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For all those who "Hate" John Cena- STOP.


I Am Nexus And Not Against them!
Just a thought, but why do you guys still hate Cena? Clearly he's dropped the goody goody role, and has now become watchable. You all still bitch like kids with no candy about him, even when you hate Nexus even more. I've seen people comment on ways he could die. Seriously? Can someone explain to me, that if your main point is dropped, How you can continue? I use to bitch because Orton didn't get enough match time, oh look, thats solved. No more bitching.
Just a thought, but why do you guys still hate Cena? Clearly he's dropped the goody goody role, and has now become watchable. You all still bitch like kids with no candy about him, even when you hate Nexus even more. I've seen people comment on ways he could die. Seriously? Can someone explain to me, that if your main point is dropped, How you can continue? I use to bitch because Orton didn't get enough match time, oh look, thats solved. No more bitching.

Now commenting on ways he could die is unessicary but you have no right to tell people who they can and can't like. I respect Cena's work ethic and his commitment to WWE. The guy has just gotten old and stale to me. I used to love him back in 05 and 06 but I feel his character is now boring and evidently, I am not the only one that feels that way. Besides that his in ring skills are mediocre. On a side note he has had a really good thing going for him this year with Nexus.
Just a thought, but why do you guys still hate Cena? Clearly he's dropped the goody goody role, and has now become watchable. You all still bitch like kids with no candy about him, even when you hate Nexus even more. I've seen people comment on ways he could die. Seriously? Can someone explain to me, that if your main point is dropped, How you can continue? I use to bitch because Orton didn't get enough match time, oh look, thats solved. No more bitching.
He has dropped the goody goody role? He just got pushed as the most selfless person of all time, getting himself fired rather than cheating a little so a title that changes hands all the time could change hands again. Thats pretty damn goody goody.
Another "Don't hate Cena" thread?

These threads don't change people's minds. Some people are going to love him and some people are going to hate him. Then there are some like me who are on the fence.

Anyway, I don't think he can drop his goody goody role. The man couldn't be off RAW for a full show. (I found that annoying but I digress)

No one should wish death upon him but not everyone has to like him either.
There's no reason to keep telling people to change their opinions over completely subjective reasoning. People don't like Cena. That doesn't take away from your personal enjoyment.
Why is it that we all have to have the same exact opinion on John Cena?

I personally find Cena to be just as annoying as ever, he rubs me the wrong way, I don't like his personality, I don't like his promos, and I don't care how "hard he works" or "how much he does for the company". I rarely enjoy his matches, his catchphrases are annoying, the 5 knuckle shuffle is one of the worst moves all time and I can't stand jean shorts that aren't wrapped tightly around the ass of a fine lady.

People have difference of opinions, and people will continue to dislike and even hate John Cena.
I actually really like him now. Did you see him beat Gabriel's ass last night? that was awesome! I'm excited for the Cena/Wade match which will most likely be at mania
Everything about wrestling is subjective. Wrestler A sucks but Wrestler B is great, storyline 1 is garbage but storyline 2 is epic while others will think the exact opposite. I do think that John Cena gets some undeserved hate at times and isn't nearly as bad as some attempt to make him out to be. At times, however, yeah he does annoy the crap out of me.

Like a lot of people, I do think that Cena is just kind of stale and that they've really gone as far as they can with him as a face. I'm not harping on turning Cena heel, although I do think he'd be much more interesting as a heel, but John Cena has portrayed the same sort of character and personality for so long and has done everything that can really be done that it just gets tiring sometimes to see so much revolve around him. I do think the angle with Nexus has helped make Cena more interesting than he's been in a long time and it's nice to see him feud with someone fresh. I think the problem is that the WWE seems almost afraid to have the guy lose a match and someone that's "unbeatable" these days just doesn't translate well with some fans.

