Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

Really? I thought it was a good show, with no match being particularly disappointing. The results weren't exactly exciting, but the matches themselves were enjoyable, especially the blue MitB match.

As for animated comic films... I'm not sure I've ever seen one, but I heard Wolverine vs. Hulk is okay and some of the Batman ones are good too.

See, thats what I mean. EVeryones evaluation of it is "Not particulalry disappointing" "nothing special" "Average"

You dont charge people 55 damn dollars for "Not particularly disappointing"....I get plenty of vacuous, filler bullshit for free on raw.
I thoroughly enjoyed the MITB, the Maddox/vickie tribute was really the only thing on the show I didn't like, but I needed something like that to give me time to take a shit & get my pizza out of the oven.

None of the matches were really disappointing, & enjoyed just about all of them. That said I didn't pay for this, I won't pay for a WWE PPV as long as they fucking charge $55 for them, they drop the price to more manageable $20-$30 a month & I may start going about obtaining them by a more legal means.
My take on the pay-per-view ordeal is that if you're worried about being ripped off by spending $55 bucks on a PPV, you shouldn't even be considering spending $55 bucks on a PPV. Not trying to be a prick, just saying, I wouldn't go to a car lot with shit credit and tight money and be looking to buy a luxury sedan.
My take on the pay-per-view ordeal is that if you're worried about being ripped off by spending $55 bucks on a PPV, you shouldn't even be considering spending $55 bucks on a PPV. Not trying to be a prick, just saying, I wouldn't go to a car lot with shit credit and tight money and be looking to buy a luxury sedan.

None of us should expect an at least above average product for our hard earned money, at a premium price for the majority of the WWE's veiwers.

Right, thats a non-crackpot way to look at it.
None of us should expect an at least above average product for our hard earned money, at a premium price for the majority of the WWE's veiwers.

Right, thats a non-crackpot way to look at it.

Well, like I said last night I enjoyed the show. I guess that's really what it boils down to. I saw it as above average, you didn't. To each his own.
I re-watched some of it today, the SD MITB was really good. On a second viewing I'm willing to say I found it more enjoyable then the RAW one.

Agree. I said it after leaving the show that I found that one much more enjoyable. Not that I didn't enjoy the Raw one. I found the pre show tag team match the 2nd best match of the evening. Just fantastic.
Holy shit, RAW is about ten thousand times better in person then it is watching and LDing on WZ. Instead of a forum full of haters there was only one guy a bunch of rows back.
I've started watching Orange is the New Black. I'm a fan.

Holy shit, RAW is about ten thousand times better in person then it is watching and LDing on WZ. Instead of a forum full of haters there was only one guy a bunch of rows back.

And you picked a great Raw to go to as well. A couple of really solid matches on the card, and that closing was fantastic.
And you picked a great Raw to go to as well. A couple of really solid matches on the card, and that closing was fantastic.
Absolutely. It was my first show since Mania XX, and the 2nd time I've been in the Barclays Center (amazing building by the way).

Seats were the last section before the tarped off area behind the titan tron. Couldn't see the entrance ramp but didn't care.

I found RVD/Y2J to be incredible. probably because I was there but either way it was great. The crowd fucking loved Bryan.

And I feel ridiculously bad for Orton. The Brooklyn Crowd didn't give a fuck for his match. they did the wave, (tried to) chant for random guys (Randy Savage and the like). It was not as noticeable as the day after Mania but it was close. Orton was in that match as well.
Holy shit, RAW is about ten thousand times better in person then it is watching and LDing on WZ. Instead of a forum full of haters there was only one guy a bunch of rows back.

I don't mind the Raw LD's, because whatever, but I avoid PPV LD's, and MITB sort of confirmed my decision to do that.

Going live is always the way to go IMO. Another fringe benefit: no lousy commentary.

I found RVD/Y2J to be incredible. probably because I was there but either way it was great. The crowd fucking loved Bryan.

And I feel ridiculously bad for Orton. The Brooklyn Crowd didn't give a fuck for his match. they did the wave, (tried to) chant for random guys (Randy Savage and the like). It was not as noticeable as the day after Mania but it was close. Orton was in that match as well.

RVD/Y2J was a great match, and your love for Bryan came through the TV screen. JBL and crew laughed off the Randy Savage chants and whatnot during that match. It was a decent match, and the crowd didn't detract from anything.

