Getting Antsy

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
I'm starting to get antsy waiting around for bond or bail or clemency or commissary or whatever it is I have to wait around for. There's been a bunch of threads I wanted to post in but can't even view unless I am signed out which is getting old fast. There's also been some threads I wanted to start in other sections. I thought about making responses to the threads I wanted to respond to by re-creating the threads in here but it seems rather difficult to draw any attraction to the prison, and there is potential for making a duplicate thread infractions as well which I obviously don't need.

Also, I have been learning the GIMP program and making sigs that I am just dying to show off and get some feedback on. I was hoping to maybe make sigs for other people if maybe Doc or Theo don't mind or would like someone else to refer people to if they want to take on less of the work load as sigs seem to be a high demand product. I've got tons of brushes and fonts and I've been getting better at using the program period so I know I at least have the tools to make some good sigs, I'd like to see if maybe I have the vision too. I can't do any of that as long as I am in prison short of just posting the pictures of them but I actually want to display them as sigs for myself and others(presentation is everything).

So how much longer do I have to sit in here? This sucks, period. I've been trying to make the best of it, but damn it seems hard to get peoples attention to the threads in here. Is there something I am missing or something I need to do I haven't done? Am I supposed to make a written apology to somebody or something? What have I got to do to get the hell out of here, I hate jail in real life, and this isn't much better.
(I'm also not too fond of the name "Roid Rage" so I wouldn't mind getting back to The Game Rage)
Well, for some reason, I have a feeling your not going to be in here as long as I was. It took me about a month to improve...Then I was let out 4 months afterwards. You seem to already be a good poster, but you really haven't been in here too long. You least have till the end of May. Unless the Mods are aren't just fucking with you, and their serious...then you might be in here a little longer.
I was thinking about posting something in the graphics section asking for a few renderings of Hunter Kravinoff in different attires. You think people from your neck of the woods will be up to the task?
I was thinking about posting something in the graphics section asking for a few renderings of Hunter Kravinoff in different attires. You think people from your neck of the woods will be up to the task?

I can certainly try. Sounds fun, actually.
This WrestleZone forum parallels actual prison in that neither are particularly effective at rehabilitation. I was wondering myself how one would go about getting out of prison as soon as possible. It's probably best to make sure others know that you're not going to do what got you sent here in the first place, which in your case was viewing refutation as 'attacking' or 'smearing'.

This was already discussed here: , but just to re-state my point:

You have a accused a lot of people of refusing to listen to see others point of view because there was disagreement. Now in the case of Twist, I can admit there were some people that really didn't care what he had to say and were just continually cutting him down, but you seem to be of the opinion that if someone disagrees with a religious persons view on God for example, they must hate God and your beliefs.

That was a big part of why you wound up here, because between the MMA vs Boxing thread & religious threads from the CL, you thought every one was attacking you and then you made your 'Fuck You All' thread. You replied to my latter quote saying that you still think you're correct when you say that people were attacking you, and considering that's what got you here in the first place, that may be a problem unless you're just going to implode instead of explode.

Clearly, I am not a moderator or an admin., but if I was, a clear signal that you've re-evaluated the way you're going to look at opposing views is what I would be looking for before letting you out. All that being said, besides the 'Fuck You All' thread, I don't think you deserve to be here.
Make a sig thread in here and I'll critique you.

I appreciate the offer sir, I will wait until I can it properly though. This is not the place I want to unveil what I have been working on. Not mind blowing stuff like what you make, but I am working my way there through experimentation. I am totally addicted to this stuff, I can spend hours on end just making little changes here and there, playing with brushes and colors and fonts, just toying around with the program. I have been looking at the sigs in the forums to see if I can figure out what you or others may have done to make some of the better sigs that I have yet to utilize. I am still figuring it all out, and after all I am very new at this. The time will come and I will make a thread in the graphics section when I am out to display what all I have done.

It's spelt Angsty

and actually it's "Spelled" not spelt.

