super-powers after being bit by a radioactive spider, if they made it realistic they movie would've been over after the spider bite, because the kid would've fucking died. I think I had more fun with these guys & their debates than I did watchng the movie, that's not to say Red 2 isn't an entertaining movie, it's exactly what you would expect, if you had fun with Red you'll have fun with Red 2.

I can tell how impassioned this debate must have been as your re-telling of the story saw you throw grammar and punctuation to the wind. I hope you set that TDK/Spidey hater straight, though.

I'm still not seeing Red 2. I might see Despicable Me 2 tonight, or maybe R.I.P.D. I think it was shot in Boston, and I love me some Jeff Bridges.
If I saw that scene Justin just described, I'd have rolled my eyes and looked superior while silently soliciting the attention of an on-looker who shared my thoughts on the situation. Odds that this person would be an attractive honey I'd soon manage to bed by being the suave, Bond-esque hepcat that I am (not): Slim to moderate.

Such is the way I live my life.
Red 2 is much better than RIPD, which is just MIB with demons and Ryan Reynolds.

Plus John Malkovich is fucking awesome.

Oh yeah Reynolds is now 0-4 for Comic book movies.
I can tell how impassioned this debate must have been as your re-telling of the story saw you throw grammar and punctuation to the wind. I hope you set that TDK/Spidey hater straight, though. opposed the rest of my posts where I throw grammar & punctuation out to the wind?

I'm still not seeing Red 2. I might see Despicable Me 2 tonight, or maybe R.I.P.D. I think it was shot in Boston, and I love me some Jeff Bridges.

See Despicable Me 2, it's far & away the best of the three.

Red 2 is much better than RIPD, which is just MIB with demons and Ryan Reynolds.

R.I.P.D. lost me when started beating everyone over the head with the endless stream of loud obnoxious trailers/commercials. The ad campaign for this pile of shit annoyed me so much that I was praying it would end up being a bomb. R.I.P.D. is so fucking awful it got a whopping 12% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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