Leviathan might be one of the best pieces of DLC ever for a game. How the fuck was that not in the main game?
In all honesty, ME's narrative was fucked up. I think it would have been better if it had gone something like this: Earth gets wrecked, so you try to gather yourself some allies to take it back. You fight the fight on Palaven and do the Krogan/Salarian thing, then you start to hear these whisperings about the Leviathan and Dr. Bryson. Then you go and get this MASSIVE FUCKING REVELATION dropped on your head that maybe you can find out where the Reapers come from. They could have expanded a big chunk of the material to being about finding the Leviathan and learning the truth about the Reapers. With that done, then you could go on to save the Geth and the Quarians, then go wreck shit on Earth.
Essentially what I'm saying is that Leviathan should have been the entire second act to ME. Not just some DLC.
In all honesty, ME's narrative was fucked up. I think it would have been better if it had gone something like this: Earth gets wrecked, so you try to gather yourself some allies to take it back. You fight the fight on Palaven and do the Krogan/Salarian thing, then you start to hear these whisperings about the Leviathan and Dr. Bryson. Then you go and get this MASSIVE FUCKING REVELATION dropped on your head that maybe you can find out where the Reapers come from. They could have expanded a big chunk of the material to being about finding the Leviathan and learning the truth about the Reapers. With that done, then you could go on to save the Geth and the Quarians, then go wreck shit on Earth.
Essentially what I'm saying is that Leviathan should have been the entire second act to ME. Not just some DLC.