   /ˈæntsi/ Show Spelled[ant-see] Show IPA
–adjective, ants·i·er, ants·i·est. Informal .
unable to sit or stand still; fidgety: The children were bored and antsy.
apprehensive, uneasy, or nervous: I'm a little antsy since hearing those storm warnings.

You replied to my latter quote saying that you still think you're correct when you say that people were attacking you, and considering that's what got you here in the first place, that may be a problem unless you're just going to implode instead of explode.

Clearly, I am not a moderator or an admin., but if I was, a clear signal that you've re-evaluated the way you're going to look at opposing views is what I would be looking for before letting you out. All that being said, besides the 'Fuck You All' thread, I don't think you deserve to be here.

Implode is not in my dictionary, that won't be happening any time soon. Obviously I know that there may have been a better way to express my frustration, but I most certainly was justified in feeling that way and I'll take that to the grave. It wasn't just disagreement, I could care less if you disagree, it was the fashion in which people chose to do so, and the way so many people treat those they disagree with. Call me the pot calling the kettle black, I gave back what I and others received and obviously no one liked it. It just goes to show the double standard though.

If you are arguing in favor of God, Christianity, or anything that can be linked to it you are wrong, your faith is wrong, that comes under attack, you as a person are attacked and labeled a million hateful things that aren't true, and that's all ok for everyone to do to you because of what you represent. On the flip side of the coin though if I do that, or someone like-minded does that the prison is waiting, banning, or constant ridicule for defending your beliefs or having the wrong ones supposedly. Acknowledge it or deny it, you know it's the truth and it's bullshit.

As I've said before it's like I'm not supposed to say anything because you don't want to hear anything I have to say, you don't want any opposition, and you will just demonize me for it anyways. I am just supposed to sit back, let people attack anything and everything I love or stand for, and just listen to it without having a word in. It's not people listening to each other and discussing anything, you don't want to hear anything I have to say, you want me to hear what you have to say.

I am all up for listening to whatever anyone thinks, but when I state what I think without putting anyone else under attack, I don't expect that I should come under attack myself. Just because you don't like it, or you think God is a tyrant, or that I'm somehow fucked up for not accepting and condoning homosexuality, or because I am a Republican, or whatever it is that you people pick on any given day doesn't mean you need to disrespect those things, especially if I am not disrespecting what you believe. Apparently though saying anything contrary to the liberal agenda is disrespectful.

I will handle things differently in the future obviously. Nonetheless I've made my point and it has been heard. I will most likely leave the hate-mongering to all of you. Ya know 90% of the time I have just tried to mediate a bit, and express each persons views to the other in a way that would make sense to either or. Then when I am trying to explain the non "PC" or Liberal side of the argument, all these false assumptions of me are made, I am called out as being a bunch of stereotypes, and I am then forced into arguing an argument I either wanted to stay neutral in, or like I said was just trying to mediate a bit. That's pretty shitty too. It's like one side gets free reign and the other must be muzzled. I will not be muzzled, but I will be more mindful of my words.
If you are arguing in favor of God, Christianity, or anything that can be linked to it you are wrong, your faith is wrong, that comes under attack, you as a person are attacked and labeled a million hateful things that aren't true, and that's all ok for everyone to do to you because of what you represent. On the flip side of the coin though if I do that, or someone like-minded does that the prison is waiting, banning, or constant ridicule for defending your beliefs or having the wrong ones supposedly. Acknowledge it or deny it, you know it's the truth and it's bullshit.

Can you elaborate on this quote and give some examples? I am curious as to what you're defining as attacking. If you're religious and that is the topic at hand, of course I will scrutinize because there are some profound flaws with believing in things that have no evidential basis. I would like to make that clear by the way, there is nothing inherent about religion or God, as a skeptic I feel this way towards anything with no evidence or reason, it just so happens that religion is such a hot topic.