Some legitimately don't like Cena's character, some hate on the guy because it's the popular thing to do among internet fans but opinions are like assholes in that everybody has one but some are cleaner than others.
Do I hate Cena?? No. Am I his biggest fan? No. I admit, I've grown to have a newer respect for him. I admit, I've never been the biggest supporter of him before, and am going to admit it. But something in me changed, I don't know what it was, but at some point in the last year or so, I just realized that its not worth hating on him. He really does work hard for this company. I probably do feel a little stupid for hating on someone with THAT much passion for this line of work. I admit, I probably would have that same amount of passion as well if I were in his shoes and having as much success as he does. I'm sure its easier for some people to hate him than to admit they like him because I probably wish I had that kind of life. I admit, I wish I could have that kind of life, travelling, wrestling, entertaining doing what you love. Besides, I've kinda grown to like what he does, he's been pretty entertaining this last year with his battles against Batista, and the Nexus, and others. I really gotta say, he's made me eat my words. Plus, my 6 year old nefew has really made me turn around and stop hating on the guy so much, he's not so bad after all, I admit, I will say that I've been a hater, but am proud to say, he's earned my respect. Do I think he's the best wrestler ever? No, but he's certainly proved his guts and determination, and for that, he's got me to stop bad mouthing him.
Cena is still goody goody as other posters have pointed out, and for someone like me who finds him massively stale, I look at it like Hogan in the early 1990s when he was unwatchable, goody goody, and just plain tired.

The silver lining in that analogy is that just as Hogan was all I listed above, Cena can be set up for a MONSTER heel turn, if done right, when people least expect it. Granted because of the IWC, it probably can't be as unexpected as Hogan's nWo turn, but you get the idea.
ahh another stop hating post. Well simply enough people will never stop hating Cena. Personally, I havent liked him since his face turn way back in 2005. I personally dislike Cena because much like the Miz he has gotten to main event status in WWE based on his mic skills as opposed to his in ring ability. Dont get me wrong Cena has improved, but seriously someone with his in ring ability shouldnt have made it that far. And the way he has been booked as the unstoppable face has run its course. And in the process has made his storylines extremely predictable. All my opinion, feel free to hate. I look forward to seeing the flood of negative rep from all the WWE marks.
My problem with Cena has nothing to do with him, rather it's how scared the bookers and the company are to do anything different with him, even for ONE week.

When he was in Nexus, he had to wear the shirt for what, 2 minutes, before tearing it off and throwing it at Barrett? Not even for one episode of Raw did they make Cena come out to the Nexus theme or ditch his stupid purple shirt. Barrett was making the guy fetch him glasses of water, why would he let Cena still have his own entrance? The writing made no sense. They wouldn't even risk taking away Cena's music and purple merch for ONE WEEK.

Same thing with getting fired. We all knew it would mean nothing. We all knew he would be back. But you couldn't leave him off the show for ONE episode to sell the firing? Seconds after being fired he's jumping people backstage, wrestling in house shows with a mask on, and doing run-ins on Raw. COME ON. Don't they think a week or two without Cena would increase the pop tenfold when he does sneak into the arena? God forbid they try to piece together one episode without needing Cena all over it. Even just having him stay "fired" just one week would have gone a long way to make people really start wondering how long he was going to be gone, and build the anticipation.

I can understand not wanting to do anything long term with him like a heel turn, because of merch sales or whatever other reasons. But they can't even bear to do something interesting for one week? Lame. He's been in Nexus. He's been fired. But he has never skipped a beat. He's always been super Cena, always been featured on multiple segments of every episode. It was all a waste.
I don't post often but thread titles like this really annoy me. I can't stand people forcing their opinions on others. Don't tell me who I can and cannot like.

It doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that I don't like Cena. This thread could be about something I agree with like supporting Chris Jericho or downgrading Triple H. The fact of the matter is that different people think different things and while there is blind love/hatred out there, a lot of people also have legitimate reasons for disagreeing.

