Everyone Should Open This Thread

Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. This is proof that you are wrong.

I was going to post "See My Vest" from the Simpsons, but just couldn't find a copy on YouTube that wasn't shit.

Also, I ate a steak last night that was probably about a pound. Covered with bleu cheese, which as we now know is just a downstream form of cattle rape. Tasted pretty good. It was so big, I couldn't finish it. Normally, I'd save the leftovers, but in this case I'm just going to throw them out and think about the cow (cows, if you want to get generational) who were raped, tortured, and murdered for the sake of my conspicuous consumption.
Good news for Australia They just banned the sale of fur in all department stores.


Let's hope we can see something like that happen here. Any one who fur coats or ugg boots should be skinned alive and made into a coat and boots so they know what those animals go thourgh. They even use dogs and cats to make these fur products. To me I think you have to be the biggest piece of shit to wear fur and think it is OK. Wearing fur is unnecessary and by wearing it says you support innocent lives being tortured.


Check for yourself to see what goes on at the fur farm

This is probably one of the sensible things that you have posted about. Killing animals just to wear them is atrocious.

As for the whole vegan thing, I am a vegetarian, but I have never judged anyone on the basis of what they eat. Many of my friends are non-vegetarians , and I have no problem to their eating meat.
So have you interviewed a cow that told you it is painful for them? Have you personally tested the milk and found evidence of pus in the milk? Have you toured a dairy farm and got an upclose at the process and first-hand saw the infections?

I'm going to assume you'd say 'No' to those questions, so why are you convinced of this? I'm sure you're being opinions on the matter come from some unrealiable, biased source

I've never experienced contaminated milk. It's a possibility and has happened to others but something drastic or unexpected had to have happened for that to take place. When I drive by pastures that have these cows freely roaming about, they don't notion me over to save them from some cruel torture. They seem quite content to me. There are things on this planet that are meant to be utilitized.

Do I really need to say this again

By saying that I know that you didn't look at any of the videos that I posted. Next time watch the videos and read my previous comments before you leave a clueless one. I've seen plenty of video evidence of what goes on at dairy farms. When you see the abuse that the people put the cows to get them to milk them. Yes plenty of puss comes out of the cow for every glass there is about an eye drops worth of puss in there. From having those milk machines attachahed to the so often it requires a lot of pain an infections. The cows get all of there milked sucked out of them which then causes puss to come out of the cow. Cow milk is meant for a baby calf not us.

I happy someone on here has a heart and could agree with me on something yes wearing fur is just terrible and serves no purpose at all. Like I say all I do is tell people to open their eyes and look at the abuse that is going on. Eating less meat isn't me saying to say it but it is a fact that it is more healthy for you. Eating less meat will prevent heart attacks, cancers, an alot more. Not only would eating less meat be good for yourself but it will be good for the entire world and animals.

I know the world will never stop eating meat but we can work on eating less of it to better ourselves and our future. You can still eat most of your favorite meat foods being vegan I eat Vegan Cheese,Beef,Hot Dogs,Meatballs,Riblet,Chicken,Turkey Burgers,Pizza,Sloppy Joes,Sausage, Ice Cream and many more all made without meat and taste just as good. As selfish as this sounds I don't know if I'd be vegan if the food didn't taste so good. So there are alternative solutions just yesterday I made a vegan chocolate coconut peanut butter milk shake and it tasted like a Reseses Peanut Butter Cup with a hint of coconut. So I do eat more then just lettuce like the people on here probably think.

I don't get how people can put me down for being kind and wanting to save lives. I get mad when some people on here are so heartless they just ignore what I'm trying to say and not even look into it.

I hope someone like Rayne gets a heart attack from all the steak that you eat and if there is a such thing of moving on to another life when you die. I hope you get to be a pig at a slaughterhouse. So you can have testicles and tail cut off without any painkillers or they don't put the cow down or anything. Then be left there with an infected wound with no one to care for you. Then you get beaten with a metal rod with spikes that stamps you. Have some one kick punch and jump on your back when you refuse to move. They can lock you in a crate so small that you can't even turn around where you just sit there for days waiting to be killed. Then you can be hung upside down and have your throat slit and I'll do it like you said before I know how to get a clean cut.
I hope someone like Rayne gets a heart attack from all the steak that you eat and if there is a such thing of moving on to another life when you die.
Doctor says I'm in great health. I mix my meat eating with a good amount of exercise. Cholesterol's low too, in case you were alternately hoping for 'stroke'.
I hope you get to be a pig at a slaughterhouse. So you can have testicles and tail cut off without any painkillers or they don't put the cow down or anything. Then be left there with an infected wound with no one to care for you. Then you get beaten with a metal rod with spikes that stamps you. Have some one kick punch and jump on your back when you refuse to move. They can lock you in a crate so small that you can't even turn around where you just sit there for days waiting to be killed. Then you can be hung upside down and have your throat slit and I'll do it like you said before I know how to get a clean cut.
You hope, but all you really DO is bitch on message boards. I assume you aren't active in many causes, because if you converse elsewhere as you converse here, the movers and shakers in any cause wouldn't want to be too closely associated with you.

