doesn't know REAL wrestling...
The build for Rock vs. Punk has been like watching two school yard bully's picking on each other. Rock has done just about nothing to make me think "Man, he's a pretty good guy" or want to cheer for him, instead he's coming off as just as much of an asshole as Punk does.
This is why I am not as much of a fan of the Rock now as I was 10 years ago. Sure, it was great when he first came back for a few laughs but as his appearances become more frequent, it is becoming more apparent how limited the Rock character actually is.
He is a bully who relies on his mouth and yet there is nothing overly clever about what comes out of it; it is just crude. And when Cena did crude with his rap, he blew Rocky out of the water.
They may not have his charisma, but I would much rather listen to Cena or Punk. At least with their promos there seems to be some thought put into them; not just relying on catchphrases or pushing the PG rating.