Do you view my posts that examine and peruse faith and supernatural happenings as hateful or as attacking those topics? I am very interested to hear your answer.

As I've said before it's like I'm not supposed to say anything because you don't want to hear anything I have to say, you don't want any opposition, and you will just demonize me for it anyways. I am just supposed to sit back, let people attack anything and everything I love or stand for, and just listen to it without having a word in. It's not people listening to each other and discussing anything, you don't want to hear anything I have to say, you want me to hear what you have to say.

I want your opposition, I want your posts, and I want your point of view. Trust me when I say there is nothing enjoyable about reaffirming and agreeing with what every one else has already said. If I read a thread that has accurately stated my view, I often won't reply personally because I am not adding any thing new. That being said, I want your opposition because I feel I can show why you're wrong. There are very few intellectual threads I will post in if I cannot prove or show why my point of view is the more correct of the two (or more).

To parallel the situation you describe I put forth the intelligent design vs evolution thread found here: . SlyFox696 was speaking on behalf of intelligent design, whereas I spoke on evolution. When I would read SlyFox's posts critiquing my posts, I wouldn't anger and claim he was attacking my beliefs, he was discussing the topic at hand. This is what I don't understand, what is different between that situation and the one you describe? Clearly that thread continued with out any one exploding and being sent to prison, why is that?

I am all up for listening to whatever anyone thinks, but when I state what I think without putting anyone else under attack, I don't expect that I should come under attack myself. Just because you don't like it, or you think God is a tyrant, or that I'm somehow fucked up for not accepting and condoning homosexuality, or because I am a Republican, or whatever it is that you people pick on any given day doesn't mean you need to disrespect those things, especially if I am not disrespecting what you believe. Apparently though saying anything contrary to the liberal agenda is disrespectful.

Again I have to ask for you to elaborate on what you mean by attack? If you mean that you're defending one point of view while another figuratively attacks it, then I suppose that is what a debate is and you should stay away from the cigar lounge. However if you mean: To attack one's view-point with unwarranted hostility or condescension, then I would reply that those actions don't take place in the cigar lounge (in general, there are exceptions).

If there is a topic on homosexuality, and your reply condemns gay marriage and gay activities, what would the following opposing arguments be in your mind ideally? I'm not asking you to type out a fictional response, but can you list some generalities you would expect an ideal reply to have? Off the top of my head, this is what I would say to this question:
  • Address all the points of the quoted comment
  • If disagreeing, state your counter-points
  • Explain your counter-points, and why they are superior to the quoted person's points
I would say that's proper debating, you seemingly view this as close-mindedness and hostile attacking, please explain this opinion.
Can you elaborate on this quote and give some examples? I am curious as to what you're defining as attacking. If you're religious and that is the topic at hand, of course I will scrutinize because there are some profound flaws with believing in things that have no evidential basis. I would like to make that clear by the way, there is nothing inherent about religion or God, as a skeptic I feel this way towards anything with no evidence or reason, it just so happens that religion is such a hot topic.

Do you view my posts that examine and peruse faith and supernatural happenings as hateful or as attacking those topics? I am very interested to hear your answer.

Attacking as in personal attack, attack on ones fatih, religion, beliefs, thinking, ideology, character, etc etc etc. Personal Attack there's nothing subliminal or cryptic about this, it's right out in the open. Examining and perusing faith and the supernatural is good, you at least seem to show genuine interest and actually seek out further knowledge which is also good. It shows to me at least that you may be in pursuit of understanding those things, rather than shunning them or casting them aside and closing your mind to them because of the stigmas and stereotypes attached by society to God, religion, faith, and the supernatural. For those reasons no, I do not view your posts or threads as hateful and attacking. You make some very bold bold statements, but I wouldn't call what I've seen from you as hateful and attacking.