For me, Cena was a vanilla guy when he first debuted and I started to enjoy him once the rapper gimmick came around. He was cutting edge and his matches - such as his Backlash 2003 WWE title shot against Lesnar, his Vengeance 2003 match against Undertaker, and his #1 contender's match against Benoit were all solid affairs that I don't believe he was carried once.

But for my money, once he turned face his raps got predictable and always ended with a gay joke or - God forbid - bathroom humor. His matches got more predictable and sloppy. He fell into not only WWE main event style but an uninspired version of it.

Outside of the ring the guy is tremendous. He bends over backwards for the fans, he grants wishes, he does media tours, you name it and he does it. I will forever have endless respect for John Cena the human being.

John Cena the sports entertainer bores me. If I've seen one of his matches I've seen them all. I don't even get the love for his hour long affair with HBK in England. It's impossible for me to like him with the character he has and I hate that. He's too goody goody. He beats everyone. He never looks weak. He panders nonstop with his ugly clothing and increasingly juvenile humor. His I'm going to talk loudly because that means I'm serious promos suck. His I've let the fans down but I won't do it again promos suck. John Cena 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 are all the same guy to me. He hasn't evolved. If anything, he's devolved. If a character doesn't entertain you one year and it never changes over half a decade later why should it entertain you then? It doesn't.

So please, don't tell me what to think. I would love to see a new side to Cena with a renewed interest in his in ring work because I know he's capable of good stuff. I would love to get behind THAT guy. But that guy doesn't exist now to me. So congrats to Cena the man but Cena the wrestler is someone I just can't like. Accept that.
Well, I don't find him boring or anything like that. I don't hate him either. I also don't think this thread is going to make a lot more people like him. He is just hated because fans need something to hate. It's like me hating Matt Hardy or Cody Rhodes. We all have our motives regardless of what you or anyone else says. I won't say that they should die though, that's totally fucked up.
Cena sucks but is popular. Same way the Backstreet Boys are popular. Were they good? No. Did they sell? Yes, but it was because of appeal, not talent.

Miz is so on the border between being horrible and okay that it's hard to call. Ten years ago, wouldn't even have been hired. Nowadays, he's champ. Go fig.

Orton's talented as hell but so incredibly naturally unlikeable that I don't enjoy watching him.

Sheamus was a champ and people outside wrestling STILL have no idea who he is. That says a lot.

Don't tell me to "stop hating". Tell your wrestling to STOP SUCKING. It's in a hard spot, I'll admit it. The great ones have all come and gone and nobody's replaced them. These guys now all feel like the filler between points in time that actually matter.

But get it straight. Cena sucks. Horribly. If you still watch Raw regularly, then you probably don't know the difference between good and bad anyway. If you did, you'd turn off that stinking pile of horse sh*t every week and pop in a movie or watch a TV show that actually makes a lick of sense.

The wrestling community is silly that way. They just can't call a spade a spade. That's why wrestling still sucks. Because of threads like these. And because you're going to watch whatever they tell you to. You're pride's too attached at this point to just walk away.

But in the end, whether you like it or not, it absolutely sucks... and Cena is the face of that suck.
Its not that I hate Cena- its just that he's so boring & predictable rightnow. Has been for a while now. I really expected him to have at least a week or TWO w/o being on RAW. But they couldnt even keep him off the damn show for a week? Come on WWE- your better then that, arent you?? Pretty soon we'll be seeing Juan Cena & that'll only be even worse.

He shoulda been kept off TV for at least a couple weeks before he just started randomly beating Nexus members backstage. We all knew it was coming- we just figured WWE would actually attempt to sell the idea that he was legitimately fired.
Everything about wrestling is subjective. Wrestler A sucks but Wrestler B is great, storyline 1 is garbage but storyline 2 is epic while others will think the exact opposite. I do think that John Cena gets some undeserved hate at times and isn't nearly as bad as some attempt to make him out to be. At times, however, yeah he does annoy the crap out of me.

