Do you wear wrestling merchandise..

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in public? Is it really an "uncool" thing to do? I"ve seen people on message boards insult someone by saying "oh you must be the type of fan that uses your parents computer and wears his(insert wrestler's name here) shirt." I don't get it. If you are a fan of wrestling, why would you insult another wrestling fan for wearing a piece of wrestling merchandise? I have a lot of wrestling shirts and sometimes I wear one in public and usually nobody gives me shit.
This topic has been covered a few times, but I'll give an answer regardless. Yes, I do wear wrestling tees in public. It's no big deal to me. I like the original "Best In The World" tee (I actually want to get another one). I had an Owen 3:16 shirt printed up and that is my favorite. I'm currently trying to get the Mark Henry "Hall Of Pain" tee. That tee shirt is sick....I should have gotten it when they first came out.
Well my intention here was to make a different thread than that one. I don't want to know what shirts anybody owns. I wanted to read people views on why it's uncool to wear wrestling shirts in public and why people are insulted for it. I've see at least one person here insult someone by saying "oh you must be the type of fan that wears his wrestling t-shirt and lives in his mom's basement".
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