And yet, for all your praise about the vegan lifestyle (had a vegan girlfriend once upon a time, that stuff tastes like shit), you refuse to discuss the rape of the carrots. How would you feel if you were yanked out of the ground by your hair, the only universe you had ever known, thrown into the back of a truck to sit in the sun all day, then transported around the country to be boiled, still technically living, in water? (Braised, if the cook's any good.) I hope that you get reincarnated as a carrot. You'll probably be a more interesting poster, at the least.

For the record, the pig farmer slit its throat for me.
So that means just go against me even though I'm still trying to spread a good message?

I never said I'm better than anyone on here but I may have more of a clue. Like I also said numerous times I'm not telling people not to eat meat I'm just saying eat less of it the high demand needs to go down and do not to support the companies who tortures their animals. A lot more people are living vegetarian/vegan lifestyles today and it's only going to keep growing. I only start presenting myself in a dickish manner is when people say heartless things back to me when I'm talking about saving lives.

The only two things that I say you should never do is wear Fur or go to the circus.
Just by your signature I can tell that your a piece of shit
Really? I thought me treating you like a moron in my posts would have been a bigger tip-off. The signature comes at the end of all that.

The irony here is that I've never wished torture upon you for not sharing my beliefs, as you've done to me. I hope that you get to be a bit more mature, and get over these transient teenage sensibilities you have, but I don't wish you to be tortured because you don't share my viewpoint. It would seem your feelings about torture extend only so far as what you like and don't like.

If there is one thing I am absolutely sure of, it's that no one here is worried about you being farther ahead on the clue train than they are.
Well bullying someone to show their view points is no way to solve any problem

I thought you were a piece of shit the whole time. Just your signature really makes it stand out that your a piece of shit. It wasn't something that I just noticed I just thought to express another one of my view points.
Ah. So you believe that torture is alright, provided that you're the person who dictates when and where it takes place?

If there's one thing you should have learned this past week, it's that people don't give your thoughts much credibility.
Then why are my thoughts not given much credibility?

When it comes to the subject of torture I think it should only happens if the person deserves it

Like the people in the videos I post
Michael Vick
Any one who abuses an animal of any kind
The Kardashians
Any one involved with the animal training at the circus
People who rape women
I think you get the message for all good reasons I think any one else would agree that these people and a lot more sick in the head people deserves the abuse they caused on someone else
Then why are my thoughts not given much credibility?
Because they can be picked apart casually and without much thought on the behalf of the person doing the picking apart. Other people here can see the overall themes and philosophy I'm using here. You aren't that intelligent, and thus my point goes over your head.
When it comes to the subject of torture I think it should only happens if the person deserves it

Like the people in the videos I post
Michael Vick
Any one who abuses an animal of any kind
The Kardashians
Any one involved with the animal training at the circus
People who rape women
I think you get the message for all good reasons I think any one else would agree that these people and a lot more sick in the head people deserves the abuse they caused on someone else
So again; you believe in torture, so long as you are the person who gets to say when it's right and when it's wrong. Your sense of moral rectitude extends only so far as your own beliefs, which makes it very hard to give you any credibility when it comes to making a moral argument.
The reason why Billions starve is because they live in a desolate wasteland that doesn't provide enough farmland or sustainable reason to live there. It is not 4 year old Que-Que's fault that he can't eat because his parents are unable to move to a place that is actually capable of growing food or able to provide a stable economy to have food imported.

Look at all the great nations and empires that ever came and passed in history. Hell, even the super-powers that are here today. Know what they all have in common? They lived on land that they could farm. And if they couldn't farm, they conquered land that could. Egypt is a barren wasteland but they were smart enough to settle near the Nile River and built an empire.

It sucks that we have millions of people in Africa dying to hunger, it's not fair, and it isn't right to sit back and do nothing. But it just goes to show that even natural selection affects humanity just as much as it does the rest of the animal kingdom.
I really hope all the blathering you do gets you some pussy (or cock if that's what you are in to) Todd. I can't think of any other reason for your rambling.

What do you do for a living Todd? How old are you? Are you married? Do you have pets? What type of activism do you participate in away from your computer and this forum? Do you like pro wrestling at all? How is your relationship with your parents? Where do you live? Have you always lived there? What is your level of education? Is Todd your real name? Do you fantasize about blowing up a Whole Foods?
So again; you believe in torture, so long as you are the person who gets to say when it's right and when it's wrong. Your sense of moral rectitude extends only so far as your own beliefs, which makes it very hard to give you any credibility when it comes to making a moral argument.

That's the way it is with Absolute Moralists of every stripe. It depends, it depends on who's doing the violence and who is on the receiving end of it. It becomes negotiable. They take it upon themselves to decide what is right and wrong for everybody else.

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