General No Way Out 2008 Discussion


hbk&triple h

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-- The Elimination Chamber is being brought back for the No Way Out pay-per-view in February. The storyline heading into WrestleMania is that the winner of the Royal Rumble will get to decide the champion he wants to face at WrestleMania. Then, the unselected champion will have its brand's top wrestlers go into an the Elimination Chamber. The winner of that match will get the other title shot at WrestleMania.

Well this is a good idea. I was expecting a match at Armageddon but this works. I'm expecting it to be between Smackdown superstars beause picks to win the Rumble are Lashley or Jericho. In that case I see the match being between Mysterio, Undertaker, Batista, Finlay, MVP possibly, and Kane. Sounds okay actually.

WHY?Why put it 1 PPV away from the big one?No sesnse.The match will be good but it makes no sense.Save it for a big PPV.Not everybodys least favourite PPV.
So from what I am reading, ECW has no contentions with the Royal Rumble or the Elimination Chamber? Or could they possibly be saying a fully merger between Smackdown/ECW will be coming soon, without directly saying it?

Granted ECW has a tiny roster right now, but that could be easily fixed (I actually think they will be introducing more to the roster soon).

Smackdown's Elimination Chamber:
Rey Mysterio
Kane/Finlay/M. Hardy/CM Punk?

Without a doubt in my mind, Edge will be the WHC already. I put 4 guys in the final spot cause it would be hard to say who.

Raw's Elimination Chamber:
Chris Jericho/Randy Orton (1 of them will be Champ obviously, not sure which)
Shawn Michaels
Triple H
Bobby Lashley/J. Hardy
Mr. Kennedy

ECW's Elimination Chamber: (for shit and giggles, also which I think would be the best one)
John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Elijah Burke
The Miz (I hate the guy, but he would be there)

WHY?Why put it 1 PPV away from the big one?No sesnse.The match will be good but it makes no sense.Save it for a big PPV.Not everybodys least favourite PPV.

WWE has four big pay per views. All of them should be able to sell without the use of gimmick matches. Why put it at Wrestlemania? To up the buyrates? That just shows how shitty and bad the card is for it to rely on a huge match. And plus why would you put it at Wrestlemania?

The match is usually for the title and I'm pretty sure a lot of people would not be pleased with an Eimination Chamber as one of our Main Events.

It is a better idea to put it on a smaller PPV that way your buys go up. I scratch the idea of MVP. It will be Khali most likely in his place and I can't find anybody to replace Finlay, but I'm positive Undertaker, Mysterio, Batista, and Kane will be involved.
WWE has four big pay per views. All of them should be able to sell without the use of gimmick matches. Why put it at Wrestlemania? To up the buyrates? That just shows how shitty and bad the card is for it to rely on a huge match. And plus why would you put it at Wrestlemania?

The match is usually for the title and I'm pretty sure a lot of people would not be pleased with an Eimination Chamber as one of our Main Events.

It is a better idea to put it on a smaller PPV that way your buys go up. I scratch the idea of MVP. It will be Khali most likely in his place and I can't find anybody to replace Finlay, but I'm positive Undertaker, Mysterio, Batista, and Kane will be involved.

Do you really think that Khali will be put in there? I could definitely see that happening, but I thought he was kind of illegitimized when they put him out to be part of the one night DX thing. Reminded me of the Oddities.

I love the Elimination Chamber...but as hbk&triple h will tell you...I'm a sucker for spots and gimmick matches. :) I think this is an absolutely great idea. When I saw that in the headlines, I got excited about the federation for the first time since I got a tease at No Mercy. I hope this is a long-term addition to WWE plans.
Do you really think that Khali will be put in there? I could definitely see that happening, but I thought he was kind of illegitimized when they put him out to be part of the one night DX thing. Reminded me of the Oddities.

