Ellisman, I'm Calling You Out

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
Actually, I've called you out a few times and tried to piss you off because it's fun. Unfortunately, my plans always fell through because

A. You have no sense of humor
B. You were too stupid to realize that I was trying to start a feud with you.

So, now I'm officially calling you out. I could care less if you have your swagger back or not. I don't even know what that fucking means.

Get your ass out here.
You're aware how pathetic it is that you want to fued with someone who is considered the new Deadman/BradTheGreat? Right? You calling him out is funny, and just what he wants. The more threads about Ellisman, the more he wants to come to WrestleZone, leave him alone, and he'll hopefully leave.
Yeah, feuding with Ellisman is really rather easy. Call him a douchenozzle, he'll be all "What the fuck man, you're a fucking jackass" in text speak, then you'll claim victory. It's best just to end this right now.
People are to harsh on Ellisman. I mean, sure, he doesn't post very quality stuff but I mean come on. What is the point in making him feel worse by taunting him? There is no point. Try encouraging people instead of name calling and they might get a bit better at posting, who knows?
Someone explain to me how the fuck the kid can get his "swagger back" when he never had any swagger to begin with
You wanna feud with me?

Let me say this: I am the best. I truly feel im better than a lot of people because i got my head on str8 and a lot of you don't. I love you all really, but damn, grow up.

I do have a sense of humor offline dude, damn im one of the craziest kids in my group of friends at work/college/highschool and so on.

As for my swagger, its that confidence, my pride, a sense that the world is alright again and everything will be fine. No more awkward days at work with Robin. Now i love being around her when possible without appearing like a creep. Plus she gave me her number.
Oh my god, no one please post in this fucking thread again. Just let it die.
I wonder if Deadman beat the system.

Wow, sorry for the double posting crap. I have no idea why that happened. Lag, I think.

I'm not deadman or anyone but E7 man

Fuck off haters, where is the one who wanted to feud with me?

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