Edge Retires

I am still in shock also, just sitting here thinking about it. It has to be for real. I hope he joins the commentators and helps book matches, that would be awesome.
All I kept thinking of was that Edge was "losing his smile." People jumped all over Michaels' back for relinquishing the belt. Edge just had a tough match at Wrestlemana, I'm sure he could have some kind of short match with a cheap ending to get the belt off him. If Edge doesn't get any heat then people should stop ragging on Michaels for not wanting to job.
Whoa !!! Iv just realised that i won't be able to see my dream match of Christian v Edge. That sucks, only way i'll be able to see this is if i was to play this on my Smackdown vs Raw video game on my PSP.

But thanks Edge for everything, you were one of the reasons i watched the WWE. You will be missed.
this would explain why he was given the victory at mania, so he can go out with a win wwe and edge did a good job keepin it a secret
WWE Champion
World Heavyweight Champion
World Tag Team Champion;
WWE Tag Team Champion;
Unified Tag Team Champion;
Intercontinental Champion;
WCW U.S. Champion;
2001 King of the Ring;
Winner of first-ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match

FOREVER THE The Rated-R Superstar

Thank you Adam Copeland
Thank you Edge
Wow is all I can say and I remember Edge coming into the WWF/E in 1998 and liking him right away. If he has been working in pain I can't blame him for walking away now. So im glad he is able to not end up in a wheel chair and have a great life.

Here's to Edge aka Adam Copeland,a Great WWE Superstar and Champion you will never been forgotten. Thank U Rated R Superstar for the Era of Awesomeness. I hope we see you again soon.
Edge has always been one of my favorites, and like many others have posted I fully expected to hear ADR's music pop up and ruin the moment. But it didn't.
Edge got the respect he deserved from that crowd, respect he earned in the business he loves. I loved the backstage segment too, showing everyone waiting for him, and congratulating him on the career he had, and the courage to end it while still on top.
Seeing the other stars slammed the point home for me.

If i could say anything to Adam "Edge" Copeland now it would be
Thank you for all you gave fans of wrestling.Thank you for giving us your all. Thank you for making wrestling "cool" again for many of your fans, and thank you for every time you made me have to rewind to make sure I saw..or heard what I thought i did.
I wish you nothing but the best
I have a ton of respect for what Edge has done in the ring. He was truly one of the best superstars produced in the WWE. His heartfelt retirement speech definitely left me in shock. I know some people argue its an angle but I personally dont see that. I see it as a guy that has truly given it everything and cannot do it anymore. He's definitely a future Hall of Famer.
He had way too much shooting in that promo for it to be a work. He even thanked JR for hiring him, which was the ultimate shoot for the marks out there. No way they'd let him say all that stuff if it were a work.
I'm gonna miss edge. he was a great superstar. I just hope he comes back sooner or later edge will be missed. Rated R forver Edge you reek of awesomeness!
I love Edge and he has always been near the top of my all time favorites list. He was the first guy I really attached to as a midcarder/tag team guy who I felt had all the potential in the world to be a superstar. And when he finally did so I was absolutely thrilled. Tonight was a dagger to my heart. I was devastated. Not only is the WWE losing a main event talent they are also losing a great guy backstage (at least I believe that's the case). Edge has done pretty much anything and everything in this business and he has had probably more passion than anyone to lace up boots. At least he is getting out while he is as healthy as he can be and live as normal a life as he can. For that I respect the hell out of him. Great guy, absolute legend, and he will be missed.
This is really going to sound like a speech one would give at his funeral, but I'm just as sad about his retirement as I would be if he died.

I'm going to keep hoping that this is a massive work. I'm going to keep expecting to hear "you think you know me" and him running down the aisle, perhaps to save Christian.

But it looks like this isn't the case.

Edge has long been my favourite (WWE) wrestler and one of the main reasons I watch it. If this were to happen say a year ago when there were no good angles or exciting matches, I would quit watching all together.

I think he can still be an asset perhaps as a commentator, a manager or even a booker. I'm sure he has one of the best brains for the business and also the deepest respect for it.

Now he will be Rated R for Retired.

Thank you and goodbye Edge. No, thank you and goodbye Adam. You will be missed.
It's not true. It is kayfabe. Why would Edge retire when he has a match with Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules? He didn't even mention Alberto Del Rio.

This is just suspicious... very suspicious...

It is true. His body has taken too much damage. He is dropping the title Friday on Smackdown.

I am sad to see him retire, although I believe after he takes some time off that he will be back.