I love the Elimination Chamber...but as hbk&triple h will tell you...I'm a sucker for spots and gimmick matches. :) I think this is an absolutely great idea. When I saw that in the headlines, I got excited about the federation for the first time since I got a tease at No Mercy. I hope this is a long-term addition to WWE plans.

Yeah, I think he woul be put in there. He will be sort of the one variable in the match that is hard to get rid of, and is going to destroy everyone. I think he was only in there because it was one night only for the DX Reunion.

Definitely. If anyone loves spots over and over it goes to Ricky, i love the Elimination Chamber but the last two have been absolute shit. The other three were pretty good though. Summerslam 2003 was okay until Goldberg came in and totally ruined the match by defeating everybody.

But at Wrestlemania? Gimmick matches should never be the main event at Mania. Heck, there shouldn't even be gimmick matches at Mania. We should be able to have a card that is all wrestling and still looks as great as it would with all the gimmick matches.
Ye i reckon its gotta be a Smackdown Chamber, firstly it'll be the first one ever, both ECW and Raw have had them- Raw have had 4. Orton will beat Jericho, and then either Jericho, Lashley, Kennedy, or some other top raw guy will win the Rumble. In my opinion Edge will win the title at either Armagedoon or Rumble and then screw Taker out of the Rumble match. Vickie Guerrero will say Undertaker will never get a shot and all that stuff, and then Teddy Long will return and make the Chamber match.

Matt Hardy

I think this will be the people in the match, Finlay will be in Hornswoggle/ McMahon rivalry. Matt Hardy or MVP will beat one or the other in this match, well hopefully, and this will continue their rivalry onto Wrestlemania. Obv it'll end up with Undertaker and Batista- maybe Batista turning heel and attacking Mysterio in some cheating way :s. Obv Undertaker wins, setting up for title match at Wrestlemania.

This is my opinion, probs will end up being totaly wrong lol, but hopefully won't, only problem is that my chamber has 5 faces and 1 heel- unless Batista turns heel during it.
Yeah, I think he woul be put in there. He will be sort of the one variable in the match that is hard to get rid of, and is going to destroy everyone. I think he was only in there because it was one night only for the DX Reunion.

Definitely. If anyone loves spots over and over it goes to Ricky, i love the Elimination Chamber but the last two have been absolute shit. The other three were pretty good though. Summerslam 2003 was okay until Goldberg came in and totally ruined the match by defeating everybody.

But at Wrestlemania? Gimmick matches should never be the main event at Mania. Heck, there shouldn't even be gimmick matches at Mania. We should be able to have a card that is all wrestling and still looks as great as it would with all the gimmick matches.

I thought Goldberg made that match baller. But then again, I'm a Goldberg mark for the most addition to being a spot mark...and a gimmick match mark.

Jeff Hardy should win the Elimination Chamber match even if he wins the Rumble.


But in all seriousness...what would you guys think of having HIAC instead of elimination chamber? I know we just had HIAC...but this would give some regularity to the match, and it could be a 6-man deal like the one at Armageddon 2000. I would still vote for EC hands down, but I thought I would bring up the idea.
Personally I think this is an AWESOME idea...ok this may sound stupid becuase of what im comparing it to, but it may shed some perspective on why I think this is such a great idea....On my SmackDown! VS RAW games I always have the winner of a 6 man battle royal get the unused title shot at WM, and thought the WWE should do something like that to make No Way Out something more than a glorified saturday night main event.

