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Everyone Should Open This Thread

Well I know enough about you to know that your a brainless idiot.

You lash out on people for speaking their minds without ever giving any real reason for these insults. If you don't agree with someone you won't say anything intelligent. You just say your a moron or post a stupid picture.
Todd reminds me of a socially awkward guy I know IRL. He read ONE Ayn Rand book in high school and is now an "all-knowing" paperback philosopher. He's so hellbent with his uneducated POV that he disagrees with everything he doesn't understand and refuses to acknowledge anything despite being pwned by intelligent people. To top it off he's a conceited asshole who refuses to work, never had requited love, and hardly has any friends due to his shitty attitude, yet cries for attention and doesn't understand he's the reason his life sucks.

Holy TMI, Batman! I know Todd is just a troll, but it's uncanny how he reminds me of someone I knew. It's almost sad.

The only difference is that you don't know me.


Oh, I needed a good laugh. Thanks for that!


And he calls Nate an idiot?
Todd just shush. No-one cares. One thing you shouldn't be is anywhere near a political, philosophical or any other intellectual subject, because you will do damage to whatever side of it you pick. As some guy that I like said, you've got wacked-out poo brain fella. Quit whilst you're behind.
You just don't get it. There's a way to relay your message without sounding as if you're completely ******ed. You are not capable of doing it. You are to the left wing what the Tea Pary is to the right wing; You go so far off the cliff that you end up pulling the rest of us down with you.

If you're really as passionate about these issues as you claim to be, the best thing you can possibly do to help is just shut the fuck up. We don't need your input, you're a detriment to the cause. Go. The. Fuck. Away.
Todd. Buddy.

Let's sit back, putting all other insults aside, and look at the end result of your posting here. Most of your posts start out with you declaring a moral position as a proper course of action- often with a tone which people who disagree with you would find condescending- and then challenging people to argue with you.

As of yet, I have not seen one thread you have made where you have convinced someone of your point of view.

There are two possibilities here. The first of which is that you are the person who is communicating well, and every other single person on this board is by nature hostile to receiving your message. The second is that you are not communicating your message well, and people are uninterested in receiving it.

I studied communications in college. The mantra is, "if you aren't communicating your message properly, the problem is you." In that regard, thus far, I have completely failed in getting across to you that your message simply isn't being heard. But on the same token, you are completely failing in getting your message heard to your audience.

Perhaps it's time for you to try a different tactic. Instead of telling everyone how they should live, and what they should do, and how they should change, and how they're wrong if they disagree with you- how about you live your own life, and try to convince people by examplehow your choices are better? You will never convince anyone through any series of internet articles of your opinion, but you might do it if you acquire a reputation as someone who can make a convincing argument for the things he believes in by the example he sets in life.

Your reputation here- your reputation with the audience you are trying to communicate with- is horribly negative. People aren't going to give you the benefit of the doubt. You have a very long uphill climb to make if you want to start convincing any of the audience here, and until you start in that humble journey, people- including myself- are going to treat you like shit.
Every time you try to champion a cause I just want to stay as far away from it as possible. You speak in a way that's condescending as if you think you're better than the people you're trying to persuade. The way you present your so-called 'facts' where you misspell half your sentence with no punctuation to speak of. That turns everybody off from your cause. Hell it makes me want to do the opposite purely out of spite. I've gotten to where I see a post from you and I just shake my head. The negative reputation you've built for yourself hurts any cause you try to 'help'. My advice is for you to go away, reinvent yourself, and try again by turning over a new leaf. That's the only way you could possibly come off as half way intelligent because right now, the only thing people see you as is a moronic dickwad who pulls his so-called 'facts' out of his ass and tries to force them down our throats. For right now go the fuck away and one day try again (although I'd prefer if you didn't.) Just go the fuck away Todd.
Regardless of the way I present my message doesn't mean that animal cruelty isn't going on right now s I'm typing this. Instead of being a immature shit head by saying "Oh know Todd didn't place a period he's stupid". By me not placing a period doesn't make the abusers right. It's sad how you can't see that.
Regardless of the way I present my message doesn't mean that animal cruelty isn't going on right now s I'm typing this. Instead of being a immature shit head by saying "Oh know Todd didn't place a period he's stupid". By me not placing a period doesn't make the abusers right. It's sad how you can't see that.

But that's NOT the first thing that people you are trying to persuade are going to see. Do you think that if Upton Sinclair had been a shit writer that Roosevelt would've done what he did to improve the meat processing factories? No he wouldn't. He would've laughed his ass off and tossed the book in the trash if it would've even made it to his office.
Your main problem, Todd, is that you rely on sweeping generalisations only when it suits your argument, which is also the underlying reason why your internet sources would be considered biased.

Some cops are bad = all officers of the law are bad
Some politicians are bad = all government is bad
Some meat producers are cruel = all meat producers are cruel
It is possible to live a meat free diet = all people can/should live a meat free diet
Marijuana relieves pain = marijuana is a panacea for all ills

While you considered it "stupid" (that was part of the point), what Rayne was trying to assert by his carrot parody is why stop at just those generalisations? Where do you draw the line? Is it your choice? Your sources? The government? Society at large?

Applying such generalisations everywhere gets us in trouble

Vegetables are living things = they should not be eaten
Climate change is happening = get rid of all cars
War is bad = there should be no war
Some teachers/doctors behave inappropriately = all teachers/doctors are paedophiles/rapists
Some humans are bad = all humans are bad

Where exactly does it end?

