My thoughts on reading this thread are that it must be very very hard to be a privileged and straight white male in this day and age. I guess I never realized how hard it is to have the world stop sucking your dick for even just a moment.
It's fucking political incorrectness gone mad I tell you.

Where the fuck have we as a society progressed to that it is now the mainstream point of view that people no longer have the right to be offended by things. Don't like hearing the word ******? Don't like being called a ***? Get upset listening to holocaust jokes? Tough shit, society says, if your offended then it's your problem.

My opinion on this couldn't be simpler. If you are the type of person who doesn't make a deliberate effort to avoid saying things that will offend people then you are not plain spoken, you are not straight talking, you are not calling it like you see it or an advocate of free speech. What you are is simple: a cunt.

If you don't care about offending anybody, could care less about the feelings and beliefs of others, think that your right to say whatever crosses your mind should be placed over the rights of everybody who has to listen to you they you're a self absorbed prat.

Myself; very little offends me. For one I've spent far too long on the internet to have not been completely desensitized to any kind of shock and scandal. For two, I'm a middle class, affluent, heterosexual, white, male with a high IQ fairly standard sexual preferences. However; just because I don't consider something offensive doesn't mean I am going to make a ridiculous posturing stand trying to deny others the right to be offended by it.

I don't try to offend people, and if I do it by accident then I feel regret. If you are any different then your lack of empathy is discouraging.
People are way overreacting to the people reacting to this. Nobody is calling for Cole's head, nobody wants him fired, nobody wants him suspended, people just want an apology. I don't understand why people think that this is the end of free speech as we know it. Cole said a bad word, people were offended, he took it down and apologized and he's going to be put through some sort of seminar. The situation played out exactly like it should have.
DirtyJosé;2973079 said:
My thoughts on reading this thread are that it must be very very hard to be a privileged and straight white male in this day and age. I guess I never realized how hard it is to have the world stop sucking your dick for even just a moment.

That's a funny statement because I'm certainly not privileged and I do gauge everybody on their own personal merit, hence my diversity of friends and acquaintances. (By the way, you're being more of a cunt than I. Funny you told me not to be one in your personal comment.)

That being said, though, my point still stands (even while sober). I know I heard Scott Steiner yell ****** at somebody in TNA. Hell, I'm sure Bully Ray's used it a couple of times recently in his promos. Yet, where is GLAAD when this kind of thing is happening?

Oh, right. They can get more attention and personal (read: selfish) benefit from taking WWE to task because they're the bigger company.

I never said normal, decent people who choose to live an alternative lifestyle couldn't be offended. I said special interest groups are hypocritical and full of shit. Tell me, it's not ok for somebody to say ******, but it's ok that they can support people who grab each other's cocks and wear ass-less chaps in front of children in public parades?

Tolerance and respect for others go both ways. But when you have people that feel it's their right to fuck over others simply because they're different makes them no better than the people they try to condemn.
That's a funny statement because I'm certainly not privileged and I do gauge everybody on their own personal merit, hence my diversity of friends and acquaintances.

That being said, though, my point still stands (even while sober). I know I heard Scott Steiner yell ****** at somebody in TNA, hell, I'm sure Bully Ray's used it a couple of times recently in his promos. Yet, where is GLAAD when this kind of thing is happening?

Oh, right. They can get more attention and personal (read: selfish) benefit from taking WWE to task because they're the bigger company.

I never said normal, decent people who choose to live an alternative lifestyle couldn't be offended. I said special interest groups are hypocritical and full of shit. Tell me, it's not ok for somebody to say ******, but it's ok that they can support people who grab each other's cocks and wear ass-less chaps in front of children in public parades?

Tolerance and respect for others go both ways. But when you have people that feel it's their right to fuck over others simply because they're different makes them no better than the people they try to condemn.

So it's ok to shove your hetero-normative lifestyle down everyone's throats, but heaven forbid two guys make out in public; that's just obscene.

Again, get the fuck over yourself.

Also, WWE clearly markets to children, TNA not so much.

Of course, what else is to be expected from a middle aged white male who thinks the act of homosexuality in and of itself is obscene and shouldn't be seen in public. Must be nice to be in the safe majority.
Are you really accusing GLAAD of being selfish? You're really accusing a group of people who aren't given the same rights as the rest of their fellow Americans simply because they like the same sex as selfish?

Newsflash, moron, it's a non-profit organization that has limited resources, so they have to make their publicity count. As far as we know, GLAAD didn't get involved in Cole's tweet, after all, he said he took it down on his own free will. GLAAD is simply partnering up with the WWE right now to cut down on homophobic content in television, and I can't believe anybody wouldn't think that's a great thing.
Id also like to slip in the snippet of information that the WWE probably isn't partnering up with GLADD because of public outcry or because they're yielding to political correctness. I'm sure it has a lot more to so with the fact that professional wrestling is possibly the campiest thing on television, and the gay community is a rapidly emerging viewer demographic.

Makin' money and all that shit.
DirtyJosé;2973330 said:
So it's ok to shove your hetero-normative lifestyle down everyone's throats, but heaven forbid two guys make out in public; that's just obscene.

Again, get the fuck over yourself.

Also, WWE clearly markets to children, TNA not so much.

Of course, what else is to be expected from a middle aged white male who thinks the act of homosexuality in and of itself is obscene and shouldn't be seen in public. Must be nice to be in the safe majority.

