ECW San Antonio, Round 1, Match 4: #18 Jushin Thunder Liger vs. #47 Giant Gonzalez

Thunder vs. El Gigante

  • Thunder Liger

  • So Easy, A Caveman can do it

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the ECW Region under Extreme Rules, from San Antonio, TX.

#18. Jushin Thunder Liger


#47. "El Gigante" Giant Gonzalez

I'm going with Gonzales, for the same reason that I took Rhodes over Blue Demon. Liger was a phenomenal performer, and handled himself great against a number of top-notch performers. But, I haven't seen anything from him that shows he can beat someone twice his size. Gonzales was basically Khali in the ring, and Khali did fine against smaller guys (see: Rey).

I won't be saddened if Liger wins, but I can't justify voting for him myself.
I'm a huge believe that El Gigante/Giant Gonzalez is criticized too much by those on the Internet today. He wasn't good, but he wasn't terrible either.

But, his opponent on this day is Jushin Liger. And that means that El Gigante really has no chance. Liger is a far superior worker, has had greater success, has been relevant in numerous promotions and countries, and is one of the greatest workers of all-time.

This goes to Liger.
I don't think there's a question about this. Liger all the way baby. Some people may take issue with Giant Gonzalez's size, but Liger is more than capable of hanging with heavyweights. Furthermore, it's not like Gonzalez was a super heavyweight in the conventional sense; his body looked like Giant Baba's during Baba's later days (meaning bony, although he did have a little bit more muscle than Baba). Also, Liger is so much faster than Gonzalez (I know Gonzalez was a basketball player at one point, but that's neither here nor there, as his speed and endurance didn't show up during his stints in WCW and the WWF). Therefore, in the end, I'm going with Liger in a David vs. Goliath match where the ECW faithful will rise to their feet to give Liger a standing ovation once he topples the Giant.
Liger wins. Gonzalez is one of the strangest creatures to ever make it into a wrestling ring, but there are a number of things against him here. First and foremost is his opponent, while physically smaller, has him beaten on everything but perceived strength.

Up against this, Gonzalez isn't a smart enough wrestler to find a way to win, and he would ultimately lose this match up to Liger, who probably wound't use the Ligerbomb to win.
Giant Gonzalez is a beast of a man. This is, essentially, The Great Khali Version 1. I watched a Liger match the other day. I was very impressed. He beat a cruiserweight. His Liger Bomb was cool. Unfortunately for him, none of his offense is going to affect Khali Sr. here. Liger would run around him for a few minutes, but when El Gigante catches him, he'd squish him. Vote Gonzalez.
The weapons here give it to Liger. Liger has an alter ego known as Kishin Liger who only comes out for big matches. I think he's been used only twice in Liger's career. Gonzalez would try to do nothing but power moves and Liger is fast enough to get out of the way. He couldn't use some of his stuff, but Kishin means he can use the mist. Combine that with the original SSP and this is the masked man.
Giant Gonzalez was better than most give him credit for but he's not great. Liger is too fast for him and he will use weapons to cut El Gigante down. Liger is just superior and he gets the win.
Giant Gonzalez would squash Liger. Jushin has more talent and has a flashy moveset but Gonzalez would just beat him down. I could see Liger hitting a few high flying moves, but in the end Giant would just pummel him.
Giant Gonzalez would squash Liger. Jushin has more talent and has a flashy moveset but Gonzalez would just beat him down. I could see Liger hitting a few high flying moves, but in the end Giant would just pummel him.

How is this, exactly? Gonzalez was almost skin and bone, with no power whatsoever (why the hell do you think they put a bodysuit on him when he was in the WWF?). All Liger would have to do is attack his knees and this match would be over in a heartbeat. Furthermore, Liger's a thick dude; I'm pretty sure he could handle Gonzalez's hits, if he could actually land any.
Meh, El Gigante is pretty much the Jolly Green Giant here. I've seen some matches where the big man can move around surprisingly quick, but the guy was never a threat to anyone, including when he was dominating the Undertaker. He was an assclown in a caveman outfit, nothing more, nothing less. Liger on the other hand broke down the door along with Pillman to help establish Light Heavyweight wrestling here stateside. Without both of them, the business wouldn't be as fun as it is today.
If this was in any other arena I'd give it to Gonzalez. But with the added effect of weapons, makes me go Liger. You allow the small guy some weapons to slaughter the giant and he will find a way to get it down. Gonzalez will control the match, but Liger will gain control with the use of steel chairs, ladders, cow bells, lead pipes, pretty much anything he can find and some how pick up the victory.
Gonzalez never really accomplished much of anything. Liger will have speed, agility, endurance, and weapons to his advantage, and he will get the win.
People are seriously voting for a chubby Cruiserweight over the only guy to blot the Undertaker's WM win streak? This si stupid. Watch the '93 Rumble, Taker dead. WrestleMania 9, Taker almost dead. We'll forget SummerSlam 1993, but he was still dominant.

People also seem to be forgetting his WCW run.

