Final Fantasy XV


The Phenom of WZ
This game is amazing, IMO. It takes away the conventional mechanics of a Final Fantasy game and adds new better ones. No more turned based fights, no more random encounters, and no more being stuck in a certain part of the world with nothing to do. This game is full to the rim with content. I bought the game on Friday. I already have 36 hours of play on the game and I'm only on chapter 3. So many side missions and things to do. This game will definitely keep you busy and the side missions aren't just there to keep you busy. Each one rewards you with something that helps on your mission.

The graphics and sound are out of this world amazing. The characters lips are synched to what they're saying and the attention to detail is phenomenal. Your characters can cook, drive, fight, scavenge, do jobs for money, and travel from town to town. It's very very fun.

This is the first Final Fantasy game I've played since X-2 and it very well may be the best since VII. If you're thinking about getting this game don't think anymore, go get it. It's worth every penny.
Went and picked it up yesterday. Got the season pass which came with and interesting digital download called A Kings Tale.

It's basically a FF beat em up. And it's awesome.
I am not necessarily fond of the story or lack there of with the game. Granted I have not watched Kingsglaive or the anime and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to. I know it was said to watch to have a better background of things, but damn I feel like I don't understand certain things because they aren't explained or explored enough. I shouldn't have to watch other things to get a better grasp on the game.

open world is meh to me honestly. This is coming from someone who has put close to 1000 hours into Skyrim and Witcher 3 though. I like being able to explore anything and everything and having no boundaries. Like going into any building I want or jumping off a cliff or even going into water. You can't do that in this game just explore the terrain which is great looking.

I am having fun with it though and only on chapter 3. Big fan of the Kingdom Hearts series and I feel like the combat system is a direct reflection of it which works for me.
I started getting into this game the other night. Next thing I knew four hours went by. Im willing to look past the story flaws, the wonky camera during battle, and the not so great voice acting. The bottom line is this game is fun. And really what more do you really need in a game? It's not perfect but quite enjoyable.
I'm now over 90 hours into the game and on Chapter 10 and let me reiterate that I LOVE THIS GAME. Everyday, while at work, I look forward to getting home and hopping on this game. It reminds me of getting a new game as a kid and looking forward to playing it after school everyday. As far as fun goes, this is probably the best FF game I've ever played.

Having said all of that, though, the damn story is just meh. I mean it's confusing as all hell and hard to follow. Not to spoil anything but I find myself doing things in the main storyline and not knowing why I'm doing it or even when it was talked about to do it. Other than that, though, the game is fantastic. Graphics, sound, gameplay, combat systems, sometimes the camera can be a headache but you can always move it, characters, etc are all great. If the story were as good as everything else, I have no problem saying that this wouldn't just be one of the very best FF games, but one of the very best GAMES of all time.

GET IT!!!!!
Phenom and I are a pretty accurate reflection of the review community online for FFXV. My best friend and I are also polar opposites on it though. For my opinion the best summary I have seen about this which I can't take credit for is that it's a good game, but not a good final fantasy game. I am very story driven in that it is a must for me in just about every game I play, and I feel that's where the most criticisms, mine included come from. It feels like the game is in 2nd gear for a bit then all of a sudden you jump into lightspeed and come back to 2nd gear wondering what happened and what the reason for it was.

The open world also feels like the developers made a Beta of an open world RPG and just abandoned it and never finished it. There are fun things to do, but certain things you can't do that you can in just about any other open world game will irritate that you and make it feel very limited. I may even go so far as to say that Xenoblade Chronicles X, while good in it's own right, accomplished the "open world terrain nothing really around'' method better.

I won't dive into it that much as I like people making their own opinions and won't bash anyone for theirs, just giving my two cents as a lifelong Final Fantasy and RPG fan. I have beaten the game after growing quite frustrated with my aforementioned gripes and don't really see myself picking it back up. I won't put it on my bad list of FF games but it's not in the good FF games category either. Limbo I presume.

Strongly advise at least renting it first to get a feel of it because it might not be how you expected it to be like myself. Or it could be better which would be great. To each their own.
Agree 100% so far, FF15 is a gem. Just fought Deadeye Behemoth and the way it was handled before the fight was excellent. You get the true scale of his immense head as you sneak past him, then he roars in your general direction. The following battle was hectic and fast paced. Loved it, and it was only a side quest.
Picked this game back up. I'm on Chapter 13, I still love the game but I can whip out some noticeable flaws now since I've given it some serious time.

*Spoilers if you haven't played FF 15 yet *


For all the gorgeous graphics this game throws at you, the camera is downright SHIT at times. It's like a drugged up racoon took over the camera controls once a fight starts....especially in dungeons and caves. The camera isn't bad in wide open battlefields...but in a cave is where I start cursing because my camera fucked off and got stuck on a rock while I'm getting hit by goblins. For whatever strange reason, goblins and their fast movements make the camera go wild.


The game has a hundred little branching stories, when you have this in an open world game, you need a really strong main story to stand out. Like Fallout 4 for example. I'm not overly sold on the main story and kind of lost or forgot the main plot by now.


This game has a shit ton of awesome bosses, alot of them are a real challenge. But.....

The Giant Water Dragon in the battle in that amazingly designed habour town where Lunaferia gets stabbed. All you do is hold target and mash one button, I don't even think its possible to die in the 15 minute, flying slash fest. Its quite amazing to watch, but rediculously easy. The exact same thing with the giant Titan holding up the meteor, a button flashes on your screen to block then parry. Ugh, waaaay too easy game maker dudes. I also cheaped out and killed two bosses with my ultra amazing summon god, he fucks their shit up in ONE shot! Good challenge there, not!

USELESS Prompto and Ignis

Lets face it, its a one man show in this game. Your pals are mearly there to help slightly. Well...Gladius isn't bad to be honest. He can dish it out and I don't have to babysit his ass throughout a fight. Prompto and Ignis are a different story. I'm constantly trying to keep them alive while I'm fighting and I really don't know what the hell they're doing half the time. Prompto is supposed to be a ranged fighter, his weapon speciality is a gun. But do you think Prompto stays at the outskirts of a fight? No. I'm fighting a rather gigantic behemoth, Prompto should be up around the cliffs taking shots at this thing....nope! He's right under him taking shots! You dumbass, get out of there! Plus I can't remember one single fight where I said "Whew, glad I had Ignis with me or I wouldn't of passed that boss." Never!


This isn't really something serious, but its kind of annoying all the same. It's kind of a theme with Japanese creations where main characters grunt and sigh a whole lot. Theres one funny scene on a train in FF 15 thats not supposed to be funny but Noctis is grunting and sighing so damn much I had a room of people laughing at him. It gets rediculous at times. I bet if someone out there had a lot of time of their hands they could make a Prince Noctis grunting compilation and it would run 25 minutes long.


Ever notice that once you compile a load of swords and axes that they all basically seem alike? Damage and speed seem to be the only difference with weapons. I seriously think they could've done alot more to make each special King's weapon stand out more. I can hardly tell the difference between the special weapons and the ones I bought off of Larry at the car shop. *Don't look for Larry, I just forgot the guys name. *

Those are some of the things I have a problem with, theres much more things I like though that I won't get into. FF 15 is a great game.

Bonus : The giant shark mouth plant boss continues to be a difficult boss in this Final Fantasy as well. He has a history of difficult forms in Final Fantasy games.

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