Regarding the Xbox One situation, there's one aspect that particularly concerns me as a gamer and consumer; the Xbox One must connected to the internet once a day and if that stipulation is not met then the console becomes, at least from a gaming perspective, inert. My internet connection and internet service provider are not reliable. My connection is routinely "down" or slow. What if that lasted for a day?
I'm a big Microsoft guy; I think they produce quality, albeit usually frustratingly expensive, products. I love the Xbox 360 and it has been the primary source for my gaming needs. The Xbox One, with its numerous stipulations and restrictions, is pushing me, along with many others, away.
I'll wait for more news, more information, etc., but if the "have to be connected once every 24 hrs" thing is not further addressed, I will seriously consider chucking Microsoft and going for the PS4.
I'm not sure how fitting this is with the current discussion, but I wanted to, even if I may be going out on a tangent, share my personal thoughts on this.