Unfortunately for yourself and your causes, the way in which you have presented your arguments has made you look as narrow-minded (although I am willing to concede that it is more likely to be your passion overriding your presentation) as those who you are arguing against, with the prime example being...

Some potheads are a menace to/drain on society = pot should be illegal

That is the kind of thinking that got hemp made illegal in the first place but using the same kind of generalisations/unfounded speculations is not going to help get social and legal injustices overturned or even get a few individuals to see your point of view.
I'm sorry if sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me and it sounds like I think I'm better than anyone but I just don't understand how other people can't be angered by the abuse that goes on.
You're expecting people to value the items you value, as much as you value them, after approaching the topic under conversation with your point of view. You disallow the possibility that other people may have a coherent world view which places values on other traits- in fact, you write off anyone with a different world view as "close-minded", because they won't agree with yours.

The essence of being open-minded is understanding that there are thought processes out there different than your own, and not necessarily accepting the viewpoints those processes lead to, but understanding that those viewpoints may have been formed through a logical deliberation that you are not familiar with.

Your thought process on the topic of animals as food has gone as followed: you are upset by how some portions of the meat industry work, and believe that if people just see the same things you've seen, they'll join your cause. This is the peril of the moral activist. They assume everyone will have the same emotional reaction they will, and assume that everyone will believe whatever information they provide, because it was convincing to them. You came into this thread expecting people to have this immediate, gut-wrench reaction to your post- so much that you entitled it "Everyone Should Open This Thread". (With a thread title like that, you might as well have just made "Kick Me" your signature.)

I have my own opinions why feedlots make sense, while on an emotional level, I don't have to like them. I'd have to discuss economics with you however, we'd have to have a conversation about world food politics and food per energy per acre formulas, and honestly I don't see that conversation being too productive.

The reason why I brought up my experience with watching my roasting pig be slaughtered is this. You came to this thread with the assumption that the reason that people wouldn't agree with you is because they simply didn't know how their food got to their plate. I gave you a vivid example of my experience watching my dinner come from living animal to face steak, because I have accepted moral responsibility for my diet, long before you ever came along. Life feeds on life. It's the nature of living.

And enough with the "kill with your hands and teeth" bullshit, please. Humans evolved into the apex predator because they were able to use tools and their intellect, not because we became good at crushing or clawing. Some of us did, at least.
Don't tell be enough with killing animals with your teeth. That's because I know you will never do it.

One person picked out a pig and had a guy kill it for him personally and now the meat industry is OK and kills their animal in a way that is not torture.

I'm open minded to everyones point of view. I'm going to go against you when your torturing another life. I'm going to get angry when someone like me who actually has a kind heart unlike the rest of you who just bash me for being kind. I get attacked because I'm against seeing another life get tortured.

You say Life feeds on life but no animal does the amount of torture we do to other forms of life to get our food.
Don't tell be enough with killing animals with your teeth. That's because I know you will never do it.
Of course I won't. I am a human being. My species invented the gun and whetting knife. We created language with which we can teach each other the techniques we invented to use the tools we have invented. We invented cooking techniques to prepare our meat to reduce the incidence of disease. We invented the fork and knife to reduce this meat into easily consumable sizes.

So why the hell would I want to devolve myself several million years because you're challenging me to?

Being open-minded involves a lot more than saying "I'm open-minded", btw. You'll discover someday that's an actual thing, rather than something activists are expected to say.
Don't tell be enough with killing animals with your teeth. That's because I know you will never do it.

One person picked out a pig and had a guy kill it for him personally and now the meat industry is OK and kills their animal in a way that is not torture.

I'm open minded to everyones point of view. I'm going to go against you when your torturing another life. I'm going to get angry when someone like me who actually has a kind heart unlike the rest of you who just bash me for being kind. I get attacked because I'm against seeing another life get tortured.

You say Life feeds on life but no animal does the amount of torture we do to other forms of life to get our food.

No one is attacking you for being kind. It's your form of delivery that's getting you attacked. It's the way you go about delivering your message. No one likes being told they have to stop doing something because one guy out of a million says it's wrong. Life DOES feed on life. We don't have claws or teeth we have weapons. It's how our ancestors hunted. Humans eat meat because it's NATURAL. We've just found easier ways of doing it.
Once again putting words in my mouth. Even though the people here seem to do that with every response just make them look better than me. Maybe if the people here actually read what I have to say without bashing me first you have a different opinion.

I never said we should stop eating meat. In fact I said the world will never stop eating meat, but I believe we need to eat much less meat. By doing that we will be able to provide food for countries that actually need the food(since Americans are fat enough). Less animals will be tortured. We won't have to make these animals go though the pain that they suffer everyday. It's about caring for someone other than yourself.


Read all about the dog and cat meat/fur industry. Did you know that in China they claim the more the animal suffers the tastier the meat? It just upsets me how we live in a world where stuff like this goes on everyday. Read all about and tell me if you think that this is OK.


In China the capital for animal abuse where they kill millions of cats and dogs each year so the selfish scum of the earth can wear their fur coats.
Anyone who wheres fur should be ashamed of themselves. Maybe they should be skinned alive so they no what kind of suffering that those poor helpless animals go through.




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