I remember when he debuted with WWE and then Christian came in then they were with Gangrel as The Brood (look it up) one of the best small stables.

Multi-time champion, 1 half of one of the best tag teams EVER, versatile in being a heel or a face, one of the best superstars to step into the ring.

nice thread here with everyone paying their respect to the Rated R Suuuuuuuperstar Edge. I just want to say thanks to him for always putting on a great show 'wrestling' or entertaining us fans.

he will surely be missed by the WWE Universe.
The two or there posts I saw saying something bad about him, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Edge has been one of my favorite and most entertaining wrestlers the past few years be he heel or face, he was always funny. I wish him all the best and hope he doesn't have anymore major neck problems...

As for the people saying they hope he does commentary or GM, etc. I hope so too, but I doubt it. He said recently he isn't on Twitter because he's just not a tech guy and sees himself just living in the mountains with a beard, and I suspect that's what he'll do...maybe a guest appearance when they visit Canada, but other then that I doubt he'll be doing much anymore. Thank you Edge.
Edge has always been one of my favorite wrestlers since his debut. Especially once him and Christian became a team. Them together and Edge by himself redefined the latter match. Whether a heel or face he played his role perfectly. He will be missed and probably inducted into the hall of fame next year.

We've heard rumors for a while now that he was retiring soon. I think he and WWE knew Wrestlemania would be his last match. He didn't take to many risky bumps in that match. He deserves to go out as World Champion.
Edge will be missed big time. My favorite gimmick of his was his Rated-R Superstar gimmick. He also seemed to be a nice guy (except stealing Lita from Matt Hardy). Also for those that think its a work, its not. WWE doesn't break Kayfabe, especially on live TV and you could see that most Raw locker room said goodbye to him face and heels. You can bet it will be the same with the entire Smackdown locker room.

Anyways Edge you will be missed. Rated-R Superstar 4-life:worship:
I will miss edge, but to me that was the wrong way to send him off. They should have done a career threatning match at WM so he could retire then and have a big send off, instead of this one where its in the middle of the show and half of the people are in the bathroom.
This is indeed a sad day. I've been an edge fan since 1997. Farewell good friend and thank you for the memories. You will be missed by fans world wide.
All I kept thinking of was that Edge was "losing his smile." People jumped all over Michaels' back for relinquishing the belt. Edge just had a tough match at Wrestlemana, I'm sure he could have some kind of short match with a cheap ending to get the belt off him. If Edge doesn't get any heat then people should stop ragging on Michaels for not wanting to job.

According to the statement some pages back, Edge didn't get checked out until after Mania and more than likely didn't get the MRI results until after last Tuesday's SD taping. This would explain why he didn't drop the belt to Del Rio.

Edge has been my favorite since he first showed up in the WWE and I will miss him. Thank you Adam!
This fucking sucks. Edge has been one of my favorites for years and I hate that his career has been cut short like this. He still had a lot to offer, it's a shame it has to end this way.

I'll be one of the many who say this isn't a work. It could be, so I'm not going to say it's without a shadow of a doubt the truth, but I don't believe the retirement angle adds anything to this.

Edge has the distinction of being the first significant guy that I've had the pleasure of seeing his first match and his last match. I feel old. Can't wait to see his HOF Induction.
Superb career...I am truly shocked at this announcement. But it must be pretty serious for his retirement to be effective immediately(just read it actually is) and that should be respected. Hope he stays in wwe in some capacity, gets involve in other endeavors and remains physically good. He remains a talent and I hope he makes the best out of it.
When these great guys retire, we should simply be grateful for the years of joy they have provided us, for their great performances and memorable matches. Edge's health was clearly on the line and I'm glad that he bowed out, before he ended up in a wheelchair. I wish him a great life, whatever he chooses that life to be. We should admire him as a person who had a dream, then lived the dream for real, going from being a WWE fan as a kid to being a multiple time champion.

Hope they induct him into the HOF very soon!
All I kept thinking of was that Edge was "losing his smile." People jumped all over Michaels' back for relinquishing the belt. Edge just had a tough match at Wrestlemana, I'm sure he could have some kind of short match with a cheap ending to get the belt off him. If Edge doesn't get any heat then people should stop ragging on Michaels for not wanting to job.

You're fucking kidding me right? You're comparing Shawn "allegedly" faking a leg injury to keep from dropping the belt to a man who has legit problems with his neck retiring instead of risking his life? He could be permanently paralyzed if he takes one more bump, the business isn't worth more than his fucking life.

You're a tool. Get the fuck out of here.

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