Like a lot of people, I do think that Cena is just kind of stale and that they've really gone as far as they can with him as a face. I'm not harping on turning Cena heel, although I do think he'd be much more interesting as a heel, but John Cena has portrayed the same sort of character and personality for so long and has done everything that can really be done that it just gets tiring sometimes to see so much revolve around him. I do think the angle with Nexus has helped make Cena more interesting than he's been in a long time and it's nice to see him feud with someone fresh. I think the problem is that the WWE seems almost afraid to have the guy lose a match and someone that's "unbeatable" these days just doesn't translate well with some fans.

Some legitimately don't like Cena's character, some hate on the guy because it's the popular thing to do among internet fans but opinions are like assholes in that everybody has one but some are cleaner than others.

Well said! Personally i used to hate him because how stale he has become and WWE trying to show him as "Mr. Defeating the odds" all the time. But of course, that's his in-ring character. That has nothing to do with his real persona. I sort of enjoyed watching him against Nexus. I also liked him last WM when he took photos right after his match with guys who had tshirts saying "I hate Cena". His farewell speech was good as well, i have to admit. So in real life he looks like a nice guy but he needs to change his character like the Rock did in his early years. Otherwise he will stay where he is today and will never change. SCSA, Hogan, Rock are not legends because they were exceptional in the ring, Cena doesn't have to be as well. Just avoid the character.

And for the op, who are you to say stop liking/hating someone? Just ask the question "why" as you did in your comments. Don't write headers like that, ordering people what to hate/like...
Just a thought, but why do you guys still hate Cena? Clearly he's dropped the goody goody role, and has now become watchable. You all still bitch like kids with no candy about him, even when you hate Nexus even more. I've seen people comment on ways he could die. Seriously? Can someone explain to me, that if your main point is dropped, How you can continue? I use to bitch because Orton didn't get enough match time, oh look, thats solved. No more bitching.

I haven't liked him since he was put in the smackdown me at backlash in 2003. Their were some many other guys he was getting pushed over. He really didn't deserve it nor did he really Entertain me. He was only doing rap battle jokes. I could right them and do them just as good. He didn't show me anything special in the ring, and continued to get pushed. He then becomes wwe champ in 2005. He turns the wwe belt into a joke( yes i still think it looks like shit.) Gets pushed over RVD, Booker T, and others that have been great. He still doesn't show me anything. Then he beats chris jericho for the title and chris jericho was one of the most deserving guys of the title. Then he wips out the most ******ed gimmick of being a half ass soldier. Then he has the wwe title for a year. Still hasn't shown me a good damn thing. Still getting pushed over everybody. And over the past 4 years, he has had a handfull of good matches, and only really great matches are with the very best wrestler of all time(hbk). He has held the spot as the top as the top guy for 5 years and has held people who are better than him down(either intentionally or unintentionally. He is just not that good.
The "I'm too good for my own good" attitude just gets under my skin with ease. It's like Barney got on steroids or something. It just gets absurd at times. Hulk Hogan might have been similar, but no way in hell was he ever in a situation where he got himself fired to rub an "evil-doer" off. Like I said, it gets absurd at times. And it can be a real bother for adult fan's because it's impossible to buy into a completely selfless everyman. It makes his personality seem as bland as a piece of paper. "Do the right thing, no matter what" isn't an attraction in this day and age. Except for little kids of course.
I personally like Cena, but I can totally understand why people don't like him.

Even though I do like the guy there are a few things about him (his character actually) that I absolutely despise. The most noticeable thing is his "Hoganesque" gimmick where he gets his ass kicked for 15 minutes only to win the match in the last minute, I understand why they do this, after all kids love the Superman gimmick and because WWE is PG it is only logical they keep Cena doing what works with the audience. Hell even Cena completely acknowledges that the women and kids are his fanbase (Side Note: That farewell speech was probably the best thing on RAW all year).

