Future Releases in the WWE

911 JP

Love the sig!
Well as im sure everyone knows by now WWE are unifying all of their titles. And i think that after this happens WWE will release some of their non - not reguarly used talent. Here is a list of possible release...

JTG- when he is used it is for no reason. WHen the brands become 1 and all titles are unified he will have no use.

Shad- Same as JTG but already is not being used.

Tyler Reks/ Tyler Black- is on the SD! brand but is not being used already?

Zac Ryder- WWE is burying him already and could possibly be released.

Bella Twins- Have been deamed useless since the end of the guest hosts.

Rosa Mendez- Not being reguarly used.

Primo- only jobbing

Chris masters- possibly

any others?

I dont think that anyone like Finlay, Mark Henry or Chavo Gurrero will be released because they are in the fabric of the wwe and Vince will not release them.

Tell me who you think will get released and also what you think of this whole scenario going on in WWE.
I agree JTG is probably the most likely.

Shad is being used in FCW. No point to release him yet.

Tyler Reks is NOT Tyler Black. Reks wrestles dark matches on SD, and Black isnt even with the company yet.

Zack Ryder is far to entertaining, and will be kept around if for nothing besides the comedy. I don't really think you can "Bury" guys like Ryder. There's nowhere down they can go. I am a huge fan of Ryder, he, like Santino, never lets me down as far as entertainment value.

Bellas are actually talented as seen from the matches they have been in. And Twin DIVAS? No way they get released anytime soon. Arm candy.

Rosa Mendez I didn't even know still existed. She might as well be released.

Primo is being used on NXT now.

Masters is currently wrestling matches on SD vs Ziggler. I don't think he's gonna get an abrupt release unless he messes up.

The whole Unification I dont think they HAVE to cut their talent down, because it's the same 2 shows, guys are going to need a break. Some of these guys are perfect fillers to just throw into a squash or any random tag team.
I agree with most of the ones already listed, I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the NXT talent cleared out once Nexus wraps up, particularly Heath Slater. Also from season 2 Titus O'Neil, Lucky Cannon, and Eli Cottonwood all seem like obvious cuts to me.

Also, wouldn't be surprised to see Luke Gallows cut, since Serena and Mercury are both out of the picture, and Punk is better on his own if it's just gonna be the two of them.

Most of the lesser talent seems to be stacked up on SD though, so they will need to do some shuffling on the brands to keep things fresh.
Its hard to tell who will be released, anyone can be repackaged at anytime or can simply be kept as an enhancement talent. But I would say some ones that are more obvious are the following:

Primo: He is bland and has barely been on TV since the departure of his brother, and being a pro on NXT didnt matter for his brother. Im sure that he will want to join his brother in the fathers promotion anyway so He'll probably be getting the axe.

The Gatecrashers or Dudebusters: They arent really being used and even with a unified tag devision there doesnt seem to be much room for them. Tag Team wrestling is more or less a dead art in WWE and it doesnt seem very good for them.

JTG: I find him rather good and think he could be a good midcarder but he hasnt been on much with Cody Rhodes being so prominent. I dont think he needs to go but he may end up being released or just sent back to FCW for the time being.

There are others but I cant think of them, but ones I doubt are Masters as hes a solid midcarder/enhancement talent and the Bella's simply because Vince supposedly loved them. Even though they are terrible.
Ok first off ITS ONLY A DAMN RUMOR. It was said that Unifying the title are ONLY being talked about and its ussaully talked about every year but the Higher-ups(like Vinnie Mac) are against the idea ITS ONLY BEING A DAMN RUMOR. The only reason the Womens and Divas title are being unifyed is because WWE feels like the division isnt strong enough for 2 titles So there.
But since i dont Spammed for this
Tyler Reks is still around I thought he got realsed
JTG wont get realsed to talented
Shad is in FCW
Bellas aint going nowhere eye candy twins
Ryder aint going anywhere are you crazy? Bro(lol couldnt resist)
Masters shouldnt of even got rehired awhile back
Rosa is eye candy
Primo is needed for jobbing

And IF and i said IF they did unify the title THERE WOULDNT BE 1 BRAND Are You Crazy Bro?(again couldnt ressit)
I agree with most of the ones already listed, I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the NXT talent cleared out once Nexus wraps up, particularly Heath Slater.

