Edge Retires

I don't think Edge should retire from wrestling altogether. He still has a lot he can offer the sport. Let's face it, he was one of the best at cutting promos and getting over and there are people on the roster who could absolutely benefit from having him do the talking for them. Like Ted Dibiase, he desperately needs a manager that can get people to give a shit about him. Edge could fill that role.
First and foremost, I'm still a little shocked that it's happened. I know there have been rumours regarding Edge's retirement for some time, but they seemed to have died down as of late, and this announcement just seemed to come out of nowhere. Edge has been a favourite of mine since I started watching in 2002, and he was probably my outright favourite wrestler throughout 2006. It goes without saying that I'll miss him.

However, as he is going through all that pain and physical/mental anguish, I applaud his decision to retire and walk away with whatever health he has left. Going out in a main event at Wrestlemania is so much better than being carted out in a wheelchair because he couldn't call it quits. Good for you Edge.

A great career and a huge loss for the WWE.

Thank you Edge.
In short I have a lot of respect for Edge as a performer but I feel he is leaving at the right time. This will avoid him getting a serious injury and he has been an amazing performer for all his career. We will miss you Edge :worship:
Wow. This is the first time I've truly, to my very core felt sad about a retirement. I'm too young to have seen Shawn Michaels and Flair's primes, so their retirements, while sad, didn't make me feel like wrestling won't quite be the same again. Edge was never the best at anything, but he was a great all-rounder and one of the the most consistently entertaining guys in the WWE. He's the first wrestler I grew up with who has retired. For my generation, who started watching at the end of the New Gen/start of the Attitude Era, this is pretty heartbreaking. Unexpected too. Not in a million years would I have expected Edge to retire before Undertaker, Kane, Triple H and such.

But with that said, it's great that Edge left on top and before his injuries permanently messed him up. He's had a great career, you can tell he has no regrets and I wish him a long and happy life. And, y'know, maybe a return as a future host of Wrestlemania ;)
- Below is WWE's official announcement on Edge retiring from their website:

Less than a week after his successful title defense against Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania XXVII, World Heavyweight Champion Edge has been forced to retire from in-ring competition due to injury. The unexpected news brings to an end a storied WWE career spanning 13 years and consisting of 11 World Title reigns.

The Rated-R Superstar had been suffering numbness and uncontrollable trembling in his arms and hands. This is not the first time Edge has experienced these symptoms of nueropraxia. An MRI in Atlanta last Monday was sent to Dr. Joseph Maroon, a renowned neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery at The Pittsburgh School of Medicine. After careful examination of the MRI, it was determined that Edge would never be cleared to compete again, and thus, he is forced to retire.

In 2003, Edge underwent a two level spinal fusion of the discs between his C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae. After being cleared to compete, The Rated-R Superstar returned to the ring, resulting in stenosis of the spine, or a narrowing of the spinal column, above and below the fused discs. This narrowing resulted in less and less of the vital fluid needed to protect the spinal cord. Medical professionals cannot clear Edge to compete ever again in WWE since doing so could result in paralysis or even death

Damn shame, especially considering guys like Flair and Hogan. I'm sad that he's gone, but I don't want him in a wheelchair...
A real shame Edge had to retire because I felt he still had two or three more years left in him. But at the end of the day nobody wants to see him in a wheel chair and this decision is the best one for his life.

Hopefully he'll teach the youngsters some few things needed to cut it in the WWE and maybe become a color commentator on Smackdown.

Thank you Adam.
When I was read about it this morning, I was shocked. I went to work, came back home, I'm still shocked. I love Edge and everything he's given, he's had a career based on growth, ranging from a dominant Tag Team competitor to being a great midcarder that feuded with Kurt Angle all the way up to winning the WWE Title in 2006. This was a man who lived his dream and the unfortunate effects of reality kick in and we got one of the moving times in the wake of Wrestlemania XXVII. I tried my best to hold back the tears but I couldn't help but feel sad for Edge, for someone I personally am a big fan of, to have to be forced to retire to escape death or paralysis. A man 100% committed to the cause and deservedly got all the glory out of it.

It's heartbreaking to see him go, but it would have been devastating had it been too late and he couldn't live a life beyond the ring. Thank you Adam Copeland for giving us many years of entertainment, you destroyed your body in doing it, but we are ever grateful for the efforts you put in for us. :worship: THANK YOU EDGE!
Man this one truly saddens me, I think even more than Flair and HBK. I started watching wrestling probably 20 years ago, but like many it was the Attitude Era where my friends and I really became invested in it. Edge is a guy that I've watched his entire WWE career from start to finish. I know many of the people on these forums don't care for him, but for my money he has always been a favorite and one of the best.