Who the hell is shoving any hetero lifestyle down anybody's throats? I don't like kids seeing two heterosexuals groping and grabbing and making out in public either. Damn, you have got your shit all twisted. Don't get your panties in a bunch just because I don't ride the baloney pony.

Number two, I said groping each other's privates and running around in ass-less clothing. Don't twist my words around to try to sound noble.

Like I said, I have friends from all walks of life, homosexuals included. But they don't do that shit in public either, they have a level of decorum that is obviously lost on your self-righteous soap box.

I think it's you that needs to get the fuck over yourself.

By the way, just because somebody is a non-profit organization doesn't mean they don't rake in the money. All that is is for tax purposes. The people that run them cannot have a profit at the end of the year so they just pump themselves w/bonuses.

And the fact of the matter is that equality is equality, and tolerance is tolerance. If you're going to preach tolerance, you have to practice tolerance. If you want people to respect your lifestyle then you should damn well respect other people's lifestyle in return. How is that such a hard concept to fucking grasp?
I just read on the main page that, after whining about Cena's comments, GLAAD was contacted about Michael Cole using the word ****** in a tweet.

Come the fuck on, enough is enough already. I am so sick of hearing about these damn special interest groups that piss and moan any time something even vaguely hinting at being "un-PC" is said or done. Yet, the demographic that these people represent can be just as intolerant, and actually even moreso, than the people they condemn.

It's fucking ridiculous and I had to vent. These groups, whether it's about sexual orientation or otherwise, are so quick to jump at people's throats for the most ignorant fucking shit but clap and cheer and laugh when their "own kind" act just as, if not more, repulsive. It's ignorant and frustrating to no end. Especially when you know it's all about greed and not about anything else. I wish all of these fucking groups would fall off the face of the fucking planet.

Sorry, got on a tangent because of the ole' alkeehol, but you know what I mean. I'm sick of seeing shit like this. First it was Cena's comments that made them say "Hey, here's a chance to get some financial benefits from a multi-billion dollar company" and now everybody has to walk on eggshells. Fuck them.


Yes, how dare an organization, which stands up for a group of people who have been oppressed, are denied equal rights under the law, and have acts of violence committed against them simply because of their DNA, be upset because a popular entertainer, who is heard by millions of children, teens and adults every week, used a word which can cause negative attitudes and violent behavior against homosexuals.

We can't have that, now can we? :rolleyes:
I don't like kids seeing two heterosexuals groping and grabbing and making out in public either.

Don't bring kids into this. I've lived in cities with Gay Pride parades, and it's no different than any Mardi Gras I've ever been to. Of course, you don't mention anything about that because it's titties and bros, which is wholesome Americana.

Number two, I said groping each other's privates and running around in ass-less clothing. Don't twist my words around to try to sound noble.

Obviously, you've never been to any (decent) Halloween party/festival.

Like I said, I have friends from all walks of life, homosexuals included. But they don't do that shit in public either, they have a level of decorum that is obviously lost on your self-righteous soap box.


I think it's you that needs to get the fuck over yourself.


And the fact of the matter is that equality is equality, and tolerance is tolerance. If you're going to preach tolerance, you have to practice tolerance. If you want people to respect your lifestyle then you should damn well respect other people's lifestyle in return. How is that such a hard concept to fucking grasp?

Well, it's not. It's just that you are totally wrong. If Michael Cole called Booker T a ****** via twitter, there'd be hell to pay. When it's homosexual slander though, it's no big deal, right? When Mel Gibson makes anti-semitic comments, it's a big deal. When John Cena ribs anyone for being homosexual-like, it's not, right? This is a kids show, believe it or not. The example being set should not be that terms like that, or even the idea that being gay is much of an insult in the first place. Gays being gay isn't disrespecting your lifestyle unless you are a raging homophobe. Oppression, violence, and denial of the basic human rights everyone should have regardless of sexual orientation is.

Once again, get over yourself.
DirtyJosé;2973715 said:
Don't bring kids into this. I've lived in cities with Gay Pride parades, and it's no different than any Mardi Gras I've ever been to. Of course, you don't mention anything about that because it's titties and bros, which is wholesome Americana.

I'm pretty sure he meant this when he said he doesn't like it when heterosexuals grope and make out in public. You know, straight people?

And why not bring kids into it? Just wondering.

I have no problem with anyone calling anyone whatever they want to call them, but they better be ready to face the consequences from it. I think people do get offended too easily, but that's their problem, not mine. I don't let stuff bother me, but I'm smart enough to know not to yell out "******" when I'm out in public because I don't want to start a confrontation.

Also, I have one more question. Whenever someone tries to show they're not racists they claim they have black friends. But why is it always black friends? Do Asian friends not count? Just something I thought of the other day.
bunch a gay hippies at glaad. Honestly this should not be a major issue and Cole should not have to do more than delete the post.

Spoken like a true closet homosexual. What's the matter buddy, afraid to let people know Triple H isn't the only guy who likes to play "hide the stroodle"?
What kills me is how Michael Cole has spent over the last year and a half or so ripping on The Internet, internet fans, Twitter, etc... and now he could be screwed as a result of comments he made on his Twitter..

Remember, a wrestler was fired for choking an announcer with a tie due to unknown outside influence. If GLAAD calls for Cole's dismissal, I could totally see it taking place.
I don't think Cole would be fired, he's been with WWE for a long time and has built up a lot of good will with WWE. Bryan being let go was fair enough as he hadn't been in the E for a long time.

If anything, Cole would just be put to use on, but even then, I don't see Cole losing his job, that's a bit extreme.

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