DirtyJosé;2973715 said:
Don't bring kids into this. I've lived in cities with Gay Pride parades, and it's no different than any Mardi Gras I've ever been to. Of course, you don't mention anything about that because it's titties and bros, which is wholesome Americana.
Um, yeah, I did when I said it's not right for heterosexuals to do it either. Or did you miss that part? And don't bring kids into this? Why, do you not give a shit about the kids?
DirtyJosé;2973715 said:
Obviously, you've never been to any (decent) Halloween party/festival.
If by decent you mean people banging each other on a pool table while I'm shooting pool, no, I haven't. And I'm kind of glad I haven't.
DirtyJosé;2973715 said:
Pointing out the differences between a healthy gay relationship as opposed to an overly flamboyant, in your face, fuck you because you're straight gay relationship isn't just throwing it out there to sound cool. It goes w/the point. And fact is fact, so trying to undermine my diversity in friendships is simply juvenile. I say it because it relates to the subject. Plain and simple really.
So because I mention it, all of a sudden it's implausible for me to have diverse friends even when you have no first hand knowledge of the people I know?
DirtyJosé;2973715 said:
No, I actually think you do. I'm not telling people not to be gay, so I'm obviously not full of myself by trying to end homosexuality.
DirtyJosé;2973715 said:
Well, it's not. It's just that you are totally wrong. If Michael Cole called Booker T a ****** via twitter, there'd be hell to pay. When it's homosexual slander though, it's no big deal, right? When Mel Gibson makes anti-semitic comments, it's a big deal. When John Cena ribs anyone for being homosexual-like, it's not, right? This is a kids show, believe it or not. The example being set should not be that terms like that, or even the idea that being gay is much of an insult in the first place. Gays being gay isn't disrespecting your lifestyle unless you are a raging homophobe. Oppression, violence, and denial of the basic human rights everyone should have regardless of sexual orientation is.
Oh, please. Now we're on the race thing. And actually, white people call each other "******", so do black people, and white and black people call each other that all the time. The point is, he wasn't calling an open homosexual a ****** so you can't compare calling Booker, a black man, a ******. Different situation altogether.
So what I'm gathering from all this is that it's ok for a gay person to knock on a straight person because they're straight, or a black guy to call a white guy a cracker or honky or whatever because people in the past had a different way of life that we don't abide by any more? It's ok to condemn people who did not commit any of those atrocious actions simply because of their race or gender or sexual orientation? Kind of hypocritical and self-segragating if you ask me, not to mention intolerant. Which, by the way, intolerance is something they're supposed to be against.
And once again, I never said anything about "gays being gay", I said gays being hypocrites and GLAAD simply jumping WWE's case because they're a big corporation. So it's ok for TNA to do it because they "cater to an older audience" (as someone stated) or that they don't have as much exposure as WWE? Sounds like picking and choosing the opportune time to be "noble" and speak up against something. If they were that offended by it's use and negative connotations it wouldn't matter who used it, they would take everybody to task, not just the "big guys".
DirtyJosé;2973715 said:
Once again, get over yourself.
No thank you, I'm not the one that should.
Yes, how dare an organization, which stands up for a group of people who have been oppressed, are denied equal rights under the law, and have acts of violence committed against them simply because of their DNA, be upset because a popular entertainer, who is heard by millions of children, teens and adults every week, used a word which can cause negative attitudes and violent behavior against homosexuals.
We can't have that, now can we?
So it's fine for gay America to rag on heteros? It happens, so let's not look at one side. Also, there has been violence committed against innocent straight people because homosexuals think every hetero is against them. Let's not worry about that either. The point is that it's a two-edged sword. You can't preach for tolerance and be against violence or discrimination if you're not going to be across the board.
And the whole point was special interest groups being hypocritical. If they weren't, they would have been up in arms in protest about Bully Ray and Scott Steiner using the words on TNA programming. Last I heard, they still had a few "millions of viewers". They did not take TNA to task, so obviously it's not about "the grand and noble cause" they talk about.