Really Im guessing You never seen FCW have you? Heath is a former FCW Heavyweight Champion(Yes I know dont mean nothing but still) hes had Great matches With Justin Gabriel and others and has been called the next EDGE yes The Next Edge The 9 time World Champ and THE RATED R SUPERSTAR. So please go watch some of his FCW stuff instead of judging what he done on NXT and his 2 or 3 matches on RAW
Finlay- Since when have we seen him on T.V
JTG- Same as Finlay
Hornswoggle_SORRY he can't wrestle
Rosa- Really you need a reason
Nexus- Everyone except Gabrel Shefield and and Barett, everyone else is awful
Mark Henry- Just building loss after loss
William Regal- He's pushing Santino that's it
Tyler Reks-Well what can i say
Really Im guessing You never seen FCW have you? Heath is a former FCW Heavyweight Champion(Yes I know dont mean nothing but still) hes had Great matches With Justin Gabriel and others and has been called the next EDGE yes The Next Edge The 9 time World Champ and THE RATED R SUPERSTAR. So please go watch some of his FCW stuff instead of judging what he done on NXT and his 2 or 3 matches on RAW


I live in Tampa, and have attended several FCW tapings and watch it regularly on TV as well, so I'm quite familiar with Heath's work. I'd say he's decent enough in the ring (which is fine, look how far Cena's gotten) and he certainly has a lifelong passion for the business, but there lies the problem. The WWE is a business, and from a business standpoint look at the guys in Nexus and who sticks out as the weakest link? Heath doesn't have a particularly marketable look (and Sheamus already has the red-head gimmick), I think he is amongst the worst in the group promo wise, and just all around doesn't bring much to the table we don't have elsewhere on the roster.

Now, in no way am I saying that everyone in Nexus is some great future talent, because the reality of that group is it's a bunch of green wrestlers that in general aren't that great with a few notable exceptions, but the concept has been fresh and helped to bring in some new talent, and bring attention to NXT but looking at who's in the group currently (and this is just my opinion) Heath has the least to offer the 'E long term, and I can't imagine WWE keeping all the contestants from every season of NXT because the numbers simply aren't possible.

I live in Tampa, and have attended several FCW tapings and watch it regularly on TV as well, so I'm quite familiar with Heath's work. I'd say he's decent enough in the ring (which is fine, look how far Cena's gotten) and he certainly has a lifelong passion for the business, but there lies the problem. The WWE is a business, and from a business standpoint look at the guys in Nexus and who sticks out as the weakest link? Heath doesn't have a particularly marketable look (and Sheamus already has the red-head gimmick), I think he is amongst the worst in the group promo wise, and just all around doesn't bring much to the table we don't have elsewhere on the roster.

Now, in no way am I saying that everyone in Nexus is some great future talent, because the reality of that group is it's a bunch of green wrestlers that in general aren't that great with a few notable exceptions, but the concept has been fresh and helped to bring in some new talent, and bring attention to NXT but looking at who's in the group currently (and this is just my opinion) Heath has the least to offer the 'E long term, and I can't imagine WWE keeping all the contestants from every season of NXT because the numbers simply aren't possible.

Ok I feel Stupid but not the 1st time lol While respect your opinon I disagree Heath is good in the ring at least better than SuperCena and you have to rember Edge is retering in 2 yrs(he said it himself) so I see Heath taking Edge's spot like his gimmick kinda since he has been called the Future Edge.
And I feel Gabrel is worse than Heath on Promos
Why would they put the brands together if Smackdown is moving to SyFy next month?
That would be an incredible waste.
Tyler Black is way better than Tyler Reks.
They may look they same but thank god that they aren't the same person.
Some of the Superstars/Divas I think will/should be released soon:

Skip Sheffield/Heath Slater/Darren Young/Michael Tarver - If you see notice the announcement for the Downloadable Content to be released for the new Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 game, those members (or former members) of Nexus aren't listed. Plus, once the Nexus angle is over, I think those 4 will be useless to keep around.

Ezekiel Jackson - The guy's been out with an injury for a while now and even when he was around he's just Batista Lite with less charisma and appeal. People also could associate him with ECW (since he was the last champ) and WWE seems to be wanting to break away from that part of their history.

Yoshi Tatsu - He's heavily underused; you can't even count on him to appear on SuperStars like you can with Goldust and Evan Bourne (among others). It looked like they were going to pair him with Evan Bourne as a high-flying tag team but that went nowhere fast. Its a shame because he's quite talented. I'm sure he'll land on his feet back in Japan or Mexico or somewhere else though.

Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer - Unless they win the titles soon, I think WWE will be forced to either ship them back down to FCW on a permanent basis or cut them. I think Hawkins has got talent and would definately like to see him seperate from Archer to go back to the Dudebusters as they were in FCW. Archer was getting pushed when he was in ECW and they could definately use another big guy with some skills. But I have a feeling WWE Creative won't find too much use for them if they aren't near the top of the Tag Titles picture and they'll unfortunately end up on the chopping block.

Joey Mercury - Sucks that he got injured because if he didn't get hurt (and Serena wasn't stupid enough to screw up and get released), the SES angle probably wouldn't be winding down. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't look like there will be a place for him when WWE has to let some people go if he's not part of the SES.

JTG - I agree with the other posters here; with Cryme Tyme seperated, JTG doesn't hold too well on his own in his current form. If he gets repackaged with a different angle, then maybe he's got a shot. But as it stands, he's just "enhancement talent."

Tyler Recks - I have no idea why this guy is still around. His character just has zero appeal. People don't want to cheer for him and he doesn't seem like he'd make a good heel either. Just send him packing for the minor leagues already and save some money, WWE.

Rosa Mendes - Unless she gets into the ring a bit more, then there's going to be no room for her once WWE brings in the next batch of NXT Diva Rookies up to the main shows. Gotta give her credit for her hard work in transforming as of late, though.

Matt Hardy - I know what people are gonna say on this one, but I had to say it. Matt isn't going anywhere, though. Sure, he's had a few midcard feuds lately, but there's so many other guys WWE could push in his place. Why not give one of the younger guys a chance instead of throwing him into the Intercontinental picture over and over again? There is no argument that he's got his stuff together and is a solid wrestling talent, but I'm sure by now his paycheck exceeds his worth. I don't think he's going to be released anytime soon unless he does something to deserve it but if he does, we all know he'll wind up in TNA with his brother. I'm actually kind of hoping for it; it'd be cool to see the MCMGs vs. the Hardys.
I dont see any reason to release anyone from the main roster at this stage (except Tyler Reks who is not even appearing on the main roster and his gimmick is just to generic to make him anything worth pushing). WWE can (but will they?) find a way to use all there talent perhaps on rebuilding the tag division which honestly does suck even though it has potential.
Some of the Superstars/Divas I think will/should be released soon:

Skip Sheffield/Heath Slater/Darren Young/Michael Tarver - If you see notice the announcement for the Downloadable Content to be released for the new Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 game, those members (or former members) of Nexus aren't listed. Plus, once the Nexus angle is over, I think those 4 will be useless to keep around.

Ezekiel Jackson - The guy's been out with an injury for a while now and even when he was around he's just Batista Lite with less charisma and appeal. People also could associate him with ECW (since he was the last champ) and WWE seems to be wanting to break away from that part of their history.

Yoshi Tatsu - He's heavily underused; you can't even count on him to appear on SuperStars like you can with Goldust and Evan Bourne (among others). It looked like they were going to pair him with Evan Bourne as a high-flying tag team but that went nowhere fast. Its a shame because he's quite talented. I'm sure he'll land on his feet back in Japan or Mexico or somewhere else though.

Curt Hawkins & Vance Archer - Unless they win the titles soon, I think WWE will be forced to either ship them back down to FCW on a permanent basis or cut them. I think Hawkins has got talent and would definately like to see him seperate from Archer to go back to the Dudebusters as they were in FCW. Archer was getting pushed when he was in ECW and they could definately use another big guy with some skills. But I have a feeling WWE Creative won't find too much use for them if they aren't near the top of the Tag Titles picture and they'll unfortunately end up on the chopping block.

Joey Mercury - Sucks that he got injured because if he didn't get hurt (and Serena wasn't stupid enough to screw up and get released), the SES angle probably wouldn't be winding down. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't look like there will be a place for him when WWE has to let some people go if he's not part of the SES.

JTG - I agree with the other posters here; with Cryme Tyme seperated, JTG doesn't hold too well on his own in his current form. If he gets repackaged with a different angle, then maybe he's got a shot. But as it stands, he's just "enhancement talent."

Tyler Recks - I have no idea why this guy is still around. His character just has zero appeal. People don't want to cheer for him and he doesn't seem like he'd make a good heel either. Just send him packing for the minor leagues already and save some money, WWE.

Rosa Mendes - Unless she gets into the ring a bit more, then there's going to be no room for her once WWE brings in the next batch of NXT Diva Rookies up to the main shows. Gotta give her credit for her hard work in transforming as of late, though.