The underlined part is something I take issue with. You said If you're religious and the topic is on religion, you are going to attack the person because "there are some profound flaws" with believing in things that have no evidential basis. Although that doesn't scream it directly, your essentially saying "Having faith in God" is profoundly flawed, and if your in a conversation with someone who does you are admitting you're going to attack them because you don't agree with that, you think it's highly flawed. Well all that is your opinion, not fact, and for you to attack someone on those grounds is wrong plain and simple. That is discrimination and I'm sure many other harsher bigger words and isms.

I want your opposition, I want your posts, and I want your point of view. Trust me when I say there is nothing enjoyable about reaffirming and agreeing with what every one else has already said. If I read a thread that has accurately stated my view, I often won't reply personally because I am not adding any thing new. That being said, I want your opposition because I feel I can show why you're wrong. There are very few intellectual threads I will post in if I cannot prove or show why my point of view is the more correct of the two (or more).

Well Sal you just explained my thinking and process too. Only difference is I don't care if I can prove my point as more correct, I know it is and I don't need to do that to know I am correct either. While you or I may want to have opposition, drive discussion, and the biggest thing of all explore and learn, my point has been that there are a whole lot of other people who don't and when you try to give them that they don't respond well. There are a lot of people who add to forums not to add something new to drive the conversation as you or I may do, but to rant about their hates and biases which oh by the way basically means you. So you're fucked and the person is just going to say the most disparaging things they can about you or what ever it is you believe so you will no longer oppose their view. If you don't more of the same with a side of accusation and super sized personal insults of all kinds which also are supposed to prove you wrong too by the way.

To parallel the situation you describe I put forth the intelligent design vs evolution thread found here: . SlyFox696 was speaking on behalf of intelligent design, whereas I spoke on evolution. When I would read SlyFox's posts critiquing my posts, I wouldn't anger and claim he was attacking my beliefs, he was discussing the topic at hand. This is what I don't understand, what is different between that situation and the one you describe? Clearly that thread continued with out any one exploding and being sent to prison, why is that?

I won't even get into you and Slyfox's posts.

From The Thread:

Originally Posted by Jack-Hammer View Post
Those that are against it feel it's religious dogma disguised as academics and is a violation of seperation between church and State.

Where do you stand?

That's exactly where I stand. Let's be honest now, you can call it ID but it's going to be taught as Christianity and nothing else, certainly not The FSM church which is just as credible as any other religion in my opinion. Religion has no place in state schools, it's divisive, opinionated and certainly in the US could never ever be taught with an unbiased eye. If you want to be taught t
his nonsense
, go to a faith school but don't be forcing it on those who have no need or desire for it. This is as usual, the Christian right trying to force their views on America and if they have to cheat the system to do it, well so be it.

That's different. Here's more.

Intelligent Design theory is people saying this: Well, we know science is making it more difficult to believe in God, so what we're going to do is allow scientists to make discoveries and/or theories, then pass it off as God without specifically saying it's God. The fact people believe this is science amuses me to no end.

What people would you be referring to dear?

The thing with this is, it depends on who teaches you it and how they teach. When I was taught about Darwin, it was by a very strict Christian, who taught it with contempt, who put her spin on things to make it seem like this was a stupid, impossible concept. IF, and I mean IF this was taught in schools, it would need to be clear this is only a THEORY and there is absolutely no scientific evidence in favour of it. Which makes me wonder whether it should be taught in SCIENCE at all. It should be part of a religion class, because that's what this is.

One is heavily supported with evidence by those with an understanding of what they are doing and the other is supported by people with a book written 6,000 years ago and religious dogma.

You clearly have absolutely no understanding of evolution, based on this paragraph, I'm going to break it down for you very simply.

The above was a reaction to some off the cuff jokes I was making, just trying to be funny and lighten the mood. Instead I got^

My biggest problem again with intelligent design is that the only reason it's being considered for science textbooks is because a bunch of Christians with no background in science at all are pushing for it. It's things like parents writing letters to the school board rather than solid research and peer reviewed studies by scientists that's getting intelligent design forced into textbooks.

