Everyone please read this thread and show your support to this brave young soldier

The government can't control how people think.

Eternal Dragon

As a fellow Muslim, I must say that I am distraught over that comment considering that you are a Muslim who lives in this country and witnesses the animosity that the American media hurls at people of Islamic faith or Arab/Persian descent. Despite the claim of a so called "free media/press" that Americans purvey, everyone knows that this premise is categorical bullshit because the American media have become nothing but puppets to the federal government due to the "clear and present danger" atmosphere that has clouded America since 9/11 mostly stemming from the parannoia encouraged by GW. I challenge you to watch any news channel such as CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC and I guarantee you that you will not find a single news outlet that has the guts to criticize the government's incompetance and they just seem to deflect all the blame for oil prices on those darn Arabs and the damn war that is being waged for their so called "freedom", which is also bullshit. Just look at what happened to the illustrious journalistic career of Dan Rather after his piece on 60 minutes upbraiding GW's armed service record: it got completely disbanded. I know his authenticators failed to authenticate his documents and all that other nonsense, but Bush clearly utilized his clout in order to pressure Les Moonves to fire a legendary anchor like Dan Rather. After that point, the only bit of criticism that any media source that lash out at Bush is in the form of objective president approval ratings. Thus, the government controls the media, which controls the minds of the gullible and obtuse minded Americans. If the U.S. government actually gave a damn about Muslims/Arabs, then their MidEast policy would not be so far skewed in favor of the Israelis and they would not let the Israels transgress their boundaries and ravage Arab territories at will like they are doing in Lebanon. Obviously, the government and the American media want Americans to be suspicious and averse towards people of Arab descent as illustrated by the fact that they utilize derogatory terms towards the Hizbollah and Palestinian jihadi fighters and revolutionaries such as "suicide bombers" and "terrorists" when they are just fighting to regain the land that rightfully belongs to them and that was pilfered by the Israeli counterparts. On the other hand, the Israeli soldiers that bulldoze, plunder, and destroy the homes and settlements of Palestinians and constantly heckle, harass, and rape Palestinian children and women are portrayed as "heroes" and "allies" on the so called "War on Terrorism."

However, Americans are too idiotic and blind to actually search for the truth and connect the dots. They are too adept at getting duped by their media and government perpetually throughout their history as they did in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia. The government was able to provide skimpy and fallacious rationale for their wars and the public supported these unjust causes until the wars started affecting the lifestyle at home. This is the character of the American public: craven, selfish, frail, asinine skinheads. Wow, these characteristics are a carbon copy of the politicians in the American government. What a surprise!!!

eww! that's totally sickening. Reading that made me wanna throw up. THIS IS F*CKIN AMERICA! So why dont people act like it?


Dude, I think you just answered your own question. There is nothing surprising about the way those people treated Daivari because they are just implementing the true colors of the American character. Let me remind you that this is the same country that drove the indigenuous Native Americans from their homelands and brought Africans in chattel slavery to build their lands. You should know that the White House, Washington Monument, and several other symbols of "American freedom" present in the nation's capital were built by imported African slaves in the clutches of chattel slavery and overt bigotry. God knows how many poor black slaves died in the development of these "national treasures" since they obviously had no social standing at that point. It took them until 1965 until they could actually vote without poll tax or literacy test restrictions posed by the white elitists. It could them until 1956 with the Brown vs Board of Education ruling until they were actually treated like humans and could attend the same schools, drink from the same water fountains, eat in the same restaurants, and walk on the same streets as white people. You should also know that many of the construction marvels built in America today are also built by the blood, sweat, and tears of underpaid, undernourished, and underappreciated Mexican workers who do not have any worker compensation. The only reason why Americans have this superficially "multicultural" society is because they are just exploiting the services of these foreign people to avoid falling far behind in comparison to the rest of the world. Everyone knows that the American technological and IT industry would be oblivious without the superlative brain power of Chinese, Japanese, and Indian immigrants. As for the athletics sector, it would have become defunct without the adriot and impressive African American athletes that have dominated the circuit of every major American sport. Yet, it baffles me why there exists so much racism in America when the minorities have formed the backbone of American society and made it marketable to the rest of the world. Thus, I think you should become a little more practical and accept the fact that America is not this consummate chimerical land of tolerance, compassion, and respect towards minorites like you believe it is. Just look beyond your hermetic Beverly Hills existence, pick up a newspaper, or read an American history book and you will realize that those people who abused Daivari based on his descent are the genuine breed of Americans.

Flames In
People say wrestling is fake, yet they complain about things that happen in the so called "Fake" buisness. Such as Muhammad Hassan.
Hey, not all Americans are bad people you can't judge them all you know. There will be racists and prejudice in every country, it's just the way the world works. Do I like it- no but, you do have to live with it.

Flames Out
I felt so bad for him I had to copy and paste this thread on another board. I have never known anyone to be as loving as Davari despite all the battles he has faced. I wish I could make everything better for the little guy.

He is so fucking hot when he is crying though.
me 2 I love Daiviri,what a sweetie he looks to be!!!! ^_^
ArmyBratGurl500 did you get my private message I sent you?

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