Heel vs. Heel- Who do you cheer?

I already cheer for Dolph Ziggler when he's against babyfaces most of the time. Screw Jack Scthwagger, I'm a Mr. Ziggles mark. Plus, Vickie is tolerable. It's the crowd that makes her promos terrible, they boo so loudly that she has to practically scream. Cole is just a doucher, both in real life and in character. It's just too easy to take a real-life heel and make them an in-character heel and make money off of that. Cole single handedly got The Miz's current incarnation as over as he is. He's constantly in your ear, and whether you want to or not, when you hear something enough, you're going to start to believe it at least a little bit. He's also, at least in my mind, solely responsible for Daniel Bryan being unable to get over. If only JR had been announcing at Summerslam when Bryan was announced as the surprise 7th man, he'd probably be in the main event scene right now based on crowd reaction alone.
Just a suggestion you should make a series out of this with different heels against eachother past and present. But anyways, I would cheer for Swagger and Ziggler to destroy Cole and Vickie because theyre both annoying. Then, have Zack Ryder come out and give them all a beatdown.
Usually the better out of the two heels ala when they cheered Orton over Sheamus at Royal Rumble. In Vickie vs. Cole's case, Cole is a better heel imo however he's so good in his role that I don't think he would be cheered.

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