Edge Retires

This is just a prime example of life showing that regardless of the pedestal you put others upon noone is invulnerable although at times we like to believe they are.

From one Adam to another thank you.

You made a believer out of me. :worship:
Is it possible that this could be the same as Shawn Michaels back injury in the late nineties?

Perhaps Edge takes 5 or so years off, can come back for one match and realises he has a few more left in him?

Either way, I'm just really sad we didn't get Edge Vs Christian at Mania, that would have been the perfect last match for him IMO.
Simply put Ladies and Gentleman.....WWE just lost some Edge!!!

Guess the Generations before us felt the same when they had to realize their childhood/teenager heros are not going to be around forever....well physical! The great ones will always be remembered for the moments they gave us.

HBK, Edge, way 2 soon my personal reason for following this sport for about 20 years the Undertaker, HHH and the list goes on! Man, we are getting old.

Anyway, future Hall of Famer Adam "Edge" Copeland: The WWE Universe bows down to you for the great moments you gave us and for being so strong to realize that we will love to remember you to go out like this, a Champion, rather than watching you brought to stage by Christian in a wheel-chair...OR WORSE! Well, another WWE-moment that made at least one grown up man cry, and I have no problem to admit that! Enjoy your Icecream and come back some time and entertain us outside of the ring!

THANK YOU EDGE!!! :worship::worship::worship::worship:
I'll admit that I am not a huge fan of Edge but I cannot deny that he has been a great performer for the WWE. His character of "The Ultimate Opportunist" has been one of the best built up characters of this decade. He has played the perfect heel foil to a number of superstars like Undertaker, Randy Orton and most importantly John Cena. In fact, Cena vs Edge rivalry has been the best and one of the most storied rivalries of this decade and I have not found a match of theirs that I have not like.

Edge has never been that great as a face except for a short time in 2002. But I was thinking that he was just but blooming into a good face recently on Smackdown. Obviously his interactions with Christian were obviously helping him a lot. He was also wrestling pretty well so this announcement of his did come as a shock to me. There had been rumors that he was going to retire soon but I did not expect it to happen this way. I'm sure Edge did not want it to end this way. That just tells me how much pain Edge is suffering right now and it makes me glad that he stepped away before doing some long term damage to himself.

Edge has been the best heel of this decade. We all talk about how good Punk, Jericho and Orton are but we forget that it has been Edge who has been WWE's most consistent main event heel since 2006. He has also been a very reliable performer. When Mr Kennedy got injured his briefcase was handed over to Edge because the WWE believed that Edge was a guy who could not fail in this sort of a role. It is always tough to lose such a reliable performer.

Thank you Edge for providing us with some of the greatest feuds and matches of this decade. We wrestling fans have belittled your contributions to the business at times but the men who matter know that it would not have been the same without you.
Truly one of the best. One of the most emotional retirements... you could see and feel the pain that Edge was feeling while he was talking. Going out because of something outside your control must be so frustrating a soul crushing. So much respect for Edge and his truly beautiful speech.

A fantastic all around performer... someone WWE could always really on when things got tough, and every time Edge ran with it, and it means he's deserved every achievement he's had. There's something wrong with the world if he's not in the hall of fame.

Thank you Edge. You'll always have a special place in the hearts of wrestling fans, and I hope you find happiness for the rest of your life.
Hell NO!!
Fuck you GOD!! Your son of a bitch, why Edge?? FUCK YOU, YOU COULD HAVE FUCKED MYSTERIO OR CENA, but no you fucked up the only face that WWE Universe really like!!
Now enough with that!!

Edge is a LEGEND!! He is right next to HBK, HHH, Y2J in terms of accomplishments!!
Thats right Edge won everything, EVERYTHING in the WWE!
- 31 Championships, FUCK 31!!! He has to be the guy with most championships!!

He was my first favourite wrestler, i remeber playing with him in every single game, i remember doing (fake) spears in school to my friends !!
- He so deserve to be in the Hall of Fame (alone, FUCK THE ROCK HE COULDNT CARE LESS ABOUT THE WWE)
I wish that thing was fake, but it isnt, and what the fuck? OMG i am so angry right now!!! :banghead::banghead:

Adam Copeland aka Edge THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!:worship:
Fuck man, I am actually really sad about this. Edge has always been one of my favourites but if he was in jepordy of being put in a wheelchair for the rest of his life then I am glad he got out of the business in time. He really will be missed as he was always a great preformer both in the ring and on the mic. He defined the ladder match, stole the show at numerous WM's (16 and 24 at least) and had memorable feuds with some of the all time greats like Cena, Kurt Angle, Taker and many others. Just as it finally looked like we were about to see a Edge vs Christian main event fued this had to happen.