The fact of the matter is people like me have seen the Cena gimmick before in Hulk Hogan, and since we had to see it SO MUCH at one point in time it can be a little painful to have to sit through it again (84-91 for Hogan, 05-Today for Cena). The truth is Cena is the new age Hulk Hogan, just not at the same level and some people want to see something new (or at least not something that has taken up so much airtime over the past 25 years) like myself.

I like Cena, he's a hard worker, a team player and would probably give his right arm for wrestling and that's the kind of guy you want representing your company. Cena deserves everything he got and all the success that came with it. His gimmick gets a little tired sometimes (and thats why most people hate him) and his in ring work isn't great (but certainly not bad), but at the end of the day whether you like or hate Cena, you should at least respect him because no one has busted their ass more in the last 10 years than Cena has.
No matter how many of these threads are made, people are gonna love Cena and hate him. These threads do little to push anyone in any direction. Most of the time, people just comment on these posts to further state their opinion either way.

I am not a John Cena fan, but I have liked this storyline and think it has been pretty damn good.
No one has the right to tell anyone who to like and who to hate. Like many people on here, I have a huge amount of respect for Cena as a man. His work ethic is amazing, he obviously does eat, sleep and breathe the business and he seems like a genuinely stand up guy.

However, I'm sick and tired of his persona. To an extent I do get why WWE hasn't changed him. He is the constant - the go to guy, the rock of Gibraltar. When everything else is turning to shit, you can rely on John Cena. In the PG age especially, it's important that the kids have someone that will always be that last hope, that security and reassurance that Cena provides. Sadly as a 29 year old I am not the WWE's target audience, and I want to see some shades of grey in my wrestlers. I get irritated by things that don't matter to the WWE's target demographic. The dorky comedy, the superman comebacks, the sudden bursts of energy between the referee counting 9 and 10, the god awful punches, the non selling of moves such as a DDT on the concrete. None of that matters much to most young kids.

Above all else, it's the staleness of the character that I've had enough of. Not one bit of evolution in the last 5 years. The closest we've actually come to that is the Nexus storyline, but it was very obvious early on that WWE creative had no intention to turn Cena heel - the angle was booked in such a way that even a supporter of a Cena heel turn such as myself had to admit that a turn would have been too far fetched and ridiculous to make sense. I wish WWE would take a risk, but even though business is down, there is no rival organisation to pressure them into making such a move, and with business down, they are clearly too afraid of not squeezing every drop out of their biggest cash cow to do anything radical. As I've already said, I can see why they are so reluctant to change things, but it sure as hell doesn't mean I have to like it.
i respect his work ethic and everything, but i don't like what he brings to wrestling. I think he got over as a slim shady spoof. Then he turned into a half assed soldier, then the super cena that we know today. He just never did anything for me. I don't like most of his matches either. People say he has to wrestle badly because of his character. Thats like someone has to act bad because of their character. It doesn't matter why. They just acted bad.
So you think that the whole "Juan Cena" angle isn't annoying? You don't think that it's a stupid idea to keep Cena on TV?

Now I ALWAYS say in this "don't hate Cena" threads that I respect him as a person but his character is fucking borring. Look dude, everyone Cena's haters or lovers are going to say to you that it is subjetive. For example many peopole and critics said that U2 is the biggest band on the planet I think they are a bunch of borring guys. The same thing happens with Cena, not everyone is going to agree with you.

Obviously saying that Cena should die and how is completely useless, stupid and unecessary.
So what you're saying is everyone should have the exact same opinion on Cena? Please.

Look, I love Cena, he's been my favorite wrestler since 2005. But I can see why so many people don't. He's in the main event or involved in it for 5 years now, outside of injuries. His promos are virtually all the same, and alot of his jokes are quite lame at times. I can see how some people crap on his wrestling skills as well, even if I personally think he's one of the best wrestlers in the company.

But Im the only one in my group of friends that LIKES the guy. All of them respect him, but they don't like him. And I respect their opinions, and am willing to have a good debate as to his merits, and why he deserves to be where he is. Ive never hated on Cena, but I understand those who do. Everyone is entitled to their personal opinion.

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