The fact that they are gonna use the Elimination Chamber to do this, is an amazingly great Idea. I agree with everyone thinking its gonna be a smackdown chamber, but I would be willing to bet there will be some hardcore brand jumping, with people trying to get that last spot in a title match, so you will probably see guys from raw and ECW trying to get in...maybe they will set up the 6 finalists with a little mini tournament to decide who gets to have the spots in the chamber...great idea, and sooo many different ways to go with this thing, and it makes it way more exciting than the same ol same ol gold rush tournamnent or something like that. Great Idea.
I like the idea of an elimination chamber match, but i hope it does go to Raw. I suppose a Raw guy could win, and decide to go against a Smackdown guy, as i don't see a Smackdown wrestler winning this year coming. I think Raw could put on a better elimination chamber match, mainly because there are so many people up at the top right now. HHH, HBK, Orton, Jericho, Kennedy, Jeff, Umaga (if he stays at raw), Lashley (when he returns)...
This is a good idea, I cannot wait to see this unfold throughout the next couple of months. The Elimination Chamber will be for SmackDown, they already won the Rumble two years straight(Rey and Taker) and never held an EC match before so it makes complete sense for SmackDown to have it IMO. I also thought Armageddon was going to have an Elimination Chamber match to end off 2007, but I guess not, No Way Out makes the most sense due to it's name anyway(No Way Out makes you think that there should be a cage, HIAC, or Elimination Chamber as an annual event similar to TNA's LockDown).
I actually think this is a real good idea. With 6 guys, you potentially get 3 or 4 good feuds beginning in one match leading into wrestlemania. You get the winner going on to face his brands champion, and you get the remaining five dividing up and feuding amongst each other going into WM.

Now as long as WM doesn't have MITB this year, all will be good.

As far as the Elimination Chamber at N.W.O. IT's perfect. Why waste a gimmick match like this on one of the big 4 pay per views that people are going to by anyway? These matches are used on these crap pay per views to up their buy rates. It's actually pretty damn smart.
I'm just gonna repost the part of my post on the Royal Rumble that has to deal with this below.......

RAW: As far as the Raw roster goes, do we have 6 people who could be competing in an EC for the shot? We have: Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Mr. Kennedy, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Umaga....what a coincidence, six......the only two other people in the main event possibility range are Randy Orton (champ) and Lashley (but I don't think they'd use him in place of one of the six above). As all those men are legitimate possibilities though some obviously couldn't be in the main event for Wrestlemania (Umaga, lol).

SMACKDOWN: Batista, Edge, Finlay, Khali, Mark Henry, Kane, Rey Mysterio, and the Undertaker. Knock one of them out for being the champ at the time leaves us with 7, and Henry isn't as likely as Khali though they both suck, so that's the six they'd most likely use.

There's a tricky situation with this, however. There's no way they're going to have the Undertaker win the rumble AND the championship at Wrestlemania two years in a row. However, they still need to have him win at 'Mania. If Undertaker goes into Wrestlemania as the champion, arguably the best option is to have Edge as the challenger, and since they're already in a feud, would they really waste that rumble win on him? Not very likely. So by that rationale, since we can almost definitively rule out Khali, Finlay, Mysterio, and Mark Henry...and most likely even makes the most logical sense to have Edge win the championship in the triple threat match at Armageddon, retain against probably Batista at the Royal Rumble, have him screw the Undertaker out of a Royal Rumble win out of fear, then have the Undertaker win the Elimination Chamber. That'll give you your option to have him defeat Edge for the title at Wrestlemania.

BUT...(there's always a but, isn't there? lol) do that, that would mean that whoever wins the rumble can't challenge Edge. If that's the case, someone from the Raw side of things will be the most likely to win the comes another paragraph haha...