If Christian parents really want this taught then they can teach it themselves to their children inside of their private homes just as they already teach their children they must believe in god as their savior.

Again it's all those damn Christians fucking it all up.

Christians use emotional and theological arguments to block science and wedge their unscientific beliefs into the science curriculum.

Yep, if only those Christians weren't around.

All of your arguments have come to:

* Who cares if intelligent design has no evidence.
* You value faith and science the same
* Scientists are afraid of intelligent design

Recognize this.

It's not just the stuff above but a lot of the arguments condescending tones, and attempts at making people simply look like idiots for saying anything contrary to a popular idea. This is one thread, and I could move on to many more.

Again I have to ask for you to elaborate on what you mean by attack? If you mean that you're defending one point of view while another figuratively attacks it, then I suppose that is what a debate is and you should stay away from the cigar loung

I just elaborated the entire post above, what you describe as debate in the CL is not my issue. Remember, it was I who led the CLDL until this little mishap, I have no problem with real debate. What you go on to say though....

However if you mean: To attack one's view-point with unwarranted hostility or condescension, then I would reply that those actions don't take place in the cigar lounge (in general, there are exceptions).

That's what the Cl is, the place to attackes one's view-point with unwarranted hostility and condescension, with exceptions here and there for actual debate, especially if you are of a certain perspective.

If there is a topic on homosexuality, and your reply condemns gay marriage and gay activities, what would the following opposing arguments be in your mind ideally? I'm not asking you to type out a fictional response, but can you list some generalities you would expect an ideal reply to have? Off the top of my head, this is what I would say to this question:
  • Address all the points of the quoted comment
  • If disagreeing, state your counter-points
  • Explain your counter-points, and why they are superior to the quoted person's points
I would say that's proper debating, you seemingly view this as close-mindedness and hostile attacking, please explain this opinion.[/QUOTE]

You assume as much but are wrong there as you probably knew before now. I like proper debating, it's what I try to encourage. As for a response, sometimes I don't want any response, just let me say my peace and leave me the fuck alone. Unfortunately though people decide to take issue with stuff and come at you in one way or another, often times not in the respectful fashion you are trying to present. Hopefully that is explanation enough.
and actually it's "Spelled" not spelt.

   /ˈæntsi/ Show Spelled[ant-see] Show IPA
–adjective, ants·i·er, ants·i·est. Informal .
unable to sit or stand still; fidgety: The children were bored and antsy.
apprehensive, uneasy, or nervous: I'm a little antsy since hearing those storm warnings.

1. [spelt]
a pt. and pp. of spell.

2. [spelt]
a wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta, native to southern Europe and western Asia, used chiefly for livestock feed.
If there were any justice in this world, you wouldn't exist.

If there was any justice in the world, you'd have been banned instead of sent to prison, so that you wouldn't be able to bitch about how the mods are cruel and you're so hard done by because you're in prison for fucking up.
If there was any justice in the world, you'd have been banned instead of sent to prison, so that you wouldn't be able to bitch about how the mods are cruel and you're so hard done by because you're in prison for fucking up.

No Zero please, that's the worst thing anyones ever said to me oh please stop. Oh you're hurting my feelings, oh God get a noose I can't handle life anymore, you just destroyed me oh my God, what do I do? How do I go on?

Bitch please.

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The underlined part is something I take issue with. You said If you're religious and the topic is on religion, you are going to attack the person because "there are some profound flaws" with believing in things that have no evidential basis. Although that doesn't scream it directly, your essentially saying "Having faith in God" is profoundly flawed, and if your in a conversation with someone who does you are admitting you're going to attack them because you don't agree with that, you think it's highly flawed. Well all that is your opinion, not fact, and for you to attack someone on those grounds is wrong plain and simple. That is discrimination and I'm sure many other harsher bigger words and isms.