Matt Hardy - I know what people are gonna say on this one, but I had to say it. Matt isn't going anywhere, though. Sure, he's had a few midcard feuds lately, but there's so many other guys WWE could push in his place. Why not give one of the younger guys a chance instead of throwing him into the Intercontinental picture over and over again? There is no argument that he's got his stuff together and is a solid wrestling talent, but I'm sure by now his paycheck exceeds his worth. I don't think he's going to be released anytime soon unless he does something to deserve it but if he does, we all know he'll wind up in TNA with his brother. I'm actually kind of hoping for it; it'd be cool to see the MCMGs vs. the Hardys.

You know, I'd like to start off by saying I'd love to see the Hardys from 10 years ago face the MCMGs. And don't forget Hardy has been voicing his frustration on his facebook (or was it a twitter?). I wouldn't be surprised if vince got pissed and jobbed him out for a few weeks then canned him. The problem with Matt Hardy is he never was going to make the main event. If he was, he would've already by now.

I agree with you on the Heath Slater, he just doesn't have IT. Truth be told, it doesn't matter how good of matches you can have, this guy isn't marketable. Look at Shelton Benjamin, great in the ring, but the average WWE mark doesn't give a flying fuck about wrestling. They're going after that PG audience anyways, they wouldn't know good wrestling from bad.

I don't think Skip Sheffield will get canned though at least not yet. Vince has a hard-on for big guys. This is also why Ezekiel Jackson will stick around for a while. As far as in-ring ability or mic skills they both suck. But so did Batista (up until the last leg of his career).

The guy I wish would get fired is that fuck Otunga. He's horseshit on the mic (up to and including his gay ass lisp). And he's got the ring ability to make Cena appear like a Dean Malenko in comparison. He's the kind of guy who makes you want to take steroids so you could be big enough to kick his ass. But since we're not, I'll just change the channel when he's on.
Otunga... that is the name who is least deserving of his spot on the roster and most deserving of a release. The ONLY reason he got called up to NXT was because of the mainstream connection with Jennifer Hudson... sadly the below average WWE fan has zero idea who she is. Also, Otunga is still riding his reality TV binge after being on I love New York....I just shuddered. He isn't entertaining, he really does make Cena look like a gifted wrestler, when all he's really good for is getting the girls excited and selling merchandise to the dumbest audience in pro wrestling, the kiddies.

Otunga doesn't deserve his job, he can't even make Faarooq's finishing move look believable because he's so damn short.
Ugh. I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I know this isn't the last time. Just because a wrestler isn't on their way up to the main event doesn't mean they're due to be released.

For instance, someone said Matt Hardy. He'll never be a world champion, but the guy gets other people over perhaps better than anyone in the WWE right now besides Chris Jericho. He can't do half the moves he used to, but he's so good at what he does; making others look good while remaining credible himself, that he'll have a spot for as long as he wants one.

Finlay's another. The man is gold when it comes to training other wrestlers. Just because he isn't taking up a lot of TV time doesn't mean it's time to release him.

For the people quoting win-loss records and how frequently a wrestler loses as justification for release, please drown yourselves in your bathtubs. I'm not going to personally speculate on who's due for release, as that tends to have more to do with shitty attitude or an inability to find any niche within the WWE, not just the one in the center of the ring holding the show down. Look at Matt Striker. Not the greatest thing to watch in the ring. Now he's an announcer (although not exactly my favorite, but hey, this is the Michael Cole era, expectations are lowered.)

There is more to the wrestling business then what you see on TV.
Well as im sure everyone knows by now WWE are unifying all of their titles.

That is a rumour that ties in with the brand change that's supposedly happening straight after Wrestlemania 27. Just because they unified the Tag Team Championships then got rid of them and got new ones doesn't mean they're unifying ALL of their championships. The same goes with the Divas and Women's Championships. They are just pathetic championships, so I couldn't care less; but it's adding to my post so it can stay there.

As for who you have written in your post as who you think would be released, then here's what I think:

It's hard to tell who they're going to release but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be surprised to see JTG go. He is used in random situation's but that's just because ever since he's debuted he's been a team with Shad; the singles competition has done absolutely nothing for him. I think a good idea would be to set him up with another partner.

Shad's heel change was an abrupt release for him and it was quite a shock, I'll agree. He's back in FCW now though and FCW don't waste their talent. Espacially not with the NXT competition running at the moment. They need to be developing people within the space of 12 weeks ready for the next season to start. He'll be back.