Assuming Orton is the champ, I don't see them having Kennedy or Umaga win the rumble. Out of HHH, HBK, Jericho, or Hardy, all four are logical choices, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the two least likely to win are HHH and Jericho. Jericho's being pushed against Orton right now and I think they'll have a rematch at the Royal Rumble, which will count him out, and he'll probably be involved in the Money in the Bank match instead at Wrestlemania or in a feud (Kennedy?). There are a lot of reasons I don't see HHH winning the rumble and I keep thinking of more as time goes by. For one, he's already won a rumble before, and its rare that someone wins more than once unless you're Stone Cold or HBK pretty much lol. Another reason is that it seems like HHH isn't building himself up for a feud with Orton. It appears he's already had that moment when he defeated him for the title and then lost it the same night. That, to me, was HHH's "Orton title feud". So we're left with HBK and Hardy. On one hand, you have Hardy, who seems to be in line for a serious push and it would do wonders for his career if he won the Royal Rumble. On the other hand, you have HBK. If I had to choose, he'd be the most likely option the WWE will take, for the following reasons: 1) Orton says he won't give Shawn another shot at the title and this is a roundabout way of forcing it. 2) HBK is totally cemented as a Wrestlemania show stealer and would give it his all. 3) If the WWE remembers the crowd reaction from last year's rumble, as it got down to HBK/Taker, everyone went apeshit, but the majority of the chants were actually for Michaels. If they want to capitalize on that, as well as pay homage to his two previous wins, he may very well be the final man or the second to last.

So overall, how do I think this will play out?

Royal Rumble winner = HBK or Jeff Hardy to challenge Orton
Elimination Chamber winner = Undertaker to challenge Edge
hmmn depending on who wins the rumble i think it could be Mr Kennedy or Undertaker, Mr Kennedy has to be in the main event if not i think Y2J will be facing Orton at WM as the culmination of that feud.

as for potential participants

Smackdown- Finlay, Khali, Mysterio, MVP(he will eventualy drop the US to Matt), Matt Hardy(if he dosnt win the US or dosnt have a match already), Undertaker, Greggory Helms(obv not to win just seems good to be in coz hes best cruiser), Mark Henry and Kane

Raw- HHH, HBK, Carlito, Lashley, Umaga, Jeff, Y2J, Orton(if not champion), Mr Kennedy, trevor murdoch, santino and cody rhodes

Ric Flair will be in it depending what show he goes to
I can see RAW winning the rumble this year, as all 4 of my picks are over there (Hardy, Lashley, Flair as of tonight, and Kennedy) So my default, it'll be Smackdown/ECW going to the chamber.

Batista - Probably World Heavyweight Champion at the time, he'll have to be in it. If he's not, then the champ will be...

Undertaker - Same as above, or possibly...

Edge - One of these three guys will be champ, but all three will be in the chamber, I garentee it.

Kane - He just fits somehow. He just does. He's the guy that will always go into these thigs with what it takes to win, but never will.

MVP - I don't think he'll keep the title this long, so he's my guess.

CM Punk - Same as above, I don't think he'll be champ, but he will move to Smackdown.

These are really bad guesses, we still have three PPVs to go before thius happens, and one of them is the Rumble, no one knows what'll happen there. I know it was just announced, but i's way to early to get any decend guesses in.
You all made interesting points.I suppose people would buy a big one so its does make sense to have it at a small one.BUT!Remeber December to Dismeber?Didn,t get a great buy.
You all made interesting points.I suppose people would buy a big one so its does make sense to have it at a small one.BUT!Remeber December to Dismeber?Didn,t get a great buy.

True, but you also have to have a semi-decent under card to. December to Dismember, I know, we all wish to forget this, but they didn't promote one match at all leading into it.

The only match that was announced was the Chamber match, and the WWE figured by having that, and making it an extreme rules Chamber match would get people to buy it. It just simply doesn't work. You have to give people some incentive to buy a pay per view.

Most of the guys in that match didn't involve being in that match.

Big Show, Bobby Lashley, Rob Van Dam, Test, Hardcore Holly, and CM Punk. Honestly, 4 guys at the time had no business in that match.

When you compare it to, and I'm just speculating at this point. Presumably the champions won't be involved in the Chamber since it is to determine the #1 Contender

Raw: Jericho or Orton, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, HBK, Kennedy, Lashley
Smackdown: Undertaker, Kane, Edge, Batista, Khali, MVP, Matt Hardy

And that's just to name a few. Clearly any combination of the six from Raw or Smackdown is much more appealing then the crap that was the WWECW Chamber.
I like the idea, it will help spice up the Road to Wrestlemania a bit. It will definitely make No Way Out matter for a change.