How was the Punk/Heyman/Lesnar segment live?
I don't mind the Raw LD's, because whatever, but I avoid PPV LD's, and MITB sort of confirmed my decision to do that.

Going live is always the way to go IMO. Another fringe benefit: no lousy commentary.
It's the overabundance of negative nancy's in the LDs that pisses me off. In my section there was one asshole who hated everything rather vocally. I was confused as to why he spent the money to attend the show if he didn't like anything.

RVD/Y2J was a great match, and your love for Bryan came through the TV screen. JBL and crew laughed off the Randy Savage chants and whatnot during that match. It was a decent match, and the crowd didn't detract from anything.

How was the Punk/Heyman/Lesnar segment live?
The Punk/Heyman/Lesnar stuff was amazing. Heyman talking about the fans loving Punk was as close as possible to Bryan levels that doesn't involve Bryan himself.

And I found it hysterical when Zeb Coulter spoke. Everyone booed everything he said rather loudly. Then he told us to put our hands on our heart and say "We The People" and everyone says "We The People". The crowd is just a bunch of sheep.
PS Store has '92 X-Men Arcade game for sale for $4.89 for PS+ members

Already have it on my XBox, so I'm not going to buy it for my Playstation.

I did, however, buy the Simpsons arcade game on the account that I had never seen anybody get past the graveyard level. Some of those bosses are a bitch!
Already have it on my XBox, so I'm not going to buy it for my Playstation.

I did, however, buy the Simpsons arcade game on the account that I had never seen anybody get past the graveyard level. Some of those bosses are a bitch!
It's ridiculously easy to get past that level on the Playstation. Why? Well, instead of spending $.25 to get a continue, you just press start.

Oh yeah, I have that game, it's fun and extremely wtf at the same time.
Already have it on my XBox, so I'm not going to buy it for my Playstation.

I did, however, buy the Simpsons arcade game on the account that I had never seen anybody get past the graveyard level. Some of those bosses are a bitch!

I have probably dumped hundreds of dollars in both the Simpson & X-men arcade games over my life
RVD's love for the triangle choke really made for an awkward moment last night.

Of course every time Van Dam fucks up in the least, I feel like it's an indictment of my taste. Put him against an equally sloppy veteran like Jericho? That match was a nail-biter for me.
Is WWE 13 worth buying? After Smackdown VS Raw 2010, I promised myself I would never buy another WWE wrestling game, because '10 was probably the worst piece of shit wrestling game I ever played. Curious about the Attitude Era mode, and Madden 13 is starting to bore me.
Is WWE 13 worth buying? After Smackdown VS Raw 2010, I promised myself I would never buy another WWE wrestling game, because '10 was probably the worst piece of shit wrestling game I ever played. Curious about the Attitude Era mode, and Madden 13 is starting to bore me.

If you have witnessed the attitude era, the answer is a no
Ah, I see. Was thinking about giving WWE 2K14 a try when it comes out, but the trailer didn't do anything to impress me.
It's ridiculously easy to get past that level on the Playstation. Why? Well, instead of spending $.25 to get a continue, you just press start.

Oh yeah, I have that game, it's fun and extremely wtf at the same time.

Yeah, no way would I have been able to beat Turtles in Time, X-Men, or Simpsons without the help of free replays.

I have probably dumped hundreds of dollars in both the Simpson & X-men arcade games over my life

I probably would have spent about $2 on my playthrough of The Simpsons arcade game, assuming each replay cost $.25.

RVD's love for the triangle choke really made for an awkward moment last night.

Of course every time Van Dam fucks up in the least, I feel like it's an indictment of my taste. Put him against an equally sloppy veteran like Jericho? That match was a nail-biter for me.

If people can keep on hailing Jericho as one of the best ever in the ring with as sloppy as he is, there's no need to feel like RVD's level of sloppiness is an indictment on your taste.

Is WWE 13 worth buying? After Smackdown VS Raw 2010, I promised myself I would never buy another WWE wrestling game, because '10 was probably the worst piece of shit wrestling game I ever played. Curious about the Attitude Era mode, and Madden 13 is starting to bore me.

Not worth it if you have SVR11 or WWE12. It's basically the same thing with a a few roster updates, better CAW stuff, and create an arena.

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