He had a career that slowly developed into main event status, something that very few guys truly have nowadays. Most of the time they either get hotshotted into the world title picture or get it after a couple years. Edge wasn't like that. He was a guy that went out there and busted his ass for years, slowly working up the card until his time came. I remember when he was in the brood and I couldn't help but think there is no way Edge should be playing second fiddle to a vampire in Gangrel. When he broke away and formed the tag team with Christian, he was a guy that I loved to hate. E&C had some of the most memorable matches that I've ever seen with the Hardys and Dudleys. For years Edge was seen as a tag team wrestler, but I always knew there was gonna be more one day.

He eventually split up with Christian and went on to the singles scene where he had some great midcard title feuds with guys like Christian, Angle, Benoit, Eddie, etc and even won KOTR. Even then I could tell that this guy was something special. He still hadn't hit his best character and best work yet. I felt like that day would be coming soon.

Finally, Edge broke through and won the first MitB which is an honor he truly deserved. He got into what I believe was his most entertaining character, the original Rated-R Superstar gimmick and his partnership with Lita. I found the whole Vickie thing kind of stupid and just rehashing the relationship thing. But when he was with Lita, I felt like he really started to shine. When Edge won the title from Cena, I could not believe it. After all these years of watching him, the man had finally done what many thought he never would and won a world title. Obviously afterwards he went on to have some classics with Cena, Batista, Undertaker, etc. It was during the last few years that I really didn't get the criticism of Edge on here. Like Taker and Michaels, he was one of those guys that was a great in ring performer and could pull a great match out of just about anyone. Sadly these last couple years he's been plagued by some severe injuries and we never did get to see that one last feud with Christian over the world title that many of us wanted.

Still though, I'll always remember Edge as a guy that I grew up watching and always thought of as one of my favorite parts of the show no matter if he was a heel or face at the time. He was great at playing both which not everyone can do. He was also great and adapting his style to different environments. I've seen Edge have some wrestling clinics with Angle, Jericho, Taker, Michaels, etc. I've seen him astonish me with high flying and inventiveness in TLC and Ladder matches. And I've seen him get brutal in HIAC matches. Edge has had a spectacular career and it saddens me that he will have to walk away from it before many of us and I'm sure he is ready to, but I understand and am very happy that he will be able to walk away unlike many wrestlers. So thank you Edge, thank you Adam Copeland so much for risking everything for us and for all the memories. You'll always have a special place in my heart as one of my absolute favorite performers of all time. You truly are a legend ... a future Hall of Famer. Thank you ... we'll miss you and we love you.
one of my all time favourites. he has done everything there is to do in the wwe, and has worked his way to the top. gives the impression of a guy who genuinely loves the business aswell. great in the ring and on the mic , i have so many memories of edge. the spear on hardy as he hung from the belt in the air and all those TLC matches, when he cashed in MITB to win his first world title, his hilarious sketches with christian in the E&C days. he has given so much to me as a fan and i am very grateful to him for the entertainment hes given me over the last 12 years.

Thank you Edge.
as much as im probably going to miss him more than i currently think (mostly his mic work) i cant help but feel less sad due to my suspisions that hes not a nice guy,

i mean he was in mid card limbo till he slept with lita behind matts back and that made him a major heel, he did run with it well though but he wouldnt have the gimmick or the number of title wins without that

a good solid champion, i wouldnt place him as high as some tho, hes a step below jericho in my book
One of the top performers that has been with the WWE for the last 12 years, and has been doing this profession for 21 years, for that fact he's the best performer out there. My remembrance of Edge is from his beginning when he made his debut on television during the summer of 1998. I saw potential from him from day 1 when he was on TV. It make me sad that he gets this kind of news, but at least he goes out as a fighting champion, cause that takes a lot of heart and dedication to find out before WM about his condition. He never bad-mouths WWE for any shortcomings, and always an active member of the roster.

Thank you Adam Copeland, cheered or booed, you are the best.
As I said in the LD last night this is a real tragedy. I was never a huge fan of the guy because I actually come to hate heels, but I respect every single wrestler that steps in the ring. That said Edge was above and beyond most others when it comes to respect in my book. Anybody who wrestles after having a broken neck gets my uttermost respect. He was a fantastic talent, and you could tell he really cared about the business. For someone to have their career cut short like he has is heartbreaking. He still could have had a good 5-6 years left in him. At the end of the day, nice guy or not, he went out there and put his body and well being on the line to entertain us. There isn't much more you can say. Also, fuck you Hogan. I was a huge fan of you, but you just really put a fucking sour taste in my mouth. Fucking prick...

Thank you for giving us so much Edge. I hate when shit like this happens, but I guess we should look back at the awesome moments you gave us. It was great to watch you wrestle man. Thanks.
This was a shock and a terrible thing for the WWE.

