Yeah, two. One with you, I'm guessing, and the one with Sly. And since, like you said, you're both arrogant pricks, and I've already expressed my dislike of you, that hardly seems enough to base an entire opinion on.

In fairness, I'm a total prick, but Gelgarin really isn't. He's pretty tame.
Yeah, two. One with you, I'm guessing, and the one with Sly. And since, like you said, you're both arrogant pricks, and I've already expressed my dislike of you, that hardly seems enough to base an entire opinion on.

And yet I have managed it.

And for the record, I gave more respect than you deserved in our debate after you came swanning in with your "disbelief" at my apparent lack of intelligence.
You'll have to excuse me for thinking the whole "ability to keep audience = good" argument that you used was crap.
Your excused. I'm not particularly interested in what you choose to believe.

That being said, if you're going to act like a dick and argue the point then you either need to have the posting ability necessary to do so or make peace with the fact that you're going to look foolish and annoy people.

Now I believe that both Sly and myself have satisfactorily answered your query. Was there anything else?
Yes. Could you be so kind as to compare me to someone else that supposedly has inferior argumentative skills that isn't a bigot?
Yeah, two. One with you, I'm guessing, and the one with Sly. And since, like you said, you're both arrogant pricks, and I've already expressed my dislike of you, that hardly seems enough to base an entire opinion on.

Yet you did the same with me when I stuck up for Sully in a thread you were shitting on him in and another thread where I merely pointed out that I thought Doc was really giving it to Crocky for a few weeks. "Pretentious asshole" I believe is what you referred to me as. The ONLY two times we've interacted. So, it's fine for you to describe me that way to the entire forum based on two interactions (one of which had nothing to do with you I might add), but not ok for someone else to base their opinions of you on two (much longer) debates? That makes sense
Yet you did the same with me when I stuck up for Sully in a thread you were shitting on him in and another thread where I merely pointed out that I thought Doc was really giving it to Crocky for a few weeks. "Pretentious asshole" I believe is what you referred to me as. The ONLY two times we've interacted. So, it's fine for you to describe me that way to the entire forum based on two interactions (one of which had nothing to do with you I might add), but not ok for someone else to base their opinions of you on two (much longer) debates? That makes sense

Which thread did that happen in again?
The other most vocal was Dirty. He actually was a great example of a contradictory attitude. Saying I was prejudiced towards homosexuals (that one was easy to dispute) yet showing his own prejudiced opinion towards caucasian males by saying I was "privileged" solely based on race and/or gender. A false statement and a bigoted one. Thank you for making that point for me.


DirtyJosé;2980143 said:
Regardless of your skin color, you are privileged enough to feel that a group dedicated to improving living conditions for a group of people denied rights and terrorized for many many years are simply acting out of a desire for money and couldn't possibly be actually trying to do a good thing. You are privileged to feel that the struggle for Gay rights is somehow offending on your right to be an ignorant dip shit.

I guess getting your panties all bunched up meant not actually reading what was said and just reacting in typical fashion.
If TNA's circumstance was similar to the WWE's then GLAAD would have made an appeal, but the reality of the situation merits a 'who give's a fuck' from everyone involved, including any sensitive groups.
Wow, I come back and the ignorance abounds. This will be the last thing I say about the subject because everybody twists and spins things to no end. First, there was not ONE single thing I said that could be construed as negative towards the homosexual community, yet ignorant people continue to claim I'm a bigot. There's yet one more example of somebody who thinks they're never wrong being wrong (yet again).

Secondly, it's common knowledge that an opinion is required to be explained through reasoning and examples. That is what I did. I have more, but it's lost on egos. Burden of proof (since you want to throw that out there constantly) is on the person that wishes to prove somebody's opinion wrong. (And "Durrrrrrr, ur stoopid" is not hard, factual evidence. Sorry, slick.)

Take 2 examples from history (Not counting popular, professional opinions on the subject). "The earth is flat" was a prime example of an opinion. The burden of proof fell on the opposition which did, in fact, find conclusive, hard evidence that the earth was round. We know this to this day.

Secondly, the earth is the center of the universe. That, also, was proven false, after evidence had been established.

Point being, burden of proof is on the person that wants to claim an OPINION (key word here, since you obviously can't read) is totally wrong. I provided why I thought (I thought, i.e. my OPINION) the way that I did about special interest groups (Which, if you dig deeper into different groups you will see that a lot of them are more about the founders' desire for power and financial gain).

Does that mean all groups? No. Does that mean it's possible? Yes. Egos really do get in the way of common sense, I guess.

Nowhere did I say "homosexuals are a plague on humanity", or "**** suck" (no pun intended), or denounce the homosexual community. Yet you continue in totally false accusations while bashing me for a simple opinion. :lmao::lmao::lmao: That sounds a little like hypocrisy, too, but that's a subject for another day.

So while you think you know all, you really don't. Plus, like I said, the whole thing was based on opinion which a person is really only required to give his or her reasoning and examples as to why they think that way. Opinions are not wrong, unless scientifically and undisputedly proven wrong, which nobody here can do. Check into it sometime. You may have a difference of opinion, but have no hard facts to prove my opinion wrong.

Thank you for showing everybody how overinflated your egos really are and how ridiculous you can sound calling somebody something he's not, simply because of an opinion towards a special interest group. That's the most absurd conclusion I think I've ever heard on this site, and I laugh at all of you "big guns" (quotation marks for sarcasm, just so you know) for doing what you chastise a lot of people on here for doing. :lmao:

Busy helping out a local promoter, settling into a few other projects as well (some community action-based concerning awareness on ALL FRONTS, not just a singled-out segment of the population which is discriminatory and goes against a lot of principles just in a different direction, btw), and heading to a local event tomorrow to check out some pretty cool names, Dominic DeNucci being one of them, so my time on the forum, alas, will be very limited. (Sorry to all my new found "fans". :D)

Oh, and btw, the Mania trip was awesome, Atlanta is one awesome town, and the people are super nice. My son was such a hit, you would have thought he was a celebrity. Oh, and we got to hit up a ROH meet and greet before our Axxess time. Kind of busy and pricey, but son got pics w/Colt Cabana, El Generico, "Dirty" Dutch, Bushwacker Luke, and Jim Cornette. I snagged a pic for myself w/Cornette. Cornette's table loved my son so much they gave him a free autographed 8x10. Got autos from Colt, Generico, and Dutch on our ticket as well.

Went to Abdullah's restaurant, too. He wasn't very sociable, but we got pics w/him and an autographed pic. Olympic Park had some cool stuff going on that weekend too, and weather was good. All in all an awesome experience.

Kisses and hugs to all! lol

It's a face palm made of face palms. Nothing else can express my frustration with your stupidity.

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