Shit big man > good small man.
People are seriously voting for a chubby Cruiserweight over the only guy to blot the Undertaker's WM win streak? This si stupid. Watch the '93 Rumble, Taker dead. WrestleMania 9, Taker almost dead. We'll forget SummerSlam 1993, but he was still dominant.

People also seem to be forgetting his WCW run.

Shit big man > good small man.

C'mon, Jake. Gonzalez lasted for less than a year in the WWF, and his biggest accomplishment was eliminating The Undertaker from The Royal Rumble. And, even then, he wasn't even a participant. Furthermore, he got disqualified at WM IX against The Undertaker because he used chloroform on him; I would hardly equate this to a blot on the Undertaker's streak.

And, how is Liger chubby? He is thick and stocky, but that's not blubber, mon frere, that's muscle.
C'mon, Jake. Gonzalez lasted for less than a year in the WWF, and his biggest accomplishment was eliminating The Undertaker from The Royal Rumble. And, even then, he wasn't even a participant.

It doesn't matter how long he lasted. The guy had health problems, he's hardly going to continue.

Furthermore, he got disqualified at WM IX against The Undertaker because he used chloroform on him; I would hardly equate this to a blot on the Undertaker's streak.

Course it's a blot. He didn't pin him.

Just 9 months later it took a 500lb champion and 15 undercard wrestlers to put away The Undertaker. Gonzalez did it all on his own.

And, how is Liger chubby? He is thick and stocky, but that's not blubber, mon frere, that's muscle.


Thick, stocky? Yeah, like I said, chubby. He's a chubster.
It doesn't matter how long he lasted. The guy had health problems, he's hardly going to continue.

Well, if we're going to pull out the health problems card...Liger came back to wrestling from brain tumor surgery. Admittedly, he wasn't the high flier that he was before this time, but he transitioned into a technical style that was just as impressive.

So, in terms of survival and perseverance, Liger>>>>>>>>>>>>Gonzalez.

Course it's a blot. He didn't pin him.

But, how is this The Undertaker's fault? The Undertaker was giving Gonzalez a steady beating throughout this match, and would have won had Gonzalez not pulled out the chloroform.

Just 9 months later it took a 500lb champion and 15 undercard wrestlers to put away The Undertaker. Gonzalez did it all on his own.

Save for the times he used chloroform on him and knocked him over a top rope, Gonzalez did absolutely nothing to The Undertaker.


Thick, stocky? Yeah, like I said, chubby. He's a chubster.

I would hardly call that chubby...he looks in better shape than about 75% of WWE's roster. It's just that the tight fitting bodysuit is deceptive.
Well, if we're going to pull out the health problems card...Liger came back to wrestling from brain tumor surgery. Admittedly, he wasn't the high flier that he was before this time, but he transitioned into a technical style that was just as impressive.

So, in terms of survival and perseverance, Liger>>>>>>>>>>>>Gonzalez.

Gonzalez retired because he knew he would no longer be able to keep up his high standards.

This is prime Gonzalez anyway. 1993-1993. Nobody in the WWF was more dominant at that time. Yokozuna? No. Hulk Hogan? Nope. Bret Hart? Don't think so.

But, how is this The Undertaker's fault? The Undertaker was giving Gonzalez a steady beating throughout this match, and would have won had Gonzalez not pulled out the chloroform.

So? ECW rules in this match. Gonzalez has proven he'll do anything to win. He's also got the genius that is Harvey Whippleman in his corner.

Save for the times he used chloroform on him and knocked him over a top rope, Gonzalez did absolutely nothing to The Undertaker.

Other than beat the shit out of him that is.

I would hardly call that chubby...he looks in better shape than about 75% of WWE's roster. It's just that the tight fitting bodysuit is deceptive.

The bodysuit is to keep all the flab in. See picture below to see the effect he's going for. Only substitute boobs for beer belly.

Interesting match up. I'd been thinking of this match earlier. For a opponent of Gonzalez's size the only way Liger would win this match would be through dirty tactics. Whether it be by using the mist to blind Gonzalez or to use weapons to wear Gonzalez's down. This match occurring in the ECW region was really a lucky draw for Liger because had this match have been anywhere else, I would have given it to Gonzalez. In ECW Liger would be free to do whatever he wants to Gonzalez's and I've seen enough Liger matches to know that he would be smart enough to use hit and run offense in this scenario. This match may be tedious, but I see Liger getting the win, if not by simply tiring Gonzalez out by running circles around him, hitting him with a chair or kendo stick every so often.

Winner, Liger.
Gonzalez is big and strong, but slower than most one-legged people. Liger is quick, agile and nearly flawless in the ring. Gonzalez would not have a fighting chance to beat Liger, especially in an ECW ring. Liger would have the green light to hit and run with any weapon he could get his hands on. This match is no contest.
as KB pointed out Liger has a split personality called Kishin Liger.
Kishin would fit perfectly into the ECW sceen.

so i see the starting out with Gonzales beating down Liger and when it looks like Gonzales is gunna win. Liger transforms into Kishin Liger uses the mist to floor Gonzales garbs a chair hits Gonzales. puts the chair on Gonzales chest before climbing up to the top rope for a frog splash and the pin

winner = Liger
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