However, I still like my scenario better. By having the Rumble match end w/ the ring collapsing on the final six competitors(from all brands), and having Vince put all six in the elimination chamber at No Way Out.
I think this is a great idea. Why put it at a small PPV right before Wrestlemania, its simple it is a way to spice up one of the worst ppv's every year. I mean now you have the rumble, then the Elimination Chamber, then Wrestlemania in three consecutive PPV's, thats a great stretch. It will develope feuds going into Wrestlemania and provide a great incentive for people to buy the PPV. I am really split on what brand will be put in it, but i really see a Raw guy winning the rumble and then a Smackdown/ECW Chamber, Batista vs. Taker vs. Rey vs. Finlay vs. CM Punk vs. Umaga, I guess you could imput Khali or Henry in here for Punk or someone else, the problem is who will Edge wrestle at the PPV, maybe Hardy or Kane or someone else. I read that someone said it would be good as long as there is no Money in the Bank match at Mania, Why? The MITB match is always great and would provide another exciting match to give various ppl opportunities at the title. Basically great idea, everyone loves gimmick matches, the Rumble followed by the Elimination Chamber, followed by Mania/MITB, great move by WWE.
This should be a very good match. I want to see Triple H, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Umaga and Bobby Lashley to compete in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. The winner challenges current WWE Champion Shawn Michaels in the Raw main event at Wrestlemania! They could continue the HHH/HBK feud because in my mind, they have carried the best rivalries in the past decade.
I think Hornswoggle will win the Royal Rumble.... then go on to beat the Raw Champion and be the worlds Smallest Champion in history..... haha jk I think Y2J is gonna win the Rumble. Well see what happens from there =P
i think tht wmania 24 should have a main event match: The World Heavyweight, The WWE and the ECW CHampionships on the line in an elimination chamber with the top champions and their respective #1 contenders in the chamber as well. how do u like tht for a headline event huh??
nooo thats just silly lol, because that means the winner of the match would win all 3 titles then wouldnt it? well, then again you could do something similar to i think it was benoit v angle v gurrero where angle was double champ and whoever gets first pinfall wins one title and so on and so fourth, so lets say in the chamber you've got:edge(whc),orton(wwe),punk(ecw) and the others are... mysterio,Y2J,Burke, first pinfall is Y2J over burke no biggy, then you get orton eliminating mysterio, so its Y2J,orton,punk,edge. Orton beats Y2J, so its the 3 champions left, Edge eliminates punk and then there it is former tag partners edge v orton, edge has just won the ecw title by eliminating punk but as edge goes for the win, snap RKO orton1,2,3 orton holds all 3 titles next raw vince merges all titles into an undisputed championship with traits of all the other title, no spinner tho thank u very much and yeh now orton will have a stack of competition from all 3 brands and he can appear on all 3brands lol actually thats a tad gay theyd do it with there poster child cena if ne1... lol
This is fine. While it's true that the Elmination Chamber shuold be a main event match for the title, a #1 contender's match for a title shot at WrestleMania is as big as a title match at any other PPV. Just like the Royal Rumble match is the main event (last match), this can be the main event at No Way Out. Good decision if this is how it plays out.
Personally, when I heard they were doing this, I didn't think they would be making it brand exclusive. What I think they should do is have Elimination Chamber qualifiers on all three shows and make them inter-brand matches (kind of like MITB), and just have the best of the best in that chamber. It would make it kind of like the Rumble in the the sense that the winner isn't restricted to his own brand. For example, If the Rumble Winner chooses to challenge for the WWE championship, then it could be possible that a Raw superstar wins the EC and challenges for the World Heavy Championship.

I know it probably wouldn't happen like that, but I think it would make it a little more exciting to have that possibility, and just have 6 guys from different brands in a chamber who you don't usually see together.

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