Tyler Reks / Tyler Black
Jesus christ.. Tyler REKS and Tyler BLACK are NOT the same people. Tyler REKS was in FCW and wrestles Dark Matches on Smackdown occasionally. Tyler Black isn't even with the WWE yet. I can't say anything for either of them, but what I will say is; why do you think they're going to be released? Reks is in FCW so he's brand new. Black isn't even signed yet so he's newer than Reks. Why release them? Gawd..

Zack Ryder
Zack should have been released a long time ago. He's a video game character at the very least. I'm never impressed by him in the ring and I don't for one second believe him to be "funny". His gimmick is terrible, his attire is awful and he's the perfect image of something I'd download from the Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 community creations. He needs to go. I agree with you.

Chris Masters
I don't think Chris Masters should be released at all. He impresses me everytime he's in the ring and I've seen him live aswell; which was all that much better. The only thing I miss about him is his heel gimmick from the 2005-2006 era. I was mortified when he was released and I was overjoyed when he came back. I don't want him to be released not only because I like him, but because I want to see if the WWE ACTUALLY make something of him. Even if it's just a midcard title like the Inter or US.

Every Diva you mentioned
I don't like any Diva, if it were up to me I'd get rid of the lot of them. I never EVER watch a Divas match. The only one I've ever watched was Victoria vs. Trish in a hardcore match at Survivor Series 2002 for the Women's Championship. Back then they were worth watching. Everytime the Divas are on I either want to ring their necks because of their constant high pitched voices, screaming and lack of wrestling ability or go for a piss. GET RID.

I dont think that anyone like Finlay, Mark Henry or Chavo Gurrero will be released because they are in the fabric of the wwe and Vince will not release them.

I haven't got the first clue on what you mean by saying that Finlay, Mark Henry and Chavo Guerrero are the "fabric" of the WWE. I haven't seen Finlay for ages. Mark Henry is incredibly boring to watch when he's actually featured on the TV and Chavo Guerrero is as much as a jobber as Gunner Scott now. Yeah, he got himself a new attire the other day, so what? Shad did the exact same thing and got released straight away; or sent back to FCW at least. I don't see what you mean by those 3 being the "fabric" of the WWE, so I can't say anything else on the matter.

Thanks for the good rant.
First off, it has not been confirmed in any way shape of form that the WWE are unifying all the titles, it is just a fucking internet liet rumour stop talking about it like Vince said in an interview "We are going to unify all the titles", stop talking about it like it is a given. Secondly Tyler Reks and Tyler Black are two completely different people, the main difference between them is that Reks sucks and Black is talanted.

Anyway to answer your question, unification or not the following need to go.

Kahli: He has absolutely no talent what so ever, he cant wrestle and he cant even speek english let alone cut a promo.

Mark Henry: He just isn't very good plain and simple, name me one good thing he has done in his 10+ years with the company, I sure can't think of any.

Yoshi Tatsu: I kinda like him but if the WWE are indeed planning on unifying the titles then they need to trim the fat and Yoshi is some of the fat.

Primo: He just isn't very good, he is okay in the ring but that is where it stops he cant cut a promo and he isnt at all interesting.

Masters: See Yoshi.

JTG: See Yoshi.

I would include Reks but he hasn't been on TV in so long that I dont think he counts.

Also I would keep guys like Chavo, Finlay, Goldie and Regal but I wouldn't use them on TV all that much I'd mainly use them backstage to help young guys because of all the experience they have.
Khali will not be released due to the amount of exposure he gains in India in particular, but asia in general... WWE wants to build inroads there, not destroy them by removing their icon... no matter how untalented in the ring he may be...

There would inevitably be some trimming of the rosters if a unification takes place, and it would be the kind of guys mentioned who go... but some will never go...

Regal - Safe forever pretty much... best buds with Trips, a safe pair of training hands and always worth using on TV as a manager once he stops wrestling... He will be the equivalent of Alfred Hayes, probably a commentator and assistant to Trips in years to come... Finlay is similar, his work as a Diva agent is renowned and again is the kind of guy who can bring young talent on in the "WWE way".

Goldust - Dustin has mileage as himself yet, he won't be released till he works with Cody... even then I see him taking an agent role as he has a lot of experience, particularly for workign with new gimmicks for young guys... someone like Slater will need a gimmick, someone like dustin will be good to mentor him through that process...