It is clear now that when you are saying attacking, you mean the same as scrutinizing, and if that is the case I do not have any problem with some one saying I attacked religion in a religion thread. I do view faith in God, and supernatural happenings to be profoundly flawed. If the topic at hand is religion, I am going to state that opinion and give the reasoning behind why I feel that is true. That isn't discrimination because I don't treat religious folks any different than I treat any others. Regardless of what the topic is, I act cordially and respectfully. You will never see me trying to 'strengthen' my arguments by calling the other person an idiot or something akin to that. Discrimination is specifically differentiating or making distinction between persons based on a group, belief, or some other thing. Outside of religious threads, I don't treat you any differently than I do any one else.

Well Sal you just explained my thinking and process too. Only difference is I don't care if I can prove my point as more correct, I know it is and I don't need to do that to know I am correct either. While you or I may want to have opposition, drive discussion, and the biggest thing of all explore and learn, my point has been that there are a whole lot of other people who don't and when you try to give them that they don't respond well. There are a lot of people who add to forums not to add something new to drive the conversation as you or I may do, but to rant about their hates and biases which oh by the way basically means you. So you're fucked and the person is just going to say the most disparaging things they can about you or what ever it is you believe so you will no longer oppose their view. If you don't more of the same with a side of accusation and super sized personal insults of all kinds which also are supposed to prove you wrong too by the way.

Ranting about ones hates or biases wouldn't be tolerated in the CL, I would personally call them out on that if it were the case. It's ironic that you're mentioning bias considering your view on homosexuality. When ever I post in a thread or create on myself, I am open to any point as long as:
  • Logically it is the best answer
  • There is evidential basis
If there was definitive proof tomorrow that our world was created by an intelligent being, I would be the first in line at my local church, synagogue, mosque, what ever. I'm not likely to post in a thread I know absolutely nothing about, what would I have to contribute? Therefore I will have already examined aspects of both sides of an argument, belief, ideal etc, and will have decided which I believe fits the bullet-point criteria above best. Like I said, if I am shown to be wrong, I will accept that, how ever I am always on the side where the evidence lies, so it's rather hand to show me why I am wrong and you're correct.

That's what the Cl is, the place to attackes one's view-point with unwarranted hostility and condescension, with exceptions here and there for actual debate, especially if you are of a certain perspective.

For every piece of unnecessary hostility or condescension, I am curious how many legitimate points and views you passed over while attempting to prove your point. You're not the only one who has had to deal with a person debating in a silly manner, take this for example: . I like ForTheSouth overall, I'm just not particularly fond of how he mixes condescension & insults with legitimate points. But there is substance to his posts in that thread, so I (mostly) ignore what shouldn't be there and just talk about the actual points. This is what I suggest you should do. I admit that you would have to filter through more shit posts and points than I will have to, but I don't think it's too much to handle, do you?


If there was any justice in the world, you'd have been banned instead of sent to prison, so that you wouldn't be able to bitch about how the mods are cruel and you're so hard done by because you're in prison for fucking up.

Do you have a 'Harass Game Rage' quota to make? Off-topic, I noticed you live in Hamilton, that's about 25 minutes from where I live, small world.
It is clear now that when you are saying attacking, you mean the same as scrutinizing, and if that is the case I do not have any problem with some one saying I attacked religion in a religion thread. I do view faith in God, and supernatural happenings to be profoundly flawed. If the topic at hand is religion, I am going to state that opinion and give the reasoning behind why I feel that is true. That isn't discrimination because I don't treat religious folks any different than I treat any others. Regardless of what the topic is, I act cordially and respectfully. You will never see me trying to 'strengthen' my arguments by calling the other person an idiot or something akin to that. Discrimination is specifically differentiating or making distinction between persons based on a group, belief, or some other thing. Outside of religious threads, I don't treat you any differently than I do any one else.

