The Ghost of Benoit
They should have tapped out
I agree that if you really like the wrestler who is currently playing a heel you should Boo them.
I remember a quote from HHH a while back that said back in his huge heel run in the 2000's he used to get pissed off to see pro-HHH signs. He pretty much said he felt he wasn't doing his job right if he got cheered. At home or around friends I don't think it matters who you cheer but these heels job is to make you HATE them. If your cheering them, that's basically telling WWE there not doing there job very well. I understand you think cheering them will get them noticed and tell Vince to invest more time in that certain wrestler, but most of the time it's the complete opposite. So do your favorite heel wrestler a favor and BOO them like they kicked your dog!
You make it sound like Vince actually cares about crowd reactions. Like Zack Ryder is over as a face and yet he is buried. He wasnt even on Raw this past week from Long Island.