Mark Henry - Has really done well over his tenure as he has always been somewhat relevant on the shows... The mistake was not moving him to Smackdown right after that Orton mini fued... Agreed his time is coming but he comes across as the kind of guy who would be useful in FCW full time as the champ/veteran helping to bring on other younger "big men"...

Chris Masters - Is finding his place as the new Hercules/Billy Jack Haynes of the WWE, one thing that will be important to a reunited WWE is recognition... We will likely see roles similar to those of wrestlers in the 1980's... Herc was always there as a force, but generally lower on the card... Masters fits this great and it does seem he is slowly getting over...

Nexus - Sheffield has a good upside, the injury was crap luck, Slater, as mentioned needs a radical gimmick... Tarver and Otunga should team as Doom 2.0 and Darren Young is just a bust... he is there for the Cena look alike potential... god I could even see them actually touting them as brothers at some point... I can't see any being released before guys like Shad and JTG, Hawkins et al as they are creating a buzz still...
Finlay- Since when have we seen him on T.V

I believe Finlay is "semi-retired" from ring action already. But he won't be released as he is heavily involved in training new talent.

I would like to see Masters given more of a chance by Creative, and I believe he may be more difficult to release given he's Orton's buddy.

NXT1 and 2: The only people I see sticking are Barrett, Gabriel, Tarver, Riley, McGillicuty, Kaval, maybe Sheffied, Young. The rest I do not view as long-term as they just don't have enough presence.

I agree with many of the other comments. In general, I feel that if title unification takes place, and/or if the brands become one, contraction of the rosters is inevitable.
I agree with absolutely everything Rayne said, that's why instead I'm going to go into a few choices made that are wrong, and will explain why they are wrong.

Finley and Regal: A few people are saying get rid of them because you don't see them on TV anymore? So you have no idea what they does behind the scenes then. Why would you release two of your biggest vet's who has made as much a name for themselves helping train younger talent, as they has in the ring? That would make NO sense whatsoever. Stop living in the fantasy that someone has to be on TV to have a major role in the company. Next thing you know someone is going to name HHH because he hasn't been on TV in a long time :rolleyes:

Mark Henry and Goldust: I'm putting these 2 in the same point because they are in the same boat here. They play an important role on RAW. Sheamus used his squash match over Goldy a few weeks back to show how far he has come in a year, Wade Barrett beat Henry to show he is not all talk. These guys are used to help get the younger talent over. So they are Raw's version of Hardy and Christian, so what? At least they are not bitching about it on Twitter. They play just as much an important role as the main event guys do.

Tarver: Granted this one is more of a personal choice. I like the guy, and feel if they give him the chance, he might do alright. He may not be world champ material, but not EVERYONE has to win the world title. Would be a good fit in the mid-card. I really like his reverse powerslam. One of the few finishers that actually impresses me.
Why would they put the brands together if Smackdown is moving to SyFy next month?That would be an incredible waste.
Tyler Black is way better than Tyler Reks.
They may look they same but thank god that they aren't the same person.

I don't understand your question or how it would be a waste. Smackdown will still exist whether it only has half the roster on it or the full roster and it is much better for it to be on cable than a local channel.
JTG: Never liked him and I never will. He is really boring, I don't know why anybody likes him. Hated him in a tag team and I hate him on his own. Hopefully he does get released soon.

Primo: Pretty much the same as JTG, except nobody likes him.

Tyler Reks: I can't remember the last time he was on tv. There isn't any point for him, enough said.

I can't think of anybody else that should be released. Also to the people that think Matt Hardy should be released; WTF???
i feel like wwe should get rid of half their talent most of em suck and matt hardy should just retire as much as i love the hardys matt and jeff are played out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Khali-absolutely horrible and makes everyone wrestling against him look horrible.

Mark Henry-talked about retiring in a year or two. I don't see him in any kind of story line or tagging with anyone as a tagteam. He rarely wrestlers. Get rid of him.

Jillian Hall-when is the last time this girl has wrestled? Move her to Smackdown if you want to keep her.

When the NXT angle ends cut David Ortunga, Heath Slater, and Michael Tarver unless you are going to put him in a tagteam with either JTG or Shad.

Darin Young-is he officiall gone or is it just a storyline?
You guys do remember Heath Slater pinned Sheamus two weeks ago on Raw right? I really doubt he's getting released. I think Gabriel and Slater might be thrown together as team soon since they are getting somewhat pushed.

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