Edge is about as versatile as it gets. He can do the smarmy heel, the mean heel, a goofy babyface, an intense babyface ... pretty much anything. And he is spectacular at putting others over.

His mic work over the last 5 years or so is EXTREMELY underrated ... he ALWAYS gets the exact reaction he wants and while he might (and I do say might) be done wrestling for good, he definitely needs to be in spotlight at times here and there because he can push any angle.

There are not many 10x + world champions out there, but he is one of them ... and deservedly so. We we all greatly miss Mr. Copeland.
The end of an era. What a sad day.

Edge has been one of the big constants of the last 10 years. He carried Smackdown! for a long time. He achieved everything there is to do, won every title, won the Royal Rumble, headlined at Wrestlemania. Had his last match as a successfully defending champion at Wrestlemania. That's one pretty damn impressive career.

The one thing I felt was left for Edge to do was an E&C reunion. Well, I know, duh, technically that was what they have been doing in recent weeks. But I was looking forward to seeing them as a real team again, not two singles wrestlers who happened to hang out a lot. Bring back the silly shenanigans and the 5 second poses and to top it off a TLC match with two other teams. However, this is never going to happen now. Sigh.

Edge, your run was one for the ages. I look forward to seeing you entangled at commentary or as GM or in any other capacity they will cook up for you in the WWE, but I'm sure we haven't seen the last of you. But for the last 15 years: Thank you.
Ok, now that i'm done crying a river...

I can still remember the first time i saw him. Friday Night Smackdown, Febuary 12, 2010. The first time i ever watched smackdown. He was fresh off the Royal Rumble and the Achilles injury. I remember he was on commentary for the main event, Chris Jericho vs Undertaker. He got off the headset during the match, got kicked in the head by 'Taker, speared the fuck out of him, then just walked to the back.

I remember thinking, with my mouth hanging wide open, "Holy fuck, dude, that guy is a bad ass."

now that i think about it i can't believe that happened just a little more than a year ago. Adam "Edge" Copeland is an amazing athlete, promo guy, innovator, and performer. Although i highly doubt that he's done with the WWE, and itd be really, really stupid if the WWE thinks they're done with him, i for one feel amost heartbroken by the simple fact that we most likely will never see him wrestle again.

Still, with all that being said, i'm relieved that he decided to take the much MUCH less risky route of hangin' up his boots than continuing to do what he does and potentially being paralyzed. I think i'd take his retirement any day than the match where he looses his ability to walk.

Can't say this enough:

1/ I liked that Del Rio didn't try an interfere

2/ I liked that Christian was very classy and didn't come out and try and steal any of Edge's thunder, like HHH did with Michaels' retirement segment.

3/ Didn't like that Vince didn't think he was worth the closing segment.
1/ I liked that Del Rio didn't try an interfere
Had he done that everyone would have assumed this is part of a scripted storyline and not serious. This was the only way the people would get that this was real life and not rasslin.

2/ I liked that Christian was very classy and didn't come out and try and steal any of Edge's thunder, like HHH did with Michaels' retirement segment.
How did Triple H steal Michael's thunder? Come oooon, they are best buddies and he was just giving him a (somewhat creepy) farewell eskimo kiss on camera. Michaels seemed happy about it, why shouldn't we?
Likewise, had Christian come out, it would have only happened with Edge's pre-approval. But again, had anyone else come out, it might not have registered with the fans that this was indeed real.

3/ Didn't like that Vince didn't think he was worth the closing segment.
Probably because it's quite a downer. You wanna close the show on a high note.
Matt Hardy Comments

"Heard Adam is retiring because of physical issues that won't allow him to safely continue wrestling. He'll be missed, we've certainly had our fair share of issues.. Both good and bad. But I tip my hat to Edge who is one of the greatest I've ever been in the ring with. Adam resides in NC now-sure I'll run into him down the road. Glad that him & I are in a good place. We came in as friends, & went out that way."

I haven't been a fan of both Hardys for quite a while now. They have both turned into serious douches. But considering Mat's past with Edge this was a classy thing for him to say.

Unlike Hogan, whose comments were insulting, ridiculous and in very poor taste. Whenever Hogan opens his mouth his legacy gets tainted a little more. You'd think he couldn't sink any lower after he posted a video of himself taking a dump.
While Edge may not have been my favourite superstar and at times I didn't actually like him, this is a very sad time for the WWE. I respect everything Edge has done throughout his entire run in the WWE, coming back from life threatening injuries to putting on some of the best matches in the WWE with a range of different talents. It just shows how great of a performer Edge was, being one of the hottest things on the planet in 2002, having match of the year candidates to becoming of the best heels I've seen from 2005 onwards before finally finishing off his career as a veteran and an awesome guy. It must be heartbreaking to have his career cut short like this but I'm glad he's giving it up before any lasting damage is caused. His retirement speech was very classy and emotional. I haven't felt like that since HBK's retirement speech and that's saying a lot.