I supppose if you are going to go out though, that is the way to go, coming fresh off a succesful title defense at Mania, going out still WHC and getting a standing ovation from both the crowd and your peers backstage. The perfect way to go in my book.

As with every cloud there seems to be a silver lining to this. I, think with this sudden unexpected departure Christian may finally get that Main Event push that he so thoroughly deserves. Edges leaving leaves a huge gap for number one face on SD and with the way he has been booked recently I am hopeful that Christian will step up and take it. I mean who else is there, Rey? Kane? Show? I fucking well hope not.
Man, watching this now for the second time and...this is a lot more emotional for me the second time around. I wasn't 100% sold before, but now, with the lack of Alberto Del Rio, talk about anything other than his career and even the breaking of kayfabe, I can say without a doubt I'm now totally sold on this. Edge is someone who's not in my top ten, but is quite close to it. I think he's got a good legacy for himself and has had a terrific career. He's not one of the greatest, but damn he's had an excellent run. I'm actually getting slightly choked up typing this. All the best Edge/Adam.
Still in complete shock it's all so unexpected we've all been hearing that he is planning to retire but I really was not expecting it to be last night and I am really gutted

I remember getting into wrestling in 1999 and since I am in the UK and I didn't have Sky then I would park myself in front on the TV every Sunday and watch Sunday Night Heat and almost every Sunday Edge was with Christian doing his goofy segments with Kurt Angle and I'll always remember the Chicken Suit segment it really did crack me up as a young guy

And I'll never forget Wrestlemania 17 and THAT spear on Jeff Hardy, it was staggering to watch

Thank You Edge, enjoy your retirement
I didn't think it was real until I saw his tears. He's not that good an actor! Real shame for wrestling fans and Edge. I could see that he was breaking up trying to talk. I'm going to miss him definately, he's never been my favourite but he could put on some decent matches and he made me laugh. I hope he sticks around in the WWE, maybe as a commentator perhaps. If not I hope he has a good life and maybe one day if its possible he could have one more match.
i am still in shock !!
Edge was very good, i love everything about him, and i agree with a guy saying that he was truly the FACE guy that WWE enjoyed more ;)

EDGE you will always be a LEGEND!!
Thank you for everything you did, you should get a parade :D
This was the first time since I was a kid that I actually felt choked up from watching WWE. I don't want to believe Edge is leaving I've been watching him since my childhood and he's always been in my top 3 favorites just because I've grown up watching him. Hell the first live show my dad took me too we saw Edge leaving the show and he stopped and signed an autograph for me. With Edge leaving it really hit home that all the wrestlers I grew up with are slowly starting to leave and move on and that sucks.

I'm glad though that Edge could walk out on his own power. Even though I'm sad for him to be leaving I would feel 100 times worse if he would have gotten injured again and been carried out and been paralyzed.

So thank you Edge for everything you have done for the WWE and for all of the memories you have given me. Enjoy your retirement you have earned it.
Went out the damn way he should. Last match was a title match win at Wrestlemania, and a tv segment with Christian. About as fitting as it gets.

Making the right decision is rarely the easy one. Thanks for everything Edge. :worship:
It's no secret that I've been critical of Edge in recent months. I'm not going to take any of those criticisms back because he's retiring. In my mind, they're as true today as they were yesterday. And no, this isn't me posturing and showing off how, I dunno, tough I am for not being my usual fickle self.

I will say this - and yes, before you ask, I do have shame and I am embarassed to say so - I cried. I cried. Not full on bawling, crawling into a ball and staying there type crying. It was more just a sort of welling up, followed by a couple of solitary tears rolling down my cheeks. The way men with what can only be described as grotesquely large genitals cry. That's how I cried.

I didn't cry when Ric Flair retired. That was a retirement of an old man that should have done it a long time ago and went out with more pageantry than he deserved, only to not even retire. I didn't cry when Shawn Michaels retired. I had a heavy heart, sure, but Shawn Michaels belonged to a different generation than mine. Only just, by a couple of years, but he did. It was their job to cry for him. I would have cried when Steve Austin retired, only I was as oblivious as everyone else to the fact that that was his last match. Besides, he's been back since then and he's proved that having matches wasn't exactly the entire point of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

So, Edge, congratulations. I called you wooden, when apparently you barely had feeling in your arms. I said you had no chemistry with your opponents, when apparently you were just getting through the pain enough to finish matches. I feel guilty about that. But you, you blonde Canadian motherfucker, did something much worse to me. You made me cry.