Scrutinizing something, and just making idiotic stereotypical comments in regards to something you don't agree with are two different things. You may be an exception but definitely not the rule as it pertains to what I pointed out. I never said you use personal attack to strengthen your arguments either. I simply pointed out that even you who attempts to be pretty fair is still biased, and you will act against someone based on their beliefs which is pretty unwarranted and a result of your bias. As it pertains to me, sure, you have been basically the same to me anywhere, but motivations do reveal intentions, and you're intentions aren't as noble as your actions. If you want to get at people for having faith in a higher power of a God, I would suggest looking at yourself and evaluating why you have this urge to make other people like you, without faith.

Ranting about ones hates or biases wouldn't be tolerated in the CL, I would personally call them out on that if it were the case. It's ironic that you're mentioning bias considering your view on homosexuality. When ever I post in a thread or create on myself, I am open to any point as long as:

* Logically it is the best answer
* There is evidential basis

Well see, I am talking TO you, not AT you or ABOUT you. I know how you operate and I know it is not the way I described some of the others. Not that I don't mind the tour of the inner workings of your mind, I quite enjoy that, but you don't have to defend yourself to what I am talking about. As I've said before it's not you. I think that sometimes you know how to stir the pot when you want to, but I wouldn't say you're in the ranks of the people I have been referring to. Notice you also are speaking of your toleration of the conduct I described and even cited, not others. Although you may be oblivious to what I am talking about it is tolerated to quite a degree, I would even go as far as to call it a "Style".

I'm not likely to post in a thread I know absolutely nothing about, what would I have to contribute?

What could you contribute? More inquiry, you could ask questions, raise doubts, promote some further discussion, that's adding something. Worst case scenario you might learn something new or help someone else learn something new by asking questions maybe they hadn't thought of.

Therefore I will have already examined aspects of both sides of an argument, belief, ideal etc, and will have decided which I believe fits the bullet-point criteria above best. Like I said, if I am shown to be wrong, I will accept that, how ever I am always on the side where the evidence lies, so it's rather hand to show me why I am wrong and you're correct.

Salvatore, it's not always about proving people right and wrong, a conversation is not a contest or an equation where you have to measure every possible variable regarding the situation. As far as you deciding what best fits your bullet point criteria goes, those things you principle don't make you right or wrong, they form an opinion and an idea, not a fact. I think it's rather telling of you to say you will always be on the side where the evidence lies. Why do you need that evidence to make up your mind? Can't you just think about something and trust your feelings on a matter, rather than having to have Johnny-5 status input? Are you just that hell bent on never being wrong? That still doesn't keep you from being wrong. Evidence is a matter of opinion and interpretation, it's what you accept as evidence that determines where you stand, every side has their story you just pick which one you like better. It's still having faith, but in different places. I see mans word as flawed, you see what is called the word of God as flawed. You put your faith in man, I put mine in God. Difference of opinion, not difference of fact, you can't prove or disprove God. You can disprove man.

For every piece of unnecessary hostility or condescension, I am curious how many legitimate points and views you passed over while attempting to prove your point.

Plenty, I read most of them, but that wasn't what you asked me to present to you now is it? Sure, there were people who handled it very well, but I also did prove my point choose or choose not to acknowledge it, I did. It was every bit as easy as finding the legitimate posts which is pretty sad really.

You're not the only one who has had to deal with a person debating in a silly manner

Never said I was, as a matter of fact I made it clear that I wasn't talking about just myself but others who I witness deal with the same thing.

I admit that you would have to filter through more shit posts and points than I will have to, but I don't think it's too much to handle, do you?

It's not too much to handle all the time, but there have been plenty of times where I've been fired upon from so many angles and so many different people that there was almost no way to respond. Not being one to let that fly though, that is where the word fort came from and I guess I just got used to responding to more than one person at a time. Nonetheless when it's that many people bombarding you it is too much to handle, and a person doesn't deserve to be treated that way no matter what they believe or represent for the most part. That's all I've been saying, and trying to get people to do differently. Have some respect for each other, treat people fair, and for God sake have some fun with it.

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