Edge Retires


I don't want to believe it. With Edge gone there are only a few left that have been around since I started watching WWE back in '02. The 3 that spring to mind are HHH, 'Taker & Christian.

I loved Edge as a face and hated him as a heel but no matter what he was always entertaining. When he first won the WWE title I was, I guess proud is the only word I can think of. He busted his ass since before I started watching and to see him finally win the biggest title, even though he was a heel at the time, it brought a smile to my face.

I personally will never forget the memories & Great matches Edge gave us.
Good for Edge. He earned his spot and got to walk away a champion. He should be the example to all who follow him.
No, don't break your freakin' neck. Walk away on top.
The matt hardy thing was cool. Honestly I think most of his feud with edge was a work. I think maybe lita realy did cheat on him, however, there are rumors that they basically had orgies back at the old OMEGA shows and given how liberal and free minded both hardy's seem, I think matt was probably upset but not mad enough at Edge to not make a lot of money and good TV off of it.
With Edge gone there are only a few left that have been around since I started watching WWE back in '02.
You just made me feel so old. I just realized there is but one guy left from when I started watching the WWE, and that's the Undertaker.

(Well, two actually. Not many people know this, but Goldust competed in WWE as plain Dustin Rhodes in 1990/91.)
I never thought I would see Edge retire before Hogan, Flair, and Undertaker. Edge is a real success story and I hope Christian and upcoming superstars can pick up where he left off. I have been a fan since his debut. I remember the brood, Edge and Christian,TLC, the Rated R Superstar, and his epic feud with Mick Foley and Cena. Thanks for the memories Edge.
Edge will always be remembered. He was an amazing athlete and he will be missed. For the benefit of those with flash photography, Edge walks away a champion and will always reek of awesomeness.
E&C are one of my favorite childhood tag teams. Their promos on the Hardy Boyz to this day are still funny, and the five second pose was always a good spot. Edge went on to become a solid singles wrestler, and an even better World Champion.

His "Rated R Superstar" gimmick was brilliance, and it entertained a lot of people week-in and week-out. His feud with John Cena which went on and off for months is still to this day one of the better WWE have had in the last decade.

To me, he was a great wrestler. The only criticizm I have is small, and that was the whole Matt Hardy/Lita debacle he wound up in. Although it came to be a benefit in the ring, outside it was a huge negative and gave him a bad image for quite a while.

Sad to see Edge go. The line which gripped me in his retirement speech was, "...I knew I was wrestling on borrowed time." You have to respect someone who still did what he did for so long, when that thought was in the back of his mind.
Was very sad to see him go! I was always on and off with edge, liked him and then didnt, but he was a great wrestler and its sad another legend leavin
Sad to see him go. Massive respect to Edge, from his days in E & C (my favourite tag team) to his main event time, he was always entertaining. He will be missed.
Anybody who happens to be an old, old, old, incredibly old-school WZ poster may remember me. For those of you that do: Hi there, how y'all doing.

I'm making a quick, one-post return purely for this reason. I wanted somewhere where I could write up a little bit of my feelings on the Edgester's retirement, and seeing as this was the only forum I was ever considered a semi-regular poster on, this is the only place that make to mind. So, WrestleZone, if you'll excuse me for using you as an outlet, I hope you'll enjoy reading my thoughts. I'll probably ramble, it'll probably be too long a post for anyone to care, and it'll get pretty much the square root of bugger all reaction, but it's gonna feel good to write. :)

Edge always was, and always will be, one of my favourite men ever to step into a wrestling ring. He pretty much defines my life as a WWE fan - the first ever wrestling match I watched, courtesy of a good friend of mine bringing his WrestleMania X-Seven tape round with a "seriously, you have to watch this!", was the TLC II match at that event, featuring The Hardyz, The Dudleys, and of course, Edge and Christian. And while yes, I was stunned by Jeff Hardy's complete reckless abandon for his own body, and the epic (but surprisingly over-used) "ladder out of the ring into four tables" spot at the finish, but as an 8 year old kid watching his first ever wrestling match, weirdly, the one thing that stuck with me was Edge. I think it was partially to do with the fact that he and Christian won (hey, back then it was real to me - I figured since they won, they must be the best), and also of course, the second most replayed spot in history behind Foley's Cell dive, the huge spear from a ladder to a hanging Jeff Hardy, a fall of at least 10 feet that JR probably described as being nearly 20. Since then, I've followed wrestling non-stop to this day, and from the first ever event I myself video-taped (InVasion 2001) up to WrestleMania just past, Edge has been one of only three constant figures that I have always loved no matter what, only rivalled across that time by Chris Jericho and The Undertaker.

But there's something different about Edge that holds him higher up in my regards, and I think when I saw the news for the first time of his retirement, I finally figured what it was. Guys like Y2J, Undertaker, The Rock, I loved from the start, because they were right there from the start, kicking ass and taking names in every event, facing off with some of the best. But I feel like, as my knowledge as a wrestling fan has matured, so to speak, so has Edge's career. He was a tag team wrestler just about to get his first singles break, in the first match that I watched. When Christian turned on him, betraying him, as a young kid an ridiculous mark, I was behind Edge all the way. He stayed face that whole time and I loved him the whole time, right up until his neck injury and departure in 2003. By the time he was back, I was smartened up, I knew the stories were just stories, and yet I still popped ridiculously when I discovered he was set to return. I now appreciated him differently - he was still a face, and I was still mark-ish enough to cheer for him purely based on that fact, but I now appreciated that he was a great wrestler, and always knew just what to do to entertain you during a match. The beginnings of his heel turn did nothing to sway my allegiances, and I even voted for him at Taboo Tuesday to get the title shot (damn that Shawn Michaels!) that I felt he deserved.

