Edge Retires

I'm really gonna miss edge.. He has had a lot of injuries and retiring is the best thing. He has been one of the top superstars the WWE has ever had. From being in one of the best tag teams with Christian, to main eventing wrestle mania, he's done it all. I remember watching him debut as a young kid, that's what makes this retirement so special to me. I've seen edge's career develop from start to finish and it really is a shame to see him go.

Edge has been my favorite since 2001, ive watched all his matches many a time and enjoye all of his gimmicks, matches and promos...i prayed this was a storyline, but clearly is not. Thank you so much edge for everything youve done, entertaining us, working through pain, putting your body on the line for awesome spots/matches...thank you edge for everything
this was heartbreaking for us wrestling fans to here, Edge is one of those guy who truly gave everything he ever had in the ring and loved this business, to think he's been wrestling with with so many injuries in his WWE career just proves to me what type of warrior, and person he truly is, a WWE with out the one and only edge will just seem weird,

Thank You Edge For Giving Us Wrestling Fans The Honor Of Watching You Compete, God Bless
As soon as they hinted he was retiring, I immediately flashed back to last week's smackdown.

Watch this clip, starting at the 3:38 mark.


I've not seen every match Edge has ever had, but something about that spear just seemed wrong. It looks like Edge went head first into the floor. Now, I don't want to say this was Clay's fault, Edge's neck problems are well known and it was likely always possibility he was one bad move away from retirement or worse. But then, who in the business really isn't, right?

Ill miss him, he wasn't my favorite wrestler but he was always entertaining.
I'm going to miss seeing the guy on the tele every friday night. He was a great heel when he was with the Brood, Lita, Orton, and Vickie, and as a face he really did rather well, which surprised me. The whole Rated R superstar thing was a lot of fun, and his feud with Cena was one of the better Cena feuds.

Sooo whats next for Smackdown?

Taker is most likely next when it comes to retiring, and Mysterio seems to be on his last leg. That leaves Smackdown with very few faces that are entertaining, and quite a few heels with potential. They need to put Wade over even more but how? A feud with Big SHow doesn't sound entertaining, and a feud with Kane isn't going to do it. The WWE should do a draft after Extreme Rules.
While it's unfortunate his career got cut short due to injury, I find it refreshing to see a wrestler step aside at the top of his career. I know he said he didnt really have a choice, but there have been other wrestlers in that same position where they were told not to wrestle again and yet they continued to do so. So good on Edge for leaving at the top of his game in the prime of his life. Better to leave one match too early, then one match too late.

I still think after a few months he'll return in some capacity. Sort of like Shawn Micheals did after he was forced to retire back in 1998. Shawn played the "commisioner" role. Who knows, maybe Edge could be the new GM. Pretty ironic seeing as how he hated that damn computer so much.

Wrestlemania 29: Skydome. Edge in Hall Of Fame. Make it happen WWE
I don't know if anyone saw but last week on Smackdown when Edge speared Clay on the outside in the Main Event he looked like he hurt his neck. I even said when watching it 'oh it looks like he hurt himself there'. I know this isn't the reason for the injury but I wonder if that prompted him to go see the doc's.
I'm on tears here, out of nowhere... The man has revolutionized the tag team division, the ladder match, the heel persona, first ever money in the bank winner...

This man right here shows what is passion and love for the business. He has given his body for us. Through tables, fallen from ladders, gone onto flaming tables...everything for OUR ENTERTAINMENT. Man...I can't believe this. He was the second heel that I actually hated and at the same time cheered.

There's only one way to sum it all:

Who think its kayfabe cause i already here alot of people saying it... Do you think the WWE would be so desperate as to sell the retirement thing so hard to the fans who are practically controlled by the WWE? And lets be honest Edge is a def con 2 vet at least and has sustained plenty of legitimate injuries throughout his body. I am a bit stoned and rambling as well but its ok.

Honestly Edge's retirement is so sudden and shocking that it almost feels like he died lol.

But nonetheless...

Edge will always be my favorite and will be truly missed by the sport of wrestling and its fans.

I was convinced it was a work when Edge started the promo, figuring it would just be an easy way to get Del Rio cheap heat by having him interrupt Edge's "retirement speech" and say he's running away because he doesn't want to face him at Extreme Rules or whatever. But then Del Rio's music never came, and once I saw them do the breaking kayfabe thing backstage with heels and faces all clapping for Edge, I knew it was real.

What a fucking shame man. What a fucking shame. That's all my brain can really come up with at this point, I'm still in shock.

I won't rule out a possible return to the ring in the future though. As guys like HBK and Austin have shown us, actually letting your body heal for a few years does WONDERS for you, and Edge has never really taken the time off to actually let his injuries heal, which is a credit to him.

I will however say as a Christian fan this has me a tiny bit excited, because now you'd have to assume he would face Del Rio for the title at the PPV, and he could very well win it finally, which would be the biggest mark out moment for myself in several years. Even if he doesn't, they have no choice but to really elevate him to permanent main event status now, so atleast something good could come out of Edge's untimely retirement.

Bad timing for the WWE too, they're busy trying to build new stars still and one of their few semi-young legit stars has to retire due to injuries. Damn shame, Edge will be sorely missed.
I'll admit that when I heard Edge's speech, I cried because he is indeed one of my favorites. He will be remembered for all of his awesome matches, promos, backstage segments and everything in between. Everything he has done is classic and will live on forever. Loved or disliked, he was such an entertaining individual who gave it his all for all the fans and an inspiration for aspiring young talent everywhere. Hopefully we will get to see him in the WWE again in non-wrestling roles in the near future!

