Everyone Should Open This Thread

Those milk machines can cause infections and some dairy farmers might use steroids but that is a very tiny percentage of cases.

Again, you are condemning an entire group for the actions of a miniscule few.
People need to think what the victim sees. Try visioning your self as that pig who is hung upside down and has it's throat being slit,the cow who just had hew new born taken away from her only seconds after giving birth,the chickens that have their beaks painfully removed.
Which makes me glad that I'm at the top of the food chain. What about the squirrels whose babies are eaten by the hawk?

Thinking what the victim sees is a powerful incentive to not be the victim. I've shot my own deer, although hunting really isn't my thing- it bores the shit out of me, as opposed to any moral opposition. I've been in the room while a pig has been hung upside down and had its throat slit- I picked it out myself and would have done the job myself if I had known how. (It's easy to stab a pig to death, I wanted a clean cut. You know, pig roast.)

The whole 'you don't know where your food comes from' line doesn't tread much water when you do know where your food comes from, and you've accepted that price for low-cost, high quality meat.
People have lost their compassion, it shows from the responses regardless of what you say I present facts. Which you don't, you just say ignorant responses because your so close minded. All dairy farms the cows are treated terrible you keep on trying to make them seem innocent when they are from it.


Look what happens at Burger King's dairy farm. Watch the video that I originally posted and watch the whole video. It makes me ashamed to be a human to see how they can treat those animals. Factory farming is the main problem and needs to be put to a stop. Those workers deserve to have the same things done to them. I'm sure they wouldn't like it very much.


Look at how your egg mcmuffin is made. I hope you enjoy your hen period

These people are scumbags but they are doing it for you


Watch the first video and the other videos I posted then try leaving a response
I heart meat.

It tastes yummy.

Please stop looking at the internet. it's clearly making you even more ******ed.
Just watched the egg mcmuffin video. Sick stuff indeed.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'mma order a pizza with chicken, spinach, and garlic on it and contemplate what I just learned here.
You want facts? Ok.

As someone who lives in a farming community, who has worked in a poultry factory, whose family owned and operated farms and butcher shops for the majority of their lives and whose best friend is the farm manager of a dairy farm, I can tell you that without a shadow of a doubt that the examples you bring are the tiny minority.

Presenting the actions major corporations as a brush to tar everyone else with is far more ignorant than you are accusing people of being. The worst examples are always easy to find as they back up the veganist agenda that you are attempting to perpetuate and while bad practices certainly do exist, they are not as all pervasive as you are trying to make them seem. You are essentially following the same practices of politicians - distort/exaggerate the truth to make your point.

It is the same with the police and soldiery. For every corrupt piece of shit, there are hundreds if not thousands of men and women who take their oath to serve with the utmost seriousness and would give their lives in service.

Much like with religion, being a vegetarian is fine; being a militant vegetarian crusading to convert everyone is not and will get you nothing but ridicule both on here and in real life and deservedly so.

And at the same time, you open yourself up to calls of hypocrisy. Are you seriously going to say you have never eaten anything made with egg or milk? Or meat byproducts like jello? Or what about the clothes you wear? No wool or leather? What about the synthetics, which were probably made by an 8 year old Indonesian? And how about heating you home or fuelling your car? Oil is made from animals too!

Get over yourself
I haven't eaten any meat for over three years. I don't wear any articles of clothing made from animals. I also started living a more vegan lifestyle. I use to eat meat it's probably one of the most addicting things on the planet and I'm not going to lie I like the taste of meat for a while I was just like everybody else I thought vegetarians were crazy, I didn't think that I could stop eating meat. The only meat I never ate was veal I because of the torture hey put those cows through. Say whatever you want about most slaughter houses not being that bad I like to see video evidence to see how great you say your buddies dairy farm is and all the slaughter houses that you visit but there is no such thing as a good veal slaughterhouse. I also always hated the taste of eggs growing up and still do.

It took me about 6 months to wean myself off. I've been an animal lover all my life and been against animal cruelty and I started thinking to myself how can I be against animal cruelty yet eat meat everyday. I started getting visions of being the animal who is being killed. I started to think what must it be to live on those farms. I couldn't let those thoughts get out of my head and I knew the only way to get rid of them is to never eat meat again. I said let me go a week then after week I said let me go a month and after that I knew I cold stop forever.

I don't understand how I can be ridiculed for wanting to save lives and being kind. Even if you say the meat industry isn't as bad as it is but torture still goes on their and it needs to be stopped. I'm not telling everyone to stop eating meat but we need to eat less of it. The high demand needs to go down that is the reason why we have these factory farms where animals are tortured everyday. The demand of meat is a big part to the reason of world hunger, we set aside over 60% of crops that are reserved for feed for the meat industry we could be working on feeding more people who are dieing from hunger. Eating a lot less meat or just not eating it at all will prevent so many heart diseases,heart attacks,cancers, and many other diseases and problems that can occur to the body. I'm telling me to open their eyes to the cruelty that goes on the pain and the terrible lives that these animals live.
So milking a Cow is akin to raping a cow? So every time a mother nurses her child, that little baby is raping her?

Those little motherfuckers. How can anyone advocate making abortion illegal for rape victims? They're going to get it coming and going.
So milking a Cow is akin to raping a cow? So every time a mother nurses her child, that little baby is raping her?

Those little motherfuckers. How can anyone advocate making abortion illegal for rape victims? They're going to get it coming and going.

That is the dumbest response I have heard yet. The mother is letting the baby breast feed from the mother so right there that doesn't qualify as rape. Also humans are suppose to breast feed from the mothers too. The only one who should be drinking cows milk is a baby calf.Cows have devices shoved up their vaginas that inject bull seaman in them that causes them to get pregnant. Then they are hooked up to painful milk machines that causes infections and puss in your milk. These cows have this done to them for years then they are brought to the slaughter house after that.
Good news for Australia They just banned the sale of fur in all department stores.


Let's hope we can see something like that happen here. Any one who fur coats or ugg boots should be skinned alive and made into a coat and boots so they know what those animals go thourgh. They even use dogs and cats to make these fur products. To me I think you have to be the biggest piece of shit to wear fur and think it is OK. Wearing fur is unnecessary and by wearing it says you support innocent lives being tortured.


Check for yourself to see what goes on at the fur farm
Then they are hooked up to painful milk machines that causes infections and puss in your milk. These cows have this done to them for years then they are brought to the slaughter house after that.

So have you interviewed a cow that told you it is painful for them? Have you personally tested the milk and found evidence of pus in the milk? Have you toured a dairy farm and got an upclose at the process and first-hand saw the infections?

I'm going to assume you'd say 'No' to those questions, so why are you convinced of this? I'm sure you're being opinions on the matter come from some unrealiable, biased source

I've never experienced contaminated milk. It's a possibility and has happened to others but something drastic or unexpected had to have happened for that to take place. When I drive by pastures that have these cows freely roaming about, they don't notion me over to save them from some cruel torture. They seem quite content to me. There are things on this planet that are meant to be utilitized.
How can you discuss issues with someone who preaches to you about the cows, but ignores the massacre of the carrots by the tens of millions a season? Their corpses, stacked like firewood in refrigerators around the country?
How can you discuss issues with someone who preaches to you about the cows, but ignores the massacre of the carrots by the tens of millions a season? Their corpses, stacked like firewood in refrigerators around the country?

Don't forget Bugs Bunny;
We have yet to scorn his past
Of mass murdering

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