And finally, over the past few years, as he's gone through heel and face turns, and become one of the most charismatic men in the company, I've enjoyed every step, cheering him on in every match he had, even those it was obvious that the storyline made much more sense for the other guy to win. (Except WrestleMania 24 - ain't nobody ever beating UT, I'd accepted that much.) I laughed at his genius putdowns of some of his opponents over the years (he and Lita's coining of Tommy Dreamer as "The Innovator Of Silence still makes me laugh to this day), and marked the fuck out when he and Christian finally got back together this year, even if the re-union has been cut short.

Overall, I've seen his career take off, blossom, and I believe he's done the right thing. Many wrestlers are still fighting on wayyy past their peak (Paging Mr. Flair) and if your last match of your whole career is opening a pretty awesome WrestleMania, putting on a great, exciting match, and leaving as World Champion, then I'm saying it's a job well done. Put simply, for his major part in my wrestling fandom, his entertainment, and the sacrifices he's made for me and everyone else like me who enjoys watching what he produces - Thank You Edge.
It's such a sad news to see Edge retire at this point as the heavyweight champion. He was pretty much the face of Smackdown and the main reason I watch every episode of it. Today has not been a totally great day for me and watching this week's Smackdown episode was pretty emotional and somewhat depressing. I guess it has not aired in America yet, so I wont spoil anything, but it was great.

I really hope Christian now can get his chance to hold the heavyweight championship.
Two things I noticed from the post-Smackdown celebration.

1) Big Show seems like a really sensitive guy who gets along with everyone. He's always the first one out at these things, always hugging and crying everybody. He truly is a gentle giant.

2) Did anyone else think it was, I don't know, rude of Triple H to come out to his music? It was Edge's moment. Why couldn't HHH just come out on the stage with everyone else and go down to the ring with the others? Why does he get a special entrance?
I think Triple H having his own entrance in that moment actually showed even more respect from him as opposed to just appearing with the Smackdown roster or randomly walking down the ramp in the middle of it all.
I thought the Edge send off was beautifully done.
yzermaniac, don't read too much into Triple H coming out to his music. I mean come ooooooon, not every hair needs to be split and Triple H is pretty representative of the WWE and when he hugs Edge, the WWE hugs Edge. I don't think Edge had a problem with it, so neither should anyone else.
Edge's send off had a real positive vibe to it. This wasn't an ending so much as it was a new beginning for Adam Copeland and the WWE. He had a career most wrestlers can only dream of and he stopped in the nick of time before tragedy could strike. I'm already looking forward to part II of Edge's biographie.
I will miss Edge a lot. I think he was Smackdowns only real main eventer aswell right now. Whatever role Edge was given throughout his career he did it to the best of his ability and reached the top of said role. He was one half of one of if not the best Tag team in recent WWE history..as a singles wrestler he was at times a top face who was loved by fans and other times a top heel who created huge amounts of heat. He was fantastic at midcard level and he worked his arse off to become a well deserved main eventer. He took part in the greatest Tag Team fued/matches of the last 15 years with the Dudleys and hardyz..had a great fued with The Undertaker and his hardcore match with mick foley was up there with Foleys Cell match with 'Taker and Street fight with HHH in my opinion. I will admit that I didn't always feel he deserved to be where he was but I soon grew to realise how wrong I was..Underrated R Superstar
This really sucks. I love Edge. I love all the characters he has portrayed. I love all the matches he has took part in. I love his mic work. I love his in-ring ability. I love everything about Edge. He is one of my favorite superstars of all time. Even though it's for the best, it is so sad to see him go, and man when you could see the tears in his eyes, you knew it was really killing him to go. Of course, I never want to see any superstar get seriously hurt, so it's for the best that he retired. He got a great send off and it was justly deserved for Edge's career in the WWE. He revolutionized the tag scene along with others, and when he finally won that first world title, it was a huge mark out moment for me. He has had so many amazing matches throughout his career and it's going to be sad to see him leave. There'll be a huge whole left on Smackdown now, and hopefully Christian can step up now and take that place. I have so many memories from Edge, all the highlights, what a pity he's gone.

Thank you Edge.
I didn't think anything of Triple H coming out to his own music but after someone mentioned it I seemed more like it was Triple H, corporate man, not Triple H the wrestler. I mean, he did come out to his music but it was just the music and nothing else that goes with his normal wrestling entrance. The other reason I thought that was since while I don't watch Smackdown that often how often does he even appear on the show anyways?

Along with that, I didn't watch it on television but rather on youtube so I don't know when the show "ended" for those watching on television. There seemed to be a part that when Edge was getting ready to leave the ring that Triple H came back out and told him to go back into the ring for more time. As stated, don't know if that was televised or not but to me it seemed like that they were giving Edge all the time that he wanted for the fans (and other wrestlers) to show their respect to the man.
First off I want to thank Edge for years of performances and matches that I will never forget. He was one of the few that dared to be different. He made his own way into the business and never looked back. Very successful, storybook career that ended too soon. Hats off to you

I think it's a Double edge sword (no pun intended) that he is retiring when he is. On one hand he is going out way before his career should be over. He had at least 10 years left age wise. On the other side it's a good sign that he is retiring without having to live on pain killers and all kinds of drugs that help you to cover up real issues with your body.

Hopefully he will work with the company behind the scenes as part of creative, or mentoring the younger talent coming up. It can do nothing but help the WWE. I wish him nothing but the best.

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