You went through your speech and I remembered along with you. I remembered starting watching wrestling, what seems an eternity ago, in 1997. I remember the guy with the oddly cool theme music with the ridiculously long hair and the ridiculously short trench coat that came in through the crowd. I remember the guy that put on a dumb dress shirt so he'd match with Gangrel and some guy that was apparently his "brother." I remember him and his brother feuding with two guys who'd been dubbed "The New Brood."

I remember this guy and his brother going on to redefine how to choreograph a ladder match. I remember them cutting righteous promos and the 5 second poses. I remember fat Elvis and really fat Elvis. I remember that guy and his brother falling out over trophies and title belts. I definitely remember "Christ-ian! Christ-ian! At last! You're on your oo-oo-oown!"

I remember the guy that was the most underrated midcarder in the entire company; the guy who I thought should be world champion. The guy who was above being tag team champions with Hulk Hogan. The guy, my brother said, that would be the future of the company... along with Test. The guy who was putting on enough great matches that they'd eventually validate the purchase of a 3-disc DVD boxset.

I remember the guy that won Money in the Bank and shocked the world by taking away John Cena's WWE Title. I remember the guy that I would hail as the "anti-Cena." I remember the guy that would go on to win ten more world titles in increasingly dubious fashion.

I remember the guy that I called overrated. I remember the guy that I said had no chemistry with his opponents. I remember the guy who I said had the worst Hell in a Cell match in history. I remember the guy that I didn't appreciate as much as Alberto fuckin' Del Rio.

Now, I remember the guy that's been there for pretty much the entirety of my tenure as a wrestling fan. The guy who was in a different capacity every other year. The guy who I thought who would never amount to anything, the guy who should be world champion, the guy that should never have been world champion.

I was never your biggest fan, Edge. I never read your book. I don't know you as a person. But I've been there for your entire career and you've been the most enduring fixture on my television screen for the entire fourteen years I've been a wrestling fan. And I never thought I'd miss you as much as I will.

Author's Note: If this turns out to be a work of some kind, this entire post was an insincere, sarcastic and frankly cruel work of satire and not a grown man trying to come to terms with bursting into tears over a television program. The fact that I've presumably boycotted all WWE programming is a simple coincidence.
This is actually one of the hardest retirements to take that I've ever experienced. For me personally, even harder than it was to see Shawn Michaels retire because Shawn had reached the end of the road whilst Edge had plenty more years left in him. I also grew up watching Edge, infact he was one of the very first guys I ever saw wrestle on SmackDown when I started watching wrestling. I grew up, watching his rise from under-rated midcarder to one of the biggest stars in the business and one of, if not the most successful wrestlers in WWE history. He was a guy I loved to cheer and a guy I loved to boo, he was so good either way. I'm gonna miss the hell out of him. Adam Copeland, thank you for everything. :worship:
I cried, but that was mainly because the announcement was so unexpected. Upon further thought, I reflected that the guy isn't dying and isn't crippled. He's getting out (presuming this isn't a work) while still a young guy who has tons of things to do in life and now has the time and money to do them.

I was glad to hear Edge say he has no intention of spending his life in a wheelchair. With all the tragic athletes we've seen come and go, it's refreshing to see a guy who knows to get out a day too early.....rather than a day too late.

You're the best, Edge.
I remember when Edge came on the scene and he's always been one of my favorites. Just goes to show the toil the wrestling business takes on someone. I'm just glad Edge is able to go out on top, and is leaving while he can still literally walk away. Good for Edge to listen to the doctors on this one and leave with his health still relatively intact, and good for the WWE who let's face hasn't always had the best reputation of taking care of its employees, for insisting he get more tests and find this problem before he wound up in a wheelchair, and finally thanks for the memories Edge you will be missed.
It's not true. It is kayfabe. Why would Edge retire when he has a match with Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules? He didn't even mention Alberto Del Rio.

This is just suspicious... very suspicious...

your an idiot if you think this is a work. If this is a work edge just became the biggest heel ever.

No the guy clearly wats to wreslte still, but just cant.

Its funny how edge said he felt like he was letting us down because lately my friends and i have all been saying how slow and bad of a wreslter hes become.
Now i just feel bad for thinking that because he was truly in pain just trying to do the best he could.

