What the fuck does this have to do with anything. This is possibly the most illogical response in order to better explain an argument that your not properly arguing, I have seen ever.

Normally I'd let the "your" go, but what the fuck is with that comma? I could explain it differently but I don't have the time to foreign it up for you
You said anal in a thread about gay people. :suckit:

You said gay in a thread about sexuality enlightened people.

...That doesn't work, does it

Someone complete this analogy (Someone will probably call it a simile because you all probably fucking drew in class because you're fucking *****)


gimmie a bit i'm trying to verb but I'm watching boxing and I god daaamn his face
How does that make them a hypocrite? Do you even know what the word "hypocrite" means? From this paragraph, I'm guessing not?

Do the math. GLAAD got worked up initially because Cena made some Brokeback Mountain jokes. They then called WWE on it and Vince "partnered" (hehheh) up w/them for their campaign. So Cole says ****** and realizes "Damn, I better take that back and apologize or I'm on the shit list".

However, Bully Ray can call somebody *** for half of TNA's Impact show (yes, that's over-emphasis. I would hope it was obvious but I'd better make sure. He did say it more than once though) and Scott Steiner can also yell ****** yet nothing is offensive enough to garner their interest in TNA's employees throwing around the word. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me. You of all people I would expect to connect the dots.
Maybe I'm a complete moron, but I haven't heard Bully Ray or Steiner call anyone ******s. But it could be because TNA used censors or because I wasn't paying close enough attention.
Do the math. GLAAD got worked up initially because Cena made some Brokeback Mountain jokes. They then called WWE on it and Vince "partnered" (hehheh) up w/them for their campaign. So Cole says ****** and realizes "Damn, I better take that back and apologize or I'm on the shit list".

However, Bully Ray can call somebody *** for half of TNA's Impact show (yes, that's over-emphasis. I would hope it was obvious but I'd better make sure. He did say it more than once though) and Scott Steiner can also yell ****** yet nothing is offensive enough to garner their interest in TNA's employees throwing around the word. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me. You of all people I would expect to connect the dots.

No one watches TNA.
ITT people are surprised at a group against the defamation of gays and lesbians gets upset over a major television company representative using the word "******."

God, you people are dumb.
Kids are more impressionable and willing to do whatever the fucking hell it takes to emulate Cena, most some 46 people who watch TNA have the cognitive ability to know that they shouldn't repeat those words

WWE is a PG program, which won't be blocked by V-Chips (LOL V-CHIPS) and TNA... I don't even fucking know but I think they're minimum TV14?

y'all remember on jan 4th when they were censoring crowd chants, but they kept missing so it'd be like ---- SHIT ---- HOLY S--- ---LY SHI--
God, you people are dumb.

Yes! Now I know how to strike my words! I can't wait to make future endeavored and process of elimination jokes!
Aha! He cut his words to show that noone watches TNA. Hmmmm.


If I'm trimming the amount that refers to the cognitive blah blah of the TNA viewers, what would I be referring to? If I added "Oh only 46 people watch TNA" it'd be clear I was insulting viewer count.

Come onnn dude you're better than that

[s]This crosses out words[/s]

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