Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

I just finished the first (and so far only) season of Orange is the New Black. Phenomenal show, I highly recommend it.
My understanding is that there are a lot of tits, in fact.

Oh boy, are there! Actually, I think you probably only see tits in maybe four or five episodes, but they're there. You even get to see the main star's tits, but they make you wait until the last episode to see them. She's not all that impressive in the boob department, but she's really pretty, and I like her a lot.

I need someone to talk to about that show, probably in spoiler tags. Let me know when ya'll are done watching.
The images coming out of comic con for Days of Future Past, words can't describe how happy I am. Sentinels, Bishop, oh my Lordy.
So August 4th you're gonna come to the greater PA area and come play some softball with my goofy ass and my family. Of course you will.
The images coming out of comic con for Days of Future Past, words can't describe how happy I am. Sentinels, Bishop, oh my Lordy.

Just took a look at the pictures as well. Bishop looks fantastic, and the Sentinel head is this odd mix of Terminator and Optimus Prime that is oddly appealing. I also love the anti-mutant posters, and they should definitely sell those or give those out to promote the movie.

Seeing Trask Industries so many times made me realize that Trask is an anagram for Stark. As a seasoned comic book reader and X-fan, I know that Bolivar Trask and Tony Stark are two very different guys, but I wonder if they used the phrase Trask Industries so many times to subliminally appeal to people unfamiliar with Days of Future Past by tapping into the already massively successful Iron Man series. Or maybe I'm reaching on this one.

So August 4th you're gonna come to the greater PA area and come play some softball with my goofy ass and my family. Of course you will.

Wow man, I haven't put on a baseball mitt or swung a bat in years. I used to play softball with a bunch of guys from my temple when I was in high school, but most of them were older guys around my dad's age, though there were a few college kids from time to time.

But sadly, I will be moving to Boston on July 22nd, which means I won't be making any long ass car trips to PA. Sorry pal. Hit a homer for me.
The images coming out of comic con for Days of Future Past, words can't describe how happy I am. Sentinels, Bishop, oh my Lordy.

Before I looked at the picture of the Sentinel head, I pretty much braced myself for the worst. So, with that frame of mind, I was pretty ecstatic about it too. Still cautiously optimistic about the film itself, but the aesthetics are coming together nicely.
Before I looked at the picture of the Sentinel head, I pretty much braced myself for the worst. So, with that frame of mind, I was pretty ecstatic about it too. Still cautiously optimistic about the film itself, but the aesthetics are coming together nicely.

Can it give Avengers a run for the money at the box office though? Logic says yes, considering (like the Avengers), it is bringing together different movie series. Will 20th Century Fox regard anything outside Earth's Mightiest Heroes' ballpark figure a failure?
Can it give Avengers a run for the money at the box office though? Logic says yes, considering (like the Avengers), it is bringing together different movie series. Will 20th Century Fox regard anything outside Earth's Mightiest Heroes' ballpark figure a failure?

I think the X-Men film franchise lost enough clout after The Last Stand and Origins that Fox has a much more modest box office expectation. It'll likely rake in a good amount of bread, but any studio exec who's expecting it to be in the same class as The Avengers is being overly optimistic.
I think the X-Men film franchise lost enough clout after The Last Stand and Origins that Fox has a much more modest box office expectation. It'll likely rake in a good amount of bread, but any studio exec who's expecting it to be in the same class as The Avengers is being overly optimistic.

If they were just going for a straightforward sequel to First Class I'd be inclined to agree but they appear to be going the whole 9 yards bringing in the original trilogy big hitters, so I do think they are hoping for success on a much larger scale than First Class or even the original trilogy. When you consider than X3 had a Worldwide gross of over $450,000,000 that is lofty aspirations.
I'm wildly excited for the possibilities an DOFP brings along with the potential the X-Force movie (which has been confirmed by many source, just waiting on official announcement).

Will it be as good as the actual Marvel owned movies? Probably not, but I look forward to the potential.

Also The Wolverine is getting surprisingly good fan reviews so far, I don't know how to feel about this.

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