Thank you, Edge!! :worship:
It's definitely real when even the supposed heels are getting emotional.

All I can say is, thank you, Edge, for all the entertaining matches you put on. We of the WWE Universe will miss you!
Its a shame to see him go but after the last injury he seemed like he was on his last run this time around so I was somewhat braced for his departure. The only thing that spoiled his goodbye speech for me is the jaded wrestling fan within me who was convinced the whole time that this was some kind of work and Del Rio's music was gonna hit or Edge was gonna roll back in and 'Say Gotcha suckers" with a big smile.
I really can't express how devastated i really am right now. I'm literally crying my eyes out as i type this.

Edge was probably THE first guy to become my favorite. He's one of the wrestlers who i truly hope to aspire to be as great as when i become a pro wrestler.

it's like... i don't know... i feel like i'm in shock but at the same time in so much pain.

Thank you so, so much, Edge.
I remember going to my first ppv ever in 06, it was New Years Revolution and Edge shocked the world and became the first man ever to cash in Money in the Bank after the elimination chamber, on john cena! I popped that night, (one of the very few in the Pepsi Arena that night)! Moments like that are what edge was about, from his early tlc matches to his mania match with Undertaker! Edge will truly be missed in wrestling, at least he got out while there was still time!
Wow Edge.

I am deeply saddened at this.Edge has been my second favourite superstar since I started watching after HBK and fav after HBK retired.

Now the only thing making me watch WWE is The Rock.

Thank You Edge.
Well , that's sad ... for us.

I just want to thank Edge for all he has done.

He has truly given whatever he had for this business. No one will forget all of those TLC matches, all of those sacrifices he made year after year, match after match.

I'm just depressed. I can believe there's not gonna be another spear.No more rated R superstar.No more Ultimate Opportunist. I'm also glad WWE decided to give him the victory in WM. What a way to go out, as the WHC champ following Wrestlemania.

As he said, I think he retired on the terms that no one expected, but that's the game of life. I'm happy that he is safe now and can enjoy his life without enduring pain and without worrying about deadly injuries.

He will be always in the heart of every true wrestling fan, and it will be only a matter of few years before he gets inducted into HoF by his best man, Christian. I'm sure it's not the last time we are gonna see him on WWE TV, but I'm sure we won't see him wrestle anymore.

So here's to Edge, may he be always healthy and successful in his endeavors. Cheers.
His in ring performance really started to lack near the end but he did the best he could with his broken body. I respect him. I've had my dream cut short. It hurts when doctors tell you "don't ever do this again if you want to live".
It's a sad day to see Edge having to retire but he could not go out better then he did. He is the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, His last match Main Evented WM27. I would have loved to see Edge Vs Christan as the Last Match for Edge but it's not ment to be.

Edge is up there with the greats like HBK, Hulk Hogan, The Macho Man, The Million Dollar Man and the rest.

You all better remember something. the WWE is full of surprises. Edge might be done wrestling but don't think for one second that this weeks Smackdown is the last time we will see Edge.
The moment they showed Cena/Edge talking and shaking hands backstage I got a gut dropping feeling; granted they are both currently faces, but their characters have NEVER liked each other, Edge has even stated in a Promo he hated Cena (kayfabe obviously).

I looked over at my wife and said "Edge is about to retire." She of course goes "How do you know?" and simple reply was "About a year ago, he said he only has a few years tops left with his in ring career and the fact they let him retain at Wrestlemania."

The WM victory sent off flags in my head a week ago, but I was still somewhat undecided about it. Alberto Del Rio had to much going for him for that the WWE to just decide not to have him win and it would of been a huge wave of momentum for Christian to turn him heel then and there and I was left questioning why it didn't happen on either case. Well my least wanted answer was the actual answer. Edge's body just can no longer keep up with his injuries.

Adam "Edge" Copeland has given us fans when hell of a show for the majority of the last decade and half!!! He is a future Hall of Famer without a doubt and I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the '12 or '13 Class (a bit soon, but his career sadly ended a bit soon as well). He has given us some amazing moments and me personally some great wrestling memories.

Thank you Mr. Copeland for all of you hard work, dedication, passion, and putting your body on the line every night for us fans!!!!
at first i thought it was a work, but then the one thing that made me realize it was real was the "moments ago" part when they came back on air. He hugged Dolph, they were just feuding a couple months ago and he got him fired lol so im sure if they stuck to storyline dolph would still be pissed at him. Edge will be missed.
well let me 1st say ill never forget this wwe raw. my fav current wwe superstar suddenly retires! adam copeland a.k.a. edge, one of the best alltime. ive watched him since he debuted and loved every second of his efforts. ive read his book penned during his said neck injury. (check it out!) im saddened that he didnt get to go out on his own terms, but hey, leaving as world champ after a mania defense, it dont get much better than that. wwe wont be the same w/o u adam, thanx for the unforgettable memories. u sir, are in a class all ur own.
Yeah there's no way that this is a work. I'm glad he retired before it was too late and end up as a cripple like he was saying. One of my all time favorites and I hope we see him again some time, hopefully they give Christian the ball now as top face on Smackdown.
Im kind of happy for edge hes at home right now eating all the ice cream he wants loll..... fuck i remember going to a house show back in 97 and he was sitting right in front of us with his trench coat just creeping when he first debut never though he would become a huge superstar
I'm gonna have too make a list of the saddest things i've watched in wrestling 1st. Eddie Guerror tribute show 2nd. Jeff Hardy leaving WWE (he was my favorite) 3rd. Edge's Retierment 4th. Shawn Michaels retired by 'Taker 5th.Ric Flair joining TNA (lol). He was in some of my favorite ladder , tlc matches EVER.

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