I have one last thing to say and that is; Thank you, Edge. For giving us some of the best years of your life and countless matches and memories we can all relive.
I haven't been a fan of both Hardys for quite a while now. They have both turned into serious douches. But considering Mat's past with Edge this was a classy thing for him to say.

berlinbrawler you are right it was classy for Matt Hardy to say what he did about Edge. It goes to show that whatever we can think about him he still cares about Edge and his well being.

Anyways, thank you Adam "Edge" Copeland Rated-R SuperStar 4-Life:worship:
Right now after seeing Edge retire, I have to say I really he stays around to help get Christian over as the World Champion. I think that Christian deserves a run to use Edge's retirement as his crutch to get him into the spotlight. That's about the only positive I see out of Edge's retirement.

However, I'm going to miss the guy. I met him back in 2001 during the invasion days. I got his autograph while he had his second IC Championship run. I used to hate him (mainly because I was a kid) due to the fact he was against WCW. I loved WCW, and Edge kept my WCW guys down in the midcard level. However, he started to grow over on me during his time in the WWE especially since he and Christian were backstage buddies and Christian is one of my favorites. I met him twice and he seemed real down to earth, so I started to really fall in love with Edge. His in ring work, etc.

But I have to admit it, Edge is one of the first superstars I watched go from undercard to main event. I'm literally saddened just like I was with Eddie's death. Wrestling will never be the same without Edge and his controversy. He deserved all 10 quick title reigns and I understand a lot more now why they rushed him title belts...to make sure he got the most out of his career.

May God bless you Edge in all our future endeavors. I know it's hard to lose a job unexpectedly, especially one you fell in love with, but I know you will continue to do a great job with WWE. I know Edge probably doesn't read these boards, but still, I just feel like I need to say my peace with it. He was one of my favorite performers.
Edge had a stellar career as both a singles and tag team competitor. He's a 12-time World Tag Team Champion and an 11-time World Heavyweight Champion. He's won the Money in the Bank match twice, the 2001 King of the Ring and the 2010 Royal Rumble. That's a lot to boast about on a resume that looks very impressive and something many could only dream of attaining. He's beaten top performers like Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker, John Cena, Big Show, Chris Jericho, Batista, etc. I have many memories of his matches since his days with the Brood and later with Christian as a tag team. I loved the lengthy series of TLC matches pitting E & C against the Hardy's and Dudley Boys. He far exceeded my expectations, because several years ago he was just a top mid-carder that the crowd loved. There was also a time when nobody seemed to really care about him, and it was around then that he started showing signs of a heel turn which would catapult him into eventual main event status. From there, it felt like he redeemed himself by having tons of matches with unpredictable outcomes. When it's all said and done, this is really sad. Edge has done us Canadians proud with his accomplishments in the WWE. He'll be greatly missed.
I was always real hot and cold with Edge. I either loved him or couldn't stand to see him wrestle. During his early days with the Brood during the Attitude era, he was really creepy. Guess he did a good job with his character huh? I thought he was cool though. He was different. Which is what he was going for. He made it work and managed to keep a steady job during one of the biggest wrestling boom periods any of us will ever see. And that says a lot. To get a segment on a show with Stone Cold, The Rock, HHH, Mr. McMahon, Mankind, Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels, and many others who were IN THEIR PRIMES... you had to be something pretty special. And Edge was just that.

I'll never forget when Edge became a legit star in my eyes. It was a simple segment with Bad Ass Billy Gunn. Or Kip James... whatever. Anyway, Billy buried Edge's goth gimmick... trying to be cute I guess. Then Edge came out to new music from Rob Zombie... and simply told Billy, "Dude, it's called a gimmick. I'm not that guy anymore. I'm ... Edge. I use the entrance way now. Move on." It basically killed what little heat Billy generated and in essence, turned Mr. Ass into Effeminate Billy and pushed Edge into the hemisphere as someone who spoke his mind no matter what anyone thought of him.

I'll also never forget his angle with Matt Hardy. He made Hardy into a superstar. Think about that. He made MATT HARDY credible and not a pile of shit. He also nailed Lita many, many times in real life. Edge is also the winning-est champion in WWE history with just WWE titles alone. Not Hogan, Flair, Savage, HHH, or Cena... it's Edge. Sure it might not last long, but he's got something to hang his hat on.

My point in this rant is to let everyone know that Edge is in elite status as far as wrestling's concerned. He's different. Which makes for a great pro wrestler. Be something no one's ever seen before. And no one's seen anyone like Edge... and no one will probably ever see anyone like Edge again.

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