Thank you EDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edge will greatly be missed. But on a positive side, he walks away while he can still actually walk away. who knows what would happen the next day? So I say to now, I will always respect Edge and he is truly one of the greats. expect to see Christian inducting his best friend into the hall of fame real soon.

I think the biggest thing that made him retire now, was the fact that he was scheduled for a ladder match soon. Edge had previously stated that he has done tons of ladder matches and that he was past them and he didn't have too many more of them left because they take so much out of you. I think that Edge is doing the right thing. Going out on top, after winning at the grandest event in the business is the way to go. Hopefully he stays around and does different things in the WWE.

Long live the Rated R Superstar!
As many of you mentioned that while first watching Edge's speech you were expecting music to hit and Del Rio to come out. I was also at first waiting to hear music, but I thought it was going to be Christians, and they would have Christian come out and Hug Edge and then nail him with the unprettier.

But when that did not happen I was 99% sure that the retirement was real, then I was 100% sure when they showed us Edge leaving during the commercial break.

Edge has always been on of my favourites, I loved the vignettes for him when he first came into the WWE, and I have been a fan of his ever since. He will be truly missed by all WWE fans.

Hopefully after some rest and time off, he can comeback as an announcer or in some type of role at least
I think the WWE will really miss Edge, on a personal scale I wont miss him so much. I rarely watch Smackdown, I don't rate him as a face either, as a heel he was much cooler. I do think the roster will suffer though - there are a few cats on there who are close to retiring, Edge will be the first of a few over the next year or so.

The positive news for the roster is Edges retirement frees up a bit of money for WWE, so somebody will mopre than likeley keep their job at his expense. Good thing or bad thing for the fans, well who knows.

If Edge wants to stay in the business, how about as a colour commentator. He could do a great job, just like Punk.
I really am going to miss his action in the ring but his legacy will live on as one of the greatest superstars WWE created. He revolutionized the tag team matches, TLC, money in the bank, and nearly every other type of match.

Thank you for everything Edge.
Damn it man. Damn it. I'm trying to hold back tears. When I found that it wasn't a work, my heart dropped. So sudden was this. I knew he was retiring in the future, but I thought like 2012-13. At least I was there for his last match. Since a buck and a half of people have said everything, all I can say is, thank you Edge. From the Brood, to the 5 second poses, to the TLC, to spearing Jeff Hardy from a ladder, to the Ultimate Opportunist. Thank you man. This is a sad day. It's a reminder that the guys we loved to watch, and still do, won't be around much longer. My old man is gonna freak! Why Edge, dude? There have been times where I loved him, times where I didn't like him too much, but damn. I'm gonna miss him. It's sad to happen to a star and person like him. He's one of the last of a dying breed.
It's not the last we'll see of Edge, but we'll never see him lace up the boots again, which is a terrible shame.

It's also a terrible shame that he didn't have a better final match or send-off. It seems as though this has been a bit of a broadside for WWE and for Edge himself that this has happened. I mean, that had him booked to do a freaking Ladder Match in a few weeks!

AQll the best Edge, you've had a great career and you deserve a good retirement.
I am so shocked to read about this sudden retirement. I knew Edge was considering calling it a day in the next couple of years, but I REALLY didnt expect that he was going to hang up his boots right now.

He really has accomplished everything there is to do in this business, and if he is concerned that his body can no longer handle wrestling, then retiring is the right thing to do. Edge has suffered several severe injuries in his time and has said before that he believes his life has been shortened by some of the surgeries he has been through. However, he has consistently provided us with phenomenal matches over the last 15 years, and he has been involved in many of the WWE's all time greatest matches.

His spear on the hanging Jeff Hardy is one the moments in wrestling history I remember most, and Edge has delivered time and time again in big matches, headlining WM's, winning countless championships and should deservedly take his place in the HOF in a few years.

He was a great tag team wrestler, a man capable of playing a face and a heel incredibly well, which is a skill many wrestlers do not have, and then look at his later years as one of the WWE's big-name players, who Vince could turn to at any time and know he was going to produce. Contrast the fun-loving dorky Edge in his E&C days to the Rated R persona he had later in his career, that shows how Edge's character developed over the years. He is incredibly talented.

Thank you Edge, for everything you have done for the WWE, you have provided us with so many great memories, and its a shame you have to call it a day. I would have loved to have seen you feud with Christian over the World Title, I think most of your fans would, but congratulations on an incredible career and enjoy your retirement.

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